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I am alive-and fhe is dead.

Tothil-fields. 8 April, 1779

I fhot her, and not myself. Some of her blood and brains is ftill upon my cloaths. I don't afk you to fpeak to me, I don't ask you to look at me. Only come hither, and bring me a little poifon; fuch as is ftrong enough. Upon my knees, I beg, if your friendship for me ever was fincere, do, do, bring me fome poison.


To the Same.

9 April 79.

Your note juft now; and the long letter I received at the fame time, which fhould have found me the day bfore yesterday, have changed my refolution. The

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promise you defire, I moft folemnly give you. I will make no attempt upon my life. Had I received your comfortable letter when you meant I should. I verily do not think this would have happened.

Pardon what I wrote to you about the poison. Indeed I am too compofed for any fuch thing now. Nothing fhould tempt me. My death is all the recompence I can make to the laws of my country. Dr. V. has fent me fome excellent advice, and Mr. H. has refuted all my falfe arguments. Even fuch a being as I finds friends.

Oh, that my feelings and his feelings would let me fee my dearest friend. Then I would tell you how this happened.



To the Same.



14 April, 1779

My best thanks for all your goodness

fince this day fe'nnight.

Oh, Charles, this is about the time. I cannot write.

My trial comes on either Friday or Saturday. It will be indeed a trial. God (whom I have fo outraged) can alone tell how I fhall go through it. My refolution is not fixed as yet about pleading guilty. The arguments by which they tell me I may escape that death fo much my due, I certainly will not fuffer to be used. My prefent fituation of mind you may collect from the enclosed copy of what I mean to fay, if I continue in the refolution, in which I yesterday wrote you word I was, of pleading not guilty.

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I fhould not have troubled the Court with the examination of witneffes to fupport the charge against me, had I not thought the pleading guilty to the indictment would give an indication of contemning death, not fuitable to my prefent condition; and would, in fome measure, make me acceffary to a fecond peril of my life. And I likewise thought that the juftice of my country ought to be fatisfied, by fuffering my offences to be proved, and the fact to be established by evidence.

I ftand here the most wretched of human beings! and confefs myself criminal in a high degree. I acknowledge with Shame and repentance that my deter-. mination against my owu life was formal and complete. I proteft, with that regard to truth which becomes my fituation, that the will to deftroy her, who was ever dearer to me than life, was never mine until a momentary frenzy overcame me, and induced me to commit the deed I deplore.-The letter which I meant for my brother-in-law, after iny deceafe, will have its due weight, as to this point, with good men.

Before this dreadful act, I truft, nothing will be found in the tenor of my life, which the common charity of mankind will not readily excufe. I have no wish to avoid the punishment which the laws of my country appoint for my crime; but, being already too unhappy to feel a punifliment in


death, or a fatisfaction in life, I fubmit myself to the difpofal and judgment of Almighty God, and to the confequences of this enquiry into my conduct and intention."

Whatever the world may think, you, I know, believe that I had no intention against her till the very inftant, The account I wrote to you of the fhocking bufinefs fince it happened, was the real truth. All Tuesday, after I had finished my letter to you, I in vain fought for an opportunity to destroy myself in her presence. So, again, on the Wednesday, all the morning. In the afternoon, after dining at poor B.'s, I faw Lord S.'s coach pass by. the Cannon Coffee-house, where I was watching for it. I followed it to G.'s (inhuman, and yet not guilty G.!) From her house I faw it take them to the play. Now, I was determined; and went to my lodgings, for my piftols, where I wrote a letter to B. which I put into my pocket, intending to fend it; but, as I forgot it, the letter was found there. When I returned to Covent


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