Imágenes de páginas

microbes involved in ensilage of green fodder, and of the variations of sugar and acidity with temperature and time. (11) The development of Triclades. (12) The development of the spleen. The prize offered in each case is a gold medal or a sum of 150 florins. Memoirs may be written in Dutch, French, English, Latin, Italian, or German (not German characters), and they are to be sent in, with sealed packet, to the secretary before January 1, 1893. (Further particulars in the Revue Scientifique, October 10, 1891.)

ACCORDING to an official report which reached the Japanese Legation, London, on November 6, the earthquake of October 28 affected the prefectures of Aichi and Gifu. It was calculated that the number of persons killed was 6500, and of persons injured 9000; that 75,000 houses were destroyed, and 12,000 damaged.

IN its review of the weather during October, the U.S. Pilot

Chart notes that the latter part of September and nearly the entire month of October were characterized by exceptionally severe weather in the North Atlantic. Tropical hurricanes passed north between Hatteras and Bermuda on October 3, 12, and 18. The heavy weather that prevailed between Newfoundland and the British Channel in the last week of September was followed by comparatively moderate weather during the first two days of October, but a storm that apparently moved eastward in high latitudes on the 2nd and 3rd caused increasing westerly gales in mid-ocean, and the force of these gales was very greatly increased by the formation of a secondary on the 4th, a short distance west of Rockall. This secondary remained central about the same place for three days, the 4th, 5th, and 6th, and during all of this time there was very severe weather almost all the way from the North Sea to the Grand Banks. There were also later storms, and altogether, when the facts are fully known, it will probably be found that the month was one of the most severe on record.

WE take from Symons's Monthly Meteorological Magazine for October the following interesting details of the climate of the British Empire during 1890. The tables for the year exhibit some exceptional features. For the first time in the 17 years that the figures have been published, the highest shade-temperature occurred at an East Indian station, 105°6 at Calcutta, instead of in Australia. The highest sun-temperature was, however, recorded at Adelaide, 163°9, although it is not exceptional for this to occur at Calcutta, while the mean temperature of the East Indian stations far exceeds that of Australia. The lowest

shade-temperature occurred, as usual, at Winnipeg, - 39°4, the extreme rigour of whose winters far exceeds the cold at the other Canadian stations. The greatest range in the year, 135°9, as well as the greatest mean daily range and the lowest mean temperature, 32° 8, also occurred there; while the least yearly range, 254, and the highest mean temperature, 80°5, occurred at Colombo, Ceylon. The driest station was Adelaide, mean humidity 62, and the dampest London, mean humidity 80. The greatest rainfall for the places quoted was 82.90 inches at Trinidad, and the least, 1996 inches at Jamaica. The most cloudy station was Hobart, in Tasmania, and the least cloudy Malta. A large amount of cloud occurs at most insular stations, as well as great humidity, and small range of temperature; and, at one time or another London, Ceylon, Barbados, and Mauritius have recorded the extremes of most of these elements.

AT the distribution of prizes in the Sheffield Technical School last week, Dr. Sorby, the President of the Council of Firth College, spoke vigorously and opportunely on a subject which is likely to become one of increasing importance-the true relation of technical education to the study of pure science. He feared, he said, not that technical education would not succeed, but that the public might forget that there might be something else

besides. He hoped that in the efforts that were being made to insure education in everything which was required for the trade of the country they would not forget that there were other things besides that. Some of the greatest discoveries made by Davy, Faraday, and Pasteur, were not made for trade purposes, but in the interests of abstract science. If they did anything to delay the development of science as a whole, they would hinder trade in the long run. Abstract science might sometimes appear at first to be very abstract, but all at once it might turn out to be of the utmost value in connection with trade. He would be very sorry indeed if in the future technical instruction should push other education out of the field altogether. There was a danger of this, because the funds available for education and objects of that kind were limited, and what was devoted to one institution was to some extent taken from others.

THE annual report on the technological examinations of the City and Guilds of London Institute has just been published. It is signed by Mr. G. Matthey, F. R.S., chairman of the examinations committee, and Sir Philip Magnus, superintendent of technological examinations. The facts set forth in the report are, upon the whole, satisfactory. At the recent examination the total number of worked papers was 7416, as against 6781 in 1890, showing an increase of 635, the corresponding increases in the two previous years being 175 and 440. This year, too, there is not only an increase in the number, but also in the proportion of candidates who have succeeded in satisfying the examiners, the number of passes being 4099 as against 3507 in 1890, and the percentage of passes 55°3 as against 51.8. Moreover, the examinations were held this year in 53 as against 49 subjects in the previous year, and in 245 as against 219 different centres throughout the country.

