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سس شماطه اورته لغی آلمش ، هر کس قولاقلرینه با موق طيقامش) قازانك بر طرفیندن آغزینه 1 قدر بر مردیون قور م شاره (ما بعدی وار)


14. ortaliq the whole (field). 15. tiqamaq to plug. 16. aghzina to the brim. (They have placed a big ladder on the outside of the cauldron from the bottom to the brim.)

.Continued ما بعد

مردیوندن چیقدم ، قازانك ايچينه باقدم كه ، نه ديك ! بر كومه آدم قازانك بركوشه سينده ، توجه بر کومه بر باشقه طرفينده, بيوك بر غلبه لك ده دیگر بر طرفده ؛ کیمی چکیجلر ، کیمی کنتلره ،




کیمی لهیملر کیمی قالايلار . اورته اق آنا بابا کونی ، قیامت قوپویور .


بو نه اوله جق ديو يا نمده كيلردن برينك قولاغینه باغیردم . چوق زورلقله کو جبلا كوج ایشیتدیره بیلدم. نهایت هریف قولاغیندن پاموغی چیقاردی وينه باغیره رق دیدی که : سلطان مراد افنديمز ايكييوز اللى بيك عسكر له بغداد سفرينه كيدييور ده اوردونك پيلاوى چورباسی

بو قازانده پیشه جکدر .


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بونی ايشيتد يكمده تعجب ايتدم ؛ قازانی ، تاوایی اونوتدم ، بر اقدم كلدم . عمر مده بویله بر شی نه ایشیتمش ایدم نه ده کورمش. حالا قازانك تاقير تيسى 13 قولاغمك ديبندن كيتمه یور» - ( ما بعدی وار)

Words. 1. né déñ! what do you say! what a wonder! 2. kéomé group. 3. ghalabaliq crowd. 4. chékijlémék to hammer (§ 276). 5. kinétlémék to clamp together. 6. léhimlémék to solder. 7. qalaylamaq to tin. 8. a day when father and mother both are at home; 9. qiyamét qopouyor a hence, a state of noise and confusion. commotion is occuring: lit. the Day of Judgement is breaking. 10. Soultan Mourad Amurath IV. 11. Baghdad séféri the Baghdad campaign (A. D. 1638). 12. té-aj-jûb ét". to be astonished. 13. See $ 447.

.Continued ما بعد


کونس چاوشك نقليتي پك زياده مراق جلب ایتدى . اوطه

Words. 1. naqliyét story. 2. méraq jélb ét". to arouse the interest.

خلقندن بعضیسی ایناندی، بعضیسی اینا نمادی . فقط غيجي كهيا ديدى

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اوشاق ! اینا نیلمایه حق بر شی یوقدر . بزم مرحوم پدر


شاهنامه ده بوندن غریب شیلر او قومشدر . چوجوقلغمزده بزه نقل

ایدر دورور ایدی».



حاضر اولانلردن قواص آغا ــــ «سوز کی بال ایله کسدم ، کهيا !

امر ايت ده بزه قوبور اوسته ده نقل ايتسون ؛ باقالم او نه لو كورمشدر ? »

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بويور باقالم قوبور اوسته ! سویله ، سن نه لركوردك ? » ديدى

اوطه صاحبی.


جانم! دیدی قوبور اوسته بیغینی بوده رقه ؛ اولکی کون تلاس اووه سندن 10 کچییور ایدم؛ تا اوزاقدن قوجه جویز آغاجی کبی برشی کوردم . اما کورسه کز ! غایت هیبتلی برشی ایدی . یا قلاشه یا قلاشه کوردم که عقلدن فکردن کچمز 12 درجه ده ایری 13 بر لحسنه 14

(لاحانه) ایمش.

ما بعدی وار)

3. mérhoum deceased, blessed. 4. Shah'name "The Book of Kings', the celebrated work of the Persian author Firdousi. 5. gharib wonderful. 6. Qavas prop. name. 7. 'I cut your speech with honey' (a polite expression used when one is obliged to interrupt the talk of another). 8. émr ét. allow, permit (him). 9. bîyîghînî bourmaq to twist his mustache. 10. ova field. 11. géorséñiz if you had seen. 12. See § 404. 13. i-ri large. 14. lahana cabbage.

.Continued ما بعد و ختام

لحنه نك بر يا براغينك آلتنده خنکار اوردو قورمش ، بيكلرجه چادیرلر وار. او بر يا پراغينك آلتنده اون بیکارجه آتلی عسکر لر جرید اوينايورلر . اولبر يا پراغينك آلتنده ایسه صاییلماز عسكرار تعليم

Words. 1. p. htmn-kiar the Fortunate One, a title of the Ottoman sovereigns (§§ 535, 556). 2. to form a camp, to encamp. 3. tent. 4. jirid is a certain game played on horseback, in which a stick is used as a dart. 5. innumerable (§ 404).

ایدیپورلو . بونار نه در دیو صوردم ایسه سلطان مراد افنديمزك


اوردوسی در عجم سفرينه كيدييورلو ديديلر.»

