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labor, under the laws of the United States, or of the Dis-rules, by-laws, and discipline; he shall make out and deliver trict of Columbia.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the President of the United States to appoint, annually, five respectable inhabitants of the District of Columbia to be inspectors of the said penitentiary, who shall severally hold their offices for one year from the date of their ap-carefully filed and preserved among the papers of the pointment.

to the inspectors, at each of their monthly meetings, an account of all moneys received and expended by him on account of the penitentiary during the preceding month, specifying from whom received, and to whom paid, and for what; which account shall be sworn to by the warden, and board of inspectors. He shall, also, on the first Monday of January, April, July, and October, in each year, make out and exhibit to the proper accounting officer of the Treasury Department, an account of all moneys received and paid on account of the penitentiary for the last three months, specifying from whom received, to whom paid, and for what, and shall settle the same with the said department.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the President shall also appoint one warden of the said penitentiary, who shall hold his office during the pleasure of the President. SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That said inspectors shall hold their first meeting within ten days after their appointment; they shall appoint one of their number to be their Secretary, who shall keep regular records of their proceedings; a majority shall be a quorum for the SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the warden, betransaction of all business, and all questions shall be decid- fore he enters upon the duties of his office, shall give bond ed by a majority of those present; they shall hold regular to the United States, with sufficient security, to be apmeetings of the board at least once in every month, and proved by the inspectors of the penitentiary, in such sum oftener if they shall find it necessary; they shall, singly, in as they shall direct, conditioned that he will faithfully perturns, visit and inspect the penitentiary, at least once in form the duties of his office, and truly account for all each week, upon some stated day, to be fixed by their by-goods, money, or other articles belonging to the United laws; they shall direct in what labor the convicts shall be States, or to individuals, which may, in the discharge of employed; it shall be their duty to prepare a system of the duties and trusts of his office, come into his custody, rules and regulations, minutely providing for the disci- and pay or deliver the same over to the United States, or pline, health, and cleanliness of the penitentiary, the hours such persons as may be legally entitled thereto, whenof labor, meals, and confinement, the government and be- ever he shall be lawfully required; which bond may be havior of the officers and convicts, so as best to carry into sued in the name of the United States, for the use of the effect the several directions and requisitions of this act; United States, or any individual, who may have a claim they shall take care that these rules and regulations be thereon, as often as the said condition may be broken, promade known to the officers of the prison, and the convicts, vided such suit shall be brought against the security within and that the strictest obedience be paid thereto; they six years of the time when the cause of action accrued. shall provide that the strictest attention be paid to pre- SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That, if the warden serve cleanliness throughout the buildings, kitchens, cells, of the said penitentiary shall have any interest himself in bedding, and, as far as may be, in the persons and clothing any contract made by him touching the affairs of the peniof the convicts; they shall appoint, and at their pleasure tentiary, with a view of gaining for himself, either directly remove, such keepers, and other inferior officers and ser- or indirectly, any profit or advantage thereby, he shall be vants, as may be required for the service and government deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and he shall, on conof the penitentiary; they shall, from time to time, inspect viction thereof, be punished by fine, not exceeding two the accounts of the penitentiary, and shall see that the affairs thousand dollars, and be dismissed from office, and every thereof are conducted with economy and integrity; they such contract may be declared void by the said inspectors. shall, in the month of January, in every year, report to Congress a detailed account of the expenses and income of the penitentiary, the number of convicts received, discharged, or deceased, during the year, the rules and bylaws passed, altered, or repealed, within such year, and such other matters relating to the discipline and management of the prison, as may be proper to make known its state and condition; and it shall be their duty so to manage the affairs of the penitentiary, if it be possible, that the proceeds of the labor of the said convicts shall pay all the expenses of the said penitentiary, and more: but nothing herein contained shall prevent the said inspectors from employing the said convicts in labor for the United States. And if the said penitentiary shall fail to support itself, it shall be the duty of the said inspectors to state, in their annual report to Congress, what they suppose to be the reason of such failure.

SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the said inspectors shall not be concerned in any contract touching the affairs of the said penitentiary; but, if any such contract shall be at any time made, in which the said inspectors, or any of them, have, directly or indirectly, any interest, the same, so far as relates to that interest, shall be wholly null and void.

SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That all suits that may be necessary to be brought for any matter or thing relating to the affairs of the said prison, shall be brought in the name of the United States, whether the contract on which such suit is founded be made in their name or not.

SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That the male and female convicts confined in the said penitentiary shall be kept, and shall labor, wholly separate and apart from each other. Every convict shall be confined singly in a separate cell at night, and at such times of the day as he or she may be unSEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the warden shall employed in labor, except at such hours and places as may receive a salary of twelve hundred dollars a year. The be specially assigned, by the rules of the penitentiary, for other officers and servants of the penitentiary shall receive religious or other instruction, or for meals, or when transsuch annual or monthly pay as the inspectors shall direct. ferred to the infirmary on account of sickness, upon the SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the recommendation of the physician. Each convict, imduty of the warden to keep accurate accounts of all ma-mediately upon being received into the penitentiary, shall terials bought or furnished for the use or labor of the con- be thoroughly cleansed with warm water and soap, and victs, and, also, of the proceeds of their labor; he shall shall have the hair cut close; and the warden and other make all contracts and purchases for the supplies neces- officers shall take the strictest precautions to guard against sary for the penitentiary; he shall have power to let out the the introduction of any infectious or contagious disease, labor of the convicts by contract, subject always, how ever, from the persons or clothing of such convicts; which preto the rules and discipline of the penitentiary; he shall, cautions it shall be the duty of the inspectors to regulate, under the superintendence and inspection of the nspec- and prescribe in their by-laws. A descriptive list of the tors, oversee and manage all the affairs of the penitentia. names, ages, persons, crimes, and sentences of the conry, and shall be responsible for the due enforcement of its vict, shall be kept by the warden, and such description


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Shall be entered immediately upon the reception of each means of religious worship, and moral and religious inconvict. The convicts shall be clothed at the public ex-struction, subject, however, to general rules, not inconsistpense during the whole time of their confinement, in ha-ent with the discipline heretofore prescribed. bits of coarse and cheap materials, uniform in color and SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That no person make; and so striped, or otherwise conspicuously marked, shall be permitted to visit the said penitentiary, without a as may clearly distinguish them from the ordinary dress of written order from one or more of the said inspectors, exother persons. Their bedding, and other personal accept the President of the United States, the Secretaries of commodations, shall be of the cheapest and coarsest kind, the several departments of the Government, members of consistent with use and durability. The convicts shall be Congress, and the Judges of the courts of the United States. fed on the cheapest food, which will support health and SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That, if any keeper strength, with as little change or variety in the said diet, assistant keeper, or other officer, or servant, employed in, as may be consistent with the health of the convicts, and or about, the said penitentiary, shall convey out of, or the economy of the penitentiary. They shall be kept, bring into, the penitentiary, to or from any convict as far as may be consistent with their age, health, sex, and confined there, any letter or writing, or shall bring into ability, to labor of the hardest and most servile kind, and, as the said penitentiary, to sell or give away, any spirituous or far as may be, uniform in its nature, and of a kind where vinous liquors, or any other thing whatsoever, without the the work is least liable to be spoiled by ignorance, neglect, consent, in writing, previously obtained, of the said inor obstinacy, or the materials to be injured, stolen, or de-spectors, every such person, so offending, shall be deemed stroyed. They shall not, at any time, be permitted to guilty of misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction thereof, converse with one another, or with strangers, except by be punished by fine, not exceeding five hundred dollars, the special permission, and in presence of some officer of and imprisonment in the jail of the county, for any time the prison, as may be regulated by the by-laws; they shall not exceeding one year. be made to labor diligently, in silence, and with strict obedience.

SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That the inspec tors shall prescribe, and it shall be the duty of the warden SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the warden rigidly to enforce, such rules for the government of the of the said penitentiary shall have power to punish any subordinate officers of the penitentiary, as may prevent convict in the penitentiary, who shall wilfully violate, or all tyrannical or violent behavior to the convicts, or all refuse to obey, the rules of the penitentiary, or to per- conversations between them and the convicts, or with each form the work assigned him, or who shall resist by violence other, within their hearing, except for necessary purany of the officers of the penitentary in the exercise of poses, and may best preserve order, silence, sobriety, their lawful authority, or shall wilfully destroy any pro- and gravity of deportment throughout the establishment. perty, tools, or materials; and it shall be the duty of the SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That, in case of the said warden to inflict such punishment, either by confine- death of the warden, or the temporary vacancy of his ment in solitary cells, by diet on bread and water, by put-office, or his absence, sickness, or other disability, such ting such convicts in irons, or in the stocks; but all such pun- keeper, or other officer, as may be especially designated ishments shall be regularly reported to the visiting inspec- by the inspectors, shall have power to exercise the autors at the next weekly visitation, and to the board of in- thority and discharge the several duties of the warden, as spectors at their monthly meeting; and it shall be the duty of prescribed by this act, and the rules of the penitentiary. the inspectors to adopt and enforce special rules and by- SEC. 19. And be it further enacted, That the sum of laws, regulating the time, measure, extent, and mode of twenty-seven thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, such punishments, in relation to the several offences appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otheragainst the discipline of the penitentiary, and to report wise appropriated, for the purpose of carrying this act the same in their annual report to Congress, whenever into effect, and for completing the said penitentiary, and they shall be adopted, altered, or repealed. preparing it for the reception of convicts.

Approved: 3d March, 1829.

RESOLUTION amendatory of a Joint Resolution passed third March, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen.

SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That the inspectors shall appoint one regularly practising physician to be the physician and surgeon of the penitentiary, whose duty it shall be to visit the penitentiary at such times as may be prescribed by the inspectors, and to render all medical and surgical Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the aid which may be necessary. One apartment, or more, as may be needed, shall be fitted up as an infirmary; and, in case United States of America in Congress assembled, That, withof sickness of any convict, he or she, upon examination in thirty days before the adjournment of every Congress, of the physician, shall, upon his order, be removed to the each House shall proceed to vote for a printer to execute infirmary, and the name of such convict shall be entered its work for and during the succeeding Congress, and the in a hospital book, to be kept for that purpose; and when person having the majority of all the votes given shall be ever the physician shall report to the warden that such considered duly elected; and that so much of the resoluconvict is in a proper state to return to the ordinary em- hundred and nineteen, entitled "a resolution directing tion, approved the third day of March, one thousand eight ployment of the prison, such report shall be duly entered the manner in which the printing of Congress should be in the same book, and the convict shall return to the or-executed, fixing the prices thereof, and providing for the dinary discipline of the penitentiary, so far as may be consistent with his or her health and strength. Special rules appointment of a printer or printers," as it is altered by for the order and government of the infirmary, shall be this resolution, be, and the same is hereby, rescinded. made and enforced by the inspectors; and nothing in this act contained shall be construed to forbid any such relaxation of the general discipline of the penitentiary, as may be required for the sick.

SEC. 14. And be it further enacted, That the inspectors shall have power, and it is hereby made their duty, to provide for the separate labor and instruction of any convict under the age of fourteen years, and to make and enforce such rules and regulations therefor, as may, in their judgment, most conduce to the reformation and instruction of such youthful convicts, any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. They shall also have power, and it shall be their duty, to provide for all the convicts the

Approved: 5th February, 1829.

RESOLUTION in relation to the survey and laying out a military road in the State of Maine.

Resolved, &c. That the President of the United States be, and he hereby is, authorized, if it shall seem to him necessary for maintaining the rights, and not inconsistent with the engagements of the United States, to cause to be surveyed and laid out, a military road, to be continued from Mars' Hill, or such other point on the military road already laid out in the State of Maine, as he may think proper, to the mouth of the river Madawaska, in the State of Maine. Approved: 2d March, 1829.


