Imágenes de páginas
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States, 70; speakers of, 63-74; members of,
74, 261, 263; officers of, 74-78; committees
of, 76, 262.


IDAHO TERRITORY, Governors of, 69; delegate
from, 76; assessor and collector of internal
revenue, 99; mail service in, 156; gold and
silver product of, 220, 221.

Capital, 492; area, 492; population, 492;
organization of, 492; boundaries, 492; gov-
ernment, 493; legislature, 493; judiciary,
493; Supreme court, 493; District courts,
493; terms of courts, 493; finances, 493; ter-
ritorial indebtedness, 494; education, 494;
school system, 494; amount raised for
schools, 494; penal institutions, 494; wealth
and industry, 494; character of people, 494;
Indian depredations, 495; Surveyor General,
495; surveys, 495 climate and soil, 495;
fruit, 495; gold mines, 495, 496; silver ore,
496; quartz mills, 496; banks, 496.
ILLINOIS, Line of sun's eclipse passes through,

13; Governors of, 65; U. S. Senators of,
72, 262; Representatives in Congress, 74,
263; collectors of customs in, 97; assessors
and collectors of internal revenue in, 99;
mail service in, 155; land grants, 174; pen-
sioners in, 177, 178; temperature and rain-
fall, 186; yield and prices of crops, 187;
prices of farm stock, 188; colleges in, 196.

Capital, 316; area, 316; population, 316,
322; settlement, 316; ceded to the United
States, 316; made a territory, 316; constitu-
tion framed, 316; admitted to the Union,
316; government, 316; legislature, 316; quali-
fication of voters, 316; judiciary, 316; Su-
preme court, 316, 317; Circuit courts, 316, 317;
Superior court of Chicago, 316, 317; United
States courts, 317; terms of Supreme court,
317; finances, 317; funds, 317; state debt,
318; education, 318; State Industrial Uni-
versity, 318; State superintendent, 319;
County superintendents, 319; trustees of
towns, 319; school directors, 319; teach-
ers' certificates, 319; State Normal Uni-
versity, 319, 320; teachers' institutes, 319;
public schools, 320; charitable institutions,
320; Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 320,
321; Hospital for Insane, 320, 322; Institu-
tion for Blind, 320, 322; institutions for
Idiots and Imbeciles, 321, 322; Soldiers' Or-
phans' Home, 321; penitentiary, 321, 322;
labor of convicts, 321; soil and situation,
322; minerals, 322; coal fields, 322; lead dis-
trict, 323; wealth, 323; railroads, 323; canal,
323; manufactured products, 323; receipts
and shipments of Chicago, 323; products,
323; assessment, 323; banks, 323; votes at
presidential elections, 692.

IMPEACHMENT, articles of, 227; vote on, 232.
IMPEACHMENT TRIAL, 225; managers of, 232;
vote on, 233.

IMPORTS, of New York, 420, 520; of Great
Britain, 575; of France, 552; of Russia, 584;

of British India, 594; of China, 595-596; of
Japan, 596; (also see each state and country).
INDIA, (see British India).
INDIAN AFFAIRS, 179; tribes, 181.
INDIANA, Governors of, 65; U. S. Senators of,

72, 262; Representatives in Congress, 74, 263;
collectors of customs in, 97; assessors and
collectors of internal revenue in, 99; mail
service in, 155; pensioners in, 177, 178; tem-
perature and rain-fall, 186; average yield and



prices of crops, 187; prices of farm stock,
188; colleges in, 196.