WRITING to the Times on the place due to horticulture in technical education, Mr. W. Wilks, honorary secretary of the Royal Horticultural Society, says that that Society is ready to co-operate with the County Councils in any attempt to promote the serious study of the subject. The Society has already entered into arrangements with the County Council of Surrey for holding examinations and awarding certificates, &c., after a series of lectures in various centres; and the County Council of Cambridgeshire is in communication with the Society as to the provision of practical demonstrations of scientific methods applied to orchards, allotments, and cottage gardens. Mr. Wilks is also in correspondence with a gentleman in Somersetshire, with the object of sending round an itinerant instructor and adviser to some of the cider orchard districts of that county.

AT a meeting of the Ashmolean Society in the Museum, Oxford, on Monday, November 9, under the presidency of Prof. Odling, Colonel Swinhoe read a paper on silk-producing moths. The author exhibited specimens of Bombyx mori and of their cocoons, showing the changes produced by variation of climate and domestication on members belonging to the Bombycida. Several specimens of the tussur silkworm were exhibited, illustrating in some respects the effects of cross-breeding, which, in the opinion of the author, had done much to depreciate the commercial value of the silk produce of India. Much greater care-a care which the Chinese appreciated-was needed on the part of the native breeders of the silkworm to insure in the silk the peculiar qualities which enhance its market value. A discussion followed, in the course of which Prof. Legge described briefly the method of culture of the mulberry-tree in China, and some of the methods employed in winding and securing the silk.

THE Christmas lectures to juveniles, at the Royal Institution, will this year be on "Life in Motion, or the Animal Machine" (experimentally illustrated), and will be delivered by Prof. John G. McKendrick, F.R.S., Professor of Physiology in the Uni versity of Glasgow.

MAMMALIAN tooth has just been discovered by Mr. arles Dawson, of Uckfield, in a Wealden bone-bed near stings. The fossil much resembles one of the lower molars Plagiaulax, a genus well known from the Purbeck Beds of anage. It is the first evidence of a mammal from the alden formation, and will be exhibited and described by Smith Woodward at the next meeting of the Zoological ciety, on the 17th inst.

LƆE CANDOLLE states, in his "Origin of Cultivated Plants," at maize is unknown in the wild condition. Some light may ssibly be thrown on the origin of cultivated maize, by the covery of a wild species, the only one of the genus, in exico. It is described by Prof. Sereno Watson, in the Contributions to American Botany," under the name Zea


WE learn from the Journal of Botany that the great Index Genera and Species of Flowering Plants, on which Mr. B. aydon Jackson has been continuously engaged for nearly ten ears, is now ready for the printers' hands, and will be issued the Clarendon Press, under the title "Index Kewensis >minum omnium plantarum phanerogamarum, 1735-1885." he work has been carefully revised by Sir Joseph Hooker, ho, besides annotating the manuscript, has undertaken the ure of the geographical distribution.

IF the weather during the approaching winter be as severe as hat which we had last winter, many persons will be likely to ake some interest in an invention which is attracting notice in America. This is an electric snow-sweeper-a snow-sweeper riven by an electric motor. The Engineering Magazine, of New York, says that while the machine is driven along the track f an electric railway by a motor of 30 horse-power, taking its urrent through the trolly wire, the two sweeping brushes are ach driven by an independent motor; and all the three motors re reversible. It is stated that this plough is competent to renove from a track snow having a depth of from 3 to 12 inches, vhile running at a speed of from 4 to 10 miles an hour. The Independent action of the brush-motors enables them, when necessary, to be run at a high rate of speed while the plough is moved slowly along the track, and thus to cut away hard, com. pacted snow, or drifts. It is said that the machine was thoroughly tested last winter, and its effectiveness thereby completely demonstrated.

