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into the streets to play with other idle little pigs such as himself.

He was very fond of jumping over the backs of little pigs. Sometimes when another little pig would refuse to allow

him to jump over his back, or would not lend him his top, he would beat the poor pig in a very spiteful way. And so

it would happen that a number of the little pigs he had so ill treated would fall upon him together, as you see here.


Not having a ball of his own to play with, he thought he would take one away from a weak little pig who could not

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resist. But very shortly two of the bigger brothers of the little pig he had so robbed came up and gave him a sound beating. When they had done so they ran off, and left him crying. He felt quite sorry, now that it was too late, that


he had not stayed at home and learned his lessons. was afraid to go home, too, though he felt very tired and hungry. So he stayed about till it was quite dark and cold, and having lost his cap, he caught a cold in his head. Mrs. Pig at home was quite angry at first at his running away. So she went in search of him, as did also Mr. Pig and another of his brothers. It was very late indeed when they found him, and at a great distance from home, for, in his terror and fright, he had lost his way. But they brought him home, and he was put to bed. The doctor came to see him, and left a lot of very nasty physic, which he had to take. He was in much pain, and had to lie in bed for more than a

week, which never would have happen

had he stayed at

home and learned his lessons, instead of running off after destroying his books. And this is why he had no roast beef given to him.

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