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Unitarianism all over the world, and, I trust, that through it we shall be bound in friendly connexion with our brethren everywhere." "At Gibraltar, there is assembled a great variety of religionists. The Mahometan, the Jew, the Presbyterian, the Catholic, the Methodist, and the Church-of-England man, are all to be found there; and the consequence is, that there is great room for the spirit of religious inquiry to enter. But what is most important, is, that there are at that station individuals to be found, who are deeply interested in the cause; and the Committee have been so persuaded of this, that they have sent thither a supply of tracts, a great part of which has already been distributed; and since I came to this Chapel, the Foreign Secretary has told me, that only yesterday a letter was received from Gibraltar, stating that various tracts had been printed and widely circulated by the Committee at Gibraltar. Tracts have also been thus sent to Greece, Italy, and the North of Africa; and, for myself, I entertain a hope that they will form a bond of union between the professors of the faith here, and those dispersed round the shores of the Mediterranean. The pursuit of this object is, I think, well calculated to lessen the prejudice against those who profess the Mahometan religion; and I rejoice in it, because, notwithstanding the error and imposture of this system of faith, it has, in its day, done great good to the world by disseminating the principle of the Unity of God, in place of the most degrading superstitions, and thus elevating the human character, as always must be the case wherever this great principle takes root. And with respect to this, I may mention an interesting circumstance. An officer of the British navy, being sent on duty to the northern shores of Africa, undertook, when there, to debate the principles of Christianity with the Mahometans; and the consequence of this was, that instead of convincing them of the correctness of his views of Christianity, they so far convinced him that he became a Unitarian. The object of the Society is not to confuse men's comprehension, or narrow their minds. Its great principle is the belief in God, as the Father of the whole human race, and that all men are brethren; nor do I doubt but that every subscriber to this Association would withdraw his name, if it could once be shown that it urged a single principle which in the least tended to narrow the mind, or which did not tend to cherish feelings of charity towards all men." "I must not omit an interesting communication from Malta, for in that island where Paul sought refuge, Christian truth appears to be seeking refuge too. I fear I am trespassing too long on the patience of the Meeting, but I thought it necessary to mention to what parts of Europe my motion particularly refers; and there is one place in particular which must not be forgotten, I mean Geneva-the place where that system of doctrine was first taught in its full force, to which, with all its horrors, we are more especially opposed. The impression made on my own mind when I arrived from Italy at Geneva, was very great. I passed a Sunday in Geneva, and in the whole of the service I heard nothing of which I could not approve; and I may add, that never did I attend

with more thankfulness than I did that day in the church of St. Peter, where Calvin himself formerly preached."

The Rev. Dr. Rees said, "I think that our prospect at Madras affords the best ground of hope for ultimate success. It is not my intention to claim for William Roberts the merit of any splendid services; but I do see in what he has done, and what he is likely to do a great deal of good, and the foundation of something great and important. The history of this man is an illustration of good coming out of evil; for William Roberts being made an orphan by the desolation of war, was thrown on the protection of an indigent Mahometan, who in a manner sold him into slavery, by which means he fell into the hands of a worthy man who took care of him. While with the Mahometan he was drawn from Polytheism to the one true God, and in the investigation of Christianity, his Mahometan principles revolted against the creeds contained in the Book of Common Prayer. In this state of feeling he came to London, and was a wanderer about our streets. To a poor African he owed his preservation, for he got him baptized, and shared with him his means of subsistence. He then obtained some Unitarian tracts at the shop of Mr. Johnson, which he took for his guide, and subsequently going to Madras, he was induced to form a small society to which he might communicate the truths in which he himself was so interested. Having formed this society, he wrote to Mr. Belsham, and the "illustrious" Unitarian Society, seeking for information and encouragement. It was my duty, as Secretary, to communicate with this excellent man, and we sent him all that we could sendbooks for distribution; and from this small beginning, he has gone on through every discouragement with consistency and zeal; he has devoted his talents to his congregation and school; he has translated several valuable Unitarian tracts into the native lan⚫guage; and himself written original tracts. To us he has proved a most important missionary, and through his exertions our tracts have penetrated to the utmost extremity of northern India; and I see by the Report of this day, that he has not only done this, but led to the formation of another Unitarian society. I therefore say, that though this has not been done on a grand scale, yet it is entitled to every encouragement on our parts. It has been a source of great anxiety to him to know what is to become of his society in the event of his death, and he has frequently urged us to send out missionaries for that purpose. This the Committee could not do; but we trust that a plan has now been hit upon which will answer better. We propose to bring his son to this country for the purpose of educating him, and no doubt if young Roberts is any thing like his father, he will prove a most valuable and important engine in India for the advancement of the great cause.

