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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1833, by LINCOLN & EDMANDS in the Clerk's office of the District Court of Massachusetts.

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THE rapid multiplication of reading individuals among the friends of religion, is one of the most auspicious signs of the times. Our sabbath schools and bible classes have created habits of thought, and a spirit of research, and the younger members of our families and churches are hungering and thirsting for information.

It is of immense importance that suitable aliment be provided for this mental appetite. It was excited by our efforts, let us not suffer it to become morbid. We led to the tree of knowledge; let us guide to the tree of life, whose fruit is for the healing of the nations.

The youthful thousands of our Israel on leaving the sacred enclosure of the sabbath school, will look for occupation of the mind, and their habits and opinions will depend in a high degree upon the character of the books they read. If passive impressions lead to active habits, it is a matter of high concern that we place in the hands of youth works that may produce a happy influence in sentiment and conduct.

It may not be improper to look round, and see how works of excellence may be brought forth from sources hitherto inaccessible to the community. It has appeared to me that the writings of the Rev. Dr. Collyer would afford fine materials for a volume worthy of a place in every christian library. Dr. Collyer is the able and faithful pastor of a large congregation in the vicinity of

London. His popularity has been so great for nearly 30 years, that he has been taxed beyond any of his brethren in requests for his acceptable services on public occasions; yet such has been his industry, that he has furnished seven large octavo volumes for the press, beside many occasional pieces, and his fame will not rest simply on the traditional eloquence of his pulpit labors, but he will be known to posterity as the able divine, in his Lectures on the Facts, Miracles, Parables, Prophecies, Doctrines, and Duties of the Sacred Scriptures. Only one volume (on Facts) of these Lectures has been printed in America; and, that, it should be known, was the first fruit of the ministry, and written when its author was a youth. The ripe productions of his matured experience and profound attainments, are seldom found upon this continent, except in a few of the choicest ministerial libraries. Feeling satisfied that Dr. Collyer's writings require only to be known to receive admiration and afford instruction, I have selected the following extracts, which afford a fair spuoimuu of his Lectures in general. The contents of this volume are placed under the titles of FACTS, MIRACLES, PARABLES, &c. in order to indicate the Volumes from which the selections have been made.

It may not be unsuitable to present the opinion of an eminent reviewer upon the merits of Dr. Collyer as an author. "His researches, his various learning, his accumulation of interesting facts, his presenting old and familiar truths in a new and striking manner, entitle him to rank high as a theological writer. His style is remarkably elegant and polished, and there is a rich vein of evangelical piety running through all his works."

Newport, R. I. Jan. 1833.

J. O. C.

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Writers of the Scriptures-wise and good men,

The spirit in which the Bible should be read,
Man a dependent creature,

Human power is limited,

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Grand epochs in human life,

Man has nothing of his own in which to glory,



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