Capital, 324; area, 324; population, 324,
328; settlement, 324; organized, 324; con-
stitution adopted, 324; admitted into the
Union, 324; government, 324; legislature,
324; qualifications of voters, 324; judiciary,
324; United States courts, 324; Supreme
court of the State, 324; Circuit courts, 325;
terms of courts, 325; finances, 325; State
debt, 325; education, 325; Superintendent
of Public Instruction, 326; county commis-
sioners, 326; trustees of towns, 326; State
Normal School, 326; city training schools,
326; teachers' institutes, 326; school fund,
326; public schools, 326; school revenues,
326; Charitable institutions, 327; Asylum for
the Deaf and Dumb, 327, 328; Institution for
the Blind, 327, 328; Asylum for the Insane,
327, 328; Soldiers' and Seamens' Home, 227,
328; State prisons, 327, 328; labor of con-
victs, 327; House of Refuge, 328; wealth
and industry, 328; nativity of foreign born
population, 328; farms, 329; live stock, 329;
wine, 329; manufactures, 329; coal fields,
329; minerals, 329; railroads, 329; value of
INDIANS, number of, 179; difficulties with, 179.
property and products, 329; banks, 329; votes
INDIAN TERRITORY, Capital, 496; area, 496: pop-
at presidential elections, 700.
ulation, 496; situation, 496; its relations to
the United States Government, 496; treaties
with Indians, 496; character of the country,
INSANE HOSPITALS, (see each state).
wild animals, 497; civilized Indians, 497.
INTERNAL REVENUE, commissioner of, 96;
special commissioner of, 96; assessors and
collectors of, 99.

Iowa, Line of sun's eclipse passes through, 13;
Governors of, 65; U. S. Senators of, 72, 262;
Representatives in Congress, 74, 263; col-
lectors of customs, 97; assessors and col-
lectors of internal revenue, 100; mail service
in, 155; land grants, 174; pensioners in, 177;
temperature and rain-fall, 186; average yield
and prices of crops, 187; prices of farm
stock, 188; colleges in, 198.

Capital, 330; area, 330; population, 30,
336; purchased from France, 330; settle
ment, 330; organized as a territory, 330; ad-
mitted into the Union, 330; government;
330; State militia, 330; legislature, 330;
qualification of voters, 330; judiciary, 330;
Supreme court. 330, 331; District courts,
831; United States courts, 331; terms of
Supreme court, 331; finances, 331; condition
of principal funds, 332; resources of the
State, 332; State indebtedness, 332; educa-
tion, 332; State university, 332; colleges and
universities, 333; agricultural college, 33;
Superintendent of Public Instruction, 333;
county superintendents, 333; normal in-
struction, 333; teachers' institutes, 333; pub-
lic schools, 333; charitable institutions, 834;
Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 334, 335: In-
stitution for the Blind, 334, 335; Hospital for
Insane, 335; Soldiers' Orphans' Home, 35;
penitentiary, 335, 336; wealth and industry,
336; increase in real estate, 336; agriculture,
336: minerals, 337; manufactures, 337; table
of cultivated land and products, 337; land
grants, 337; banks and railroads, 337; news
papers, 337; insurance, 337; votes at presi-
dential elections, 706.

IRON, in Alabama, 280; in Arkansas, 284; in
Connecticut, 302; in Illinois, 323; in Iowa,
337; in Michigan, 381; in Missouri, 394, 654;
in Nevada, 401; in New Jersey, 410; in
North Carolina, 426; in Ohio, 432; in Ore-
gon, 654; in Pennsylvania, 444, 651; in Ten-
nessee, 457; in Texas, 461; in New York,
420; in Virginia, 471; in West Virginia, 475;
in Wisconsin, 481; in Alaska, 484; in Ari-
zona, 486; in Colorado, 489, 654; in Dakota,
492; in New Mexico, 502; history of, 652;
method of producing, 653; product of, 654;
imports of, 654.

ISABELLA II., Queen of Spain, 585.
ISMAIL, PACHA, Viceroy of Egypt, 599.
ITALY, capital, 577; area, 577; population, 577;

history, 577; treaty of Villa Franca, 577;
population of principal cities, 577; reigning
sovereign and family.578; government, 578;
Senate and House of Deputies, 578; minis-
try, 578; education, 578; universities, 578;
revenue, expenditures and debt, 578; army
and fortresses, 578; navy, 578; commerce,
imports and exports, 578; products, 579;
railroads, newspapers, savings banks, 579.



JAMAICA, 536; area, 536; divisions, 536; gov-
ernment, 536; legislative council, 536; ex-
ports, 536; revenue, 536.