It is known that ozone can be abundantly produced by the

electric silent discharge, and many years ago Siemens devised an "ozone-tube" for the purpose, consisting of two thin glass tubes, one within the other; the inner lined, and the outer coated, with metal, to which alternating currents of high tension are brought, acting on the gas to be ozonized within. From recent experiments in Siemens and Halske's laboratory, it appears that a good result may be had with only one dielectric,

and for this not only glass, but mica, celluloid, porcelain, or the like, may be used. Thus the ozone-tube may be arranged with a metallic tube within, and the outer tube a metal-coated dielectric; or the inner metal tube may have a dielectric coat, while a metal tube is the inclosing body. As metals that are little or not at all attacked by ozone, platinum, tin, tinned metals, and aluminium are recommended. Through the inner tube flows cold water, and through the space between the tubes air, dried and freed from carbonic acid. Several such tubes may be combined in a system, and worked with alternate currents (for single tubes the continuous current with commutator is best). An apparatus of this kind is now at work in the laboratory, yielding 2'4 mg. of ozone per second. Experiments are being made in supplying compressed ozone for technical use; and this has been accomplished with a pressure of nine atmo

spheres. One use of ozone, on which Herr Frölich lays special stress (in the recent lecture from which these data are taken), is the disinfection and sterilization of water. And doubtless with an abundant supply of the substance, the use of it would be greatly extended.

MR. A. CRAWFORD, the manager of the travelling dairy connected with the Department of Agriculture, Victoria, is able to give a very favourable report of the results of the operations of the dairy during the last two years. It has been the means, he says, of very largely improving the general average of both cheese and butter sent to market. A good many pupils have been taught who had never made butter or cheese before, and several of them are now managing factories. In nearly all the places he has visited Mr. Crawford has lectured on dairy farming; and in many cases he has gone to outlying districts as well as to important centres.

AT the recent general meeting of the German Anthropological Society, Prof. Montelius, of Stockholm, delivered two remarkably interesting archæological lectures. In the first he dealt with the chronology of the Neolithic Age, especially in Scandinavia. The monuments of that age, he said, belonged to three different periods. First, were free-standing dolmens without passages; next, passage-graves; finally, stone cists. The last are later in proportion to the completeness with which they are covered by the mounds heaped over them. Behind the periods represented by these classes of monuments was a Neolithic period from which no grave of any kind is known to have survived. It has left traces, however, in its implements, which are of an earlier form than the various sorts found in the different groups of monuments. The Scandinavian forms of Neolithic weapons, implements, and ornaments are closely akin to those which have come down to us in the rest of Europe, especially in North Germany, England, Italy, and even Cyprus. This may be held to prove that there was a more or less active commercial intercourse between Scandinavia and the Continent at a very remote time. To this commercial intercourse Prof. Montelius is disposed to attribute the relatively high civilization of Scandinavia in the Neolithic Age. Prof. Montelius also contends that the various periods of the Neolithic Age in Scandinavia were more nearly contemporaneous with those of other parts of Europe than has hitherto been generally supposed.

IN his second lecture Prof. Montelius treated of the Bronze Age in the East and in Southern Europe. He distinguished the presented by the finds of Richter in Cyprus and those obtained following periods :-(1) A copper period without bronze, reby Schliemann from the first city at Hissarlik. (2) The bronze period in the islands of the Egean Sea, Rhodes, Crete, &c. (3) A later bronze period-(a) with shaft tombs at Mycenæ, (b) with bee-hive tombs in the neighbourhood of Mycenæ, Orchomenos, &c. These cities had not a pure Hellenic civilization, but must be regarded rather as Oriental colonies. The

knowledge of bronze certainly came to Europe from the East ;

not by way of Siberia and Russia, nor across the Caucasus, but probably through Asia Minor and the Mediterranean to Italy and Spain, whence it rapidly spread to Gaul, Britain, and other countries.

A PENINSULA called Keweenaw Point, jutting into Lake Superior from the southern shore towards the north-east, is famous as the centre of a vast copper-mining industry. Last year the mines produced no less than 105,586,000 pounds of re fined copper, and it is estimated that during next year production will be increased by at least 20 per cent. Mr. E. B. Hinsdale, who contributes to the latest Bulletin of the American Geographical Society an article on the subject, has much that is interesting to say about the numerous prehistoric mines which have been found in this region. These ancient mines—judging

