Imágenes de páginas

my undesigning simplicity and friendship cause me thus nakedly to forget myself."

Smith now was out of all patience, seeing Powhatan only trifled away the time, that he might, by some means, accomplish his design. The boats of the English were kept at a distance from the shore, by reason of ice. Smith, therefore, resorted to deception; he got the Indians to break the ice, that his men might come in and take on board the corn they had bought, and, at the same time, gave orders to them to seize Powhatan; Smith, in the mean time, was to amuse him with false promises. But Smith's talk was too full of flattery not to be seen through by the sagacious sachem; and, before it was too late, he conveyed himself, his women, children, and effects, into the woods; having succeeded in his deception better than Smith; for two or three squaws amused him while Powhatan and the rest escaped. Unwilling, however, to renounce his purpose, Powhatan sent Smith, soon after, a valuable bracelet, as a present, by an old orator of his, who tried to excuse the conduct of his sachem; he said Powhatan ran off because he was afraid of the English arms, and said, if they could be laid aside, he would come with his people, and bring corn in abundance. At length, finding all artifices vain, Powhatan resolved to fall upon the English, in their cabins, on the following night. But here, again, Pocahontas saved the life of Smith and his attendants. She came alone, in a dismal night, through the woods, and informed Smith of her father's design. For this most signal favor, he offered her such articles as he thought would please her; but she would accept of nothing, and, with tears standing in her eyes, said if her father should see her with any thing, he would mistrust what she had done, and instant death would be her reward; and she retired by herself into the woods, as she came.

Powhatan was so exasperated at the failure of his plots, that he threatened death to his men if they did not kill Smith by some means or other. Not long after, a circumstance occurred, which gave him security the rest of his administration. One of Powhatan's men, having, by some means, got a quantity of powder, pretended that he could manage it like the English. Several came about him, to witness his exploits with the strange commodity, when, by some means, it took fire, "and blew him, with one or two more, to death." This struck such a dread into the Indians, and so amazed and frightened Powhatan, that his people came from all directions, and desired peace; many of whom returned stolen articles that the English had never before missed. Powhatan would now send to Jamestown such of his men as had injured the English, that they might be dealt with as they deserved. The same year, 1609, he sent them nearly half his crop of corn, knowing them to be in great want.

Captain Smith, having, by accident, been shockingly burned by his powderbags taking fire, for want of surgical aid, was obliged to leave the country and go to England, from whence he never returned. He published the account of the first voyages to Virginia, and his own adventures, which is almost the only authority for the early history of that country. He died in London, in 1631,† in the 52d year of his age.

The Dutchmen of whom we have spoken, and who had been so assiduous to bring ruin upon the colony, came to a miserable end. One of them died in wretchedness, and two others had their brains beat out by order of Powhatan, for their deception.

After Smith had left Virginia, the Indians were made to believe that he was dead. Powhatan doubted the report, and, some time after, ordered one of his counsellors, named Uttamatomakin, ‡ or Tomocomo, § whom he sent to England, to find out, if possible, where he was. He instructed him, also, to note the number of the people, to learn the state of the country, and, if he found Smith, to make him show him the God of the English, and the king and queen. When he arrived at Plimouth, he took a long stick, and began to perform a part of his mission by cutting a notch for every person he should see. But

* Did not the English of New England owe their safety to Massasoit and Miantunnomoh's fear of the same article?

↑ Josselyn, N. Eng. Rarities, 106.

Or Uttamaccomack, Smith.


he soon gave up that business. And, when he returned to his own country, his chief asked him, among other things, to give him an account of the number of the inhabitants in England. His answer to that inquiry, we hazard not much in saying, is nearly as extensively known as the golden rule of Confucius. It was as follows: "Count the stars in the sky, the leaves on the trees, and the sand upon the sea-shore, for such is the number of the people of England." TOмOCOмO had married a sister of Pocahontas, and, probably, accompanied her to England.* While there, the famous antiquary, Samuel Purchase, had an interview with him, and from whom he collected many facts relating to the manners and customs of his countrymen; the result of which he afterwards published in his Pilgrims. †

The difficulties were almost perpetual between Powhatan and the English; very little time passed, while he lived, but what was full of broils and dissatisfaction, on the one part or the other. Few Indian chiefs have fallen under our notice, possessing such extraordinary characteristics as Powhatan. He died at peace with the English, in April, 1618, and was succeeded by Opitchapan, his second brother, who was known afterwards by the name Itopatin.

Our readers will be compelled to acknowledge that Captain Smith was barbarous enough towards the Indians, but we have not met with any thing quite so horrible, in the course of his proceedings, as was exhibited by his successor, Lord De La War. This gentleman, instead of taking a mean course between the practices of Smith and Newport, went into the worst extreme. Finding Powhatan insolent, on his arrival in the country, he determined, by severity, to bring him to unconditional submission. Having, therefore, got into his hands an Indian prisoner, his lordship caused his right hand to be cut off. In this maimed and horrid condition, he sent him to Powhatan; at the same time giving the sachem to understand, that all his subjects would be served in this manner, if he refused obedience any longer; telling him, also, that all the corn in the country should be immediately destroyed, which was just then ripe. This wretched act increased, as reasonably it should, the indignation of Powhatan, and his acts were governed accordingly.



