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had shone upon us, were quite as full of ignorance and cruelty as those nations are now who still worship idols. All those countries who know not God are full of leprosy,- are blind and dead. But Walter shall read to us what Jesus, before he went up into heaven, told His disciples to do: he must open the New Testament, and turn to Matt. xxviii. 19.

W. "Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."

U. This is what we send ministers who are called Missionaries to the heathen for, that they may preach among them the love of God in Jesus, and that they may turn them from worshipping their "dumb idols" to pray to Him in whom they live and move. We know that there is no other name given under heaven but the name of Jesus whereby we can be saved; and if God so loved us as to give His only, beloved Son, how ought we to love those who know Him not, and help to send ministers

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"to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness unto light?" Many a sixpence might be given by little children to Missionary Societies, who send out persons to preach in heathen lands far off, as well as to people at home, who, though living in our Christian land, are as bad, yes, worse than worshippers of idols, for if they know God, they do not love or obey Him.

Even children can understand what a change this teaching makes in a land. The people leave off their foolish and cruel worship to gods who can do nothing for them, and they learn to worship Him who "is a spirit, and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth." But you must not think that all people are good because they are born in a Christian land. God sent His ministers to teach and preach to the people that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners;" but it is now in England just the same as it was in Jerusalem when Christ preached and did many miracles among the people. The Bible teaches and minis

ters preach that "the blood of Jesus Christ

cleanses from all sin." Some hear, and some believe, and are healed; but others love to go on in sin, and will not come to the fountain, where, like Naaman, they may be "washed and be made clean." Some there are, even among children who are taught by good fathers and mothers the way to heaven, who love to remain blind; they will not come to Jesus that their eyes may be opened to see what poor sinners they are, and what a Saviour God has sent into the world.

Some English people, although Jesus has been preached to them ever since they were children, are just as dead as Lazarus was; but we ought to pray for ourselves first, and then for all people, that God may send His Holy Spirit into all our hearts, that we may not only hear and read about Jesus, but that we may be really "born again," and be "made new creatures in Christ Jesus, so that old things may pass away, and all things may become new."

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P. But, Uncle, you have not told us what the other half of the picture is about.

E. Is it a picture of the baptism of a child, Uncle?

U. Yes; I must say a few words about this, and then I shall have again to say good-bye for some time to come. In the first half you have a picture of children being offered by heathen parents to an idol-god, whose name might be called Cruelty; in the second of a child of Christian parents being offered to the true God, whose name is Love. And these pictures, like that of John Newton, I may call "a contrast," for one is so different from the other. God welcomes infants who are brought to Him by fathers and mothers who love and worship Him. They pray that their dear little ones may become the children of their own heavenly Father; and that, as they are washed with water, in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, their souls may be washed from sin; that they may be born again by the Spirit of God,

ters preach that "the blood of Jesus Christ

cleanses from all sin." Some hear, and some believe, and are healed; but others love to go on in sin, and will not come to the fountain, where, like Naaman, they may be "washed and be made clean." Some there are, even among children who are taught by good fathers and mothers the way to heaven, who love to remain blind; they will not come to Jesus that their eyes may be opened to see what poor sinners they are, and what a Saviour God has sent into the world.

Some English people, although Jesus has been preached to them ever since they were children, are just as dead as Lazarus was; but we ought to pray for ourselves first, and then for all people, that God may send His Holy Spirit into all our hearts, that we may not only hear and read about Jesus, but that we may be really "born again," and be "made new creatures in Christ Jesus, so that old things may pass away, and all things may become new."

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