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and with equal success, as the sign manual he boasts of will testify.

PINETTI cuts a lemon in two, and shows a KNAVE OF DIAMONDS-Mr. PITT, in like manner, can divide the House of Commons, which for its acidity may be called the political lemon. He cannot at present show a KNAVE OF DIAMONDS; but what may he not do when Mr. HASTINGS arrives*?

PINETTI takes a number of rings, he fastens them together, and produces a CHAIN.-Does any person dispute Mr. PITT's ability to construct a CHAIN?

PINETTI has a SYMPATHETIC LIGHT, which he extinguishes at command.-Mr. PITT's method of leaving us in the dark is by BLOCKING UP our WINDOWS!

PINETTI takes money out of one's pocket, in defiance of all the caution that can be used-Mr. PITT does the same, without returning it-In this the Minister differs from the Conjurer!

* The Editor feels it necessary to declare, in justice to Mr. HASTINGS'S character, that the charges since preferred by the HOUSE OF COMMONS, and MAJOR SCOTT's honour as a Gentleman, have amply disproved all parts of this comparison.

PINETTI attempted to strip off an Englishman's shirt; if he had succeeded, he would have retained his popularity.-Mr. PITT attempted this trick, and has carried his point.

PINETTI has a bird which sings exactly any tune put before it.-Mr. PITT has upwards of Two HUNDRED birds of this description.-N. B. PEARSON says they are a pack of CHATTERING MAGPIES.

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FOR 1784.

COMMUTATION TAX.-AN ACT for rendering houses more cheerful, healthy, comfortable, and commodious.

PAPER DITTO.-AN ACT for the encouragement of authors, the promotion of learning, and extending the liberty of the press.

POSTAGE DITTO.-AN ACT for expediting

business, increasing social intercourse, and facilitating the epistolary correspondence of friends.

DISTILLERY DITTO.-AN ACT for making the landlords responsible to Government for the obedience of their own, and their neighbours' tenantry.

CANDLE DITTO.-AN ACT for the benevo

lent purpose

of putting the blind on a

level with their fellow creatures.


ing the burden of the subject by an increase of the collection.

SOAP DITTO.-AN ACT for suppressing the effeminacy of Englishmen, by disappointing them of clean linen.

SMUGGLING DITTO.-AN ACT for demonstrating the arbitrary spirit of this free government, in whatever clashes with the interests of the Treasury.

GAME DITTO.-AN ACT for making the many responsible, for a monopoly of every thing nice and delicate, to the palates of the few.

HORSE DITTO. AN ACT for reducing the

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farmers to the wholesome exercise of walking, while their servants enfeeble themselves with riding.



Ar the last grand FETE given by Mr. JENKINSON to his friends in Administration, it was proposed, that as WILBERFORCE had sprained his leg at the last game at LEAPFROG, and PRATT had grown too fat for their old favourite sport of HIDE-AND-SEEK, some new diversion should be instituted.Various succedanea were suggested, such as CHUCKFARTHING, MARBLES, &c.; but at last the general voice determined in favour of the DRAMA. After some little altercation as to what particular dramatic production to seleet, the comic opera of Toм JONES was performed, and the arrangement of characters was disposed of as follows:

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