JAPAN, 596; capital, 596; area and population,
596; ports open to aliens, 596; chief cities,
596; government, 596; war between Mikado
and Tycoon, 596; Daimios, 596; army, 596;
expansion of commerce, 596; imports and
exports, 596.

JAVA, 596; area, 596; population, 596; restored
to the Netherlands, 596; slavery abolished,
596; government, 596; division, 596; rev-
enue, 596; army and navy, 597; trade and
exports, 597.

JEWISH, calendar, 9; year, 9; months, 9.
JEWS, 609.

JIMENEZ, JESUS, president of Costa Rica, 527.
JOHN I., King of Saxony, 558.

JOHN II., Prince of Liechtenstein, 567.
JUAREZ, BENITO, president of Mexico, 530.
preme court, 147; circuit courts, 147; dis-
trict courts, 147; court of claims, 147; (of
the several states and territories, see under


KANSAS. Governors of, 65; U. S. Senators of,
72, 262; Representatives in Congress, 74, 263;
assessor and collector of internal revenue,
100; mail service in, 155; land grants, 174;
pensioners in, 177; temperature and rain-
fall, 186; average yield and prices of crops,
187; prices of farm stock, 188; colleges in,


Capital, 338; area, 338; population, 338,
341 purchased from France, 338; admitted
to the Union, 338; government, 338; legis-
lature, 338; qualification of voters, 338; judi-
ciary, 338; Supreme court of the State, 338,
339 United States courts. 338; District
courts, 339; finances, 339; State debt, 339;
education, 339; Lawrence University, 339;
Superintendent of Public Instruction, 339;
county superintendents,339; Normal School,
339, 340; public schools, 340; charitable in-
stitutions, 340; Asylum for Deaf and Dumb,
340; Asylum for Insane, 340; Institution for


the Blind, 340; wealth and industry, 341;
immigration, 341; settlement of the slavery
question, 341; soil, 341; building material,
341; climate, 341; live stock, 341; minerals,
341; surveys, 341; manufactures, 342; rail-
roads, products, 342; banks, 342; votes at
presidential elections, 732.

KENTUCKY, Governors of, 65; U. S. Senators
of, 72, 262; Representatives in Congress, 74,
263; collectors of customs, 98; assessors and
collectors of internal revenue, 100; mail
service in, 155; land grants, 174; pensioners
in, 177; temperature and rain-fall, 186; aver-
age yield and prices of crops, 187; prices of
farm stock, 188; colleges in, 198.

Capital, 342; area, 342; population, 342,
345; settlement, 342; admitted into the
Union, 342; government, 342; legislature,
342; qualification of voters, 343; judiciary,
343; court of appeals, 343; Circuit courts,
313; United States courts, 343; finances,
343; State debt, 343; education, 344; Ken-
tucky University, 344; State Superintendent
of Public Instruction, 344; charitable insti-
tutions, 344; Institution for Deaf Mutes, 344,
345; Insane asylums, 344, 345; Institution
for the Blind, 344; Institution for Feeble-
minded children, 344, 345; penitentiary, 344,
345; wealth and industry, 345; soil and hus-
bandry, 346; minerals, 346; trade, 346; pro-
ducts, 346; assessment, 346; votes at presi-
dential elections, 708.

KI-TSIANG, Emperor of China, 595.


LAND BUREAU, 169; established, 170.

LAND GRANTS, for educational purposes, 193;
for agricultural and scientific schools, 212;
for internal improvements, 174.
LANGUAGE, of American states, 522, 523; Eng-

lish, 523; Spanish, spoken in New Mexico,
501; use of in American states, 523; French,
spoken in America, 524; German, spoken in
America, 524; Portuguese, spoken in Amer-
ica, 524.

LANGUAGES of Europe, 538.
LATITUDE, table of, 50-58.

LAWS OF THE United States, abstracts of, 246.
LEAD, in Arkansas, 284; in Illinois, 323, 658;
in Iowa, 336; in Kentucky, 346; in Mis-
souri, 658; in Virginia, 471; in Wisconsin,
481 in Montana, 500; in New Mexico, 502;
history of, 657; product, 658.

