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was kindly treated and caressed. Soon the wolf paid him a visit, and was very much pleased with the success of their plan. But," he remarked, "if I now make free with one of your master's sheep, you will not see it, and of course say nothing about it." "Do not calculate upon that," replied Sultan; "I must remain true to my master, and cannot consent." The wolf, however, came prowling about in the night, and tried to carry off a sheep; but old Sultan betrayed the wolf's proceedings to his master, who gave him a sound thrashing with a cudgel, so that he was glad to run away, exclaiming, "You shall pay for this, you deceitful friend !

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The next day the wolf sent the boar to arrange a hostile meeting; but Sultan could find no second, except the old house-cat, who had but three legs, and as they proceeded together to the place of meeting, Puss limped along, the difficulty of walking causing her to wave her tail high in the air. The wolf and his second were already on the spot, but when they saw their antagonists approach, mistaking the cat's upraised tail for a sabre, they thought old Sultan was bringing one to attack them with; and the poor old cat limping so terribly, made them think that she was picking up stones to fling at them. They, therefore, were afraid to encounter them, so the boar crept into the thicket, while the wolf sprang into a tree. When Sultan and the cat arrived, the boar not having quite concealed himself in the thicket, his ears peeped out, and she, supposing it was a mouse, sprang courageously upon them, and bit them with all her might. The boar raised a horrible outcry, and ran away, crying out, "There is the guilty creature, up in the tree!" Sultan and the cat looked up, and saw the wolf, who felt ashamed of the fear he had exhibited, so he came down, and made peace with his old friend Sultan.


FREDDIE saw some fine ripe cherries

Hanging on a cherry tree,

And he said, "You pretty cherries,
Will you not come down to me?"

"Thank you kindly," said a cherry,
"We would rather stay up here;
If we ventured down this morning,
You would eat us up, I fear."

One, the finest of the cherries,
Dangled from a slender twig :
"You are beautiful," said Freddie,
"Red and ripe, and, oh, how big!"

"Catch me," said the cherry, "catch me,
Little master, if you can."

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Freddie jumped, and tried to reach it,

Standing high upon his toes;

But the cherry bobbed about,

And laughed, and tickled Freddie's nose.

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LONG time ago, there lived in a valley at the foot of a lofty mountain, a little old woman. Her house was close to the edge of a deep blue lake, and not far from the borders of a great forest. A very strange house it was, too, for it was no other than an immense Shoe! Perhaps you will wonder greatly that a little old lady should select such an abode. But it is quite true for all that. And perhaps you will wonder still more when you learn that this little old woman found the Shoe not only large enough to live in herself, but also for a very large family of children besides! So many children had she, in fact, that, in the words of the old nursery ballad, "she did not know what to do" with them.

Though they dwelt in such a strange house, they were by no means sad or unhappy. The little old woman was very fond of her children, and they only thought of the best way to please her. The elder and stronger worked in the woods and fields, and the younger ones played in the sunshine. First, there was Strong-arm, a fine healthy boy, who cut down trees in the forest to supply his mother with fire



Here you may see him carrying two great bundles, which he has felled from the forest close by. Then there was Peter, who was very skilful with his hands and fingers: he would weave the young and supple osiers into the strangest and prettiest shapes-making baskets for his mother, and cradles for his little brothers and sisters, besides bird-cages and a number of wicker toys. Next in order came Mark, who was the chief gardener,

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