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were enveloped in wooden shoes (sabots). He was far too much devoted to his life-work to spend more time or money than was unavoidable over his dress, and, as he never had a wife to take him in hand, he did not dress fashionably. The only finery he allowed himself to wear were his Orders and some of his medals, which he donned on special occasions. He could make a display of these that no Governor, politician, or scientific man in Australia could rival, and they seemed to give him pleasure. This was a little vanity (I certainly do not use the word in an unkind sense), that sometimes amused onlookers, and no one would begrudge him the pleasure they gave him.

The Baron always spoke with a strong German accent, and he had a kindly, conciliatory way of speaking. His literary style was quaint and peculiar; he loved long, often involved sentences, and long words, often of his own coining. His English often lacked the structure of that language, but his sentences were usually well worth paraphrasing. One little peculiarity was his epistolary style. The "Dear Mr. So-and So" would never begin the letter as is customary, but it would be found later on, after an introductory paragraph or two. One of his characteristics certainly was quaintness, of which one could readily give a number of additional instances.

Last Moments.

I cannot do better than quote from a letter from Mr. J. G. Luehmann, for many years the Baron's right hand in his botanical work. "The Baron had, at least, his one great wish fulfilled, namely, that he should die in barness. His illness lasted only a fortnight, and for the first week he would insist on getting up and going into his office, though only for a short time. His death was, no doubt, due to an affection of the brain, brought on by constant study, worry, and insomnia, to which might be added, almost total want of bodily exercise. He passed away (10th October) quite peacefully, without any apparent pain."

Bailey of Brisbane, Guilfoyle of Melbourne, and the writer took steps (which we were able to carry out through Mr. Guilfoyle's kindness), to place on his mortal remains wreaths composed of flowers indigenous to our respective Colonies, and so, embowered amongst the Australian spring-time flowers he loved so well, we let him rest.

Wormy Fowls.


FEW people are aware of the great extent to which fowls are infested with worms. In many fowl-runs hardly a bird is free from worms. The worms

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Fig. 1.-Intestinal canal of the common fowl.

a, crop.

b, gizzard.

c, duodenum.

d, d, small intestine.

e, e, the two cæca.

f, cloaca.

are rarely seen, because they are seldom voided, and scarcely anyone takes the trouble to open the entrails in search of these parasites. Entrails are things to be spoken of only in a disgusted whisper, and to be put out of sight and out of mind as quickly as possible. So the parasitic worms are kept out of sight and out of mind, and hence often manage to hold undisputed sway in the fowl-run. If once they are brought into the light, however, some discussion is sure to follow, and discussion leads to action, and fowl-worms are poor hands at withstanding action. They are easily mastered.

No doubt, therefore, a slight ventilation of this subject will do good, both by calling attention to the existence of these pests and by instruction concerning their nature and history.

When a fowl's entrails are drawn and laid out they present somewhat the appearance shown in the illustration, Fig 1. The crop is shown at a, the gizzard at b, the duodenum at c, the small intestine at d d, the two cæca at e e, and the cloaca at f. The small intestine is partially held together by a thin transparent membrane, the mesentery, also shown in the illustration.

Strange as it may seem, this small tube extending from mouth to vent, from a to ƒ, is subject to the attacks of more than a dozen different parasites, all more or less injurious.

It is sometimes said that these parasites do no harm, but this is a fallacy. The truth is that in moderate numbers parasites oftimes do not inconvenience their host very much. Only when their numbers rise much above the average quantity found among animals in a state of nature do the parasites cause serious injury. Any reasoning person will at once see, however, that domesticated animals, on account of the

nature of their confinement, are much more liable to parasites than wild

animals, and fowls are subject to this rule. A fowl scarcely ever acquires parasites except from another fowl, directly or indirectly. Hence, the closer the confinement the more chance there is of infection. This accounts for the great abundance of worms in fowls in confined town runs.