LEGAL TENDER NOTES, 241; provision regard-
ing, 639; issued, redeemed and outstanding,
243; depreciation of, 639.
LENGTH and increase of days, 22—24.
LEOPOLD, Duke of Anhalt, 409.
LEOPOLD II. King of the Belgians, 544.
LEOPOLD II. Prince of Lippe-Detmold, 562.
LETTER of acceptance of Gen. U. S. Grant, 266;
of Schuyler Colfax, 266; of Horatio Sey-
mour, 270; of F. Blair, Jr., 273.
LIBERIA, 600; capital, 600; area, 600; popula-
tion, 600; constitution, 600; President, 600;
revenue and expenditure, 600; exports, 600;
coast traders, 600.

LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, 214; additions to, 214;
rooms of, 215; number of volumes in, 215;
of Patent Office, 182.

LIECHTENSTEIN, 567; area, 567; population,
567; reigning sovereign and family, 567;


immense private property, 567; House of
Representatives, 507; voters, 567.



LIGHTHOUSE DISTRICTS and officers, 105.
LIPPE-DETMOLD, capital, 562; area, 562; pop-
ulation, 562; reigning sovereign and family,
562; government, 562; revenue, expendi-
tures, and debt, 562; troops, 562.
LIST of vessels in the U. S. Navy, 136-145.
LITERATURE and literary influences of the day,
essay on, 659.

LONGITUDE, table of, 50-58.

aguay, 531.

Louis I. King of Portugal, 581.
LOUIS II. King of Bavaria, 564.
LOUIS III. Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt, 567.
LOUISIANA, Governors of, 66; U. S. Senators of,
172, 262 Representatives in Congress, 74,
263; collectors of customs, 98; assessors
and collectors of internal revenue, 100; mili-
tary department of, 125; mail service in, 155;
first grant of swamp lands to, 173; land
grants, 174; pensioners in, 177; temperature
and rain-fall, 186; average yield and prices
of crops, 187; prices of farm stock, 188: col-
leges in, 198; reconstruction of, 234, 248.

Capital, 346; area, 316; population, 346,
351; settlement, 346; ceded to the United
States, 346; ordinance of secession, 346;
new constitution ratified, 346; government,
347; legislature, 347; qualification of voters,
347: judiciary, 347; Supreme court and Dis-
trict courts, 347, 348; United States courts,
348; finances, 318; State debt, 348; educa-
tion, 349; university, 319; State Superinten-
dent of Public Instruction, 349; school fund.
349; Normal School, 349; school statistics
of New Orleans, 349; charitable institutions,
349; agricultural resources, 352; timber, 352;
value of land, 352; commerce, 352; products,
352; banks, 352; votes at presidential elec-
tions, 722.

LUBECK, area and population, 564; Senate and
House of Burgesses, 564; High Court of Ap-
peal for the free cities of Germany, 564;
finances, 564; commerce, 564; troops, 564.
LUTHERANS, in the United States, 618, 619; in
Europe, 619; in Asia, Africa, and Austra-
lia, 619.

LUXEMBURG, capital, 579; area, 579; popula-
tion, 579; history, 579; treaty of London,
579; government, 579; Diet, 579; revenue,
expenditures, and debt, 579.


MADAGASCAR, capital, 600; area, 600; popula-
tion, 600; early history, 600; persecutions
and advancement of Christianity, 600; gov-
ernment, 600.

MAGNETIC NEEDLE, declination of, obtained, 49.
MAINE, Governors of, 66; U. S. Senators of,

172, 263; Representatives in Congress, 74,
263; collectors of customs, 98; assessors
and collectors of internal revenue, 100;
mail service in, 155; pensioners in, 177;
temperature and rain-fall, 186; average yield
and prices of crops, 187; prices of farm
stock, 188: colleges in, 198.

