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فَاضِل ، قَصُو شهِيرٌ ، رَحِيمٍ ، جَاهِلٌ ، لَازِم

حسن شهير




وَسَط ، عَلَى ٧ سلامت ، قدم " " سفيل " وسط

صحيح . سابق

Words. 1. eminent; proud. 2. necessary. 3. ignorant. 4. merciful. 5. remarkable. 6. beauty. 7. great. 8. high. 9. middle. 10. poor. 11. priority. 12. safety. 13. true. 14. former.

مبالغه فاعل .The Noun of Excess

§ 611. The most common form is Júó féq'qal, formed by putting an ústûn on the first radical, by doubling the second, and putting an élif after it:


: der to turn دور ,dev'var one who turns rapidly دوار ؛ دَوَرَV

-allam All Knowing, omni علام ؛ عَلَم ilm knowledge : V علم


.raggas pendulum رقص ؛ رقص raqs to oscillate : V رقص

8 612. If nouns of this measure are formed from words denoting materials, they form nouns which denote persons habitually engaged in certain occupations:

khaff a shoe: V: khaffaf a shoe-seller.

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.baggal a grocer بال ؛ بل bagla { various kinds. V بقلة

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VJ of grains:

qazz silk: V

تعليم ١١٥

qazzaz a silk-merchant.

Exercise 115.

Change the following words into Nouns of Excess:

[blocks in formation]

عِطر ، سَاحَتْ ، غُفْرَان ، فَلَاحَتْ ، حَمولَهُ "

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Words. 1. burden. 2. husbandry (an [Egyptian] villager). 3. forgiveness, pardon. 4. journey (traveller). 5. rose-geranium (perfumer). 6. cloth (linen-draper). 7. changing money (moneychanger). 8. to create (Creator). 9. force, tyranny. 10. joking. 11. shampooing the body in the bath (shampooer). 12. hunting (hunter). 13. favour, bounty (All-Bounteous). 14. to serve (a Christian deacon [Aramaic]). 15. picture (painter).

.116 Exercise تعليم ١١٦

Ascertain the nature, meaning and the measure of the following words:

؛ مكتوبين ، مكتوبات ، مكتوب ؛ كاتبين ، كاتبين ، كاتب ، امیر ، آمر ؛ مسروقات ، مسروق ، سارقین، سارقون ، سارقين ، سارق معلومات ، عالم ، علّام ، علیم، اعلم ، معلوم ، علم ؛ آمرون ، امیران



رسولين ؛ مسیح ؛ ممهور ، مجهولات ، اجهل ، مجهول ، جاهل ؛ عالمين

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؛ عطارين ، اصغرين " ؛ عجوزه ، عاجز ، عجز ؛ مرسولات ، مرسول

مادح ، مدحت 1 ؛ مجموعات ، مجموعه ، مجموع ، جامع جمع ،

صَفْرا ، سودا ، خمرا ؛ مداح ، ممدوح

. وُسْطَى ، أَقْدَمْ ، صَفْرا

.117 Translation ترجمه ۱۱۷


Give the Arabic equivalents of the following words. 1. One who cuts, cut; 2. hearer, hearers, heard, things heard; 3. wounder, wounders, two wounders, wounded, wounded ones; 4. wisdom, wise, two wise men, wise peoples, known, knowledge, informations (Turkish_pl.), wiser; 5. to sit, council; 6. to judge, judge, judges, court, condemned, condemned people; 7. greatness, great, greater, greatest; 8. to create, the Creator; 9. to cook, kitchen, cook; 10. ignorance, ignorant, unknown (doubtful), very ignorant, ignorant persons, unknown things. 11. The Anointed One, Messiah (Christ).

.18 Exercise تعلیم ۱۱۸

الله تعالى حضر تارى اكبر ، ارحم ، غفار و علام در ۰ ۲ بو دنيانك و دنیاده بولنان بتون موجودات و مخلوقاتك خالقى جناب حق در . كاتب افندی یه یازه جنی مکتوبه دائر بر آمركز وار میدر 4 اوت ! مكتوبى یازدهد نصوکره کوتورسون و الیله پوسته خانه مأمورينه تسليم ایله سین . ایرماغك جريانى ناصلدر ? - يك شديد در ٦ «جاهل

ایله ضیافته کیتمه دن عالم ایله طاش طاشیمه سی اَحْسَندر» . ۷ آتالر جهالتنى بيلن جاهل ؛ جاهل دكل عالمدر: فقط جهالتني بيلمه ين عالم ؛ عالم دكل جاهلدر ديمشلر . يك آدنا اولمه که سنی باصسينلر ؛ پك أفضَل اولمه که سنی آصسينلر» ۹ المانك اعلاسى و أشهری آسیای صغراده واقع آماسیه شهرندن چیقار ۱۰ چاپونیه اقصای شرقده در.

.119 Translation ترجمه ۱۱۹

1. What are you doing? - I am writing a letter 2. It was narrated by the ancients that to your son. this bridge was built by the Romans. Is that certain? - 3. No, Sir! it is doubtful, it is not certain. 4. Whatever you have told in secret, will be known to all the world. 5. The Apostle says: 'Be glad and joyful'. 6. The delegates were not accepted by the King. 7. God is benignant and patient towards all his creatures. 8. All the creatures in the world were created by God. 9. The 10. He is a brave man blind man was very foolish. but very jealous. 11. The pendulum of the clock is broken.

