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pressed upon his mind, and when he has -occasion later to deal with these same parts, he has the advantage of finding himself in the presence of familiar structures. How far in this first experience the special groups of facts which are sometimes set apart under the head of surgical anatomy should be introduced, is a more or less open question. The present weight of opinion demands that they should still be kept by themselves. Nevertheless, while the anatomical experience of the average medical student should rest on a broad scientific background, he should at the same time have a distinct appreciation of the eminently practical value of the information he is expected to acquire.


The question at once arises how the monotony of long-continued dissection can be relieved, and the student maintained in a condition of sufficient receptivity to make the work really worth while; for the acquisition of vocabularies has never been counted as one of the greater pleasures of life. "There are several legitimate devices. the first place, if it is possible for the student to have near at hand a microscope which may now and then be used for the examination of the different tissues as they appear in the cadaver. This cross reference between the gross and microscopic appearance will serve to bring into close connection with one another two classes of facts which are often separated to their disadvantage, and to revive the histological pictures which should be incorporated in gross structures, but which in most cases remain forever apart from them. On the other hand, a search for anomalies or variations serves to give both a reality and purposefulness to the work and to make a student feel that in return for the large amount of time necessarily required for his anatomical training, he is, in some small measure at least, contributing to the sci

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of time, and absolutely necessary, that the student should do these things with his own hands in order to obtain the threedimensional impression of the structure Iwith which he deals.

In this connection just a word as to the way in which the beginner may be aided in the comprehension of his work. The excellent diagrams and pictures which are now used to illustrate the best anatomical text-books carry us as far as that means of assistance can probably go. Pedagogical experience points strongly, however, to the superior value of the three-dimensional model, and although such models are more difficult to collect, harder to care for, and require more space and caution in their use, they are so far superior to any other device, except an illustrative dissection itself, that the collection of them in connection with anatomical work becomes a moral obligation.

If we turn now to the wider uses which may be made of anatomical material as it usually appears in the dissecting room, we find that a number of directors of laboratories have been utilizing this material for the accumulation of data in such a form that it may be later treated by statistical methods. Thus they have weighed and measured in different ways various parts of the cadaver, and in some cases determined the correlations between the organs or parts examined. It can not be too strongly emphasized that the results thus obtained are to be used only with the full appreciation of the fact that the material ordinarily available for examination in the dissecting room belongs in all countries to a social group which contains the highest percentage of poorly developed and atypical individuals. The conclusions, therefore, that can be drawn from the investigations of this material must always be weighted by its peculiar nature. То illustrate what is here meant by the pe

culiar character of this material, we may take as an instance the bearing of the results obtained from material of this sort on the problem of the brain weight in the community at large. It must be admitted that the figures which we have at our command for this measurement are, with the exception of one short list, derived from the study of individuals belonging to the least fortunate class in the community, and it is not fair, therefore, to carry over these data and apply them directly to the average citizen who is of the normal type and moderately successful in the general struggle for existence. From what has been said, it is plain that much of the work now being carried on in the dissecting room comes very close to the lines which have been followed for years by the physical anthropologists, yet because these have for the most part concerned themselves with the study of the skeleton, have limited their comparisons to the various races of men and have developed no interest in surgery, they have for a long time stood apart, and only recently joined forces with the professional anatomists. This step has certainly been to the advantage of anatomy, and as one result of it, anatomical material not previously utilized will now be treated by statistical methods. But all the work to which reference has here been made is on the body after death. So manifest are the disadvantages arising from the conditions which are thus imposed, that the necessity is felt on all sides of extending our observation as far as possible to the living individual. As an example of such an extension, we have the determination of the cranial capacity and brain weight in the living subject which has resulted from the labor of Karl Pearson and his collaborators.* The methods which have been employed for this

* Pearson and collaborators, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1901.

purpose are capable of giving as accurate results as are ordinarily obtained from post-mortem examinations, and, moreover, have the advantage of being applicable at any time to any group in the community which it is desired to investigate.

To redetermine, as far as possible, from studies, on the living, all the relations which have been made out, post-mortem becomes a very immediate and important line of work.