from their extent-must have been worked for centuries. Who the workers were, no one can tell. They seem to have known nothing of the smelting of copper, for there are no traces of molten copper. What they sought were pieces that could be fashioned by cold hammering into useful articles and ornaments. They understood the use of fire in softening the rocks to enable them to break away the rock from the masses of copper. They could not drill, but used the stone hammer freely. More than ten cart-loads of stone hammers were found in the neighbourhood of the Minnesota mine. In one place the excavation was about 50 feet deep, and at the bottom were found timbers forming a scaffolding, and a large sheet of copper was discovere i there. In another place, in one of the old pits, was found a mass of copper weighing 46 tons. At another point the excavation was 26 feet deep. In another opening, at the depth of 18 feet, a mass of copper weighing over 6 tons was found, raised about 5 feet from its native bed by the ancients, and secured on oaken props. Every projecting point had been taken off, so that the exposed surface was smooth. Whoever the workers may have been, many centuries must have passed since their mines were abandoned. Their trenches and openings have been filled up, or nearly so. Monstrous trees have grown over their work and fallen to decay, other generations of trees springing up. When the mines were rediscovered, decayed trunks of large trees were lying over the works, while a heavy growth of live timber stood on the ground.

THE last two parts of the Izvestia of the Russian Geographical Society (vol. xxvii., 3 and 4) contain M. Grum-Grzimailo's report on his journey to Central Asia, and General Tillo's calculations of the heights determined by the Russian traveller during his journey. The report, which adds little to the information given in the explorer's letters, is accompanied by a map em. bodying the results of the extensive surveys made by the two brothers in the Eastern Tian Shan, the Hashun Gobi, the Barkul

oasis, and the region in the south-east of it, as far as the 36th degree of latitude and the 72nd degree of longitude. It was already known that during this journey the brothers GrumGrzimailo had discovered, some fifty miles to the south-east of Turfan, a depression situated between the two chains of the Eastern Tian Shan and the Kuruk-tag Mountains, the level of which proved to be very near to the sea-level, or even below it. At the spot, Lukchin-chir, their barometer rose (on October 27) to 7717 mm. On the same day, the pressure of the

atmosphere, reduced to the sea-level, attained 784 mm. at Krasnoyarsk, 787.7 mm. at Yeniseisk, 774 mm. at Irkutsk and Tomsk, and 767 mm. at Przevalsk and Narynsk; so that there may be some doubt as to the pressure in the latitude and longitude of Lukchin-chir (at the sea-level) really being 767 mm., as adopted by General Tillo, which would give for that spot 50 metres below the level of the sea. But the possible error cannot be very great, and we thus have, between the two above-named chains of mountains, an undoubted depression, the surface of

which is very near to the level of the ocean.

MR. L. STEJNEGER describes, in the Proceedings of the American National Museum, a new North American lizard of the genus Sauromalus. It is very large, the total length of four specimens averaging 540 millimetres. This enormous lizard is closely allied to the much smaller species which inhabits the arid regions of the mainland to the north of the Gulf of California, viz. Sauromalus ater, with which it has been confounded. It may be readily distinguished by the characters given in Mr. Stejneger's diagnosis.

SOME time ago the Educational Museum of Tokyo was abolished, and the collections were transferred to the Science College of the Imperial University. Dr. I. Ijima, Professor of Embryology and Comparative Anatomy, who volunteered to

take care of the ornithological collection, offered to send it to Mr. L. Stejneger, of the U. S. National Museum, in instalments for identification and study, and the proposal was gladly ac cepted. Dr. Stejneger has made some progress with the work, and has just issued "Notes" in which he presents the results of his examination of the first instalment. He has had the satisfaction of finding "quite a number of interesting additions to the Japanese avifauna."

We have received Nos. 7-9 of vol. i. of "Illustrations of the Flora of Japan, to serve as an Atlas of the Nippon-Shokubutsushi," by Tomitaro Makino, a monthly publication, brought out in Tokyo, apparently somewhat on the plan of the "Icones Plantarum." Each number contains about six plates (uncoloured), with descriptions, of new or remarkable species, natives of Japan, The drawings are exceedingly well done, and the descriptions (in English) would compare favourably, in accuracy and completeness, with those of some works published in this country. The species described appear to be taken at random, those in the same number having no affinity with one another.

MESSRS. BAILLIÈRE, TINDALL, AND COX have issued the fifth edition of the "Manual for the Physiological Laboratory," by V. D. Harris and D'Arcy Power. The work has been enlarged, the increase being due mainly to the more detailed account which has been given, for junior students, of microscopes and their properties; and to the description, for senior students, of the latest methods of histological research. The parts relating to physiological chemistry have been thoroughly revised, and many additional illustrations have been inserted.

