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4 inches of soil because it was warmer than the 3 or 4 inches lower down.

Influence of Depth on Quality.-On a sandy loam, under New York conditions, potatoes grown about 4 inches deep are generally of better quality than those grown nearer the surface. In other places, those grown at even greater depths have been observed to be of better quality; thus, at North Dakota Station,' potatoes 5 to 6 inches deep were better than those 3 or 4 inches deep in this respect.

Date of Planting.-As would be expected, the dates of planting potatoes vary widely, and the only way to deal with the question is to give the common dates for a certain locality. The reader is advised to inquire of the growers in the locality the date considered best, and, as a general rule, it is wise to plant early for the district. Canadian experimenters' report, after four years' trial, that the end of May is the best time, and that June 24 is usually found to be the latest date for planting potatoes to produce satisfactory returns, although in 1900 a good crop was obtained from a planting on July 7. In Wisconsin the middle to the end of May, and in Maine late in May and early in June, are considered best. At Cornell University, in 1901, potatoes planted May 16 yielded 250 bushels per acre, while those planted June 12 and 17 yielded 162 and 197 bushels respectively. In Oklahoma' potatoes planted March 14 came up and matured as early as those planted February 27. The early potato crop of Virginia is usually planted during February and March, 2 Can. Exp Farm Report, 1901, p. 119.

1 N. D. Report, 1901, p. 96. Okla. Bul. 52, P. 9.

and the second crop about August 1. In latitude 33°

the dates are about two weeks later.

Influence of Late and Early Planting.-The practice of growing a late crop of potatoes has spread northward, and in parts of New York it is customary to plant potatoes late in the season after another crop, as peas, has been removed. The practice seems commendable, but discouraging reports from the potato salesmen in regard to the quality of these potatoes led the Cornell University Experiment Station to undertake investigations to determine, if possible, the facts. Mr. Gilmore, who is conducting this investigation, has furnished the first years' results, but these are insufficient to permit of deductions being made.

[blocks in formation]

In both cases the late-planted potatoes contained less dry matter and less starch, or, in other words, were more watery, and appeared to be immature. Similar results were obtained during the present year (1904).

Methods of Planting.-The former method and one still quite common is to plant potatoes by hand. A furrow is thrown out by a common plow, or a shovel-plow, and, if applied, the fertilizers, and in




Six acres will warrant the use of a horse planter, and a good one will plant the crop as perfectly as hand labor.

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some cases the manure, are placed in the furrow, the
potatoes dropped in, and then covered by the plow.
Generally speaking, the furrows should be thrown out
so that the potatoes will be four inches below ground
when the surface is level. The furrows are made the

[graphic][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small]

A-Tuber planted by hand in furrow opened with a shovel or double mold-
board plow. B-The potatoes covered with shovel plow. C-Land har-
rowed level a few days after planting, to destroy weeds, leaving the
potatoes four to five inches deep. Few farmers plant at this depth, even
when they mean to do so.

required distance apart. It has been deemed necessary
to place the potato in position, and fix it so that it will
not move when covered. In England this is done by
requiring the planters to press it down by hand, and
in this country the potatoes are often stepped on for
the same reason. The stepping on them may injure


buds, and hence is detrimental. The rows should be made straight, and care should always be taken to have the potatoes planted in a straight line and at a uniform distance apart. The former facilitates intertillage to such an extent that it is worthy of attention. On a dry, hot day it is inadvisable to open the

[graphic][subsumed][merged small]

rows much ahead of the planters, and the seed should be covered as soon as possible to prevent loss of moisture. Frequently the rows plowed out before the noon meal hour and left open for this time show the injurious effect of the loss of moisture, especially if the seed is cut. Wherever hand-planting is done and the tubers are not sprouted, the hand-planters, which are

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