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STEIGER'S German Series.


fourth Herman Book.



Rudiments of the German Language.


Dr. P. HENN.


E. Steiger.


Educ T 1715.76.130


AHN-HENN'S Fourth German Book, is the closing number of the Rudiments of the German Language, issued, like the previous volumes, separately, for reasons of economy and convenience.

While in the first two divisions the chief aim has been to familiarize the pupil in the plainest and most interesting manner with the general features of the language, and in the third, to give him a clear insight into the complex matter of German Inflection, the object of the Fourth German Book is to furnish the learner with such an available knowledge of Practical Syntax, as shall give him a fair mastery of German in speaking and in writing. At the same time, those Parts of Speech which could not be exhaustively explained at an earlier stage of instruction, are again taken up and the explanation completed. The Exercises (some of them in German Script) are fairly adapted to the pupil's capacity, and are progressive and interesting as far as their fragmentary character would allow. The Vocabularies contain all words, both German and English, which occur in the book, and the Alphabetical List of the Strong and Irregular Verbs is presented in a form which the author hopes will be found both free from needless complications and niceties and clearer and more serviceable than in any other text-book in use.

The Fourth German Book is intended for the two highest grades of Public Schools. Mention may here be made of a Systematic Synopsis of German Grammar, to be published in a separate volume, comprising all the rules taught and exemplified in the First, Second, Third, and Fourth German Books, with references to the Exercises on such rules.

Copyright, 1876, by E. STEIGER.



[blocks in formation]

ich werde geblieben fein, I shall have remained
du wirst geblieben sein, thou wilt have remained
er wird geblieben sein, he will have remained
wir werden geblieben sein, we shall have remained
ihr werdet geblieben sein, you will have remained
fie werden geblieben sein, they will have remained

1. Many active Intransitive Verbs that imply a change of condition, or the state which results from the change, take fein as their auxiliary. Among these are many compounds with Prefixes, especially ent, er, ver. Examples are:

bersten (barst, geborsten), to burst
bleiben (blieb, geblieben), to remain
gedeihen (gedieh, gediehen), to thrive
gelingen (gelang, gelungen), to succeed
genesen (genas, genesen), to recover
gerathen (gerieth, gerathen), to fall into
geschehen (geschah, geschehen), to happen
heilen*, to heal

scheitern, to be wrecked
schmelzen (schmolz, geschmolzen), to melt
schwellen (schwoll, geschwollen), to swell
sein (war, gewesen), to be
sprießen (sproß, gesproffen), to sprout
sterben (starb, gestorben), to die
wachsen (wuchs, gewachsen), to grow
werden (wurde, geworden), to become

entstehen (entstand, entstanden), to arise erfrieren (erfror, erfroren), to freeze erscheinen (erschien, erschienen), to ap


erschrecken (erschrak, erschrocken), to be
erstarren, to stiffen [frightened
erstaunen, to be astonished
ertrinken (ertrank, ertrunken), to be
erwachen, to awake
verarmen, to impoverish
verblühen, to fade

vergehen (verging, vergangen), to pass
verreisen, to journey away

verschwinden (verschwand, verschwun-
den), to disappear
verwelken, to wither

* Verbs whose Infinitive only is given, belong to the Weak Conjugation.

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