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There have been four Theatres open till

within thefe nine Days, and I am told, in the Carnival there will be no lefs than feven. The comic Opera was very pleafing, in Point of Mufic, and always crouded; but the ferious Opera nobody could bear, though fung in it, and

who is reckoned one of the best tenor Voices, if not the very beft, now living. By this you will perceive how the English and Italian Taste for Mufic differs; though I must say, I believe the greateft Admirers of would allow he is

much altered for the worfe; for my own Part, had I not remembered his Perfon, I fhould not have had the leaft Recollection of him from his Voice. The Theatre, he performed at, was entirely fitted up with Glafs, both the Stage and all the Boxes, which, when well lighted, had a fine Effect. There was a Change of the Scenes for one of the Dances, that was, I think, one of the most beautiful Things I ever beheld.

The Italian Comedy does not delight me much, for I do not understand the Language well

well enough yet, to be amufed with the Bonmots of HARLEQUIN, and to laugh at him because he has a black Face, and at PanTALOON, merely for having a long Beard; it is not what I feel myself much difpofed to do. I understand the Italian Tragedies better than the Comedies, but I find the Actors infinitely below ours. I intend to be very ftudious, and when all the Family are gadding to the Opera and the Play, I fhall fit at home and drudge at the Italian,

We have, at prefent, a fecond Edition of the who has been at Venice a Week, but on Monday next he leaves us entirely. This Time he has spent most of his leifure Hours with our Refident, and expreffes great Pleafure in being received on an intimate and eafy Footing; he is really a very fenfible and agreeable Man, and, as far as can be judged from outward Appearance, is very amiable: he has with him two young German Barons, who are alfo very pretty Kind of Men, and speak English fo well, that it is à Comfort to hear them.

I am

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The Variety of different Characters, from different Nations, which we meet here, is beyond Belief astonishing; a defcriptive Satiri might find great Employment, and entertain you highly. You know I am not fond of Satire; but I will endeavour, in plain Colours, to paint one Character, because very fingular, it is that of

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We may give ourselves what Airs we pleafe about our English Liberty, but for the Ladies, Italy is undoubtedly the Land of perfect Freedom; to all public Places, they constantly go in Pairs, with their Cavalier-Serventes, and put. me much in Mind of the clean and unclean Beafts going into the Ark. What would become of the Reputation of a miserable English Woman, if she was to go to the Play with a Man tête-à-tête? And yet that is conftantly done here without Imputation of Wrong-In short, if a Woman has any Mind to be wicked, Venice feems to be the laft Place in the World to give her better Sentiments.

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How delighted fhould I be to furprize the dear Society, fome Night or other, when you are over your fober Game of Quadrille, in my white Masque and Man's Hat; you have no Notion with what an Air I have learnt to put it over my right Eye. I will not defpair but that we may again meet happily under that hofpitable Roof, where for fome Weeks, in the Enjoyment of fuch friendly


Conversation, I tasted fo much real Happiness

and Peace.

I did not know, before I had the melancholy Experience of it, how very irksome and painful a Feel it is, to be fo very far from those we truly regard. Adieu! my dear Friends, may Heaven shower upon you all its choiceft Bleffings, is the fincere and conftant Prayer of your ever faithful and affectionate


Dr. A, to Mr. HULL.

Venice, April 3, 1766.

HE only Tafk you enjoined me on lea


ving England, is, perhaps, the most difficult could have exacted from me; never


theless, I am refolved to attempt it; for, however you may be difappointed in my Performance, I fhall, at least, have the Satisfaction


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