[blocks in formation]

اونلر سياح دکل واعظ درار.

شو کیدن کیم و النده کی آلت نه ؟ بر صیاد در صیده کیدییور ، النده کی ده

[blocks in formation]

بر ششخانه تفنكدر

خير افندم ؛ عطار دکانیدر.

بر عرب فلاحك نقليتني يا پيوردى.

شو يا قينارده بر صراف دکانی خیر افندم! بوراسی بزازلر چارشوسیدر

بولنور می ?

صر افلر قرا زارك او ته سنده درار


بور الردن بر چنینت - توندوره اوت افندم ؛ خفافار چار شیوسی

[blocks in formation]

أصفر در افندم . كاغدك رنكى اسمر می ? بیاض می ? شو اعما ديلنجي عاقل میدر ؟

يوق اغام يوق ، بر آز احمقجه در.

.Reading Exercise تعليم قرائت

.A Litany of Praise to God سنه باشنده تسبيحات




جلیلدر ، جميلدر ، لطفى فراوان ؛ كريمدر ، راحمدر ، عالمدر مولا

موجب حياتدر الله تعالى ؛

چولی چیمنه چویردی اول رحمان 1 ؛


هر بر احسانی نه لطیف ! نه اعلا ! خالق عالمدر ، درده او درمان ینه بر سنه تحمل ايله دى . ملك ینه بر سنه ترحم ایله دی :








بر نعمت بيله لم عزیز در عظیمدر نور در اول بونی بز عظیم بر نعمت حدسر" قدرته" بالكمزاو مالك"" لطفى بزلره كافيدر" دييه لم






فنا يوللره بز اولمشكن سالك جليل " اسمنه تشكر ايده لم



اولسون عشقنه عمرمز ده قربان ! | ينه بر سنه تأتى ايله دى .

[blocks in formation]

Words. (1) 1. Tésbeehať fem. pl. of tésbeeh' (§ 615), lit. 'to say sabhan'allah', i. e. Praise ye the Lord. 2. kéreem gracious. 3. rahim compassionate. 4. moujibi hayat who grants the life: moujib causing, giver; hayat life; Allah Ta-a-la God the most High. 5. ihsan kindness; lateef All-Gracious (a. q. of loutf grace). 6. 'a-la excellent. 7. yiné, giné again. 8. térah hûm ét." to be merciful. 9. great. 10. niymét kindness, mercy. 11. kafi sufficient. 12. jéleel AllGlorious. 13. téshék kûr ét." to thank. 14. asha love, lovingkindness. 15. qourban sacrifice.

(۲) 16. All-Gracious. 17. abundant. 18. rahman All-Merciful, Compassionate. 19. creator. 20. dérd affliction; dérman remedy. 21. téham-mûl patience, forbearance. 22. holy. 23. light. 24. mélik king. 25. haddsîz infinite. 26. qoudrét power. 27. malik possessor. 28. salik walking; té-én-nî ét." to wait patiently (§ 623).

20. omniprocut. 30. All-Seeing. 31. present. 32. heran always (her an time). 33. mén ́nan All-Bounteous.




حكمة 3 مستحى 35 كن" بالجمله " انسان ،

(آ. قونسطانطيان) ينه برسنه تحنن ایله دی.

34. hûkm condemnation. 35. mustahaqq deserving of. 36. 'kén for iken while. 37. biljûmlé all. 38. téhan nûn ét." yearning fondness; to love, to pity.

Note. The numbers 3, 19, 27-30 are Subj. Part.; No. 31 Obj. Part.; No. 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 22 Adj. Qual.; No. 6 N. Excess.; No. 33 N. Superiority; No. 8, 13, 21, 28, 38 of the measure (bab) téfaq qoul (§ 622).

.48 Lesson درس ٤٨

The Derivative Triliteral Infinitives of Arabic.

مصدر ثلاثى مزيدفيه

§ 613. The Derivative Triliteral Infinitives (Masdarî Súlasiyi Mézeedûn feehi) are those words which are formed by the insertion or addition of servile letters to the root to form new verbs with certain changes of meaning. The meaning of the Simple or Primitive Infinitives may be extended or modified in various ways by the addition of one or more letters to the root (§ 288, 588).

§ 614. There are nine measures (Bab) of these Derivatives much used in Ottoman, the first of which is the second voice of Infinitives; the first voice being the Root of the Primitive Infinitives (§§ 272, 585 a).

[blocks in formation]

§ 615. This measure is formed by prefixing the letter té to the radical and putting a long S-eeafter the second letter.

It intensifies the meaning of the root and makes the meaning, if intransitive, transitive:

_\ ‚ khavf ́ét. ́ fear(intr.): √ takh-veef to terrify.

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:negalet shame خجالت takh-jeel to make تحجيل ؛ خَاV


Kshékl form, shape: VK: Ktésh-keel to form.

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