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ing bofom represent the celeftial globes, of which a rofe-bud fhall form the magnetic pole. Let it offer to defire its firft enjoyment-its firft nourishment to infancy; and let man ever remain in doubt, whether it has most contributed to the happiness of the father or of the fon. Let her long ringlets, flowing and yet bound, ferve at once to fo many charms as the veil and the ornament: let them be the fhelter of the newborn infant, and when chance-but more, when affection fhall divide them, let the lover feel as if along with them the heavens were opened.

Arife, Goddess, whose charms even inspire emotion in him by whom thou art formed. Go, and reign. over thy companion, who fhall believe himself the mafter because he is the ftrongeft, but who only is endowed with fuperior ftrength the better to defend and to ferve thee.

I give thee one want, love-one bufinefs, love-one duty, love-one recompenfe, love.

Arimanes. I have furveyed the Goddefs, and I acknowledge the reflections that arofe within me. "Is it poffible," faid I," that this mercilefs Oromafis can have rendered Man, whom he has created, more happy than II who am a God-am able to be?" But availing myfelf of the imprudence with which thou haft lavished thy praises upon her, and of the enthufiafin with which the infpires her lover, I have breathed into her heart vanity, from which coquetry will inevitably spring.

Perhaps no woman fhall be exempt from these two defects, or if there fhould be one--but fhe would then be no longer a woman, and to discover her would require the fearch of many thoufand ages.

The moft virtuous and the moft faithful will delight in the homage of flames which they do not intend to gratify. Their refufal even fhall be attractive: they fhall adorn it with the names of esteem and friendflip. They fhall fay, " Indulge not hope;" perhaps they will imagine that they do not give hope; but the feductive charm of their voice, and that self

merit with which, by the care I have employed, this Man of thine shall be devoured, fhall reply, "Hope is not yet extinct." The gentleness of their character, even under the femblance of confolation, fhall ferve to confirm this idea by a perceptible train of kindness, infinuating looks, and little attentions. They fhalĺ thus, whether by defign or accident, deceive the lover whom they mean to difmifs. They fhall trouble, and often they fhall destroy, the happiness of the man on whom they have chofen.

Thou haft bestowed upon them love-love, a name which I cannot even hear without madness; I, who am condemned by my nature to the torment of being incapable either of loving, or of producing, to the rage of hate and destruction; I then invent jealoufy. Thou art unacquainted with its diftractions. Happy Oromafis! thou haft no equal. I, however, have found a fuperior in my equal, and unextinguishable jealousy burns in my heart. I fhall diftil upon Man, and upon Woman, its infernal poison. It fhall be the fruit of their moral loves, which thou haft boafted with fo much emphasis. The plants that await the favours of love, like those of the refreshing shower, and to whom every piftil and every ftamen is agreeable, are ignorant of this malady. But animals, and most of all, Man, fhall know what it is to prefer, and shall be solicitous to be preferred. I shall steep in venom this natural feeling. I fhall sow difquietudes in his breaft. Jealousy shall be keen and penetrating; the juftice of its obfervations shall inceffantly embitter the agony of its conjectures. It fhall pierce on every fide, with ftabs perpetually redoubled, the heart which it once has touched. It fhall agitate the mind between the frantic defire of combat and the infanity of fuicide. It fhall be incapable of diffimulation. Its reproaches, partly juft, partly unfounded, fhall difguft the woman who knew herfelf innocent, and wifhed to remain fo: and often thefe reproaches fhall drive her into guilt. But the never would have forfeited her innocence if she had not been infected

with coquetry; and never would have wantoned amidst the fnares of coquetry, had fhe not been actuated by vanity. I fhall do the whole.

I fpeak only too of women who shall have preserved the foul of honour, who fhall be worthy of esteem, who fhall figh for their weakness, who fhall lament their anger, and weep in anguish the defpair and the lofs of the true friend of their heart. In their sufferings fhall I brave you the moft. I fhall mingle with bitterness their sweetest recollections. 1 shall strive to encrease their misery, in proportion as thou hast placed thy pleasure, and thy glory, in rendering them capable of a virtue the most pure, and a happiness the moft exalted.