But even under the general limitations which apply to the dissecting room material, it is desirable to refine our knowledge of the human body by classifying the subjects according to race, and thereby bringing into relief the slight anatomical differences that exist between the wellmarked races of Europe and the races of other parts of the world. The history of anatomical differences due to sex lacks several chapters, and it is possible also to show the modifications of structure which come from the lifelong pursuit of certain handicrafts which call for peculiar positions of the body or for the unusual exercise of certain muscles; as, for example, the anatomy of a shoemaker.*

Such results as the one last mentioned have a direct bearing on the modifications of the human form which may be introduced by peculiarities of daily life and work, and bring anatomy into connection with the problems of sociology; while, on the other hand, both lines of work are contributory to the broader questions of zoological relationship and susceptibility to modification.

Yet when we have gained all the information which the scalpel can give, there still remains the whole field of finer anatomy, the extent of which it is so difficult to appreciate.

While recognizing that the human body

*Lane, W. A., Journ. of Anatomy and Physiology, Vols. XXI. and XXII., 1887 and 1888.

may be regarded as a composite, formed by the fitting together of the series of systems, and while in some instances we have more or less accurate notion of the way such a system appears-as, for instance, in the case of the skeleton-yet a much better understanding of the relation of the soft parts would follow an attempt to extend this method of presentation, and to construct phantoms of the body in the terms of its several systems in some way which would show us the system in question as an opaque structure in a body otherwise transparent. This is, of course, the final aim of the various corrosion methods, or those which depend on injection or differential coloration of structures which may be viewed in three dimensions.

When the vascular, lymphatic, nervous and glandular systems can be thus exhibited for the entire body, or for the larger divisions of it, it will be possible to see the human form transparently, and to see it whole; a feat difficult to accomplish, but worthy of earnest endeavor. The development of such phantoms should serve to make more impressive the familiar fact that in many organs and systems the total structure is built up by a more or less simple repetition of unit complexes, as, for example, the liver by the hepatic lobule, the bones by Haversian systems, and the spinal cord by the neural segments.

If we pass now from the consideration of the systems of tissues to that of their structural elements, we enter the domain of histology and cytology. Starting with the differentiation of the tissues by means of empirical staining methods, investigators have gradually come to appreciate the chemical processes which underlie the various color reactions, and as we know now, there already exist methods for determining in the tissues several of the chemical elements, such as iron, phosphorus, etc., to say nothing of the more or less satisfactory

identification of complex organic bodies by means of definite reactions. This being the case, it is possible to imagine representations of the body built up on the basis of these micro-chemical reactions, representations which would show it in the terms of iron or in the terms of phosphorus, thus yielding us an image which might be compared with that obtained by aid of the spectroscope when the picture of the object is taken by means of one out of the several wave-lengths of light which come from it.

The contemplation of the multitudinous opportunities for investigation and comparison which appear within this field, lead us to pause and inquire what is properly the purpose of all this anatomical work; for without a strong guiding idea we are liable to repeat the errors of earlier generations, and merely accumulate observations, the 'bearing of which is so remote from the actual course of scientific progress that the investigations are mainly useful as a mental exercise for the individuals who conduct them. Anatomical results begin to have a real meaning only when correlated with physiology, and when we learn that a tissue with a certain structure is capable of performing given functions, we feel that we are really bringing our anatomy into touch with the life processes. It is to aid in the accomplishment of this end that men devote their lives to anatomical work. With the variation that we find everywhere in organic structures, it should be and is possible to discover by comparison what variations in the structure of a tissue or a cell are accompanied by the best physiological responses. It is along this line that we must necessarily work in order to reach human life either through medical practise or through other avenues of approach, for in the end the object and purpose of all science is to ameliorate the unfavorable conditions

which surround man, and in turn to produce a human individual more capable of resistance to disturbing influences, and better suited for the enjoyment of the world in which he lives.


Considering anatomical work with this thought in mind, the problems which it presents can be grouped according to their relative value and importance. The approach may be made from two sides. the one hand it is, for example, extremely worth while to direct years of labor to the determination of the finer structure of living substance, because the more closely we approximate to a correct view of that structure, the more readily will our anatomy and physiology run together, and the clearer will be the conception of the sort of structure which it will be most desirable to increase for the attainment of our final purpose. On the other hand, if we follow the path from the grosser to the finer anatomy, we are led to inquire whether there is any one part or system of the human body which at the present moment is specially worthy of attention. When

we say that the nervous system is such a part, I think that even those who are not engaged in the study of it will admit that there are some grounds for the statement. The peculiar feature which sets the nervous system apart is the fact that its enlargement, both in the animal series and during the development of the individual, is in a very special way accompanied by changes in its physiological and psychological reactions. To be sure, we think of it as built up fundamentally by the union of a series of segments, but the relationship established between these segments becomes ultimately so much more important than the constituent units that in the end we find ourselves working with a single system of enormous complexity rather than a series of discrete units, a state of affairs which is not paralleled in any other tissue.