Capital, 353; area, 353; population, 353,
357; settlement, 353; admitted to the Union,


353 government, 353; legislature, 353;
qualifications of voters, 353: judiciary, 353;
Supreme court of the state, 353, 354; Cnited
States courts, 354; terms of supreme court,
354; finances, 354; chief sources of revenue,
354; expenditures, 354; resources of the
state, 354; liabilities of the state, 355; state
debt, 355; education, 355; colleges, 355;
Superintendent of common schools, 355;
Normal Schools, 355; public schools, 355;
charitable institutions, 356; Hospital for
the Insane, 356; State Reform School, 356;
Industrial School for girls, 356; state prison,
356; wealth and industry, 357; immigration,
357; harbors, 357; lumber business, 357;
ship building, 357; water power, 357; manu-
factures, 357; agriculture, 357: products,
357; banks, 357; railroads, 357; votes at
Presidential elections, 670.

MAJORS, 111-120.


MANUFACTURES exempted from internal rev-
enue tax, 247.

MARS, disc of, 15; evening star, 15; ephemeris
of, 16, 17; situation of, 23-45; diameter. 47;
distance from sun, 47; revolution and rota-
tion on axis, 47.

MARYLAND, Governors of, 66; U. S. Senators
of, 172, 263; Representatives in Congress,
74, 263; collectors of customs, 98; assessors
and collectors of internal revenue, 100;
mail service in, 155; pensioners in, 177;
temperature and rain-fall, 186; average yield
and prices of crops, 187; prices of farm
stock, 188; colleges in, 198.


Capital, 358; area, 358; population. 358,
363; settlement, 358; United States consti-
tution ratified, 358; government, 358; legis-
lature, 358; qualification of voters, 359;
court of Appeals, 359; Circuit courts, 339:
Baltimore city courts, 359, 360; United
States courts, 359; terms of courts, 90;
finances, 360; chief sources of revenue, 390;
disbursements, 361; state debt, 361; educa-
tion, 361; colleges, 361; St. John's college,
261; supervision of public schools, 361;
Board of county school commissioners, 361;
school district boards, 361; Normal School,
362; teachers' institutes, 362;
schools, 362; charitable institutions, 302;
Hospital for the Insane, 362; penitentiary,
362; wealth and industry, 363; soil and cli-
mate, 363; flour, 363; fruit, 363; commerce,
363; oysters, 363; products, 363; banks,
363; votes at Presidential elections, 684.
MASSACHUSETTS, Governors of, 66; U. S. Sena-
tors, 72, 262; Representatives in Congress,
74, 263; collectors of customs, 98; assessors
and collectors of internal revenue, 100;
mail service in, 155; pensioners in, 177;
temperature and rain-fall, 186; average yield
and prices of crops, 187; prices of farm
stock, 188; colleges in, 198.

Capital, 364; area, 364; population, 364,
374; settlement, 364; United States consti-
tution ratified, 364; government, 364; ex-
ecutive council, 364; state militia, 364; legis.
lature, 364: qualification of voters, 34;
judiciary, 365; Supreme court, 365: Superior
court, 365; United States courts, 365; dis-
trict attorneys, 365; terms of Supreme
court, 365; finances, 366; state debt, 366;
chief sources of revenue, 366; ordinary ex-
penses, 367; trust funds, 367; education,
368; Harvard University, 868; Lawrence


Scientific School, 368; Board of Education,
368; school committees, 368; Normal
Schools, 368, 369; school statistics, 368;
charitable institutions, 369; Lunatic Hospi-
tals, 369, 371; Almshouses, 369, 371; State
Reform School, 370, 371; Industrial school
for girls, 370, 371; School for Idiotic and
Feeble-minded youth, 370, 372; Nautical
School, 370, 372; criminal statistics, 372;
state prison, 372; county and city prisons,
372; receipts and expenditures of charitable
institutions for 1867, 373; wealth and indus-
try, 374; statistics of population, 374; in-
dustrial statistics, 374; corporations, 375;
periodicals, 375; assessments, 375; banks,
375; insurance companies, 375; votes at
Presidential elections, 676.