Adjournment, joint committee appointed to wait upon the President, and notify him that Congress were about to adjourn, 80. Committee reported and the Senate adjourned, 80. Alabama, bill for relinquishment of school lands in, &c. (See School Lands.)

Arkansas, bill to elect certain officers, taken up, 17; ordered to third reading, 18.

Canals. (See Louisville and Portland.) Chesapeake and Delaware canal, bill to authorize a subscription to the stock of, taken up, 60, 61; motion to recommit, 61; motion withdrawn, 62; proposition to amend, so as to include shares in stock of the Dismal Swamp Canal Company, 62; amendment negatived, 62; motion to lay the bill on the table, 62; motion negatived, 62; bill ordered to a third reading, 63.

Connecticut, bill allowing a salary to the marshal of the district of, taken up and ordered to be engrossed, 12.

Crittenden, John J. executive proceedings upon the nomination of, to be an associate Judge of the Supreme Court, 80, 81.

Cumberland road, bill for its preservation and repair, introduced, 2; taken up and ordered to a third reading, 15; again taken up, amended, third read and passed, 74.

bill to extend westwardly from Zanesville, taken
up, 43; motion to lay on the table negatived, 43;
ordered to third reading, 44.

Decatur, Susan, bill for the relief of, taken up, 9.
Distribution of the revenue. (See Revenue.)
Drawback, a bill to extend the time within which mer-

chandise may be exported with the benefit of, taken up, amended, and ordered to be engrossed, 12. Drawback on refined sugar, bill granting an extension of,

taken up, 12; debate thereon, 12 to 15; proposition to limit the duration of the bill to five years, 14; amendment negatived, 15; further amendment proposed, 16; amendment adopted, and bill ordered to third reading, 17.

Duties on foreign merchandise imported into Louisville,

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Rouge et al., bill to provide for the settlement of the claims of, taken up and postponed, 35; again taken up, 44; ordered to a third reading, 46. Mississippi school lands. (See School Lands.) Missouri, bill for adjusting land claims in. (See Land Claims.)

Northeastern boundary, resolution in relation to the appointment of the King of the Netherlands as umpire, &c. taken up and agreed to, 43. Order, points of, decided, 42, 72, 80. Pacific Ocean. (See Exploring Expedition.) Panama ministers, resolution calling for the instructions given to the, 64; motion to lay the resolution on the table, 65; motion withdrawn, 65; motion to lay on the table again renewed and withdrawn, 66; motion to lay on the table negatived, 68; debate thereon, 69; laid on the table, 70. instructions to the ministers to, communicated and referred, 74; motion to print debated, 75 to 80; motion negatived and documents transferred to executive journal, 80; motion to refer to committee, 93; motion withdrawn, 94; motion to remove the injunction of secrecy and to publish, 94; to lay the motion on the table, 94; propositions to amend, 94, 95; resolution amended and adopted, 95. (See Appendix, 38.)

Pensions to revolutionary officers and soldiers, a bill granting, introduced, 3; taken up, 63; debate thereon, 64.

for the relief of sundry officers, soldiers, and widows, introduced, 3; taken up, 70; motion to lay on the table negatived, 71, 72; amendments proposed, 71, 72, 73; laid on the table, 73; motion to take up the bill negatived, 73.

Electoral Votes.)

Pittsburg, Cincinnati, and St. Louis, a bill allow-President and Vice President, electoral votes for. (See ing the, to be secured and paid at those places, taken up, 9; ordered to be engrossed, 10. Electoral votes for President and Vice President, report of joint committee in relation to the manner of counting the, 52, 59, 60.

Exploring expedition to the South Seas, resolution calling

for information in relation to an, 50; agreed to, 52; report of committee on. (See Appendix, 33.) Georgia, protest of the Legislature of the State of, against the tariff act, 22; ordered to be printed, 23. Indiana, resolution of the Legislature of the State of, in relation to the public lands, presented, 58; referred, 59.

memorial of the Legislature of, in relation to the continuation of the Cumberland road, presented, 59.

