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Isaac Rickes son of the abovesd Isaac & Sarah was Born on the 27 of the 12 m° in the year 1702

Jacob Rickes sonn to the Abovesd Isaac & Sarah was Born on the II day of the second mo In the year 1705

[Several pages cut out. Then follow letters from Joseph Glaister and from various meetings in England.]

Att A mans meeting att Chuckatuck in the County of nanzemond held the 9 of the 8 m° 1707

That wereas some friends being Disattisfied as concer nathan newbys testimony Complaint Being made to ye monthly meeting Before this the meeting was Pleased to Defere itt to this meeting above mentioned for A further Consideration & a Careful enquiry being made as Concer the matter the meeting was Pleased in order to Proceed to Putt & end to this difference some friends being Appoynted for that Purpose & did Proceed in order their unto according to the best of their Judgmt & wee the subscribers doe give our sence & Judmt Concerning our friend nathan newby that hee is a man that feares the Lord and that his Call is to the ministry and that itt is of God and that hee has A share with the Rest of his Brethren in the ministry & that it is our sence & Judgmt that hee ought not to bee made & offender for the word or the like & tho some doe say that they doe not Receive Refresment from his ministry others say they have Received Refresment from his-through his ministry & hee allwaies Appeared to us the subscribers to bee willing to spend & to bee spent for the honnor & Glory of God And wee dare not disencourage him in his testimony but desieres that the Lord may Prosper him and bee with him to the end of his daies desiering that hee may be Carefull neither to outgoe his Gide nor linger behind him sence hee that makes hast may miss his way And hee that stayes behind lose his Gide and this is our sence & Judgment And if any amongst us friend or friends should Aproach unto the Lord in prayer and if any Amongst us Profesing Truth with should att any time sitt with their hatts on in the time of

Prayer unsattisfied with the friend so concerned that they ought to be brought to Judmt except the friend is denied by a meeting of friends

Isaac Rickes

Jno Small

Sarah Sanbourn

Daniell Sanbourn

Richard Rattliff

John Porter

Levied By Distress of Jn° simons for the year 1704: 48 poundes of Tobb itt being for his Parrish levy.

Levied by distress of Jn° simins for the year: 1706: 18 lb of Tobb itt being for his parish Levy.

Levied by distress for the year 1707: 98 poundes of Tobb itt being for his parish levy.

I say Recd pr Jno King Church warden for the Branch parish

Sesed for ministers dewes & Clerkes dewes a hundred poundes of this with Receipts

By mee John King Church warden. "Margarett Jordan the Daughter of Robt Brashare was Born in the seventh mo in the year 1642 and was Convinced of the Truth about the 16 year of her Age from wch time shee lived and exemplary life in all Conversation untill the day of her death and was a sufferer with my father both by Confinement and alsoe the spoyling of their Goods by the Adversaries of Truth for the exercise of their Concience in the worship of God whose whose hearts was Given up in the service of Truth according to her Ability. shee was A Good wife A tender And A Carefull mother A Good mistris And a kind neighbour And Aboute the 63 year of her Age shee was Taken with and Indisposition of Boddy wch Contanued near 3 years in wch time shee was much weakened by Reason of her distemper & A little before her death some friends Come to see her to whome shee signified her Content & spake much to them of the Goodness of God to her & sd shee Questioned not of her salvation & upon A first day of the weeke being the fifth of the m° shee spoke to mee

& sd that there was A Time for her to die & that was her Time & Itt was Come. And on the Third day of the weeke as I was standing by her to see her last end shee Called mee by my name And sd I am Gone. I Answered & sd I thought shee would Goe to God, shee Answered with A Chearfull & a smilling Countenance I doe not doubt that And sd Rememb my love to All friends & unto my Children And tell them that they fear god And love one Another And keep to meetings And then itt will bee well with them And bad mee send for my Eldest Brothers wife to whome when shee Came and severall of my Brothers shee sd to them that they weare Come now to see her Last End And att 6 of the clock att night shee died in Remarkable Quietness the 7 day of the 10 m° in the year 1708 haveing Lived About 66 years And survived my father 9 yeares lacking eighteen houres And was Buried the 11 day of the afores m°

Ben" Jordan Testimony Concer his Mothre.