MAYO, Earl, Governor General of India, 594.
MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN, capital, 559; area,
559 population, 559; character of the coun-
try 559; reigning sovereign and family, 559;
Slavonic origin, 559; government, 559; edu-
cation, 559; finances, 559; army, 559.
MECKLENBURG-STRELITZ, capital, 560; area,
560; population and emigration, 560; reign-
ing sovereign and family, 560; Diet, 560;
revenue, 560; army, 560.
MEDICAL Colleges and schools, 206.
MEDICAL Department of the army, 112.
MEDINA, JOSÉ MARIA, Pres. of Honduras, 529. ̧

MEMBERS, of Fortieth Congress, 71, 261; of

Forty-first Congress, 262-264; political clas-
sification of, 264.

MERCHANDISE, duties levied on, 236; sales of,
238, 239.

MERCURY, rising and setting of, 10; when
brightest, 10; diameter, 47; distance from
sun, 47; revolution, 47.

METHODIST CHURCH, 620; denominations, in
Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia, 621.
States, 619, 620; annual conferences in, 620;
Church South, 620; African and Zion Chur-
ches, 620.

MEXICO, 530; capital, 530; area, 530; popula-
tion, 530; history, 530; list of rulers, 530;
statistics of races, 530; government, 530;
ministry, 531; constitution, 531; Senate and
House of Representatives, 531; revenue and
expenditures 531; debt, 531; exports and
imports, 531; produce of silver, 531; rail-
way, 531 army, 531.
MICHIGAN, Governors of, 66; U. S. Senators,
72, 262 Representatives in Congress, 74,
263; collectors of customs, 98; assessors
and collectors of internal revenue, 101;
mail service in, 155; land grants in, 174,
248; pensioners in, 177; temperature and
rain-fall, 186; average yield and prices of
crops, 187 prices of farm stock, 188; col-
leges in, 198.

Capital, 376; area, 376; population, 376,
381; settlement, 376; ceded to the United
States, 376; admitted to the Union, 376;
government, 376; legislature, 376; qualifica-
tion of voters, 376; judiciary, 376; Supreme
court, 376, 377; Circuit courts, 376, 377;
United States courts, 377; terms of Supreme
court, 377; finances, 377; state debt, 378;
education, 378; University of Michigan, 378,
379; Agricultural college, 378; Normal
School, 378, 379; Superintendent of public
instruction, 379; teachers' institutes, 379;
school funds, 379; public schools, 379; pri-
vate schools, 379; charitable institutions,


379; Asylum for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind,
379, 380; Asylum for the Insane, 380; state
prison, 380; State Reform School, 380; De-
troit House of Correction, 350; wealth and
industry, 381; divisions of the state, 381;
climate, 381; minerals, 381; commerce, 381;
products, 381; railroads, 382; manufactures,
382; banks, 382; votes at Presidential elec-
tions, 724.

MIDSHIPMEN, number at Naval Academy, 130;
candidates for, 130; qualifications, 130; ex-
amination, 131; advancement of, 131.
MILAN OBRENOVITCH, Prince of Servia, 591.
MILITARY divisions, districts, and departments,
124, 802.

MINING, 641.

MINISTERS resident, 82.

MINNESOTA, line of sun's eclipse passes through,
13; Governors of, 66; U. S. Senators, 72,
262; Representatives in Congress, 74, 263;
collectors of customs, 98; assessors and col-
lectors of internal revenue, 101; mail ser-
vice in, 155; land grants in, 174, 251; pen-
sioners in, 177; temperature and rain-fall,
186; average yield and prices of crops, 187;
prices of farm stock, 188; colleges in, 198.