Oromafis.-Thou hast now unriddled the enigma of the world.

Of itself matter was inert, and such it was thy wish that it fhould remain. On this account first thou venturedft to fight against me.

Compelled to allow me to infpire it with animation, thy only resource was to profit by its eternal qualities, to blend fome evil with the good which I was to establish. But thou couldft only place evil where I had placed good. Thou couldft only turn the faculty of thinking into pain, because I had opened it to enjoyment and to felicity. Thou couldft only invent guilt and mifery, because I had created virtue and pleafure. Slave! while thou clankeft thy fetters, thou showest that thou art bound; and thou promoteft my service even by exerting thy malignity.

Couldst thou give predominance to evil-couldst thou only put it in equilibrium with good, every thing would ftop, generation would ceafe, life would be deftroyed, and again fhould we begin to contend for chaos. The existence and the duration of the universe are, and fhall remain, the eternal proof of thy inferiority.

Foul ferpent! thou crawleft in my train, ftaining with a portion of thy venom my works, which thou


art unable to penetrate and to destroy. I weigh in the fcales of my benevolence the quantity of pain with which I fhall permit thee to enhance the value of the numberless enjoyments I have produced. It is in exact, but ever fubordinate, proportion to the good of which I conceive the idea and the wifh.

Wherever I do not place life, or something that holds a relation to life, thy power ceafes.

Wherever I beftow only a fmall portion of life and of morality, thou canft introduce but little evil.

Where I fcatter my favours with a liberal handwhere I place refined organs, and exquifite fenfibility, an intoxicating tendernefs in friendfhip or in love, knowledge, paffion, the enthusiasm of honour and of virtue, in bodies whofe emotions are eafily excited, and in fouls of expanfive intelligence, thou canft easily imprint thy wounds, and shed thy poifons. They affect with pain, and fuffering expreffes itself in complaint. But chufe as judges those even who are interested in the decifion-confult all the living beings that have iffued from my hands. Not one of them would wish to lofe a part of his life-and, to be releafed from his fufferings, confent to be deprived of his enjoyments. The plant in its confused fenfation, could it conceive a fettled wifh, would not defire to be a ftone. The more enlightened would reject the ftate of the plant. Man would be mortified were he degraded into a brute; and the man of genius, the man of a fufceptible and energetic mind, would prefer death to the ignominy of being thrust down to the lowest rank of his fpecies. Each rather endeavours to elevate himself to a more dignified fituation. Each labours inceffantly to augment his pains, in order to encrease his pleafures. To fuffer in order to enjoy is to live; and whoever has received life, loves and is folicitous to preferve it.

Leave me, then, to carry to perfection the beings whom I have created capable of it. Man and woman are yet new, and in a kind of childhood; perhaps in their golden age their fpecies is deftined to reach a

higher degree of elevation. I muft lead them by the path of the fciences and the arts into political focieties, and to the greatest poffible multiplication of happy beings.

Arimanes. Thou prepareft for me a vast career: thy fciences, thy political focieties, thy multiplication of the human race, fhall bring with them crimes and evils which cannot be contemplated without horror.

Oromafis.-I believe, Arimanes, they will produce ineftimable advantages. In due time we fhall fee. I know thy perverfity; but I know too the limits of thy power. The nature of things does not allow me to prevent fuffering where there is life; but neither fhalt thou prevent the existence of more good than evil, nor life itself from being accounted a good. [Chronicle.]


ADMINISTRATION-A Partition Treaty among ten or twelve noblemen and gentlemen of different political principles, to fhare all the great offices of the ftate for the purpose of supporting the Conftitution. Allies-Any number of armies who unite in the profecution of a war in which each party has a separate intereft.

Alarmift-Any nobleman or gentleman who wants a place.

Bellum Internecinum-An expenfive and bloody war, undertaken for procuring a change of adminiftration -in France.

Coalition-Vide Administration.

A Jacobin-Any person who opposes the folly of the prefent war, or any of the measures of his majesty's minifters.


Subfidy-A large fum of money given to any Sovereign Prince for the protection of his own dominions.

A Glorious

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