Imágenes de páginas

Having enumerated the domestic virtues which are leaving the country, with the inhabitants of Auburn, he concludes the poem, with an addrefs to Poetry, in a strain of noble enthusiasm, which would have done honour to any poet of any age.

Of the Hermit, which first appeared in the Vicar of Wakefield, the public has long fince judged. It is univerfally allowed to rank with the most beautiful ballads in our language. A remarkable inftance of his imitation of Young) occurs in the following lines:

Man wants but little here below,
Nor wants that little long.

Man wants but little, not that
little long.

The poem of Retaliation abounds with wit, free from even the flightest tincture of ill-nature; and the characteristics of all the parties are equally pointed and juft. His fmall pieces require no diftinct confideration or particular criticifm.

The following was written impromptu on the evening of his death:

In an age when genius and learning are too generally facrificed to the purposes of ambition and avarice, it is the confolation of virtue, as well as of its friends, that they can commemorate the name of Goldsmith as a Shining example to the contrary."

,,Early compelled (like many of our greateft men) into the fervice of the mules, he

) Young, geb. 1681, geft. 11765, am bekanntesten durch fein dichterifches Werk, betitelt: the Complaint or Night-Thoughts,

never once permitted his neceffities to have the leaft improper influence on his conduct, but knowing and respecting the honourable line of his profeffion, he made no farther use of fic tion, than to fet off the dignity of truth and in this he fucceeded fo happily, that hi writings ftamp him, no lefs the man of genius than the univerfal friend of mankind."

,,Such is the fhort outline of his poetica character, which, perhaps, will be remember ed whilft the first-rate poets of his country have any monuments left them. But, alas his noble and immortal part, the good man, is only configned to the fhort-lived memory of those who are left to lament his death."


,,Having naturally a powerful bias on his mind to the cause of virtue, he was cheerful and indefatigable in every purfuit of it. Warm in his friendships, gentle in his manners, and in every act of charity and benevolence," very milk of human nature. $) Nay, when his foibles and little weakneffes of temper, may be faid rather to fimplify than degrade his understanding; for though there may be many inftances adduced to prove he was no man of the world, moft of thofe inftances would atteft the unadulterated purity of his heart. One who esteemed the kindness and friendfhip of fuch a man, as forming a principal part of the happiness of his life, pays this last, fincere, and grateful tribute to his memory.

s) In der dritten Scene des erften Akts von Shakespeare's Macbeth fagt Lady Macbeth von dem Charakter ihrer Gemahis: It is too full o' the milk of human Kindnefs; darnach ift wol ohne Zweifel das: the very milk of human nature in unferer Stelle gemodelt.






There are án húndred faults in this Thing, ánd án húndred things might bè fáid to prove them beauties, Bút ít is needlefs. A book

mày hè amùing with númerous errors, or ít mày bè very dúll withóut a fingle abfúrdity. The hero of this pièce unites ín himself the three greatest characters upón earth: he is à prièft, án húfbandman, and the father óf à family. Hè ís drawn ás réady to teach, and réady to obey, ás fímple ín áffluence, and majéstic ín advérfity. 'In thís àge óf ópulence and refinement, whóm cán Túch à cháracter please? Súch ás àre fond of high lìfe, will túrn with difdain from the fimplícity of his country firefide; fúch ás mistake ríbaldry fór humour will find no wit in his hármless converfàtion: ánd fúch ás háve been taught to derìde relígion, will laugh át óne whose chief ftòres óf cómfort áre drawn fróm futurity.


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The defcription of the family of Wakefield, in which a kindred likeness prevails as well of minds as of pérfons.

Iwas ever of opinion, that the honeft mán

who married and brought úp à large family, díd more férvice than he who contínued fíngle, ánd only talked of population. From this motive, I had fcarce taken órders b) à year befòre 'Í

a) Die eigentlichen Pfarrer in England find entweder Rectors oder Vicars. Jene erhalten den ganzen Zehenden, d. h. den zehnten Theil von allem, was ein Farmer oder Landmann gewinnt oder erbaut, folglich die zehnte Garbe, das zelinte Schwein u. f. w., es fey denn, dafs ein Artikel durch eine Parliaments - Akte ausgenommen worden ist; die Vicars bekommen blofs den klei nen Zehenden. Man theilt nämlich den Zehenden in den grofsen (great tythes), wohin man blofs Getraide und Wiefen rechnet, und in den kleinen (finall tythes), zu welchen alle übrigen Naturprodukte gehören. (f. Küttners Beiträge zur Kenntniss des Innern von England und feiner Einwohner, istes Stück, S. 10.

b) to take orders; ordinirt werden. Die Ordination verrichtet ein Bifchof; die Bischöfe felbft werden von einem Erzbischofe oder einem von demselben bevollmäcktigten Bifchofe eingeweiht.

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