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باش اوستنه افندم ! سز نصلسكز ? حالكز ديرلكنز ايو ميدر ? ٦ اوزریگزه شفالر اولسون ! دون براز خسته جه ايدم . فنا بر صوغوق آلاشم . لكن شيطان قولاغنه قورشون ! الحمدلله بوكون ايي ايم . هیچ آراماز ، عجبا شو دوستمز نصلدر نصل دکلدر ديو صورمازسگز. بزه تنزل ايتمز سکز که ! ۷ استغر الله افندم ! حقيقة هیچ خبرم


يوغيدي . عفو ايدرسگز. پدر افندی صامسوندن عودت ایتدیلر می ! اوت افندم ؛ دون برادر بنده لری ایله برابر تشریف ایتدیلر. لطفاً احترامات فائقه می 10 تقديم " ایدیگز ؛ اتكلرینی اوپه ریم .

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باش اوستنه افندم ! خوشجه قالك ! - سعادت ایله افندم ؛ خوش كلديكر صفا كلدیز ؛ تکرار بويوريگز !


6. haliñiz dirliyiñiz the circumstances of your life. 7. uzeriñizé shifalar olsoun! may it be health to you! 8. a. éstagh'firoul'lah Not in the least, I have no such lit. I ask pardon of God' 9. loutfén be kind enough! 10. ih'tiramatî fayiqa pretensions. (my) highest respects. 11. taqdim et." to present. 12. a. sé-a-dét ilé! Go in happiness (said to a departing friend).

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ا شوكتمأب افندمز شهر مزك فقراسنه اون بيك غروش احسان بویوده شکر شهامتلو ایران شاهی حضرتاری در سعادتی تشریف ایتم شلر ۳ آوروپا حكمدار لرينك الى قد ملیسی انگلتره قرالیچه سی


حشمتلو ويقتوريا حضرتلریدر ، فرانسه جمهوریتی رئیسی فخامتلو دولتلو موسیو لو به حضرتاری ، سلطنت سنيه نكه پارس سفيرى دولتلو


عطوفتلو منير پاشا حضرتلرینی حضور لرينه قبول بويور مشار . ه سیواس

to grant, to bestow.

Words. 1. a. fouqara poor people. 2. a. ih'san bouyourmaq 3. Dér'sa-a-dét Constantinople (§ 519). 4. qidémli senior. 5. Saltana'ti séniyé The Ottoman Government. 6. Mûneer prop. name, Lucian. 7. houzour presence. 8. a. qaboul bouyourmaq to accept.

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واليسي دولتلو عطوفت و حاجی حسن پاشا حضرتلری ، توقاد متصرفي سعادتلو بکر پاشا حضرتلری و مرذیفون قائمقامي عزتلو محمود بك حضرتلری آماسیه یه تشریف ایتمشلر . ٦ ذاتكز بو ایشه نه دییور سکز ؟ - بنده کز بیلمم ذات عالیاری دها ایی بیلیر سکز. ۷ همشیره م جاريه لری غيرتله مكتبه دوام ايدييور ۸ جاريه كز آرتين افندينك والدهسيم. ۹ ذات عالیلری شیمدی نزه ده اقامت 10 ایدییور سکز ? ا بوكون بنده کز شیمدی صوفیار محله سنده اقامت ایدییورم. خاکپایکزه یوز سورمك ايچون دولتخانه يه واردق ایسه ده تشرف

ايده مه دك .



9. a. dévam to continue. 10. a. iqamét ét." to dwell. 11. Sofoular mahal'lési the street called Sofoular (in Merzifoun). 12. a. téshér ́rûf to be honored (we could not see you).

.88 Translation ترجمه ۸۳

1. H. I. M. the German Emperor, William II. 2. His Grace the Armenian Patriarch. 3. His Excellency the Governor of Angora. 4. His Eminence, the Mûtésarrif of Samsoun, Qadri Pasha. 5. H. E. the English Ambassador Sir Nicholas O'Connor. 6. H. E. the American Ambassador at Constantinople, Dr. Angel. 7. Rev. Charles Tracy, President of Anatolia College. 8. Rev. Carabet Kapriélian; Rev. Kéropé Yakoubian. 9. I request your Excellency to give me permission to go to England. 10. Under the shadow of His Majesty (saye'yi padishahidé) we are all safe. 11. H. H. Artin Pasha, the Ambassador of the Ottoman Government in London. 12. I have received your letter. 13. I was for two hours waiting for you at my house, but you did not come: afterwards I went to your house, but you were not at home. 14. Please give me to-day's newspapers. 15. How is your father's health? 16. Thank you, Doctor, he is very well, through your kind assistance (sayé'yi aliñizdé). 17. My sister is the wife of Kémal Béy. 18. When did you come here? I came three days ago with your son.

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V. Onomatopoeia.