Reflection upon the character of Powhatan-POCAHONTAS-She singularly entertains Captain Smith-Disaster of a boat's crew-Smith's attempt to surprise Powhatan frustrated in consequence-Pocahontas saves the life of Wuffin-Betrayed into the hands of the English-JAPAZAWS-Mr. Rolfe marries Pocahontas-OPACHISCOPocahontas visits England-Her interview with Smith-Dies at Gravesend--Her SON-OPEKANKANOUGH-Made prisoner by Smith-Is set at liberty-NEMATTANOW -Murders an Englishman-Is murdered in his turn-His singular conduct at his death-Conducts the massacre of 1622-Plots the extirpation of the English-Conducts the horrid massacre of 1644-Is taken prisoner-His conduct upon the occasion-Barbarously wounded by the guard-Last speech, and magnanimity in death-Reflections-NICKOTAWANCE-TOTOPOTOMOI-Joins the English against the Rechahecrians—Is defeated and slain.

It is impossible to say what would have been the conduct of the great Powhatan towards the English, had he been treated by them as he ought to have been. The uncommonly amiable, virtuous, and feeling disposition of his daughter, will always be brought to mind in reading his history; and, notwithstanding he is described by the historians as possessing a sour, morose, and savage disposition, full of treachery, deceit and cunning-and whose word was never to be depended upon-yet, on the very page that he is thus

* Mr. Oldmixon (Brit. Empire, i. 285.) says, "That when the princess Pocahontas came for England, a coucarousa, or lord of her own nation, attended her; his name was Uttamaccomack." † Vol. v. b. viii. chap. vi. page 955.

Harris, Voyages, ii. 226.

represented, we shall find the same faults set him as examples by the English themselves.

The first and most memorable events in the life of Pocahontas have necessarily been detailed in the account of her father; therefore we shall, under her own name, give those which are more disconnected with his.

POCAHONTAS was born about the year 1594 or 5, and hence was no more than 12 or 13 years old when she saved the life of Captain Smith, in 1607. Every particular of that most extraordinary scene has been exhibited. The name Pocohantes or Pockohántés, says Heckewelder, means a run between two hills. It has been mentioned, that, at the suggestion of Captain Newport, Smith went with a few men to Werowocomoco, to invite Powhatan to Jamestown to receive presents, hoping thereby to influence him to open a trade in corn with them.

When he arrived at that place, Powhatan was not at home, but was at the distance of 30 miles off. Pocahontas and her women received him, and while he waited for her father, they thus entertained him:-"In a fayre plaine field, (says Smith,) they made a fire, before which, he sitting upon a mat, suddainly amongst the woods was heard such a hydeous noise and shrecking, that the English betooke themselves to their arms, and seized on two or three old men by them, supposing Powhatan, with all his power, was come to surprise them. But presently Pocahontas came, willing him to kill her if any hurt were intended; and the beholders, which were men, women and children, satisfied the captain there was no such matter. Then presently they were presented with this anticke; 30 young women came naked out of the woods, onely covered behind and before with a few greene leaues, their bodies all painted, some of one color, some of another, but all differing. Their leader had a fayre payre of buck's hornes on her head, and an otter-skinne at her girdle, and another at her arme, a quiver of arrowes at her backe, a bow and arrows in her hand. The next had in her hand a sword, and another a club, another a pot-sticke, all horned alike; the rest every one with their seuerall devises. These fiends, with most hellish shouts and cryes, rushing from among the trees, cast themselves in a ring about the fire, singing and dancing with most excellent ill varietie, oft falling into their infernall passions, and solemnly again to sing and daunce. Having spent neare an houre in this mascarado, as they entred, in like manner they departed." After a short time, they came and took the English to their wigwams. Here they were more tormented than before, "with crowding, pressing, hanging about them, most tediously crying, 'Love you not me? love you not me?"" When they had finished their caresses, they set before them the best victuals their country afforded, and then showed them to their lodgings.

While Captain Smith was upon an expedition into the country, with an intention of surprising Powhatan, there happened a melancholy accident at home, to a boat's crew, which had been sent out in very severe weather, by one who was impatient to have the direction of matters. In the boat were Captain Waldo, Master Scrivener, the projector of the expedition, Mr. Anthony Gosnold, brother of the well-known Bartholomew Gosnold, and eight others. By the sinking of the boat, these all perished, and none knew what had become of them, until their bodies were found by the Indians. The very men on whom Smith depended to remain at the fort for his succor, in case he sent for them, were among the number. Therefore, to prevent the failure of this expedition, somebody must be sent to apprize Smith of the catastrophe. None volunteered for the hazardous service, but Mr. Richard Wyffin, who was obliged to undertake it alone. This was a time when Powhatan was very insolent, and urged daily the killing of Smith upon his men. Nevertheless, after many difficulties, he arrived at Werowocomoco. Here he found himself amidst preparations for war, and in still greater danger than he had yet been. But Pocahontas appeared as his savior. Knowing the intention of the warriors to kill him, she first secreted him in the woods, and then directed those who sought him in an opposite direction from that he had gone; so, by this

*Who had miserably perished by disease and famine at Jamestown, 22 Aug., 1607. See Bancroft, U. States, i. 144.

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