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Rhode Island? How were they chosen in Massachusetts? By what charter? Name the charter governments existing at the time of the Revolution.

14. In what important particulars was there a similarity in the situation and circumstances of the colonists?

15. What induced many of the settlers of the colonies to emigrate from England? What had this excitement produced? What institutions of learning were founded? What were encouraged? Of what benefit to the colonies

was their great distance from the mother country? What is meant by the law of primogeniture? In what colonies was this law abolished? What was the consequence of its abolishment? What the tendency?

16. Had the colonies any political connection with each other? Had they a right to form treaties or alliances with each other? How were they recognised by the law of nations? What rights had each colonist in every other colony?


17. WERE the colonies politically united? Did they ever unite together? For what purpose? Why did the New England colonies unite?

18. What colonies united together for the purpose of protecting themselves against the Dutch and Indians? When was this alliance formed? What was its name?

19. What colonies sent delegates to deliberate together upon the best means of defending themselves in case of a war with France? In what year did they assemble?

20. What led the colonies to form a union for their common protection? In what year did the Congress of nine colonies assemble in New York? What did they assert in their bill of rights?

21. Where did the first Continental Congress assemble? When? Who was its President? Who its secretary? What did the members style themselves? How long did they continue in session? What valuable State paper did this Congress publish?

22. When and where did the second Continental Congress meet? How long did it continue in session? How were the votes taken in these Congresses? If a colony had seven delegates, how many votes would they cast? If the delegates were equally divided, how did they vote?

23. When was the Declaration of Independence declared? What effect did it produce? In the Declaration of Independence, what were the colonies styled for the first time? What then became necessary?

24. What two important committees were appointed on the 11th of June, 1776?

25. When were the Articles of Confederation adopted by Congress? By the delegates of what States were they ratified, and when? By what States were they subsequently signed, and when? When was the ratification completed? When did Congress assemble under the Confederation?

26. For what purpose were the thirteen States formed into a league? 27. Did the States delegate all their powers to the United States? How often were delegates chosen for each State? How many for each State? How were the expenses defrayed? How were questions decided?

What were its duties?

28. How were the expenses of the war supplied?
29. How was a committee of the States formed?
30. In what cases was the assent of nine States required?

did not require a majority of votes?

31. Was this Confederation intended to be altered?

What questions

32. When were the Articles finally ratified? Who directed the war? What were the powers of Congress? the character of the government?

33. Did the Articles answer the purpose intended?


Name its principal

34. What led to the formation of the present Constitution?

35. Through how many forms has the government passed? What are they? 36. Describe the Revolutionary government; the Confederate; the Constitutional.


37. FOR what purpose did Virginia and Maryland appoint commissioners? When?

38. For what purpose did the legislature of Virginia make an appointment? When?

39. Where was the meeting held? When?

40. Why did they not proceed to the business?

41. What did they prepare? What was recommended?

42. What State first appointed delegates? What did the legislature of New York do? What was the resolution of Congress? When was it declared?

43. What was the consequence of these proceedings? When and where did the convention meet? When did they organize? Who was elected to preside? From what State was he a delegate?

44. What was the object of calling the convention? What did the majority determine upon?

45. What was the result of their labours? What were the difficulties in its formation?

46. What did the convention direct? What did Congress do? When? 47. When and where did the conventions assemble? What followed? 48. What resolutions did Congress adopt? Where? 49. How many electoral votes were cast? Who was elected President? How many votes did he receive? Who was Vice-President?

50. Of representatives from how many States was the first Constitutional Congress composed? When did they assemble? When did they first transact business?

51. When did Washington take the oath and deliver his inaugural address? Who administered the oath? When did Adams enter upon his duties? 52. The ratification of what States was afterwards received? When? How had those States been regarded?

53. Name the States and time of ratification.


55. WHAT is a constitution?

56. Of what does it consist in some countries?

57. Can an act of Congress be contrary to the Constitution?

58. How is the constitution of England formed?

59. Recite the first paragraph of the Constitution.

60. What is a preamble?

61. How many objects had the framers of the present Constitution in view? Name them.

62. What is the object of the preamble?

63. How many great departments of government are there? Name them. What power has the legislative department? the judicial? the executive?

64. How does the Constitution recognise these departments? Of what does the first article of the Constitution treat? the second? the third? How are the legislative powers granted by the Constitution vested?

65. What States were in favour of dividing Congress into two distinct bodies?

66. Of what does the English Parliament consist? What does Congress inclule?

67. What are the advantages of two branches of legislative power? Repeat section 2, clause 1.

68. How are the repesentatives elected?

69. What are the qualifications for voters under the Constitution?

70. What persons are qualified to vote for members of Congress?

71. When do popular elections not represent the will of the people?

73. How often are representatives to Congress chosen? How long do members of Parliament occupy their seats? How often is there a new Congress? Repeat clause 2.

74. How are the qualifications of a representative divided?

75. Must a representative be a citizen by birth? How may a foreigner become a citizen? After how long a citizenship?

76. At the time of the adoption of the Federal Constitution, could emigrants hold office? What rendered them eligible? How long must an alien reside here before he becomes a citizen? How long before he is eligible as a representative?

77. Where must a representative reside? Must he reside in the district from which he is chosen? Would he lose his seat on removal? What amount of property is necessary? Religious belief? 78. What is a tax?

How many kinds are there? Name them. direct tax laid? An indirect tax? Are direct taxes often levied? direct taxes to be apportioned?