Judiciary system, resolution to inquire into the expediency of amending, 2; agreed to, 3; report made and laid on the table, 49.

bill to amend reported, second and third read and passed, 43.

President of the United States elect, communication from, announcing his readiness to take the oath prescribed by the constitution, 73; committee of arrangements appointed for the purpose, 73. message from, transmitting a copy of the instructions given to the Panama ministers, 74. Printing for Congress, resolution in relation to, introduc ed, 2; taken up, and propositions to amend, 3; ordered to be engrossed, 8.


lands, bill to provide for the extinguishment of the debt due by purchasers of, taken up, 60; motion to commit, 60; motion withdrawn, 60; ordered to a third reading, 60. Revenue, bill for the distribution of the, taken up, 28; debate thereon, 26 to 35; proposition to strike out second section, 34; proposition to lay the bill on the table negatived, 40; to postpone indefinitely, 40; motion withdrawn, 42; proposition to refer the bill to a select committee agreed to,


Revolutionary Pension bill from the House of Representatives, read the first time and laid on the table, 63. Sabbath mails, report of the committee on the petitions in relation to the transportation of the mails on the Sabbath, 42; debate on the reading and printing of the report, 42, 43. School lands in Alabama, a bill authorizing the relinquishment of the sixteenth section granted for the use of, and entering other lands in lieu thereof, taken up, 10; amendment proposed, 10; rejected, 11; ordered to a third reading and passed, 12.

School lands in Louisiana, bill authorizing the relinquishment of, &c. taken up, amended, and laid on the table, 47.

in Mississippi, bill authorizing the relinquishment of, taken up and laid on the table, 47; taken up and amended, 49; laid on the table, 50. Sinking fund, resolutions in relation to, taken up and debated, 18 to 22; amendment proposed, authorizing the commissioners to purchase public debt at current market price, 22; resolutions laid on the table, 22; again taken up, 23; amendment withdrawn, and proposition to refer resolutions to Committee on Finance, 23; debate thereon, 23 to 28; referred to Committee on Finance, 28; committee reported, 60.

South Carolina, protest of the State of, against the tariff, presented, 53; debate thereon, 53 to 58; ordered to be printed, 58.

Sugar, drawback on refined. (See Drawback.) Treasury, annual report of the Secretary of, communicated, 2.

Yeas and Nays on third reading bill to extend drawback on refined sugar, 17.

on laying bill on the table to extend Cumberland road westwardly from Zanesville, 43.

on third reading bill for settlement of the claims of Maison Rouge et al. 46.

on third reading Louisville and Portland canal bill, 49.

on third reading Chesapeake and Delaware canal bill, 63.

on laying revolutionary pension bill from House of Representatives on the table, 63.

on laying on the table resolution calling for the instructions given to the Panama ministers, 68, 70; on taking up motion to print the instructions, 77; on the question to print, 80.

on various propositions to amend resolution in relation to, 94, 95.

on laying on the table bill for relief of sundry re-
volutionary officers and soldiers, 71, 72.

on reading documents connected with the bill for
the relief of revolutionary officers and soldiers, 72.
on resuming the consideration of the bill, 73.
on amendments to Cumberland road bill, 74.
on passing the bill, 74.

on the nomination of John J. Crittenden to be an
associate justice of the Supreme Court, 81.


Acts of Congress passed during the session. (See Appendix, 51, et seq.)

Adjournment, joint committee appointed to wait upon the President and notify him that Congress were about to adjourn, 390; committee reported, and the House adjourned, 390.

Amendment of the rules of the House. (See Rules.)
Amendments to the constitution. (See Constitution.)
Appropriation bills taken up, 371.

Arkansas, bill in relation to the territory of, taken up and debated, 385.

Arrangement of business, and committees appointed on the various subjects embraced in the President's message, 95.

Baker, John, resolution calling for information in relation to the seizure of, in the State of Maine, by the British authorities, taken up, 160; amended and agreed to, 161.

Canal, Pontchartrain.

(See Louisiana.)

Casting vote of the Speaker, 320.

