Imágenes de páginas

in which the potent medicine referred to has effected relief from tooth-ache, and its success has been so great as to induce this notice and recommendation of its virtues.

SPIKENARD OF THE ANCIENTS. Among other interesting articles in the Flora Nepalensis, a full and correct botanical description of the plant which yielded the spikenard of the ancients may be expected. This plant is the Valeriana Jatamansi. It is remarkable that although Sir W. Jones was the first who determined this point, he has by mistake described and figured another species of Valerian in place of the Jatamansi, viz. V. Hardwickii, or at least he has confounded this species with the true one; for he describes the radical leaves as being cordate, while the leaves of V. Jalamansi are lanceolate. In Mr. Lambert's rich collection are specimens of the Jatamansi with fibrous roots; these agree exactly with what was formerly sold in the shops, and answer well the description given by ancient authors, as to the root resembling the tail of an ermine.


A heavy shower of snails was reported to to have fallen lately near Tockington, in Gloucestershire. Ground, to the extent of two acres, is said to have been covered with them. These supposed specimens of the sideral system, were eagerly purchased

by the curious and the credulous, who will probably be somewhat surprised to learn, that they may pick up bushels of similar rarities in favorable situations, any morning between the hours of four and six o'clock. The natural history of this snail is accurately given in Montague's Testacea Britannica. Its name is Felix Virgata; or Zoned Snail Shell. "It may be considered," he says, "as a local species; but is found in prodigious abundance in some sandy or barren stony situations, most ⚫ plentifully near the coast, especially about Whitsand-bay, Cornwall, and in the South of Devonshire, where it is believed they contribute not a little to fatten sheep, the ground being covered with them." This snail occurs also abundantly in the neighbourhood of Bristol, and county of Somerset.

On approaching heat they are observed to leave their hiding-place near the roots of grass, crawling upon the leaves and plants near it, and thus becoming visible to the superficial observer. From this remark of Montague, and the well-known fact that snails furnish much nourishing matter, it would be perhaps best for the farmer belonging to the field at Tockington to turn into it a flock of sheep, which would soon crush the snails in eating them with the grass, and they would doubtless improve thereby. In this phenomenon, the philosophic mind will easily trace the provision of nature to render these snails (fattened near the roots of the succulent grass) a pasture, when parched by the rays of the

sun, of a most nourishing nature to herba. ceous animals. A similar circumstance occurred in the same field about three years



To W. F. COLLARD, of the Firm CLEMENTI, COLLARD and Co. Patent Piano Forte makers to the King, of Cheapside, London; for New Patent Grand and Square Piano Fortes, with Harmonic Swell and Bridge of Reverberation.

At the suggestion of certain eminent musicians, a celebrated mathematician some years since directed his attention to enriching the tone of piano fortes by the aid of harmonics; but his designs were never carried into effect. Clementi and Co., by their present patent invention, obtain this desira. ble improvement, at the addition of a comparatively trifling cost.

By the "BRIDGES OF REVERBERATION," the strings have the effect of being fixed, like those of the harp, in the sound-board itself, instead of being checked by an imme diate attachment to a solid substance. This contrivance not only produces a more equal and rich flow of vibration, but takes away the whistling of the large steel strings, so common and often so disagreeable in grand piano fortes on the usual construction. It also gives the great advantage of turning all those portions of the strings beyond the original bridge, which were before useless, tone produced on the main body of the into the augmentation and perfection of the strument by means of the "HARMONIC SWELL."

In expressive movements and legato pas sages the addition of the harmonics, independent of the beauty of sound, procures an advantage which must be obvious to every one, since it effects that continuity of vibra tion which, somewhat like the bow of a violin, makes one note glide into another; and as this effect is produced without at all interfering with the dampers, the bass may be played staccato whilst the treble is played legato, and vice versa. The whole volume of tone called forth by the harmonic swell and damper pedal combined, is of extraor dinary richness and power; and in passages requiring bold coutrast, dramatic energy, or sustained grandeur, will be found of sin gular efficacy. The great improvement given by this new construction also to the extra additional keys in the treble, must be considered very important, since all the great continental composers and performers now employ them so frequently in passages of brilliant effect; and since they are found so highly useful not only for duetts by two persons on the same instrument, but for giving the master an opportunity of marking the character of passages above, whilst the scholar is practising them in the octave below.