How is a

How are

79. What was the basis of taxation by the Articles of Confederation? What by the Constitution?

80. How is the representative population ascertained? How are Indians included if taxed? Is the representative greater or less than the total population?

81. When the Constitution was adopted, were there slaves in all the States? 82. Are slaves included in the representative population? What was the effect in the States having the most slaves?

83. How often is the census taken?

84. Who takes the census? What officers are they?

85. How are the districts divided?

What is the duty of the assistant?

What is the penalty of refusing to answer?

86. What is the object of the census? What the results?

89. How many inhabitants are required for one representative? If a State should not contain that number, what is the law? Is the number of repre sentatives the same as formerly?

90. How many delegates has each organized territory? What are the privileges of the territorial representatives? What are these territories generally called?

91. How is the entire representative population of the United States ascertained? How is the representative population of each State ascertained ? What is the aggregate thus found?

92. When the apportionment is completed, what is then required?

93. How is the ratio of representation obtained? What States have a population less than the ratio? How many representatives are left? they assigned?

How are

94. Why was an additional representative allowed to California? When? 95. How many modes are there in which a State may be entitled to a representative? Name them.

97. What is the law when vacancies occur in the representation? For what time are they elected?

98. How is the Speaker of the House of Representatives chosen? What is his rank?

99. What are the other officers of the House of Representatives? What are the duties of the clerk? Sergeant at-arms? Postmaster of the House? What oath is required of the clerk? Sergeant-at-arms and door-keeper? For what does the clerk give security? What are the duties of chaplain?

REPEAT clause 1.


100. What constitutes the other branch of legislative power? How are senators elected? How many delegates does each State send to the Senate? In what respect does the Constitution resemble the old Confederation? 101. Does the Constitution prescribe the mode for electing senators? are the senators chosen in most of the States? How in some? latter mode termed?

How What is the

103. If all or a majority of the States should refuse to elect senators, what would be the effect? What if one State should refuse?

Repeat clause 2.

104. What is the effect of this clause? What occurs every two years?

105. Would a State be represented in case of the death of a senator? How are vacancies filled? How long do such appointments continue? What is the rule if the vacancy occurs when the legislature is in session? Repeat clause 3.

107. Of how many particulars do the qualifications of senator consist? Name them.

108. Why must a senator be thirty years of age? Must he be a native of the United States? What if an alien?

109. Where must he reside when elected? Why are the qualifications of a senator higher than those of a representative?

Repeat clause 4.

111. Is the presiding officer of the Senate a member of that body? What reasons are assigned for it? Why would the Vice-President be supposed to be more impartial?

Repeat clause 5.

112. How are the other officers of the Senate chosen? When has the Senate power to elect its president?

113. What is it customary for the Vice-President to do just before the close of each session? What does the Senate do then?

Repeat clause 6.

114. What body has the sole power of impeachment? What the power to try impeachments? What is the object of this provision?

115. What is an impeachment?

116. Is a judge of the Supreme Court of the United States liable to impeachment?

117. When the Senate tries an impeachment, are the senators sworn? What is an affirmation? What majority of the Senate is necessary for conviction? 118. Upon the removal of the President, where do his powers and duties devolve? Who is president of the Senate in a case of impeachment of the President of the United States.

120. What is the judgment in cases of impeachment in the United States? Suppose his offence to be punishable by law?

121. What would be the judgment of the Senate on conviction for treason? Would the person be subject to indictment in a court of law? If so, what would be the punishment? If acquitted, how would the judgment of the Senate stand?

122. What is the first step when it is proposed to impeach an officer? What is done if the report be favourable? What is then done by the Senate? What is done on the day of his appearance? What body replies? What does it


123. Describe the mode of trial.


REPEAT clause 1.

124. Why was not a general election law established? To what bodies is the regulation of elections intrusted? What power is reserved to Congress? In what cases would that power be necessary? Can Congress alter the place

of choosing senators?

126. What is the provision of the act of June 25, 1842?

Repeat clause 2.

127. How does the English Parliament assemble? How often does Congress assemble? When?

128. How long does a Parliament exist under statute of George I.?

129. Does the Constitution determine the place where Congress shall meet? Under what contingencies may the President convene Congress at any place he may think proper?

Repeat clause 1, sec. 5.

131. What is the law when an election of a member of the House shall be contested?

132. How shall evidence be taken in such cases?

133. How is the passage of laws by a small number prevented?

134. What are the rules in case of absence of members from the House of Representatives?

Repeat clause 2.

135. Does the Constitution prescribe the mode of transacting business in Congress?

136. What enables Congress to maintain its usefulness and independence? 138. Has either House power to punish for a breach of its privileges, &c.? 139. When imprisonment is part of the punishment, when does it terminate? Repeat clause 3.

140. What is the object of a journal? Who draws up the journal of the House? Who that of the Senate?

141. Are the deliberations of both Houses open to the public? What are executive sessions? What is the rule when the Senate is acting on confidential


142. What is the rule when the House receives confidential communications? What is the rule when the Speaker or a member has a secret communication?

143. In what cases are the proceedings of the Senate contained in manuscript records? To whom are they accessible?

144. What publications have been printed and regularly issued from the time of the organization of government? What are the rules with regard to printed copies of the journal of the House?

145. What is meant by taking the yeas and nays? How is it done? Why can they not be taken except by a vote of one-fifth of the members? 146. Can a member of Congress vote by proxy?

147. In what case is a member of the House not allowed to vote? What contract is a member of Congress forbidden to enjoy? What is the law if he enters into such contract? What is the effect if an officer of the United States enters into a public contract with a member of Congress?

Repeat clause 4.

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