Turning now to figure 1, it is to be noted that all parts of the intestine are subject to the attacks of worms, and it is a remarkable fact that each part

Fig. 2.-Female Heterakis inflexa, natural size.

has its own particular
devotees. The crop has
its parasites, the gizzard
its parasites, the duode-
num its parasites, and
so on. To be more par-
ticular, tape-worms are
to be sought more par-
ticularly in the duode-
num, large round worms

more particularly in the Fig. 3.-Female Heterakis inflexa,

small intestine, small
round worms more par-
ticularly in the cæca.

natural size; a, head; b, tail; c, vulva.

In this article attention will be confined to the two round-worms most commonly found in the small intestine and the cæca.

The appearance of the larger of these worms is well shown in figures 2, 3, and 4. Figure 2 shows a female worm, natural size. Figure 3 shows another female with more particularity, also natural size. Figure 4 shows a a male worm, natural size. It will be noted that the males are somewhat smaller than their mates, and also slightly different in appearance. The natural habitat of these large worms is the small intestine of the fowl, the part lettered d d in figure 1, and they do not occur elsewhere in the bird. Sometimes younger specimens of a smaller size will be found among these full-grown worms; but these are rather rare-so rare indeed that thus far no sharp-eyed naturalist has secured drawings of them.

The adult worms are round, somewhat shiny and transparent. They move slowly, or hardly at all, which fact seems to have secured them the name inflexible, the technical name being Heterakis inflexa. These worms appear to live mostly upon the contents of the fowl's

intestines, and to do no harm by biting and sucking blood, as do some other species. They are therefore of small annoyance to the fowl, so long as their numbers are few. When, however, their numbers are great they cause a stoppage of the bowels, and serious consequences are sure to follow.

The greatest loss is to be feared when these worms find their way into young chickens. Chickens are much more delicate than older fowls, and suffer more accordingly. Many of the young chickens that die so mysteriously are killed by


Fig. 4.-Male Heterakis inflera, natural size; a, head; b, tail,

The anatomy of the Heterakis inflexa is very interesting, and is well shown in the illustrations on page 751. These figures are admirable, and will enable anyone with the aid of a good magnifier to determine the worm with certainty.

Epidemics of this worm are not infrequent.

The second worm we have to mention is found, as a rule, only in the two blind sacs known as the cæca. Here they often literally swarm. Like the H. inflexa, they are round, whitish worms, but they are very much smaller, being not more than one-fifth as long as the inflexa. They make up for their small size, however, by greater numbers; sometimes more than 100 of these little wretches are found in a single cæcum, which means 200 to 300 in a single fowl. It is, of course, use

Fig. 5.-Female worms of Hetcrakis papillosa, natural size. These worms are found in the two dark sacs (cæca) mainly composing the posterior part of the intestine of the fowl.

Fig. 6.-Male worms of Heter papillosa, natural size. These worms are found in the long dark sacs (cæca) mainly con posing the posterior part of the fowl's intestine.

less to argue against such a number of worms causing the fowl no incon venience. Nevertheless, it is astonishing to find the fowls carrying this great number of parasites, in fairly good health. Not so, however, with young chickens. These suffer severely from even a few such many are fatal.

worms, and

Again, our figures, especially those on p. 752, will enable anyone by the aid of a lens to positively identify this worm, which is technically known as Heterakis papillosa.


The great thing to remember is that fowls become infested with worms only by means of other worms. Worms arise only from worms, and this is the whole secret of preventive measures. Of course, the fowl-parasites may in their life-history pass through other animals than fowls, but there is no evidence of this, so far, in the case of either of the worms here described. The whole question of where these worms came from, therefore, simmers down to thisWhat fowls did the worms come from? What fowls had worms, whose eggs, passing out with excrement, in some manner found their way into the fowls at present infested? Perhaps some new fowl bought and introduced into the run brought with it worms, and eggs or young of these worms were thus scattered about the run and found their way into the other fowls.