§ 502. Is the term applied to words or phrases, the sound of which conveys some idea of or resemblance to the thing signified.

It is customary in common language to use some onomatopoeic expressions. For instance, they say in Turkish:

Sou kharil kharil aqiyor. The water flows violently.

Taq taq qapouya courdou. Tap tap he knocked at the door. Jombadaq (or jomb déyi souya atildi. He threw himself suddenly (with noise into) the water.

These words kharil kharil, jomb are intended to represent the sound of the water when flowing or splashing, just as taq taq does that of knocking at the door.

Sa-at tiq tiq tiq édiyordou. The watch was ticking, 'going tick, tick'.

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Kiliséniñ chañi dañ douñ éôtûyordou. The church bell was ringing, ding-dong.

Ellerini shapour shoupour birbiriné vourdoular. They loudly clapped their hands.

Qoushlar jivil jivil eotûyorlar. The birds are singing

tweet tweet.

.Esan اذان ..

§ 503. Is the notification, announcement, call to divine worship, proclaimed from a minaret or any other place, five times a day, by the mú-éz'-zin (chanter). following is the formula:


1. First of all Al ́lahou ékbér. “God is Most Great' four times repeated, turning the face towards the four directions of the world.

2. all Ÿ all ɣ üldjü\ Esh ́-hédû én ́né la ilahé illaľ ́lah. I bear witness that (there is) not a god, save God [twice repeated].

-Esh-he-dienne Mouhammeden ré اشهد ان محمداً رسول الله ...

soul oullah. I bear witness that Mouhammed is the apostle of God [twice].

4. öghell je u Hay'yé alés sélat. Hasten to divine worship [twice].

Hayye alel felah. Hasten to permanent حى على الفلاح .

blessedness [twice].



| Aliahû ékbér. God is great [twice again repeated).

Y all Y La ilahe illallah. [Once more repeated.] The call chanted at daybreak has this addition after the fourth clause:

Agill ☺ Má öghall Es ́-sélatû khay ́rûn min én névm. Prayer is better than sleep.

In great and imperial mosques, the mû-éz'-zins sometimes make optional additions to the fifth clause; as:

الصلوة والسلام عليك يا حبيب الله ! يا نور عرش الله ! يا سيد الاولين و الآخرين !

! ¡¡ J~) ↳ Es ́sélatû vés ́sélamû aléyk, ya Habee ballah! or Ya nooré arshillah! or Ya séy'yidûl év ́véleen vél a-khîreen! or Ya résoul oul'lah! May blessing and peace be upon thee, O Beloved one of God! or Ŏ Light of the throne of God! or O Prince of the former and later (prophets)! or O Prophet of God!

Inside the place of worship also, this call is uttered when worship begins; but then with this addition after the fifth clause:

ösellä Qad qamétis'salat. Divine worship has already been entered on (begun) [twice].

عِبادت مسيحيه .VII. The Christian Services

§ 504. The Benediction:

Rabbimiz Hisous Kristosouñ [or Isa-él- Mésihiñ] inayéti, Pédér Allahîmîzîn mouhab ́béti vé Rouhoul Qoudsouñ músharékéti jumléñiz ilé bérabér olsoun; Amin.

The Lesson:

Oqouyajaghim mahal Tékvee'núl Makhlougat Kitabiniñ birinji babînîñ birinji ayétindén 16înjî ayétiné qadar dîr. Mat-téosoun tahreer éylediyi Injilin altinji babînîñ iptidasindan soñounadék oqouyajaghim.

Pavlos Résoulouñ Romalilara yazdighî résaléniñ on ikinji babindan oqouyajaghim.

Onounjou Mézmourou oqouyajaghim.

The Text:

Lougasin tahreer éylédiyi Injiliñ sékizinji babînîñ yirmi birinji ayéti haqqinda múta-la-a' édéjéyim.

Youhan'na Injilinin birinji bab yirmi dogouzounjou ayétinin ikinji qismî ûzériné vaz édéjéyim.

Esa'si Kélamîmîz Amali Rousoul Kitabînîñ déôrdûnjú bab on ikinji ayétindé boulounour or mérjoud dour.

The Hymn:

Maqam Kitabinin altinji sahifésindé boulounan onikinji ilahiyi térén'-núm édélim.

Yüz otouz yédinji ilahiyi térén'-núm édélim.
Téshék kúr ilahisini térénnûm édélim.

The Baptismal formula:

Laura Eupheme, séni Pédériñ, Oghoulouñ vé Rouhoul Qoudsoun namina [or bismil Eb vél Ibn vél Rouhoul Qouds] vaftiz édérim.

The Ending of Prayers:

Rabb vé Khélaskarimiz Hisous Krisdosoun ismi shérifindé dilériz, ih'san éylé, Ameen!

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قسم ثانى

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