Imágenes de páginas
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ا بنم مكتبه كير مهم ، آنجى اوقومه يازمه تحصيل ايتمك ايچوندر. بنم بو قلمى كسمهم ، سنك ايو يازى يازمقافك ايچوندر ۰ ۳ نيچون برادر كزك مكتبدن کلمه سنى بكله مكده سكز ! اونك مكتبدن کلمه سنه دها برساعت وار در ٤٠ سزی بوکون بوراده بكله مه مزدن مراديز آنجى سزكله كوروشمك ايچوندر . ه قوزوم ! بن بوراده يوغيكن ، آنجق سنك در سلوكه چالشمه کی آرزو ایتمکده یم . ٦ بو ایشی بكا يا پدر مقدن مقصد یکز نه در ? - بنم نیتم سره پاره قازاندرمق در. يك اعلا ! قازان قازان ویر قازانه ٠ ٧ يمككى يمه دن مكتبه كيتمه ! چوق يمه ، آزیه ! - ايش ايشله مكسزين اكمك يمك هيچ طوغرى


دكلدر. ۸ اخشاملری نه يا بمقده سکز ! ـ بن بركتاب اوقومقده

والدهم دیکیش دیکمکده، پدرم توتون ایچمکده ، کوچول همشیرهم ده اویون اوينا مقده در ۹ بو کون پادشاهزك طوغش كونى در. بو کیجه شهر مزده بيوك دونانمه وار در.

.42 Translation ترجمه ٤٢


1. Giving is better than taking. 2. Every ascent has its descent and every going has its coming. 3. I have no intention of [to] writing a letter to the father; have you? 4. To mount a donkey is a shame, to dismount another (two). 5. Nobility is [gained] by giving, bravery by killing. 6. The wind is blowing very hard. 7. Which is better, smoking tobacco or drinking coffee? - Neither of them is [not] useful for health. 8. Are those sugarplums nice? Yes, Sir! 9. This ice-cream is made of milk, ice and lemon. 10. This cup is made (yapma) in Germany. 11. Seal the letters and send them to the post-office; don't forget to seal them, seal and tie. 12. Why are these children crying? I don't know the reason. 13. Don't go to see the teacher without

taking me. 14. To begin to read his lesson. days began to grow shorter.

alk. Conversation.

15. The

س) بر ترجمه یی حاضر لامق ایچون قاچ ساعت لازمدر ؟

ج) افندم ! بو ترجمه او قدر قولای دکلدر . بونی حاضر لامق ايچون اوچ

ساعت لازمدر.

نه در.


س) بو چوجقارك درس وقتنده كوزل جواب ويرمه لرينك ج) در سلرینه ایو چالشمه لری در. س) اكر مرادك بكا ايولك ايتمك ايسه ، بو ايشى بكا تكليف ايتمه ! ج) بو تكليفم زور بر شی دکلدر . سن اونى ايتمكه قادر سين. س) آليش ويريشلر بو سنه نصلدر ؟

ج) چوق الى در.

س) پازار اخشامى هوا نصل ايدى ؟

ج ) يك فورطونه لى ايدى . ياغمورلر ياغمقده ، كوكار كورله مكده ، شمشکلر چاقمقده و روز کارل اسمكده ايدى .

س ) سز اولوقت نره ده ايديكز ؟

ج ) باغده ايدك ؛ اخشام ساعت ياريمده كوجبلا اوه يتيشمكه قادر اولدق.

.20 Lesson درس ۲۰

The Finite Verb.

$ 302. Turkish verbs, like nouns, have two numbers: the singular and the plural. They have three persons, which do not vary for gender as they do in Arabic.

$303. The Moods of the Verb. In Turkish the verbs have six moods1: the Infinitive, the Imperative, the Indicative, the Assertive, the Narrative and the Conditional. The Infinitive, the Imperative and the Indicative are common to almost all languages; but the Assertive, Narrative and Conditional are peculiar to the Turkish.