What lesson shall we learn from this? We learn this, that greater care should be taken in the disposal of hen-manure. All careful poultry-keepers clean up under the roosts frequently, because they have been taught to do so. They will be glad to find their practice upheld by such powerful arguments from the student of worms, and those poultry-keepers who have not followed the practice may now be induced to do so in the hope of extra profit, which of course arises in two ways, (1) the preservation of the manure, (2) healthier fowls with greater egg-producing powers. Connected with this subject is the raking up and occasional spading of the whole run, which is very beneficial in keeping worms in check, especially if the run be damp. Another matter of consequence is the arrangement of the roosts. Most of the manure collects under the roosts; it is, therefore, advisable to keep the fowls entirely away from under the roosts, which can be done by carrying wire-netting to the floor immediately under the roost, in such a manner that the droppings fall through out of reach of the fowls. The manure should not be allowed to become dry and converted into dust, for in that case it

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may, in the form of dust, containing worm-eggs, blow about the yard and contaminate the food.

Never throw the fowls' food on the ground in an infested run. Have a special clear place for them to feed on, and from time to time saturate this - place with boiling water, concentrated solution of copperas, or some other powerful disinfectant.

Be especially careful with young chickens. There is where the greatest losses occur. Apply the above rules vigorously to them, and no fear need then be entertained of mysterious deaths from worms.

There is another precaution that might sometimes be taken against the infection of poultry by worms, namely, an occasional change in the run. Of course this involves some little expense. What of that, if it is recouped in eggs and poultry! Where several kinds of poultry are kept it is advisable to divide the lot up into fowls, turkeys, ducks, &c., and give each a separate run, and then from year to year change the turkeys with the fowls or ducks. The rationale of this practice is as follows:-The worms that infest fowls are, as a rule, not found in turkeys and ducks, and vice versa, so that there is little danger of infection in allowing fowls to occupy a turkey-run or a duckrun. Right here it is well to remark that if the fowl-run is so situated as during rains to drain into the turkey-run, any worm-eggs or young worms on or near the surface of the ground in the fowl-run would be washed in among the turkeys, and in that case changing the fowls to the turkey-run would be of little avail, so far as concerned keeping the fowls free from worms.

There is no doubt that moisture is necessary to advance the development of the eggs of parasitic worms after they are voided with the excrement. Any brook to which fowls have access may therefore be a fertile source of infection. It is much better to supply the fowls with water known to be good and pure. "Any water is good enough for fowls" is a bad rule to follow. Fowl-runs should be kept well drained.

Of course many of the foregoing suggestions are unnecessary, unless the fowls actually suffer from worms. Some of them, however, should always be in force, as they apply to the general health of the run regardless of worms. There have been violent outbreaks of worms in the past, and no doubt the same will occur in future. A word as to procedure in such cases may therefore find a place here.

In the case of a violent epidemic the most urgent necessity is quarantine. Set apart a place lower down than the fowl run; all the better if it is on the side away from the prevailing wind. Into this place put all sick and suspected fowls. This separation is better both for the sick and the well; the well are thus removed from a source of infection, while the sick, being separated, can be treated more successfully. The various suggestions given in the preceding pages should be vigorously applied to the quarantined fowls, and special precautions should also be taken with the healthy fowls. The necessity for these precautions will be well understood by those who have seen how fatal epidemics often are among fowls.

This brings us to the subject of medicines. The spectacle of a fullgrown man, with the aid of a silver spoon, endeavouring to persuade a dose of castor oil down the throat of a hen is such, that it is difficult to approach the subject in a serious spirit. Taking it for granted, however, that the novice has mastered the not difficult art of capturing a sick fowl, and opening its beak and discovering which hole the medicine should go down, a few useful remedies may be described.

Turpentine-in daily doses of not more than half an ounce is often used. A safe rule is one to three tea-spoonfuls, according to the size of the chicken,

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