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AN ACT for the improvement of the State Penitentiary.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa, That there is hereby appropri· Appropriaated out of any money in the State Treasury not other- tion.. wise appropriated, the sum of fourteen thousand and eighty-two dollars for the improvement of the Penitentiary buildings and walls, as hereinafter provided for.

SEC. 2. Of the above named amount the sum of Concrete two hundred and eighty-four dollars is appropriated to floor. put a "concrete floor" in the corridors of the Prison building.

SEC. 3. Of the above nained amount the sum of Cells. two thousand and two dollars is appropriated for the completion of the third tier of cells in the Prison building.

SEC. 4. Of the above named fourteen thousand and eighty-two dollars there is hereby appropriated the sum of six thousand seven hundred and ninety-six dollars for the building of the "Prison yard walls," including the wall from the south-east corner of the yard to the corner of the main building.


SEO. 5. Of the first named amount there is hereby Warden's appropriated the sum of five thousand dollars to build house and a Warden's house and Clerk's office.

SEC. 6. The cells of the third tier provided for in this act, shall be built of the same material and in the same manner as those now completed on the same range.

Cl'k's office.

Build'g cells.

SEC. 7. The remaining walls, towers and watch. houses shall be built of the same material and in the Building walls, &c., same style as the walls and towers now completed; provided, that the stone now used in the foundation of the octagon, shall be used in the construction of the walls.

SEC. 8. The Warden's house shall be built of brick, Warden's covered with a slate roof, and contain a Clerk's office, house. with a fire-proof vault; said house shall be built in front of the prison building, the office opening into the hall between the cell room and present Warden's dwelling.

SEC. 9. There is also hereby appropriated out of Appropriaany money in the State Treasury not otherwise appro-tion.

Additional building.

Money-how used.



priated, the further sum of fourteen thousand dollars for the erection of a two story fire-proof brick building, suitable for a kitchen, dining-room, chapel and hospital, to be erected upon the site where the old frame building used for these purposes now stands. Said building shall be erected under the supervision of the Warden of the Penitentiary, upon whose order the money shall be drawn as needed in the erection of said building.

SEC. 10. The money hereby appropriated shall be used only to purchase material and tools, and for the employment of the necessary architect, foreman, and additional guards, and for such labor as cannot be done by the convicts; provided, that should there be a surplus left over and above the necessary expenses of any one of the items herein specified, said surplus may be used for the completion of any one or all of the other items herein named.

SEC. 11. All of the above named appropriation Ward'n to su shall be expended under the direction of the Warden, who shall employ a competent architect, foreman, and such additional guards as may be necessary, and shall cause such number of convicts to be employed on said work, as can be done with advantage to the State, and as will insure the completion of said improvements by Convict lab'r. the first day of December, A. D. 1856; provided, none of the convict labor shall be employed till after the expiration of the present lease thereof.


SEC. 12. All of the convict labor not employed in the prosecution of the work contemplated in this Act, shall be leased as provided by Chapter 16 of the Laws of the Extra Session of the Ninth General Assembly.

SEC. 13. This Act being deemed of immediate importance by the General Assembly, shall be in force from and after its publication in the Iowa Homestead and Iowa State Register, papers published at Des Moines.

Approved March 23d, 1864.

I hereby certify that the foregoing Act was published in the Iowa State Register April 6th, 1864, and in the Iowa Homestead April 13th, 1864.

JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary of State.



AN ACT requiring reports from the Clerks of the several Boards of Supervisors in this State concerning School Lands.

Clerk to re


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa, That it shall be and is hereby port. made the duty of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in each County of this State, on the first day of May next, or immediately thereafter, to make out and transmit to the Register of the State Land Office a report over his official certificate, giving a description by their numbers, of all school lands of the sixteenth sections and lands taken in lieu thereof, in his county, showing the allotments thereof, so far as the same may have been allotted; and the valuation of each tract, so far as the same may have been appraised, and designating the sold from the unsold tracts, and setting forth the date and terms of sale, and the names of purchasers of each tract sold.