بوقدر مبالغه لی بر نقلیته هر کس کولکه باشلادی . لكن

جانم ! دیدی ؛ اویله بر یالان

اك چوق كولن كونس چاوش ايدى

10 سويله كه ، یالانه اويسون . او قوجه لحنه بيتمزه ، قويماز . هم او قوس

قوجامان" لحنه یی نه یا په جقلر ایمش.

قوزوم کونس چاوش ! بر از اول قیصری اووه سينده سنك كورديكك قازانك ايچينده پيشيروب ، عسکره ویره جکلر» دیدی

قوبور اوسته .

بو سوزك اوزرینه اوطه خلقی 12 هپ بر آغیزدن اول قدر شدتلی

كولديلر كه ، بعضیاری باییلدیلر قالدیلر.

کونس چاوش ایسه بو پاتيرتينك 14 آراسینده جوبوغینی آلدیغی

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6. Ajém séféri the Persian expedition. Baghdad was then in the hands of the Persians. 7. maba-laghali exaggerated. 8. ouymaq to fit, to match. 9. bitmék to grow (plant). 10. qopmaq to pluck out. 11. qos qojaman very big, gigantic. 12. khalq people. 13. bayilmaq to faint. 14. See § 447. 15. sivishi vérmék to slip away quietly (§ 286).

.Khatam End ختام

.36 Lesson درس ٣٦

.Appendix علاوه

§ 481. The method in which to address and salute people always requires considerable attention. The Ottomans themselves are very careful about such matters, especially in writing. Every class of people has its especial title by which its members must be addressed.

Turkish Conv.-Grammar.


I. Salutation.


§ 482. The Moslems salute one another with the address Sélamún aléykúm 'peace be unto you', the answer is Vé aleykum sélam unto you be peace. And when necessary to return the salutation, the one saluted says Mérhaba you are welcome!', to which is answered Eyvallah' Thank you'.

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§ 483. Christians salute Christians and nonChristians, and Moslems Christians in the morning by saying Sabahlar khayr olsoun! May the mornings be good' 'Good morning!' At noon-time or in the middle of the day, Vaqitlar khayr olsoun! Good day'. In the evening they say: Akhshamlar khayr olsoun! 'Good evening! When it is necessary to return the salute, the person saluted says: Khosh géldiñiz 'you are welcome'; or, Sabahlar khayr olsoun, Vaqitlar khayr olsoun, Akhshamlar khayr olsoun, according to the time of day.

§ 484. At parting, Moslems and Christians say Qal sagh-liqla, Khoshja qal; Qalin saghliqla, Khoshja qalin, all meaning 'Good-bye': the reply to which is Khosh' géldiñiz, séfa' géldiñiz 'you are welcome'.

§ 485. But at night when taking leave they say Géjélér khayr' olsoun 'Good night': to which the answer is Khayra qarshi Toward the good one (morning)' which extends the idea of the salutation to the morning light.

II. Congratulations. Tébrikat.

§ 486. Returning after an absence, one is greeted with Khosh' geldiniz 'Welcome!': to which he replies Khosh' geordûk! which may be rendered 'I am happy to see you'.

§ 487. If the new comer has entered the room in the absence of the person whom he comes to visit, the latter, on coming in, makes use of the same salutation, only substituting the Dubitative for the Past tense Khosh'gelmishsiniz.

§ 488. In the East it is considered polite, in meeting a person, to ask after the health of absent parents or

friends. In answering such questions, it is necessary to consider the age of the person who asks:

a) If he is junior, the answer given is Choq sélamlar édér 'He offers you many salutations'. Then the younger man replies El'lérini éopérim, makhsous sélam seoyle I kiss his hands, give (him) my compliments'. If the person regarding whom he has asked is of high rank, much superior to his own, he says, Etéklérini éopérim, makhsous sélam sedylé 'I kiss his skirts, many compliments'.

b) If the person who enquires about the health of the absent person is aged and of good position, it is customary to answer Ellériñizi éopér 'He kisses your hands', or with more formality Etéklérinizi éopérlér “They (he) kiss your skirts'.

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§ 489. The person who is to convey these greetings assumes the responsibility by saying Bash' ústûné 'on my head' 'with pleasure!' and acquits himself of it when he meets the person to whom the greetings are sent by saying Filan éfféndi choq chog' sélamlar seoylédi, éllériñizi éopér Mr. S. offers you many salutations and kisses your hands'. To which the other replies a) Téshék-kúr" édérim "Thanks!'; b) Sagh' olsoun 'May he be well!'; c) Gétirén geondérén' sagh olsoun 'May he who brings and he who sends the sélam be well!'; d) El open' sagh olsoun May he who kisses hands be well!' As we say, 'I am much obliged both to you and to him' (§§ 365, 375).

§ 490. When somebody drinks something, or washes his hands or comes from the bath or shaves himself or is shaved by a barber, it is usual to say Afiyet olsoun! Health be to you!': to which the other replies Eomrún choq olsoun! May your life be long!'. Which may be rendered Thank you!' (§ 365.)

§ 491. At the beginning of the new year they say Yéni sénéñiz mubarek olsoun! Sali jédidiñiz múbarék' olsoun! A happy new year to you!': the answer to which is Choq' sénéléré 'For many years!' (§ 365.)

§ 492. Among the Moslems on both their festivals (Ramazan and Qourban) the form of congratulation

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