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.5 Lesson درس .

.The Pronouns کنایات

§ 91. Turkish Pronouns are divided into seven classes:

1. Personal, 2. possessive, 3. adjectival, 4. demonstrative, 5. reflexive, 6. indefinite and 7. interrogative pronouns.

1. Personal Pronouns.

§ 92. They are: bén, ¡m sén, g) 0, s kéndi. They are declined as follows:

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A. UUT'UNG| on-dan', an-dén' from him.

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§ 93. The English conversational form of address is 'you'; in Turkish, however, there are two forms: sén and siz. Sén is employed in addressing parents, near relatives, children, servants, pupils, and intimate friends, such as would be addressed by their Christian names in England. Siz is used in addressing strangers, or mere acquaintances (S 494).

§ 94. Instead of biz and siz their double plural JJ bizler, sizler are sometimes used in all the six This cannot be expressed in English. They are even used, out of politeness, instead of bén and sén.


2. Possessive Pronouns. ¿las

$95. The Possessive Pronouns of the Turkish language do not really correspond to those of the English, but are merely possessive affixes. Possessive affixes are used instead of the English possessive pronouns. They consist of syllables added at the end of nouns. They have the value of pronouns, and cannot stand alone.

§ 96. The possessive affixes are the following:

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e-limiz المز .Plur e-linig الكز El-leri اللوى

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§ 97. The pronunciation of the Possessive Affixes varies in the following way (§ 52):

1. If the word to which they are added end in a consonant, the affixes are pronounced: im, iñ, i; imiz, iñiz, léri, as in the above.

2. If the preceding predominant vowel in the word be ou or o, although written in the same way, they are pronounced: oum, oun, ou; oumouz, ouñouz,


قوشلری ، قوشكز ، قوشمز؛ قوشى ، قوشك ، قوشم :.tard Ex

Qoushoum, qoushouñ, qoushou; qoushoumouz, qoushounouz, qoushlari. My bird etc.

3. If the word end in a vowel, they have then only the value of the letters m, n, si; miz, niz, léri. Ex.:


; Aname, anane, anasi آنالری ، آناکو ، آنامز ؛ آناسی ، آناك ، آنام

a-namiz, a-nañiz, a-nalari. My mother etc.

4. If the predominant vowel in the word be eo, û, the vowel of the affix is pronounced û, to agree with

,Geo-zam کوزلری کوزکز کوزمز ؛ كوزى كوزك ، كوزم : itias

Turkish Conv.-Grammar.


(M (Hima, pádé-ri. KT

$ the time persin singlar vben the word ★ mamed for emphony, as:

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$. If the wird es toe of the connected

letters § 24 the safran wonen when declined in Singular cases, but the sound is retained: as:

,hitabi که بدن تانه کانی کتاب کتابت کتبی

ز و)

§ 100. If it ends in one of the unconnected letters }ɔ ɔ) the ♬ ▼ is retained; as: gydag ang

اوينه ، ويث "

Og éri, fri-nia, éri-në, é-ri-ni etc.

§ 101. If the final rowel of the substantive is é, it is never joined on to the possessive in writing (§ 32); as: >>£>>>`<>>> diedēm, dé-diñ, dé-dési


.My grandfather etc دده دده not

§ 102. The genitives of the Personal pronoun are used, when required, to emphasize and corroborate the possessive affixes of the same number and person. They are never used alone, without their equivalent possessive affixes to corroborate them; thus, qardashim my brother (not my sister etc.), ¿ bénim qardashim my brother (not your brother or his brother) (§ 120).

§ 103. A final 3 g, in a polysyllable, as in declension, changes into ¿gh before the possessive

affixes, singular or plural, excepting that of the third person plural; so also changes into y in like cases

Qo-naq, qo-na-ghim, qo-na-ghin, qo-na-ghi; qo-na-ghimiz, qo-na-ghi-ñîz. My mansion etc. Eli!'!

قوناغكز ، قوناغمز ؛ قوناغى ، قوناغك ، قوناغم ، قوناق :Ex .(3)

اينك ,Inée, i-no-gim, i-ne-gin اینككز ، اینكمز ؛ اینکی ، اینكك

i-né-yi; i-né-yi-miz, i-né-yi-ñiz. My cow etc.

With Singular Nouns.

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§ 104. In some words the vowel of the last syllable is eliminated when the possessive affix is added, except in the third person plural.

5555 gêò-ñûl, geoñ-lûm heart, my

,a-ghaz آغزك، آغیز

agh-zin mouth, thy

bo-youn, boy-nou neck, his

Jo-ghoul, ogh-lou-mouz son, our .

¿ bou-roun, bour-nou-nouz nose, your —

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