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"Your father commanded us before he died that we should say this to you: 'We pray that you will forget and not remember the sin of your brothers, and the malice with which they treated you. Forgive for thy father's sake this great wickedness.'

Joseph, hearing this, wept bitterly, and his brothers came and knelt low to the ground and worshipped him, saying, "We are your servants."

"Be you nothing afraid and dread you not. Think you that you can resist God's will? You thought to have done me evil, but God has turned it into good, and has exalted me as you see and know, so that He might save many people from death by famine. Be not afraid; I shall feed you and your children." So he comforted them with many fair and friendly words.

So Joseph dwelt in the land of Egypt with the house of his father, and lived an hundred and ten years, and he saw the sons of Ephraim to the third generation.

After these things he said to his brethren, "After my death, God shall visit you and shall send you again from this land into the land that he promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. When that time shall come, take my bones and carry them with you from this place and bury them in the land of Canaan."

So saying, Joseph died, and they embalmed his body with sweet spices and aromatics, and laid it in a sepulchre in Egypt till they should go forth into the land of Canaan.

This Story of Joseph has been taken from a translation of The Golden Legend. The tale has been

simplified somewhat, and the language made a little more modern, but the quaintness and charm of the old narrative have not been destroyed.

The Golden Legend was written in the thirteenth century by Jacobus de Voragina, the Archbishop of Genoa. He used the Bible as the basis of his stories, but combined with the Bible narrative the many interesting legends that had grown up in the Church. In the fourteenth century The Golden Legend was translated into French, and from the latter version the English translation was in turn made. This was one of the books printed by the famous William Caxton, and for many, many years it was read in church in England, where its simple and graphic language created a lively interest in the stories of the Old Testament.


NOTE. The pronunciation of difficult words is indicated by respelling them phonetically. N is used to indicate the French nasal sound; K the sound of ch in German; ü the sound of the German ü, and French u; ö the sound of ö in foreign languages.

ABRAHAM, a' bra ham

AGINCOURT, ah zhan koor'

AMHERST, am' urst

AMORITE, am' o rite

ARCADIA, ar ka' di a

ASENATH, as' e nath

ATALANTA, at' a lan' tah

BAUCIS, baw' sis

BJÖRNSON, BJÖRNSTJERNE, byorn' son, byorn' shur"


BRAHMINS, brah' minz

CANAAN, ka' nan

CINDERELLA, sin" dur el' lah

CORMORAN, kor' mor an

DANISH, dayn' ish

DON QUIXOTE, don ke ho' tay, or don quix' oat

DOTHAN, do' than

EDINBURGH, ed' 'n bur" o

EPHRAIM, e' fra im

ESKIMO, es' ky mo

FREY, fri

GAELIC, gayl' ik

[blocks in formation]

GOSHEN, go' shen

GRENADIER, gren a deer'

GRETHEL, greth' el

GRIMM, WILHELM and JAKOB, grim, vil' helm and

yah' kohp GUILD, gild

GULLIN-BURSTI, gool" in boor' sty

GUNGNIR, goong' nir

HANSEL, han' sel

HEBRON, he' bron

HIPPOMENES, hip pom' e neez

ISHMAELITES, ish' ma el ites

IVAN, e vahn'

JASIUS, ja' si us

JEKYLL, jek' il

JUDAH, ju' dah

JUPITER, ju' pi ter

LOKI, lo' ke

MANASSEH, ma nas' seh

MARIE, mah ree'

MASSACHUSETTS, mas" sa chu' sets

MERCURY, mur' ku ry

MERLIN, mur' lin

MOOREFIELDS, moor' feeldz

ODIN, o' din

OGRE, o' gur

OGRESSES, o gres sez

PALESTINE, pal' es tine

PERRAULT, pa" ro'

PHARAOH, fa' ro, or fa' ra o

PHILEMON, fil' e mon

PHRYGIA, frij' e a

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