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robbers had left on the table. They ate as if they had been hungry for a month.

When the four musicians had eaten as much as they could, they put out the light, and each went to sleep in the spot which he liked best. The 5 donkey lay down out in the yard; the dog lay behind the door; the cat went to sleep in front of the fireplace; while the cock flew up on to a high shelf. They were all so tired from their long walk that they soon fell fast asleep.


Seeing the great 15

When all was still and the light was put out, the robber chief sent one of his bravest men back to the house to see how things were going. The man found everything quiet and still, so he went into the kitchen to strike a light. fiery eyes of the cat, he thought they were live coals and held a match to them. But this made puss angry, and he flew up, spit at the man, and scratched his face. It gave the robber so great a fright that he ran for the door, but the dog, who 20 lay there, sprang up and bit him in the leg as he went by.

In the yard the rogue ran into the donkey, who

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gave him a great kick with his hind foot; while the cock on the shelf, waked up by the noise, was alive in a moment, and cried, "Cock-a-doodledoo!"

Then the man ran as fast as his legs could carry 5 · him back to the robber chief.

When he had caught his breath, he said: "In that house is a wicked witch, who flew at me and scratched my face with her long nails; then by the door stood a man with a knife, who cut me in the 10 leg; out in the yard lay a great black giant, whọ struck me a blow with his wooden leg; and up in the roof sat the judge, who cried: 'What did he do? What did he do?' When I heard this, I ran off as fast as I could."

No money could ever have made the robbers go near that house again; but our four friends, the musicians, liked the place so well that they would not leave it, and so far as I know they are there to this day.




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1. Tell how each of these four animals came to leave 2. What adventure did they meet with on

his home.

their way? 3. Tell just how they scared the robbers away. 4. What happened to the scout the robbers sent back to the house? 5. What report did he make of the affair? 6. Where are the four musicians now?

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1. Who were Snow-White and Rose-Red? Who was their friend in the story? 2. What old story was there about Mother Frost and her feather bed? Tell about the two girls in the story. 3. Who wrote the poem Thanksgiving Day 4. Where do the words - Nimmy, Nimmy Not" come in? Who says them? Tell about the guessing that the queen did. 5. Who was The Sleeping Beauty"? What put her to sleep? How long did she sleep? How was she wakened? 6. Recite the poem “Sweet and Low." 7. Tell the story of the man who

thought he could keep house. S. Recite the poem

When I Was a Bachelor.“ 9. What did St. Nicholas lock like? What were the names of his reindeer? 10. Tell what the "town musicians” did at the house of the robbers



Once upon a time there was a woodcutter who lived with his wife in a little hut in the forest. One day he started out to cut down some trees for his winter firewood. On his way he passed a thorn bush; and as he thought this would make 5 good kindling, he decided to cut the bush down. Just as he lifted his ax, he heard a thin little voice call out: "Please don't cut down the thorn bush."

The woodman looked all around, and there, under the bush, he saw a little man dressed in 10 green. He was a funny little fellow, with long pointed shoes and a peaked cap; and he made the woodcutter laugh out loud when he said, "This my thorn bash."


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