MR. JAMES STIRLING, Assistant Government Geologist, Victoria, has published at Melbourne some valuable and interesting notes on the hydrology of the Mitta Mitta. The

following are the leading conclusions to which he has been led by his observations :-(1) That there is considerable inequality in the amount of rainfall over different portions of the same watershed area in each of the various streams flowing from the Australian Alps, the Mitta Mitta being cited as an instance of are all below the normal line of cloud flotation (under 4000 feet), this; and that as the recording stations at present established where the rainfall is greater, the actual quantity which falls in the several watershed areas is really greater than that shown in the records. (2) That the low percentage of discharge to rainfall is due in all probability to a complexity of causes, among which may be cited the excessive evaporation in certain areas, heat-radiating powers of different rock-masses; and percolalargely due to the great range of temperature; the different formations, &c.; and, in some areas, the absorption by certion along fault lines, contacts of the igneous and sedimentary tain species of the prevailing eucalyptus vegetation. (3) To ing its local distribution, it has become necessary to establish determine the actual quantity of rainfall and the causes affectmeteorological stations at the higher altitudes in the Australian Alps. (4) And in order to supply further trustworthy data, it is, Mr. Stirling thinks, imperative that a system of complete topographical survey should be instituted.

THE Annual Report, for 1888-89, of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada has been issued. It forms the fourth volume of the new series, and includes reports and maps of various investigations and surveys. The volume opens with summary reports, by Mr. Alfred R. C. Selwyn, the Director, on the operations of the Geological Survey for the year 1889. Then come the following reports: -On a portion of the west Kootanie district, British Columbia, by G. M. Dawson; an exploration in the Yukon and Mackenzie basins, by R. G. McConnell; exploration of the glacial Lake Agassiz in Manitoba,

arren Upham; the mineral resources of the province of c, by R. W. Ells; the surface geology of Southern New wick, by R. Chambers; chemical contributions to the ¿y of Canada from the laboratory of the Survey, by G. C. ann; mining and mineral statistics of Canada, by H. P. ell; division of mineral statistics and mines, by E. D. and H. P. Brumell; annotated list of the minerals ing in Canada, by G. C. Hoffmann.

E administration of forests seems to be, on the whole, one : most satisfactory departments of public activity in India. Ribbentrop, in his report for the year 1889-90, states that 4200 square miles were added to the area of forest estates control, thus bringing the total area up to nearly 105,500 e miles. The gross revenue exceeded 153 lakhs of rupees,

a surplus over expenditure of nearly 73 lakhs, or an ase in a single year of 15 lakhs. The surplus in 1885 was 41 lakhs. It is believed that this rate of increase may be tained, as the rich forests of Upper Burma have still to be ed out.


a recent communication from Alta Verapaz, a department Guatemala (Met. Zeit.), Dr. Sapper describes the climate. position is on the north slope of a hill-range stretching east west, and the large rainfall (it has a rainy season in winter, vell as that in summer common to the whole of Central erica) apparently affects the frequency of earthquakes. district is of limestone and dolomite, and honeycombed 1 caverns and subterranean watercourses, and heavy rains to a collapse of such cavities, so that towards the end of summer rain season, and still more towards that of winter, number of earthquakes and tremors is distinctly increased. , winter of 1889-90 had unusually heavy rains, and the hquakes were also unusually numerous (seventeen in 1890 gainst five the previous year).

= PAPER upon the sulphides of boron is communicated by M. El Sabatier to the September number of the Bulletin de la été Chimique. Hitherto only one compound of boron with hur has been known to us, the trisulphide, B2S3, and coning even that our information has been of the most income description. Berzelius obtained this substance in an ure form by heating boron in sulphur vapour, but the first ctical mode of its preparation in a state of tolerable purity that employed by Wohler and Deville. These chemists pared it by allowing dry sulphuretted hydrogen gas to stream r amorphous boron heated to redness. Subsequently a hod of obtaining boron sulphide was proposed by Fremy, cording to which a mixture of boron trioxide, soot, and oil are ted in a stream of the vapour of carbon bisulphide. M. patier finds that the best results are obtained by employing method of Wöhler and Deville. The reaction between on and sulphuretted hydrogen only commences at red heat, r the temperature of the softening of glass. When, howr, the tube containing the boron becomes raised to the nperature, boron sulphide condenses in the portion of the be adjacent to the heated portion; at first it is deposited in a ate of fusion, and the globules on cooling present an opaline pect. Further along the tube it is slowly deposited in a rcelain-like form, while further still the sublimate of sulphide ces the form of brilliant acicular crystals. The crystals consis pure B,S,; the vitreous modification, however, is usually ntaminated with a little free sulphur. Very fine crystals of e trisulphide may be obtained by heating a quantity of the rcelain-like form to 300° at the bottom of a closed tube whose oper portion is cooled by water. The crystals are violently -composed by water, yielding a clear solution of boric acid, phuretted hydrogen being evolved. On examining the porcein boat in which the boron had been placed, a non-volatile