Census, bill for taking the fifth, taken up, 372.
Claims. (See Georgia.)

Claims of Maison Rouge and others, bill to provide for the settlement of, taken up and recommitted, 266. Congressional documents, resolution submitted to reprint, 351; referred to Library Committee, 351; report of committee, 359; motion to lay report on the table negatived, 359; motion to postpone indefinitely, 360; motion negatived, 360; taken up and postponed, 351; again taken up and debated, 373 to 378, 382, 383; motion to lay on the table, 386.

Congress, list of members of. (See Appendix, 1.) Constitution of the United States, resolution proposing to amend in relation to the manner of electing the President, &c. 119; taken up and motion to amend, 320, 321; debate thereon, 322, 337, 350,

361; further amendments proposed and debated, 362 to 371; amendments laid on the table, 371. Cumberland road, resolution to inquire into the expe diency of widening and improving it, in the State of Indiana, 96.

bill for the preservation and repair of, taken up and amended, 191; again taken up, amended, and laid aside, 215; further amendments proposed, and bill postponed, 215; again taken up, and debate thereon, 240 to 244, 247, 256, 266, 273 to 296, 298 to 309, 320, 322 to 337; motion to amend, 337; further debate thereon, 337 to 350; motion to discharge the committee of the whole, 351; amendments negatived, and bill reported to the House, 351; further amendments proposed and debated, 351 to 359, 360, 361; bill ordered to a third reading, 361; bill returned from the Senate with amendments, 385; motion to disagree to the amendments, 385; motion to postpone indefinitely, 385; to lay on the table nega tived, 385; motion to postpone withdrawn, 385; amendments of the Senate agreed to, 386. District of Columbia. (See Slavery.) Documents. (See Congressional Documents.) Drawback, bill extending the term within which merchan


dise may exported with the benefit of, taken up and ordered to a third reading, 97; passed, 99: returned from Senate with amendments, and amendments concurred in, 144.

on refined sugar, bill allowing additional, taken up, 97; motions to amend debated, 100 to 111; or dered to a third reading, 111; again taken up, 112; passed, 119; an amendment of the Senate concurred in, 167.

resolution calling for information in relation to the effects of allowing credit on, 99; laid on the table, 100.


(See Tonnage.) Electoral votes for President and Vice President, resolu

tion from the Senate proposing a joint committee to ascertain and report a mode of examining the, and of notifying the persons elected, taken up and adopted, 309; report of joint committee, 321, 322, 350.

reception of the Senate to witness the opening and counting, 350.

report of the return of the, announced by the tellers, 350.

Andrew Jackson declared duly elected President, and John C. Calhoun Vice President, 350. joint committee on, to notify the President elect of his election, 351; reported, 359. Exploring expedition in the southern hemisphere, bill making provision for, taken up, 215; ordered to a third reading, 216; report of the Secretary of the Navy on. (See Appendix, 27.) Georgia claims for Indian depredations, report of committee on, taken up, 155; motion to reverse the decision of the committee, and debate thereon, 155 to 160; again taken up, 195; debate thereon, 217 to 236; motion to reverse the report of the committee negatived, 236; motion renewed in the House, 236, 239; question taken and report concurred in, 264; motion to reconsider the decision, 266; agreed to, and the report laid on the table, 266.

Huron, bill for the erection of the territory of, taken up, 97, 125; debate thereon, 244; and ordered to a third reading, 245.

Illinois, bill to ascertain the northern boundary of, taken up and laid on the table, 99.

Indians, Cherokee and Pattawatima, bill for holding treaties with, taken up and debated, 385.

Internal improvements, resolutions submitted denying to Congress the power of making, 106; taken up and laid on the table, 112.

Land claims in Tennessee. (See Tennessee.) Laws of the United States, resolution to inquire into the expediency of publishing a stereotype edition of, 96.

passed during the session. (See Appendix, 51, et seq.)

Lotteries, bill to authorize the corporation of Washington to draw, taken up, 264; postponed, 265; recommitted with instructions, 298.


various amendments proposed, and debate thereon, 144 to 153, 168 to 175, 187 to 190; form of the bill as amended, 190; further amendments proposed, 191; amendments reported by the committee of the whole concurred in, 192; bill rejected, 192.