SEC. 2. Each of said Clerks shall also, at the same Report relatime and in like manner, as required in the preceding tive to 500,000 Section relative to sixteenth Sections, report to the Reg-acre grant. ister of the State Land Office concerning all School Land of the 500,000 acre grant in his county.

SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Addition'l reBoard of Supervisors of each county on the first day port. of November, 1864, and every six months thereafter, to make out and transmit to the Register of the State Land Office an additional report for each of said grants, showing the sales, allotments, appraisements made and the forfeitures and foreclosures of contracts declared and had since his last preceding report.

SEC. 4. Said Clerks shall also, at the times of making Land bid off the reports hereinbefore required, report to said Regis- by State. ter the tracts of land, if any, in their counties not belonging to either of said grants, bid off by the State on execution and not previously so reported, setting forth the name of the mortgagor or debtor, the date and amount of the note or mortgage, date and amount of the judgment rendered thereon, date of sale, and the amount then due, and the amount for which the same was bid off.

SEC. 5. The Register of the State Land Office shall Register furfurnish each of said Clerks with printed blanks of the nish blanks.

Duty of B'd.

form proper and necessary to enable him to make his reports as in this Act required.

SEC. 6. The Board of Supervisors of each county shall see that this Act is strictly enforced.

SEC. 7. This Act being deemed of immediate importance by the General Assembly, shall take effect and be in full force from and after its publication in the Iowa State Register and Iowa Homestead, newspapers published at Des Moines.

Approved March 24th, 1864.

I hereby certify that the foregoing Act was published in the Iowa
State Register April 6th, 1864, and in the Iowa Homestead April
13, 1864.
JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary of State.




AN ACT making an appropriation for a new building for the
State University.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly Appropria- of the State of Iowa, That there be and is hereby appropriated out of any money in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of twenty thousand dollars for the purpose of erecting and constructing on the grounds of the State University, an additional building, with a tower, suitable for an astronomical observatory, which building shall contain one large room for a chapel, rooms suitable for a chemical laboratory, and such other rooms as may be deemed necessary by the Board of Trustees of said University.


Drawing and SEC. 2. The money hereby appropriated shall be expending. expended under the direction of said Board of Trustees, and may be drawn from the State Treasury on their order, as the same shall be required for the purposes aforesaid.

SEC. 3. This Act being deemed of immediate importance, shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the Iowa State Register and Iowa Homestead, newspapers published at Des Moines. Approved March 24th, 1864.

I hereby certify that the foregoing Act was published in the Iowa State Register April 6th, 1864, and in the Iowa Homestead April 13th, 1864.

JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary of State.



AN ACT providing for the recording of United States Revenue
Stamps, attached to written instruments.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa, That the Recorder of each county Duty of Rcin this State, shall, at the time of recording any written instrument bearing a United States Revenue Stamp or Stamps, enter upon the Record, the words "U. S. Revenue Stamp," or words equivalent substantially thereto and the denomination thereof, together with the letters, words and figures with which such stamp is cancelled, making a scroll around the same, which entry or a certified copy thereof, shall be prima facie evidence that the original instrument was stamped, and the stamp cancelled as therein described.

SEC. 2. In all cases where instruments having Rec'ds herestamps attached, have been heretofore recorded, and tofore made. when the Recorder has noted upon the records the fact that a stamp was affixed to the original, the same shall be deemed legal and sufficient in law, and the record, or a duly authenticated copy thereof, shall be received in evidence in all cases, the same as if recorded strictly in accordance with the law of this State.

SEC. 3. This Act being deemed of immediate importance, shall take effect from and after its publication in the Daily State Register and Iowa Homestead. Approved March 24th, 1864.

I hereby certify that the foregoing Act was published in the Daily State Register April 5th, 1864, and in the Iowa Homestead April 13th, 1864.

JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary of State.



AN ACT supplemental and amendatory to Chapter 58 of the Revision of 1860.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly

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