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§ 304. The Conjugation of Verbs. All the Turkish verbs are conjugated in the same way, these being no irregular Verbs, except the Substantive defective verb 'to be'; but there are certain modifications required by the law of euphony which hold good in the inflections of the verbs as in those of other parts of speech. We employ as examples in each mood and tense the verbs

verbs which are generally used as يازمن and سومك

models for the conjugation of all verbs, soft or hard.

§ 305. The Indicative mood has eight tenses and the three other moods seven each: they are as follows.

1. Present

2. Aorist

وجوبي Necessitative . ماضی نقلی Dubitative .14 حال Future . مضارع فرضته Suppositive .8 2 مستقبل

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§ 306. Of the six moods of the verb, the Infinitive has been fully described in the previous chapters.

§ 307. The Indicative mood is the simple conjugated form of the verb and is the basis of the other three compound moods. It has eight tenses.

§ 308. The Compound moods, the Assertive, Narrative and Conditional are formed by the aid of the three tenses of the substantive verb, which latter is called in Turkish the Auxiliary verb 3.

§ 309. The Substantive verb in general corresponds to the English verb 'to be', but it is defective. It has been mentioned several times in the previous chapters; but it is useful to bring it in again here (§§ 65, 72, 73, 238).

1 Hal; Muzari, Maziyi shouhoudi; Maziyi nagli; Mûstaqbél; Iltizami, Vujoubi; Farziye. 2 The Imperative, Optative and Necessitative are really moods according to the European Grammarians. But they are not considered as moods according to the Turkish idea; they are variations of the Future tense. The Turkish language acknowledges only four moods as has been mentioned. aile Ja Fiy ́li-Ia'né. vide §§ 65, 73, 238.

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§ 310. The Assertive mood, is used when the fact mentioned is asserted by the knowledge of the speaker; or it is stated on the authority of the speaker; he knows it of his own experience or knowledge, without depending upon hearing it from others; as:

kichiklayimde dayima oqour idim کوچوکلکمده دائما اوقور ايدم


In my childhood I was always reading.

§ 311. This mood is obtained by adding to the third person singular of the tenses of the Indicative mood the past tense of the substantive verb. It has all the tenses of Indicative.

§ 312. The Narrative Mood is employed when a fact is stated, but not on the authority of the speaker. It is a hearsay or report founded on the statement of others (§ 238); as:

kichiklayamde choq oynar کوچو کلکمده چوق اوینار ایمشم

Dan méktoubou yazmali imishsiniz دون مکتوبی يازمالی ایمشسكز

imishim. (It is said that) I was playing much in my childhood.

You ought to have written the letter yesterday (it is said).

§ 313. This mood is obtained by adding to the third person singular of the tenses of the Indicative mood the Dubitative or Perfect tense of the Substantive verb. It has all the tenses of Indicative save the Past.

§ 314. The Conditional Mood. This states the condition on which another action takes place, has taken place, or will take place. It corresponds to what is called in European languages the Subjunctive; as:

gelse, memnoun olouroum If he comes کلسه ، ممنون اولورم

I shall be glad.

param oloursayidi sara پاره م اولورسه ايدى سكا برليرا ويريرايدم

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bir lira vériridim If I had money I would give you a pound.

§ 315. This mood is formed by adding to the third person singular of the tenses of the Indicative, the Conditional tense of the substantive verb.

It has all the tenses of the Indicative, except the Imperative.

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yaziniz} write you

yassinlar let them writel ياسينلر، یازسونلر ...

نفی امر .The Negative

$ 317.

Per. 1. wanting



sév me don't love

se mesin let him not love سومه سین ، سومه سون .3

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!seo'mesinder let them not love سومه سینار، سومه سونلر ...

§ 317a. The first person Singular is wanting. The root of the verb is the second person Imperative Singular, the plural of which is formed in two ways: séviñ, yazîñ is very common in speech; séviñiz, yazîñîz is used in literature and among literary people.

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