Paulding, widow of John, resolution submitted to recom. mit report made in her case on a memorial praying for a pension, 272; amended and agreed to, 273.

Postmaster General, report of. (See Appendix, 17.) letter from, on the subject of transporting the mails on the Sabbath, 26.

President of the United States, annual message of, communicated, 95. (See Appendix.)

message from, communicating instructions to Panama ministers, 390; motion to lay on the table agreed to, 390; motion to print negatived, 390. (See Appendix, 38.)

President and Vice President of the United States, resolutions proposing to amend the constitution in relation to the manner of electing the, taken up, 119. President and Vice President elect. (See Electoral Votes.) Printing for Congress, resolution submitted to inquire into the expediency of reducing the prices of the, 125; adopted, 125.

Retrenchment, resolution submitted proposing to commit report on retrenchment made at the last session to a select committee, 143; agreed to, 144. resolution submitted by the committee of, prohibiting the use of stationery for other than specified purposes, taken up, and debate thereon, 261 to 266; laid on the table, 266.

Revolutionary survivors, bill for the relief of sundry, taken up, 213; laid aside, 215; ordered to a third reading, 215.

Revolutionary pensioners, bill to amend the act to provide for certain, taken up, and various amendments proposed and debated, 372; ordered to a third reading, 373; taken up and motion to recommit, 378; debate thereon, 378 to 381; motion negatived, 381; bill passed, 382.


Washington and Fredericktown turnpike, bill authorizing a subscription of stock to the, taken up, 211; debate thereon and postponed, 211 to 213; taken up and amended, 239; ordered to be engrossed, 240.

from Detroit to Chicago, bill making appropriation for constructing the, reported with amendments, 385; amendments amended and bill ordered to a third reading, 385.

Roads. Rules of

Louisiana, resolutions submitted to inquire into the expe-
diency of granting five hundred thousand acres
of public land, to enable the State of to open a
canal between the Mississippi and lake Pontchar-
train; and, also, a township of land for the benefit
of Louisiana college, 245; motion to amend, 255;
amendment adopted, and resolutions laid on the
table, 256.
Maine, report of committee adverse to making an appro- Rules,
priation in the Chicago road bill, for the con-
struction of a road from Mars' Hill, in the State
of, 385; motion to reverse the report proposed,
amended, agreed to, and the bill ordered to a
third reading, 385.

Maison Rouge and others. (See Claims.)
Navy, report of the Secretary of. (See Appendix, 11.)
report of, on the polar expedition. (See Appendix,

Order, points of decided, 191, 239, 273, 319, 351, 361,
363, 364, 367, 371, 386, 387, 388.

Ordnance, resolution introduced to inquire into the expediency of increasing the appropriation for supplies of, 111; negatived, 112.

Oregon river, bill to authorize the occupation of the,

taken up and debated, 125 to 143; motion to
commit to the Committee on the Territories,
with instructions, 143; motion withdrawn, 144;|


(See Cumberland--Maine.)

the House, resolution proposing to amend the, so as to make elections viva voce, taken up and debated, 216, 217, 236 to 239; resolution laid on the table, 239.

resolutions proposing to amend the, in relation to the rights of petitioners, taken up and debated, 297; laid on the table, 298.

in the District of Columbia, preamble and resolutions submitted to take into consideration the laws in relation to, and to provide for the gradual abolition of, 167; question of consideration moved, 167; agreed to, 167; motion to strike out the preamble, 168, 175; to lay the preamble and resolutions on the table, negatived, 191; motion to suspend the rule limiting the consideration of resolutions to an hour, negatived, 191; preamble modified, 191; previous question moved and sustained, 191; divided, and taken first on the preamble, 192; preamble rejected, and the resolutions agreed to, 192.

Speaker, vote of thanks to, 388; debate thereon, 388, 389, 390.

address of, on adjourning the House, 390, 391.

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