The additional pedal for fixing the keys on two strings is found very convenient, as it leaves the feet to be employed on the harmo nic swell and damper pedal during a delicate strain, or for the purpose of accompaniment.

are con

The simple principle on which the improved grand piano forte cases structed is of such efficacy as to resist an immensely greater force than the most extensive compass of string can possibly produce. The advantage of this, in keeping the instrument in tune and counteracting the effects of climate, are sufficiently obvious. From the long and deep attention bestowed on the structure of piano fortes, and the eminent success with which every hint for their improvement has been pursued, we were not prepared to expect any invention that might add to the general powers of the instrument, although among the prodigious assistance mechanics are able to lend to art, we should not have doubted that there might be yet some particular parts susceptible of a superior construction. The object of Mr. COLLARD'S invention is however general, and it imparts not only a new and richer degree of tone, but it submits a choice of fresh varieties and degrees to the player, which can hardly fail to call forth novel and beautiful effects in performance.

Freedom of vibration, power, richness and equality of tone, being the great and essential qualities to be desired in piano fortes, the attention of the patentee appears to have been directed generally to the discovery of some principle by which these requisites could be obtained in a higher degree than by the plan hitherto employed in their construction. The mechanism used having been already brought to a very high degree of excellence, it seemed manifest that if the qualities sought after could at all be produced to the extent desired, they must either result from a new construction of the sound-board, or from the mode of applying the strings, or from both means combined.

The mechanism of each description of piano fortes now commonly in use he leaves nearly in the same state as that employed by the most eminent manufacturers, so that the performer has no new difficulties whatever to encounter from the application of Mr. COLLARD's inventions.

The cases or frame-work of grand piano fortes he constructs on a simple principle, of so great strength as to enable them to resist the effects of climate, and a far greater power than the combined pull of the strings produce. The improvement, that is the basis on which the other is founded, is an additional bridge on the sound-board, not for the purpose of regulating musical intervals, but of augmenting the duration of the vibration, and consequently increasing and beautifying the tone. This bridge, which he calls the bridge of reverberation,' is placed at a regulated distance on the sound-board; and the important advantage resulting from it is, that the motion given to the principal part of the string by the impulse of the hammer, is kept up by the bridge of reverberation, instead of being suddenly checked by an attachment to an unyielding substance. The prolonged vibration produces an extraordinary purity, power, and continuity of

sound, somewhat resembling the richness of an octave below.

From this essential improvement the patentee's second invention is derived, which is as follows:

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On the old plan of passing the strings directly from the side of the case to the original bridge on the sound-board, it became necessary, in order to prevent the jarring noise of those portions of the wire which lie between them, not only to place some soft substance on the top of the moulding, but also to weave a piece of cloth between the strings.

The second improvement, which the patentee calls the harmonic swell, substitutes a novel action for those portions of the strings which lie between the two bridges, yielding most sweet and melodious tones. The performer, by lifting a valve, is enabled to elicit those harmonious sounds through a wellknown sympathetic relation between accordant strings, without touching those portions of the strings which produce them. The augmentation of sound caused by this means, resembles in some measure the effect of lifting the dampers, but without producing the same confusion, since every note on the body of the instrument is regularly damped as the performer lifts his finger. By this apparatus a threefold power of augmenting the sound is acquired; whereas instruments

of the common construction have but the one caused by lifting the dampers.

The first augmentation of power is by lifting the harmonic swell.

The second-by dropping the harmonic swell and raising the dampers.

The third-by raising the harmonic swell and the dampers together. By the last means the performer adds all the tones which are sympathetically elicited from the strings between the original bridge and bridge of reverberation, over and above all that can be produced on instruments of the common construction, and the effect is accordingly of extraordinary richness and power.

These inventions are alike applicable to upright, cabinet, and square piano-fortes; the latter of which acquire by this new mode of construction, much of the richness and depth of tone peculiar to grand instruments.

The improvements, as simple in themselves as their effects are striking, enable the player greatly to extend the variety of his performance, and are acknowledged by the first professional judges to have given a new charac

ter to the instrument of the most effective

kind. That which we heard appeared to us to produce the kind of prolonged tone which arises in a room of fine resonance, and the power was certainly vastly augmented. Upon the whole, the inventor seems to have accomplished far more than could have been expected, after the very high state of improvement the piano-forte had already attained.

In the press, a Historical Romance, in four volumes, called the Festival of Mora. By Mrs. Sidney Stanhope.



THE author of the Scottish novels, determined" to make hay while the sun shines," announces another work under the title of THE PIRATE. This gentleman must be regarded as the most fortunate writer of this or any other age. We congratulate him on his success, and heartily wish that other genius in higher walks of literature met with corresponding rewards. The profits, however, of these novels, at the price which the author puts upon his copies, are worthy of being recorded in the annals of literature. His first editions are 20,000 copies, (we have heard even of 30,000) and to this is usually added another of 10,000. The following then is something like the account between him and his printer, for a novel of three volumes of fifteen sheets each :£ 2340

1800 reams of paper, 268. Printing 45 sheets, at 211. Advertising

Commission, and other expences

Taking the returns at only 11. Is. per copy, the retail price being

1. 11s. 6d. we have a net produce of

Profit on first edition.