Capital, 382; area, 352; population, 382,
386; settlement, 382; organized as a terri-
tory, 382; admitted into the Union, 382;
government, 382; legislature, 382; qualifi
cation of voters, 382; judiciary, 383; Su-
preme court, 383; District courts. 383; Uni-
ted States court, 383; terms of Supreme
court, 383; finances, 383; sources of reve-
nue, 383; disbursements, 384; funded debt,
384; education, 384; school lands, 384–385;
State University, 384; Superintendent of
Public Instruction, 384; Normal School, 385;
teachers' institutes, 385; public schools,
385; charitable institutions, 385; Institution
for Deaf and Dumb, 386; Hospital for the
Insane, 386; state prison, 386; wealth and
industry, 386; advantageous situation, 387;
agriculture, 387; minerals,387; forests, pro-
ducts, 387; steamboats, 387; water-power,
387; votes at Presidential elections, 734.
MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS, Progress of Agricul-
ture, 621-629; Currency and Finance, 630;

Mining, 641; Literature and Literary Influ-
ences of the Day, 659.
MISSISSIPPI, Governors of, 66; collectors of
customs, 98; assessors and collectors of in-
ternal revenue, 101; mail service in, 155;
land grants, 174; temperature and rain-fall,
186; average yield and prices of crops, 187;
prices of farm stock, 188; colleges in, 198;
reconstruction in, 234, 248.

Capital, 387; area, 387: population, 387,
390: settlement, 387; admitted to the Union,
387; ordinance of secession adopted, 387;
repealed, 387; government, 388; legislature,
388; qualification of voters, 388; judiciary,
388; High court of Errors and Appeals, 388;
Circuit courts, 388, 389; Chancery courts,
388; United States courts, 388; terms of
courts, 389; finances, 389; education, 389;
colleges and academies, 389; charitable in-
stitutions, 389; Asylum for the Blind, 389;
penitentiary, 389; cotton, 390: other pro-
ducts, 390; votes at Presidential elections,


MISSOURI, Governors of, 67; U. S. Senators,
72, 263; Representatives in Congress, 74,

264; collector of customs in, 98; assessors


and collectors of internal revenue, 101; mili-
tary department of, 124; mail service in,
155; land grants to, 174; pensioners in, 177,
178; temperature and rain-fall, 186; average
yield and prices of crops, 187; prices of
farm stock, 188; colleges in, 198.

Capital, 390; area, 390; population, 390,
394; settlement, 390; ceded to the United
States, 390; admitted to the Union, 390;
new constitution ratified, 390; government,
390; legislature, 390; qualification of voters,
391; judiciary, 391; Supreme court, 391;
Circuit and District courts, 391; United
States courts, 391; terms of courts, 391;
finances, 391; state debt, 392; education,
392; State University, 392; Normal Schools,
392; State Superintendent, 392; boards of
education, 392; county superintendent, 392;
public school fund, 392; public schools, 392;
schools of St. Louis, 393; charitable insti-
tutions, 393; Institution for the Blind, 393;
Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, 393; Asylum
for the Insane, 393; penitentiary, 393, 394;
wealth and industry, 394; soil and agricul-.
ture, 394; vineyards, 394; minerals, 394;
position, 395; manufactures, 395; tonnage,
395; products, 395; votes at Presidential
elections, 716.

MOHAMMEDAN, calendar, 10; year, 10; months,
10; countries, 610.
MOHAMMEDANS, number of, 609.
MONEY order system, 154.

MONTANA TERRITORY, Governors of, 69; dele-
gate from, 76; assessor and collector of in-
ternal revenue, 101; gold and silver product
of, 220, 221.

Capital, 497; area, 497; population, 497,
499; organization, 497; boundaries, 497;
government, 497; judiciary, 497; Supreme
Court, 497, 498; Probate courts, 497; finances,
498; expenditures, 498; public debt, 498;
education, 498: Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 498; county superintendents,
498; school returns, 498; wealth and in-
dustry, 499; immigration, 499; Surveyor
General, 499; character of the country, 499;
stock raising, 499; silver and gold mines,
499; other minerals, 500; assessed value of
property, 500; banks, 500.

MONTENEGRO, reigning prince of, 591; popula-
tion, 591; army, 591.

MOON, eclipses of, 11, 12, 14; longitude of, 19;
phases of, 23-45; rising and setting of, 23-45.


MUSEUM, Agricultural, 184.

