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thorne, Atlantic Monthly); 3. Passing of a great literary force by H. N. Snyder (5 pp., Zola and "naturalistic school" "whose specific contribution" is "to take hope and joy and faith out of life"); 4. Some recent Cromwellian literature, by W. R. Smith (7 pp., summary of Carlyle, Gardiner, Firth, Morley, Roosevelt, showing no special acquaintance with the matter); 5. Southern poetry; 1849-1881, by W. A. Webb (16 pp., Hayne, Timrod, Lanier, chiefly last, nothing significant in facts or treatment); 6. Moses Coit Tyler and Charles Sumner, by W. H. Glasson (5 pp., a couple of anecdotes on Sumner); 7. French Constitution of 1791 and the U. S. Constitution, by C. H. Rammelkamp (12 pp., comparison of "the principal constitutional ideas set forth in America and in France near the close of the 18th century"-not enough breadth and maturity for so big a subject); 8. Science and Culture, by W. L. Poteat (6 pp., reaches astonishing conclusion that poetry shows no abatement in quantity or quality under spell of science); 9. Some fugitive Poems of Timrod, by J. E. Routh (4 pp., 3 poems, some 50 lines; resurrected from scrap books of 1854, original source of printing not known); 10. Two Recent Southern books on the Negro, by W. H. Glasson and J. S. Bassett (5 pp., favorable review of Tillinghast and Ballagh with some strictures on last); II. Reviews and Notes (18 pp., mostly reviews merely, not critical estimates).

THE METHODIST QUARTERLY REVIEW, January, 1903, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 208, $2.00 yearly, 50 cents a copy, Nashville, Tenn.

Contents: 1. Our Common Schools and our Common People, by Bishop W. A. Candler (8 pp., statistically showing how much heavier burden proportionally, public schools are in the South than in New England); 2. Flag and the Cross in Social Policy, by J. F. Crowell (15 pp. claims we

were actuated by goodness, not by greed, in our late expansion); 3. Poetry of J. R. Lowell, by H. N. Snyder (15 pp., 2d part, sympathetic study enriched with many extracts from Lowell's writings); 4. Early American Journalism, by W. T. Hale (7 pp., 2d part-summary adding nothing to knowledge); 5. New Christian Apologia, by W. T. Davidson (18 pp., review of A. M. Fairbarn's Philosophy of the Christian Religion, copied from London Quarterly Review. Fairbarn tried to rationalize the superhuman elements in the Bible for the Indian intellect); 6. American Revised Version, by J. C. Granberry, Jr., (9 pp., claims superiority of the American over the English version: American one issued first 2 years ago, simpler, more faithful); 7. Deaconesses, by A. M. Courtenay (10 pp., history of office in early medieval and modern church, inclined to favor use of them as charity agents); 8. Inspired Psalm of Law and Life, by S. M. Vernon (12 pp., a literary study of 119th Psalm); 9. Teaching of Jesus in regard to Property, by K. Ashida (21 pp., analytical study of gospels that Jesus recognized private ownership of wealth, interest, compensation and other elements of our industrial system); 10. Dramas of Stephen Phillips (12 pp., ranks him next to Shakespeare); II. Historical Sketch of Southern Manufactures, by D. D. Wallace (7 pp., for South Carolina only, claims cotton planting too profitable for manufacturing to grow, even tho slaves were used in some mills); 12. John Wesley's Courtship and his Marriage, by E. W. Caswell (9 pp., rather humorous account of his four love affairs, the last ending in marriage at 48 to a widow of 41 who had 4 children; she a "horrible vixen" who gave Wesley a chance to indure almost the "persecutions and afflictions" of Paul); 13. Editorial departments (59 pp., reviews of books and periodicals, notes).

This is the first quarterly issue of the former METHODIST REVIEW.

THINGS AND THOUGHTS, Nov.-Dec., 1902, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 275-330, $1.25 yearly, 25 cents singly, Winchester, Va., illus.