100 600

small vessel with a complement of men, and intrusted the command to Lieutenant Beechey The vessel is intended to sail round the coast, and to wait upon the expedition, which will only proceed so far in the interior as will allow an easy return to the coast, The expedition will start from Tripoli, to the Bey of which a communication has been despatched from this government to request assistance, which will, no doubt, be afforded. Libya, the country about to be explored, is that which in ancient times contained the two countries of Cyrenaica and Marmorica. South of Marmorica, which our country men will visit, and in the midst of she sands of the Libyan Desert, was a small and beautiful spot, refreshed by streams and luxuriant with verdure, in which stood the Temple, so celebrated in antiquity, of Jupiter Ammon. The expedition will, in all probability, be engaged three or four years.

Mr. ROBERT BLOOMFIELD, author of the Farmer's Boy, &c. announces a new work, under the title of the May-Day of the 3985 Muses.


17,015 If to this be added 80001. for the profit of the second edition, it appears that each of those novels of three volumes, yields the enormous profit of 25,0151. and if the copies were sold at the usual price of 21s. to the public, the profit would still be 15,0001. Of course two of these publications per annum yields to their fortunate author 50,0001. per annum. Such a case of reward for moderate exertions of genius and labour has no parallel. We have been taught to wonder at the proceeds of three or 40001. for the lectures of the ancient philosophers repeated twice a year; at the 35001 paid to Dr. Johnson for his Dictionary; at the 60001. netted by Mr. Pope for his translation of Homer; at the 30001. paid to Mr. Moore for his Lalla Rookh; and at the 30001. paid to Sir Walter Scott for some of his poems; at the 10001. paid to Mrs. Radcliffe for her Mysteries of Udolpho, and to Miss Burney for her last novel: but the author's profits on these repeated productions transcend every former example of literary remuneration.

An expedition has been formed to explore certain parts of Africa which border upon Egypt. The object of the present expedition is the discovery of the remains of Greek and Roman edifices, which, it is conjectured, are scattered in different parts of Libya. The gentleman who has been chosen by government, with the approbation of his Majesty, to superintend this expedition, is Mr. Beechy, many years secretary to Mr. Salt, the English consul in Egypt. The Lords of the Admiralty have fitted out a

Dr. JOHN MASON GOOD, F. R. S. will speedthe title of The Study of Medicine, comily publish a body of medical science, under prising its Physiology, Pathology, and Practice, in four volumes, 8vo. These volumes, in addition to that lately published on Nosology, will complete the author's design; and constitute an entire body of Medical Science, adapted equally to the use of lec. turers, practitioners, and students.

Memoirs of the Court of King James the First, by LUCY AIKIN, are printing in 2 vls.

A plan has been lately suggested, and will be acted upon in Edinburgh, for instructing by lectures and demonstrations, the operative mechanics of that city in the principle of those branches of science, which are useful in the various trades that are carried on there. It may readily be conceived that to the ingenious men who will have the opportunity of deriving benefit from these lectures and scientific demonstrations, the stimulus to improvement and to invention will be powerful indeed. In our metropolis, likewise, it is to be anticipated that similar opportunities of instruction in the mechanic arts, and in those branches of science which are applicable to them, and adapted to the previous acquirements of the working artizan and mechanic, would be eminently useful; and it appears reasonable to hope that no obstacles would present themselves to such a scheme but what could be readily surmounted. The establishment of such schools of instruction would probably succeed if left to private adventure, and if they should, no national aids to set them in motion would be required.

The late Dr. VICESSIMUS KNOX's Spirit of Despotism will appear early in the present month, in a handsome octavo volume, with a Preface by the editor.

New-Year Address



Written by a Young Lady of Boston.

PAUSE! at the portal of the coming year-
Where swings the mighty gate, when Time draws near,
And closes after, ne'er to open more,

Till dates, and years, and Time himself are o'er,-
Hope with her eager gaze stands looking through,
Dreads not the gloom intense that mocks her view;
Shields with her hand her raised, uplifted eye,
And begs one ray of prescience from on high.
While, ling'ring near, her pensive sister turns
To sigh o'er scenes for which her bosom yearns ;
Fain would retrace the past, whate'er betide,
Weeps o'er its sorrows, loves the friends it tried,
Regrets its pleasures, marks its wisdom fail,
And draws a moral from the useful tale.

Full well may one short year its scenes renew,
Calm and distinct to Mem'ry's busy view:
And all its sickness, sorrow, cares and tears,
Or all its lively joys and groundless fears,
And hopes that suffer'd no untimely blight,
In soft remembrance of the Past unite.-
The awful Past! thick studded with bright names,
Where Glory streams with mild, but living flames,
Throws a rich halo round the hero's head,

And sheds her radiance o'er the mighty dead!

