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hen, and Jack made sure it was the one of which the fairy had told him. When the giant had wearied of his amusement and gone to bed with his wife, Jack pushed open the door of the wardrobe, stole softly across the room, picked up the hen from its box in the corner and hurried through the kitchen into the open air. Back he flew to the beanstalk and down he climbed as fast as ever his feet would move. When he reached the bottom he was only a few minutes going into the house.

Of course his mother was overjoyed to see him, for she thought that the fairies had carried him away or that the giant had found and eaten him. Jack could hardly wait to tell his story and to show his mother the hen, so he called out, "See, mother, I have brought home something that will quickly make us rich."

With that he set the hen upon the table, and she produced as many golden eggs as they desired. The next day they sold the eggs and obtained as much money as they wanted, so that for several months Jack and his mother lived very comfortably.

But he remembered the fairy's commands, and had had a taste of traveling, so that he intended again to climb the beanstalk and pay the giant another visit. Jack thought of the trip again and again, but for a long time could not make up his mind to tell his mother, feeling sure that she would prevent his going. However, one day he told her that he must again climb the beanstalk, and although she begged and prayed him not to think of it, and tried with all her power to frighten him out of it, he resisted all her arguments and prepared to go again.




FEW mornings later Jack arose very early, unperceived by anyone, and made ready for his trip. First he dyed his hair, colored his skin and otherwise disguised himself so that no one could recognize him. Then he climbed the beanstalk as he had done before, and hurried on to the castle gate, where he gave the alarm.

The old woman did not know him and dragged him into the castle to help her as she had done before. When she heard the giant coming she hid him again in the wardrobe, not for a moment thinking him the same boy that had stolen the wonderful hen. Then, as before, the giant came in, saying:

"Fee, Fie, Fo, Fum,

I smell the blood of an Englishman.

Be he alive, or be he dead,

I'll grind his bones to make my bread."

"Wife, there is a boy in the castle. Let me have him for my supper.

"Nonsense," said the wife. "I have just roasted a bullock that I thought would be a nice tidbit for your supper. Sit down and I will serve it at once."

The giant sat down with his wife and began to eat the bullock which she had brought in. Jack was amazed to see them pick every bone of the great animal, as he would have treated the bones of a robin. When they had eaten, the giantess rose and said, "Now if there is nothing more for me to do I am going to my room to do some work for myself. If you want me you can call."

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"Go along," said the giant. "But first bring my money bags and put them on the table."

The giantess left the room and soon came back with two huge bags, which she put down as she had been directed. "There," she said, "that is all there is left of the knight's money. When you have spent that you will have to take another baron's castle."

As soon as his wife was gone the giant untied the strings and emptied the bags. From one came nothing but gold pieces, and from the other nothing but silver. These the giant counted and piled into little heaps until he grew tired of his amusement. All the time Jack was thinking how to get his father's money, and how to prevent any other knight from suffering at the giant's hands. While he was considering this the giant swept the pieces of money

back into their bags and put them on the table. Soon after he fell asleep, and in a few moments Jack heard him snoring so loudly that all other noises were drowned. Stealing to the table, he quietly lifted up the bags and made his way out, carrying the sacks, which he found so heavy that he had a hard time going down the beanstalk with them. When he entered his home he lifted the money bags up on the table and called out to his mother, "See, mother, I have been to the giant's castle, and here is much gold for us.'

Then Jack told her the whole story of his adventure, and although she was very glad to get the money, she begged him to promise her not to run such risks again.




FTER a time Jack remembered the talking harp and decided to make another trip to the giant's castle. So he disguised himself carefully, and was not recognized by the giantess when she opened the door. She admired the new boy very much, and told him all about the ungrateful chap who had been there and who had stolen the giant's money bags after all her kind treatment. Jack knew she meant himself, but he felt that he had done right in taking the money, because it was his father's. The giantess told him, too, that her husband had illtreated her shamefully and had been very angry at her ever since the money was stolen.

When the giant returned this time she hid Jack in a boiler in the kitchen, and he heard the great monster roar out as he crossed the threshold:

"Fee, Fie, Fo, Fum,

I smell the blood of an Englishman.
Be he alive, or be he dead,

I'll grind his bones to make my bread."

"Wife, I smell fresh meat. There is another boy in the house. I must have him for my supper."

His wife replied, “It must be a piece of meat the crows have left on top of the house."

While she was preparing the supper that night the giant was ill-tempered and impatient, frequently striking his wife and always scolding her for the loss of the hen and the money bags. When he had finished his enormous supper, he wanted something for amusement, as before. So he called to his wife, "Bring me my harp that I may have a little amusement while you are clearing up the dishes." The giantess obeyed and brought in a beautiful harp whose framework sparkled with diamonds and other precious jewels, and whose strings were all of gold.

"This is the finest thing I took from the knight,” said the giant. "Its music is delightful, and it is a faithful servant to me."

So he drew the harp till it sat facing him, and then he said, "Play!"

And the harp played a very soft, sad air.

"Play something merrier," said the giant.

Then the harp played so wild and rollicking a tune that the giant laughed aloud, and could hardly keep himself from dancing.

"Now play me a sweet lullaby," roared the giant, and the harp played so soothingly and softly that its master fell sound asleep.

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