Rev. W. H. H. Joyce declares that the modern negro is no longer material for literature, he is only a subject to be dissected by the sociologist. The slave's place though is fixed in letters by Russell, Harris, Page, Harris being the ideal master in his creation. Rev. J. M. Hawley defends the culture of the Old South, and asserts that literary barrenness then was not due to the "peculiar institution" but to the lack of the emergency for productivity.

The rest of this issue consists of stories and sketches, several being extracted from other sources.

FLORIDA MAGAZINE, January, February, March, 1903, Vol. 6, Nos. 1, 2, 3, pp. 59, 61-114, 117-172, $1.00 yearly, 10 cents singly, Jacksonville, Fla.

The January number has a sketch of the inland waterways of Florida, a huge improvement extending from St. John's River to Key West, some 560 miles, at a cost of over a million dollars. There is thus formed a land locked route at tide level throughout, 5 feet deep as minimum, and hundreds of thousands of acres of valuable land are reclaimed. A regular service of broad, commodious light draught steamers is maintained.


OUR VANDALS OF HISTORY.-The wanton carelessness and adamantine ignorance of public officials in their treatment of historical material never were better described than by Dr. R. A. Halley in American Historical Magazine for January last with regard to Tennessee. The tale is a sickening one of barbaric debauchery of intelligence. Documents have been burned as "rubbish" to get them out of the way as they "smelled bad," or they have been mutilated for the signatures and stamps. Employees have ramsacked and clipped at pleasure through a "great lot of old papers at the capitol" and sold hundreds of dollars worth to collectors.

But plutonian darkness of appreciativeness was illustrated by janitors and building superintendents. The State at one time had perhaps a complete series of the books of the old State bank and its branches, a rich mine of local financial history. These three thousand volumes, with a stupidity equaling moslem fanaticism, were stripped of their covers and hauled to the junk shop to fetch a good sum as linen paper, while the covers were in part burned on the capitol grounds, and carted off to help fill a low spot in Nashville.

The official papers in the hands of the Secretary of State were put in a room proudly labeled "Archives," but this boastful "publicity" was no bar to idiotic heedlessness. In time they overflowed and trickled down to the crypt, piled "in masses on the stone floors, among old paint barrels, ashes, trash of every description, dirt and grime. They were wet and rotting." Unfortunately the janitor had delicate nasal nerves. He applied the torch to "several cartloads" because they were "wet and nasty and smelled bad."

The printed page has fared no better. Time and again

have flames, paper mills, dealers and dump heaps relieved the accumulations so as to suit the artistic ideas of proportions that successive dull brains have had. No sooner does the legislative session end than the porters clear out the "stuff" that has been coming from the press. The result may be anticipated by every one. We are prepared to learn that “in only a single one of the State departments is there a complete set of its own publications."

And yet it must be confessed with unutterable shame that Tennessee can very likely be matched and even surpassed by several other States in this example of gothic indifference to historical literature.

THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Columbus, O., is a popular institution with the members of the Legislature. In fact the most of its support comes from the public treasury. The appropriations for current year aggregate $7,500, one-third for salaries, one-third for explorations, and one-third for publications. Only a comparatively small amount is realized from membership dues, some $400 yearly, and about half as much from sales. The lawmakers also readily vote extra sums for special purposes. Besides, nearly every session they order complete sets of all issues for free distribution to themselves. This is not expensive as all the publications are in plates. With such generosity from the Commonwealth, it is sad that the historical side is so lame, if we are to judge from the July, 1902, Quarterly, in which form the publications have been appearing for more than a year. That shows no acquaintance whatever with modern scholarship. Aside from reviews a couple of weak poems, and the report of the annual meeting, it is composed of medium essays based on secondary sources, and these not even mentioned. The authors are hopelessly unaware that their names are no guarantees, and hence all their work will have to be done over before it can be accepted. Too much credit cannot be given to the State for its liberality, and to

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