A strange, blest contrast with the starless gloom

Where glimmering phantoms through the darkness loom, And clouds and silence rest upon the deep

Where coming ages in the Future sleep.

The calm, but oh! the never silent Past!

Whose low, deep voice, while Heav'n and Earth shall last,
Shall breathe its solemn tale to mortal ears;

And like the moaning which the sailor hears
When storms are rising o'er the chafing deep,
And winds are waking from cloud-cradled sleep,
Shall sound its awful warning from afar,
Telling of revolutions dire, and war;

Of altars prostrate on some unknown spot,
Their name and worship both alike forgot;
Of empires mouldering to their awful fall,
Of crownless sovereigns laid without a pall,
Unhonour'd and unwept by all the train

Who swelled their pomp, when Fortune smil'd in vain!
Year after year the mighty page shall grow,

Where History traces tales of varied woe,

And notes, while tears th ́unconscious lines bedew,

Man's guilty heroes, and his pious few;

And points to chronicles of years gone by

As half prophetic of those yet to fly.

One now flits onward to its speedy close!

Its task is done! and all its joys or woes

Dispens'd as Heaven saw best for human weal!"

Joy hath it brought to some; and set the seal

Of full completion on long-cherish'd vows,

Bound wreaths on some, a crown on one man's brows.

But some are weeping o'er the robe of black,

And dread the day which brings too keenly back
The sad remembrance of those hopes-so vain-
Which fondly thought to hail that day again,
With smiles and blessings on the much lov'd head,

Now laid unconscious mid the silent dead.
Sickness hath laid her blighting hand on some,
And bid the blooming cheek of youth become
A pale forewarner of the early grave,

While Friendship weeps to think she cannot save.
Trials and cares, and all the ruder shocks

Which man must know, have thinn'd perhaps the locks
That, one year since, were yet untouch'd by Time;
Warning Life's pilgrim of a ruder clime,
Announcing Age with all its hoary snows,
Its sober pleasures, its peculiar woes.

And some-sad tribute to the ling'ring year!

Claim on the fresh carv'd stone a bitter tear.

Some, who had crown'd the season of their days,

Sow'd, watch'd and reap'd the harvest of their praise,
Mark'd generations rising round their knees,
Tried each vicissitude of pain or ease,

Toil'd through a long and ever-shifting scene,
And staid to ripen all youth's promise green,
Have gone, at length, to lay the silver'd head
Where Sorrow comes not to molest the dead.
We miss, we mourn the venerable man
Who scatter'd blessings while his course he ran ;
But Reason checks the too strong tide of grief,
And bids a better world afford relief.

The good man's memory dwells within the heart,
But there inflicts no deep and cureless smart.
Alas! how vain is Faith or Reason's voice
When all the soul had held most dear and choice,
Youth with its promise, beauty with its bloom,
Are swept, at once, untimely to the tomb !
When Fancy paints not only all that was,
But all that might have been, had Nature's laws
Spared but that one dear object of our hope,
The pledge of comfort for Life's downward slope!
Spring with its blossoms, Summer in its pride,
Autumn and Winter as they swiftly glide,
Bring not the balm which Time is wont to shed
On hearts that grief has wrung until they bled.
Yet years roll on, and each one in its turn
Bids thousands more the lot of sorrow learn.
The gay may laugh, the reckless wretch may scoff,
While countless throngs are swept unnotic'd off,
And busy death his ceaseless office plies:
Whiles Pestilence o'er crowded cities flies,
Hovers, and shakes the poison from her wings;
While War's loud clangour o'er a nation rings;
And Ocean opes his wide untravers'd realms
To thousands, trusting in their faithless helms.
Famine is gnawing with her blunted fangs
Unnumbered wretches, writhing in her pangs;
Suffering and toil, where'er man's haughty race
Have trod the soil, and found a resting place,
Pursue him close, nor leave one season free,
Till comes the last, and man must cease to be!
Cease! busy dream! Man suffers, it is true:
But life has gayer, happier moments too.
The past may warn-it should not be forgot:
But on the present hangs our future lot.

Hail coming Year! whate'er thy course may bring,

We know from whence our joys and sorrows spring. If trial wait, submiss we kiss the rod;

If fortune smile, we breathe our thanks to GOD!

"THE SPIRIT OF THE ENGLISH MAGAZINES" These solemn truths with choicest pastime blends. Reader! unchill'd by Winter's cheerless scenes, For thee the grateful Carrier's pray'r ascends.

Boston, January 1, 1822.

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