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dinner to which Robin Hood invited the Knight?

How had these provisions been obtained?

What story did the Knight tell to

Robin Hood?

How did Robin Hood help him? Where do you think the treasure

chest was kept?

From whom had this treasure

been taken?

How did the Knight show his gratitude after he regained his lands?

Why did the Sheriff of Nottingham want Little John in his service?

What thought was constantly in Little John's mind?

How did he accomplish his purpose?

What explanation did he give to what he brought from the Sheriff's house?

Robin Hood for

How did he induce the Sheriff to
follow him to the place where
Robin Hood was?
What punishment did Robin
Hood decide upon for the

Why did he not carry it out?
How was Robin Hood captured

by the Sheriff?

What reason do you think the

King had for wanting to see
Robin Hood?

What did he determine to do after
Robin Hood's escape?

Read words in which Robin Hood

expressed his love for his King. What offer did the King make to

Robin Hood and his men?

Why did the King make them such an offer?

How did Robin and his men like Court life?

How long did Robin Hood live in the greenwood after he left the Court?

Under what conditions do you

think life in the forest would be pleasant?

What were these men obliged to

give up when they went into the forest to live?

What did they gain by living in the forest?

When did Robin Hood show himself generous?

When did Robin show himself merciful?

What do you think of Little John's treatment of the Sheriff of Nottingham after he had lived in his house?

When did Little John show himself a loyal friend?

When did he show himself hard and cruel?

What things mentioned in this

story show that the manners and life of the people in England were rough?

What qualities were most admired in men at the time of Robin Hood?

What was the reason for this?

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"abbey' -a group of persons secluded from the world, devoted to religion; a monastery. The men are called monks and are ruled by an abbot.

"ambling"-going at an easy gait; pacing.

battlement” (băt’l-měnt)-
—a wall usually of earth for the protec-
tion of soldiers; a breastwork.

"beseems his quality''-as befits his station; as seems best for a man in his condition.

"beyond the King's grace'—having the ill-will of the King; not having the King's protection.

"boon"-a favor; a request.

"brought to bale"-misfortune; suffering.

“buttery”—a place where wines and provisions were kept. "castle"

(căs'l)-a fortified building or group of buildings having a tower; a fortress.

"ell' an old-time English measure, 45 inches long. "felon❞—an outlaw; a criminal.

"forswear"-to abandon; to give up; to renounce. "gainsaid"-contradicted.

"golden noble'-a gold coin, worth about $1.60. "had been wont'-had been accustomed.

"hated of the outlaws"-hated by the outlaws.

"in this wise"-in this manner; after this fashion. "'in yeoman's stead''-great assistance.

joŭsts" (justs) and "toŭrneys' (toor'nis or tûr'nis)-combats

between two knights, single or in series.

"Justiciar"-The King's chief officer.

"King's Council''-a body of men who advised the King of England in the olden times.

"Knight'' (nīt)—a man of high rank.

"liege lord" (lēj)—a superior to whom loyalty and service were to be given.

"lustily"-strongly; vigorously.

"mark"-a piece of money; a gold or silver coin.

“moat” (mōt)—a ditch or trench surrounding a castle or fortress, filled with water.

"palfreys" (pôl'fris)-saddle horse for road use.

"pith"-strength; vigor.

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(plăn-tăj'-ê-nĕts)—the French family of Anjou

which succeeded to the throne of England in 1154 and reigned until 1485.

"pound"-an English coin of the value of about $5.00.

"racing over the lea'-running over the meadow. "shoot a main"-to shoot in contest.

"shrine'—an altar or tomb sacred to some saint.

"smart blows''-vigorous blows.

"sorry pass❞—ill fortune; bad plight.

"squire"-an armor-bearer of a Knight; an officer next in rank below that of Knight.

"stay surety"-to stop proceedings to take the lands; to go one's security.

"stout fellow''-a strong, brave man.

"took no toll” (tōl)—permitted to pass without being robbed of anything.

"tryst❞—agreement; arrangement.

"without more ado"-immediately.

“yeoman'’*(yō'măn)—a free man, in the service of some powerful

baron or lord.





My name is Lemuel Gulliver, and my home is in Nottinghamshire. I went to college at Cambridge, where I studied hard, for I knew my father was not rich enough to keep me when I should become a man, and that I must be able to earn 5 my own living.

I decided to be a doctor, but as I had always longed to travel, I learned to be a good sailor as well. When I had succeeded in becoming both doctor and sailor, I married, and with my wife's consent I became surgeon upon a ship and made 10 many voyages. One of these voyages was with Captain Prichard, master of a vessel called The Antelope, bound for the South Sea. We set sail from Bristol, and started upon our journey very fairly, until there came a most violent storm that drove our ship near an island called Van Diemen's Land. The 15 Antelope was driven by the wind against a rock, which wrecked and split the vessel in half.

Six of the sailors, and myself, let down one of the small boats, and, getting into it, rowed away from the ruined vessel and the dangerous rock. We rowed until we were so tired we 20 could no longer hold the oars, then we were obliged to allow our boat to go as the waves carried it. Suddenly there came another violent gust of wind from the north, and our small boat was at once overturned. I do not know what became of my unfortunate companions, but I fear all must have been 25 drowned. I was a good swimmer, and I swam for my life. I went the best way I could, pushed forward by wind and tide.



Sometimes I let my legs drop to see if my feet touched the bottom, and when I was almost overcome and fainting, I found to my great joy that I was out of the deep water and able to walk.

By this time the storm was over. I walked about a mile, until I reached the shore, and when I stood upon land I could not see a sign of any houses or people. I felt very weak and tired, so I lay down upon the grass, which was very short and soft, and soon fell into a sound sleep.

I must have slept all that night, for when I awoke it was bright daylight. I tried to rise, but found I was not able to even move. I had been lying upon my back, and I found my arms and legs were strongly fastened on each side to the ground; and that my hair, which was long and thick, was also tied to 15 the ground. I felt several slender threads over my body. Fastened in this way, I could only look upwards, and, as the sun came out and shone in my eyes, this was very uncomfortable. I heard a queer noise about me, but could see nothing except the sky.


In a little while I felt something alive moving on my left leg; this thing came gently forward over my breast and almost up to my chin. Bending my eyes downward as much as I could, I saw a tiny human creature, not more than six inches high, with a tiny bow and arrow in his hands. While I gazed 25 in astonishment forty more of the same kind followed the first. I called out so loud in my amazement that they all ran back in a fright, and I felt them leaping from my sides to the ground. However, they soon returned, and one of them came up so far as to get a full sight of my face. As he looked at me he held 30 up his hands and cried out in a shrill but distinct voice,

"Hekinah degul!" Of course I did not understand what this meant, but from the tone in which it was said I thought it must express admiration for me.

All this time I lay in great uneasiness. At length I strug

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