Heare follows And Adition by Joseph Glaister

Iff the Righteous bee had in Everlasting Remembrance And thot noe man shutt A Door In the house of the Lord nor Kindle a fire upon his Altar in vain nor Give A Cup of Cold water to A disciple of X In the name of A Disciple butt shall have a Plentifull Reward att the hand of the Pure Rightious Liveing Eternall God how then shall they Bee wrapt up in Eternall Joy And Consolation as the Recompence of the Just that hath served the Lord with their All opening their doores & heartes to faithful messengers & living minesters of our Lord And Saviour Jesus Xt doeing what they doe as unto God & not unto Man knowing that of him they have their Reward amongst the number of those servants of the Lord And Church of Xt was our well Esteemed and serviceable friend Margaret Jordan deceased one whoe fullfilled that saying Cast your Bread upon the waters for After Many daies you shall find Itt noe Question of her Reaping of the fruits of her Labours haveing her mind steadfastly Bent to

doe good in her day shee Continued In Great service unto the Church untill her last In this Low woreld And being Taken from her service hear as well as from All trouble that did or might Attend her Earthly Pilgrimage shee is Entred Into that Rest & Peace that Time will never wear out but weare shee will have a Plentifull & A Peaceable Reward & as Itt was Comended to the Church as vertues Xt of God Comanding to minester to the saints to wash their feet And dillegently to follow every Good worke wch service I doe desire may bee studied By All that In the Eyes of God will bee more Esteemed & Render men more happy as they dilligently follow every Good work then all woreldly Honnours Can Render them

Nanzemond the 29 of the 3 mo 1709

Joseph Glaister" [Most of a page cut out. The entries of births of five persons of Nansemond having been thereon.]

Seesed of Joshua Jordan for Preists tiths as followeth seised January ye 29th of mr Joshua Jordan ninety pounds of Tobbo for the minnisters Dues for ye year 1717 by George Narsworthy Sheriff.

Seised Jan the 29th 1717 by vertue of an Execution bareing date ye 22th Day of may 1715 of m2 Joshua Jordan two hundred fourty six and my fees twenty pounds of Tobbeo it being for minnisters Dues upon account of Andrew Woodley by me George Narsworthy Shr.



ANNUAL REPORT OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE YEAR 1901. O. vol I, pp. 583, II, 360. Washington: Gov. Pr. Office, 1902.

This Report appears in more convenient form than has been the case with earlier ones. Volume one is given up to the papers presented at the annual meeting held in Washington in Dec., 1901. The second volume presents Phillip's paper on Georgia and State Rights and the report of the Public Archives Commission for 1901. Only two parts of the report of this Commission concern the South. Dr. Bassett makes a supplemental report reciting the statutory provisions governing the publication and distribution of public documents in North Carolina. As was pointed out in the January number of these Publications the inaccuracy and vagueness of the first part of this report, the haziness of his statements and the lack of knowledge everywhere displayed by this writer when he undertakes bibliographical matters vitiate anything that he may say in this field and mark all his work of the kind as worthless.

Mr. Eugene C. Barker makes a preliminary report on the public manuscript archives of Texas. He divides the records into three classes: Colonial (to 1836), Republican (1836-45), and State. The colonial records include the archives of Bexar, now in possession of the University of Texas; the Austin Papers recently given to the same institution by the late Guy M. Bryan; the archives of Nacogdoches, now in the State Library; the Land Office Records; the archives of Mexico, in the City of Mexico; the archives of Saltillo, in Saltillo, which was the capital of the Mexican state of Coahuila and Texas, both of these contain

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