MURPHY, GOVERNOR, of Arkansas, remarks
upon the condition of education, 283.


NAPOLEON III. Charles Louis, Emperor of the
French, 548.

NASSAR-ED DIN, Shah of Persia, 597.
NATAL, area and population, 600; erected to a

separate government, 600; revenue and ex-
penditures, 600; imports and exports, 600.
NATIONAL BANKS, 242; notes of, 242; taxation
of, 243; money reserve of, 244.
NATIONAL DEBT, 240, 244, 635, 637, 640, 642.
NATIONAL PLATFORMS of 1868, Republican, 265;
Soldiers' and Sailors' at Chicago, 266; Dem-
ocratic, 268; Soldiers' and Sailors' at New
York, 269.


NAVAL FORCE, 138, 145.

NAVY DEPARTMENT, (see department of the
Navy); list, 132; grades of officers, 132;
retired list, 135; marine corps, 136; resig
nations, deaths and dismissals, 136,
NAVY PENSIONS, 176, 178.
NAVY yards and shore stations, 140.
NAVY of Great Britain, 573; governed by, 573;
strength of, 574

NEBRASKA, Governors of, 67; U. S. Senators
of, 72, 263; Representative in Congress, 75,
264; assessor and collector of internal re-
venue, 101; mail service in, 155; land grants
to, 174: pensioners in, 177; temperature and
rain-fall of, 186; average yield and prices of
crops, 187; prices of farm stock, 188.

Capital, 395; area, 395; population, 295,
397; settlement, 395; admitted to the union,
395; government, 395; legislature, 395; qual
ification of voters, 396; judiciary, 396; Su-
preme court, 396; District courts, 396; Unit-
ed States courts, 396; finances, 396; sinking
fund, 396; education, 397; Board of Educa
tion, 397; Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion, 397; Normal School, 397; wealth and
industry, 897; timber, 397; stock-raising,
397; coal-beds, 397; products, 297; banks,
397; votes at presidential elections, 733.

NETHERLANDS, 579; capital, 579; area, 579;

population, 579; history, 579; reigning sov-
ereign and family, 579; House of Orange-
Nassau, 579; Legislative Chambers, 579;
ministry, 580; education, universities, 580;
revenue, expenditure and debt, 580; army
/and navy, 580; commerce, imports and ex-
ports, 550; colonial statistics, 580.

NEVADA, Governors of, 67; U. S. Senators of,
72, 263; Representatives of, 75, 261; assess-
or and collector of internal revenue, 101;
mail service in, 155; land grants to, 174, 400;
gold and silver produced, 220.

Capital, 398; area. 398; population. 298,
400; ceded to the United States, 398; settle-
ments, 398; admitted to the union, 398;
boundaries, 398; government, 398; legisla
ture, 398; qualification of voters, 298; judi-
ciary, 398; Supreme court, 398; District
courts, 398; terms of courts, 398; United
States courts, 398; finances, 399; state debt,
399; education, 399; Board of Education,
399; Superintendent of Public Instruction,
399; county superintendents, 399; boards
of trustees, 399; boards of examiners, 399;
charitable institutions, 400; prison, 400;
wealth and industry, 400; immigration, 400;
Indians, 400; surface, 400; forests, 400; min-
ing, 400; Sutro tunnel, 400; salt, 401; mills
for crushing ores, 401; votes at presidential
elections, 735.

NEW HAMPSHIRE, Governors of, 67; U. S. Sen-
ators of, 72, 263: Representatives in Con-
gress, 75, 264; collector of customs in, 98;
assessors and collectors of internal revenue,
101; mail service in, 155; pensioners in,
177 temperature and rain-fall, 186; average
yield and prices of crops, 187; prices of
farm stock, 188; college in, 200.

Capital, 401; area, 401; population, 401,
405; settlement, 401; United States consti-
tution ratified, 401; government, 401; legis-
lature, 402; qualification of voters, 402: ju-
diciary, 402; Supreme court, 402; United
States courts, 402; terms of Supreme court,
402; finances, 403; state debt, 403; literary

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