black substance is found, which appears to consist of a lower sulphide of the composition BS. The same substance is obtained when the trisulphide is heated in a current of hydrogen; a portion volatilizes, and is deposited again further along the tube, while the residue fuses, and becomes reduced to the unalterable subsulphide BS, sulphuretted hydrogen passing away in the stream of gas.

Two selenides of boron, B,Se, and B,Se, corresponding to the above-described sulphides, have also been prepared by M. Sabatier, by heating amorphous boron in a stream of hydrogen selenide, H,Se. The triselenide is less volatile than the trisulphide, and is pale green in colour. It is energetically decomposed by water, with formation of boric acid and liberation of hydrogen selenide. The liquid rapidly deposits free selenium, owing to the oxidation of the hydrogen selenide retained in solution. Light appears to decompose the triselenide into free selenium and the subselenide B.Se.

Silicon seleniDE, SiSe,, has likewise been obtained by M. Sabatier by heating crystalline silicon to redness in a current of hydrogen selenide. It presents the appearance of a fused hard metallic mass incapable of volatilization. Water reacts most vigorously with it, producing silicic acid, and liberating hydrogen selenide. Potash decomposes it with formation of a clear solution, the silica being liberated in a form in which it is readily dissolved by alkalies. Silicon selenide emits a very irritating odour, due to the hydrogen selenide which is formed by its reaction with the moisture of the atmosphere. When heated to redness in the air it becomes converted into silicon dioxide and

free selenium.

THE additions to the Zoological Society's Gardens during the past week include a Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomoigus 8) from India, presented by Mr. G. E. Lidiard; two Senegal Touracous (Corythaix persa), a Madagascar Porphyrio (Porphyrio madagascariensis) from West Africa, presented by Mr. J. B. Elliott; a Blue-fronted Amazon (Chrysotis æstiva) from Brazil, presented by Mrs. H. R. Warmington; two Puff Adders (Vipera arielans) from South Africa, presented by Messrs. Herbert and Claude Beddington; two Tree Boas (Corallus hortulanus) from St. Vincent, W.I., presented by H.E. the Hon. Sir Walter F. Hely Hutchinson, K. C.M.G.; a Tree Boa (Corallus hortulanus) from Demerara, presented by Mr. J. J. Quelch, C.M.Z.S.; a Black-headed Lemur (Lemur brunneus) from Madagascar, a Brown Capuchin (Cebus fatuellus) from South America, a Black-headed Caique (Caica melanocephala) from Demerara, a Red and Blue Macaw (Ara macao) from Central America, deposited; a Black-headed Caique (Caica melanocephala) from Demerara, purchased.


OUTBURST OF DARK SPOTS ON JUPITER.-Attention has been called by several observers to a number of dark spots which have appeared lately on the first belt north of the north equatorial belt of Jupiter, in about latitude 20. Mr. Denning derived a period of rotation of 9h. 49m. 27'2s. from his observations of one of these objects between August 21 and September 15 (Observatory, October 1891). A change then occurred, for this spot, and others near it, were found to have a rotation period of 9h. 49m. 44 2s. from September 15 to October 15. This sudden change of 17 seconds in the rate of motion of a region of some extent is most remarkable. A series of photographs of Jupiter were taken at Lick Observatory in August, which, according to Mr. Stanley Williams, "are of such a degree of excellence that an examination of them is almost like looking at the planet itself" (Observatory, November 1891). These photographs show six or seven dark spots, and a comparison of them with a sketch made about one rotation later clearly indicates a displacement of the spots with reference to the great red spot,


owing to the more rapid movement of the belt in which they
occur. Prof. E. E. Barnard observed the spots so early as May last
(Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 3063). He found in September
that they were decreasing their longitudes about 10 daily.
this rate they would describe a complete rotation round Jupiter,
relative to the great red spot, in about 36 days. The daily loss
derived from Mr. Denning's observations in August and Sep-
tember would bring the two spots in conjunction in about 39'

WOLF'S PERIODIC COMET.-The following ephemeris is from one given by Dr. Thraen in Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 3064


Nov. 14


Ephemeris for Berlin Midnight.