In addition to this, the nervous system as a whole is par excellence the master system of the body, and as such, the reactions of the organism are very largely an expression of its complexity. Indeed, within the different classes of vertebrates, the various species may be regarded as compound bodies composed of four fundamental tissues and a species could well be defined by the quantitative relations found to exist between the nervous, muscular, connective and epithelial constituents. Working from this standpoint, Dubois,* the Dutch anatomist, stimulated by the work of Snell, has brought forward evidence for the view that when, within the same order, several species of mammals similar in form, but differing in size, are compared with one another, the weight of the brain is found to be closely correlated with the extension of the body surface, and by inference with the development of the afferent system of neurones. This view would seem to imply that in these cases there is the same density of innervation of each unit-area of skin; but the correctness of this inference can only be determined by the careful numerical study of the afferent system of the animals compared. It will appear, however, that under the conditions imposed, the relative weight of the brain. depends upon the fact that each unit-area of skin, represented by the nerves which supply it, calls for a correlated addition of elements to the central system, and thus the increase in one part is followed by a corresponding increase in the other. When, however, the large and small individuals within the same species are compared, it is found that the increase in the brain weight follows quite another law, and that in this latter case it is relatively much less marked than in the former. This

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result at once suggests that the mechanism of the increase is dissimilar in the two cases. For the solution of the problems that are raised by such investigations as those just cited, we need to employ quantitative methods, and on this topic a word is here in place.

Microscopic anatomy and histology, like all the sciences, have passed through a series of phases which are as necessarily a part of their history, as birth, growth and maturity are a part of the life history of a mammal. The microscope in its early days enabled Schwann to propound the fruitful theory that the tissues were composed of cells. A preliminary survey

showed that these cells were different in their form and arrangement in the different parts of the body, and a still more careful examination with the aid of various dyes or solutions altering the tissues in the differential way gave the basis for yet finer distinctions. This phase in the development of the science, however, may be fairly compared with qualitative work in chemistry, where the object is to determine how many different substances are presented in the sample examined. Naturally, the next step is the introduction of quantitative methods, and we are, therefore, now using the methods of weighing, measuring and counting for the purpose of rendering our notions more precise, and thereby facilitating accurate comparisons. When emphasizing this point, we do not, however, forget that hand in hand with this quantitative work the qualitative tests have been marvelously refined, and that these necessarily form the foundation for quantitative work, since all such work must deal with the elements or groups of elements which can be sharply defined, and the basis for their definition is given through qualitative studies. As progress is made along these lines, we appreciate more and more that it is of importance for us to know not

only how much brain and how much spinal cord by weight normally belong to a given species of animal, but also the quantitative relations of the different groups and classes of elements which compose these parts. We are continually asking ourselves how far the range in gross weight of the central nervous system may be dependent on changes in the number of elements in the different divisions or localities, and how far dependent on the mere increase in the bulk of the individual units without any change either in their absolute number or relative size. Work along this line rests, as we know, on the neurone theory, that epoch-making generalization concerning the structure of the nervous system which was put forward by our honored colleague, Professor Waldeyer.* Most of us are aware that, at the moment, this theory is the subject of lively and voluminous discussion, and that Nissl,† for example, urges the inadequacy of the conception on the ground that it does not account for the gray substance in the strict sense.

No one can fail to appreciate the very great importance of the satisfactory conclusion of the present dispute, and earnestly desire that we may obtain conclusive evidence on points involved; but however the question of the gray matter may be. settled, the enormous importance of the neurone conception, and the value of it for the purposes of the microscopic analysis of the nervous system, will remain untouched, while our quantitative determinations applied to the neurone as we now understand it, will still have a permanent value.

Returning to the questions which are raised by the previously mentioned investigations of Dubois, we require in the first instance to determine the number of neu

Waldeyer, Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift, 1891.


Nissl, Die Neuronenlehre und ihre Anhänger,'

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