Imágenes de páginas

For the City and County of New-York, nine.
The City and County of Albany, ten.
The County of Dutchefs, seven.
The County of Westchester, fix.
The County of Ulfter, fix.
The County of Suffolk, five.

The County of Queen's, four.
The County of Orange, four.
The County of King's, two.
The County of Richmond, two.
The County of Tryon, fix.

The County of Charlotte, four.
The County of Cumberland, three.
The County of Gloucester, two.

V. That as foon after the expiration of feven years fubfequent to the termination of the prefent war as may be, a cenfus of the electors and inhabitants in this State be taken, under the direction of the legislature. And if on such cenfus it fhall appear that the number of Representatives in Affembly from the faid Counties is not justly proportioned to the number of Electors in the faid Counties respectively, that the legislature do adjuft and apportion the fame by that rule. And further, that once in every feven years after the taking of the said

first cenfus, a juft account of the Electors refident in each county fhall be taken; and if it fhall thereupon appear that the number of Electors in any county fhall have encreased or diminished one or more feventieth parts of the whole number of Electors which on the faid first cenfus fhall be found in this State, the number of Reprefentatives for fuch county. fhall be encreased or diminished accordingly, that is to fay, one Representative for every feventieth part as aforefaid.

VI. And whereas an opinion hath long prevailed among divers of the good people of this State, that voting at elections by ballot, would tend more to preferve the liberty and equal freedom of the people than voting vivâ voce: to the end, therefore, that a fair experiment be made, which of those two methods of voting is to be preferred:

Be it ordained, that as foon as may be after the termination of the present war between the United States of America and Great Britain, an act or acts be paffed by the legislature of this State, for caufing all elections thereafter to be held in this State, for Senators and Reprefentatives in Affembly, to be by ballot, and di-, recting the manner in which the fame shall be


conducted. And whereas it is poffible, that after all the care of the legislature in framing the faid act or acts, certain inconveniencies and mifchiefs, unforeseen at this day, may be found to attend the faid mode of electing by ballot :

It is further ordained, that if after a full and fair experiment shall be made of voting by ballot aforesaid, the fame fhall be found less conducive to the fafety or interest of the State than the method of voting vivâ voce, it shall be lawful and conflitutional for the legislature to abolifh the fame: provided two-thirds of the Members prefent in each House respectively fhall concur therein: And further, that, during the continuance of the prefent war, and until the legislature of this State shall provide for the election of Senators and Reprefentatives in Affembly by ballot, the faid elections fhall be made viva voce.

VII. That every male inhabitant of full age, who shall have perfonally refided within one of the counties of this State for fix months immediately preceding the day of election, fhall, at fuch election, be intitled to vote for Reprefentatives of the faid county in Affembly, if, during the time aforefaid, he fhall have been a freeholder poffeffing a freehold of the value of


twenty pounds, within the said county, or have rented a tenement therein of the yearly value of forty fhillings, and been rated and actually paid taxes to this State: Provided always, that every person who now is a freeman of the city of Albany, or who was made a freeman of the city of New-York, on or before the fourteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thoufand seven hundred and feventy-five, and fhall be actually and ufually refident in the faid cities. respectively, shall be entitled to vote for Representatives in Affembly within his said place of refidence.

VIII. That every elector, before he is admitted to vote, shall, if required by the returning officer, or either of the infpectors, take an oath, or, if of the people called Quakers, an affirmation of allegiance to the State.

IX. That the Affembly thus constituted shall choose their own Speaker, be judges of their own Members, and enjoy the fame privileges, and proceed in doing bufinefs in like manner as the Affemblies of the colony of New-York of right formerly did; and that a majority of the faid Members fhall, from time to time, conftitute a House to proceed upon bufinefs.

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X. And this Convention doth further, in the name and by the authority of the good people of this State, ordain, determine,and declare, that the Senate of the State of New-York shall confift of twenty-four freeholders, to be chosen out of the body of the freeholders, and that they be chofen by the freeholders of this State poffeffed of freeholds of the value of one hundred pounds over and above all debts charged thereon.

XI. That the Members of the Senate be elected for four years, and immediately after the first election, they be divided by lot into four claffes, fix in each clafs, and numbered one, two, three and four; that the feats of the Members of the firft clafs fhall be vacated at the expiration of the first year, the second clafs the fecond year, and fo on continually; to the end that the fourth part of the Senate, as nearly as poffible, may be annually chofen.

XII. That the election of Senators fhall be after this manner: that fo much of this State as is now parcelled into counties, be divided into four great districts; the fouthern district to comprehend the city and county of NewYork, Suffolk, Weftchefter, King's, Queen's, and Richmond counties; the middle district to


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