Right Ascension.

h. m. 5.

435 16

33 27

31 31

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[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors][merged small]
[ocr errors][ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[ocr errors]

27 31

[blocks in formation]

13 32 15

[blocks in formation]

13 59 40

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors][merged small]


THE question, considered in a simple form, may be put thus:
Suppose a magnet were suddenly brought up to one end of
a long iron rod, what length of time intervenes between the
occurrence of magnetization at the near end and at the far end?
Everyone, probably, would at first be inclined to say that the
speed along the bar would undoubtedly be about the same 25
the velocity of light, and this supposition would naturally follow
if the energy to places along the bar be supposed transmitted
through the surrounding space; but, on the other hand, the
speed may be much less if the energy of magnetization is trans-
mitted from particle to particle in the iron-the orientation of
the molecular magnets being, as it were, passed from each to the
next along the bar. In such case we would, of course, expect
the velocity of propagation to be comparable in speed with that
of molecular phenomena rather than that of disturbances in
the ether.

it. The velocity of sound, with which we may, perhaps, compare it, is in iron about 16,000 feet per second. The transmission of sound resulting from vibratory movement can be said to de pend on the mass of the molecule, and on the mutual foros keeping the molecules in position; while the rate of propa gation of a magnetic disturbance of the kind supposed would depend on the moment of inertia of the particles (assumed to be molecular magnets) round their axes of rotation, and on their mutual magnetic moments.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

The first contact with the shadow occurs at 55° from the most northern point of the moon's limb counting towards the east, the last contact at 95° from the same point counting towards the west.

THE ELEMENTS OF THE MINOR PLANETS.-The Vierteljahrschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft (first volume) contains two interesting compilations, on the planets discovered in the year 1890, and on the appearances of comets in the same year. The first paper is contributed by Dr. Paul Lehmann, and informs us that no less than fifteen new members of our minor planet system were discovered last year between February 20 and November 14. In the table that follows a summary of all the days on which each individual planet was observed is given, and this is succeeded by another which shows their chief elements. By combining the elements of some of the old planets with those of the new ones, some striking combinations are thus brought to light, of which we give the two following cases, in which the new planets are 292 and 288:

[blocks in formation]

The propagation of such a disturbance can be observed in Prof. Ewing's magnetic model. The model, which consists essentially of a great number of small compass needles placed within each other's action, but not near enough to touch, can be disturbed at one place by bringing a magnet near, or otherwise. The disturbance then is seen to spread throughout the model, much in the same manner as we have suggested a magnetizing disturbance to be propagated in iron.

The method proposed to test matters depended upon the principle of the interference of waves travelling in opposite directions observed through the production of stationary waves

Thus, if a bar of soft iron have two coils of wire placed one at each end, and if the same alternating current be passed through both coils, disturbance of opposite signs travelling in opposite directions along the bar should interfere, provided the rate of alternation and the length of the bar are chosen suitable to the rate of propagation.

It was proposed to detect the nodes or places of interference by means of a telephone in circuit with a third coil which could be slid along the bar.

Instead of employing two alternating coils, the bar can be ben round to form a ring, and one coil will be then sufficient.

Some preliminary experiments with a straight bar having given faint indications of the existence of places of mininu intensity, closed magnetic circuits or rings, formed of great number of turns of soft iron wire, were then trie with more decided results. When the alternating coil w:: in certain positions on the ring the telephone coil could be placed at points where no sound, or if any very slight could be heard-the sound reaching a maximum in places somewhere between these points. These nodes and inter nodes occupied about half the ring-the opposite half of the ring from that in which the alternating coil lay. On approaching nearer the alternating coil, apparently the very unequal length of the paths prevented any effect being observed. It was without difficulty ascertained that these were not the

Two rings were made of No. 21 soft iron wire, one about to feet and other 14'5 feet in circumference. Both had 8 pounds of wire world tr The wire used in a third ring was No. 32 This ring was about 12 fe circumference. There was about 4 miles of wire put on. The wire of £ and the 14-feet ring was well coated with shellac before winding, su aa minimize Foucault currents.

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