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The Rev. W. J. Fox.-" Let us rejoice in the contemplation of Unitarian Christianity-I speak of it not as a sectarian faith, but as consisting in those great principles of mental freedom, and per sonal righteousness, and love to God and man, which are, after all, the very essence of Christianity-let us, I say, delight to con

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template Unitarian Christianity in the various modifications it receives from national character; for, like the light of heaven, in passing through different media, and forming different combinations, it exhibits many a different hue and tinge of colour, and an almost boundless diversity of appearance, although in itself ever and essentially the same. But, more especially, let us behold it as it presents itself among our American brethren-men sprung from the same physical stock, and endowed with the same intellectual inheritance men who look back to our best literature as their own, whose minds were nurtured by it in their infancy, and found it their food, and exercise, and strength, in their maturity; and who will substantiate this claim, in a way which our own hearts must acknowledge; for who among us really delights in the glorious text of Milton, without also glowing at the eloquent exposition of Channing? To that country, then, must we turn with the most pleasurable feelings. Gladly would we behold Unitarian Christianity united with German learning and German imagination-learning deep as their mines-imagination expansive as their forests, Gladly would we see it prevalent in France -in France made gay by nature, and reflective by revolution, where the present state of religious opinion reminds one of the pictures of its once formidable Bastile dismantled, shattered, and scattered; and from the ruins (heaven realize the religious hope more speedily and perfectly than the political emblem!) a glorious temple arising, the temple of freedom and of peace. Gladly would we see it combined with the pure and lofty enthusiasm of Spain Spain as it shall be, when it is once again the abode of the men of Spain, and those rights of humanity which are still in abeyance shall be restored gladly would we see the combination of genuine Christianity with the peculiar characteristics of every nation and tribe on the face of the earth, harmonizing, purifying, and elevating all, and its holy principles announced in more languages than have ever been enumerated by an Adelung or translated by a Bowring. But still it is with America that we must feel the closest approach to an intellectual and moral identity. In the family of nations, they are our nearest kindred. There are we sure of mental consanguinity. The laurels which garland their triumphs in science or literature are grown upon our own intellectual soil; and in their failures and regrets they do not "wear their rue with a difference." There too it was that our own Priestley found an asylum, when persecution and outrage made him an exile from the land that should have gloried, and that yet will glory, in his name. Ever should we be ready to give our welcome to such visitants as have now come to us from the region that gave him safety. And well will that greeting come from him whose office it will be to announce it, as the Chairman of this Meeting; from him who is probably at this time engaged in recording the vicissitudes of Priestley's life; who was himself one of that illustrious band, the Lindseys, Jebbs, and Wakefields, of which Priestley was the centre and the soul; who was their friend while they were living, their chronicler when dead; and who happily survives as the representative of their principles and feelings


*** Students' Missionary Society, Manchester College, York.

SINCE the last published notice of this Society, Malton and Selby have been relinquished as missionary stations, on the ground of being competent to maintain settled ministers. Welburn and Jubbergate, York, have been supplied as usual; and the room at Barton has been kept open, though the small number of Missionaries has prevented the services there from being so frequent as at the other stations.

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The summary of the cash account for the present session is,

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The present aspect of the stations is encouraging. At Jubbergate, the sunday-school and the library connected with it are in a flourishing condition. At Welburn a sunday-school library has recently been established, in addition to the congregational library; and, with the assistance of the Rev. Joseph Ketley, during his late residence on the spot, the number of hearers has been so much in


creased, that for the greater part of the present session the chapel has generally been nearly filled, and frequently crowded. Our friends at Barton have had great difficulties to contend with, especially from the active and unremitted opposition they have experienced from members of the established church; but they still remain unshaken in their belief as Unitarians, and avow it with exemplary openness.

Though the number of Missionaries from amongst the students has been considerably diminished, and will shortly be still more so, this circumstance will probably not be altogether adverse to the interests of the Society or the stations. For some of our Baptist lay friends, of the Jubbergate Society, have zealously assisted in cases of emergency, whose services have hitherto been very acceptable to their hearers; and they are disposed to continue them, as circumstances may require.

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HENRY HAWKES, Treasurer. Manchester College, York,bas vienen qet oud toned bas June 21st, 1830.

A special General Meeting of the BRITISH & FOREIGN UNITARIAN ASSOCIATION was held at Manchester, on the 16th and 17th June. Deputations attended from London, Ireland, and America. Ministers were present from Harvard University, U. S.; Stamford-Street, Finsbury, Essex-Street, Worship-Street, and YorkStreet, London; Bristol, Thorne, Sheffield, Halifax, Stannington, York, Lincoln, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Whitchurch, Dublin; Cross-Street, Manchester; Salford; Paradise-Street, and Park Chapel, Liverpool; Newchurch, Rossendale, Todmorden, Padiham, Congleton, Knutsford, Lancaster, Hyde; Cross-Street, Gateacre; Monton, Cockey Moor, Rivington, Macclesfield, Chester; Bank-Street, and Moor Lane, Bolton; Altrincham and Hale, Hindley, Blakeley, Warrington, Preston, Stockport, Ormskirk, Chorley, Walmesley, Dukinfield, Park Lane, Chowbent, Gorton, Monton, Pendlebury, Stand, Platt, Rochdale, &c. &c. were two religious services in Cross-Street Chapel. On Wednes nesday evening, the Rev. W. J. Fox preached from 2 Cor. iv. 6, on the moral excellencies of the Saviour as a portrait of the perfections of the Creator. On Thursday morning, the Rev. T. Madge delivered a discourse from Heb. x. 23, on the duty of all who believe in the simple and beneficent doctrines of Unitarian Christianity, to make, without hesitation, a full and open profession of their sentiments, and to take all the means which the intellect and the heart can supply, for the communication of the pure truth of Christ to their fellow men.

read an abstract of



The Meeting for business was then held. J. T. Rutt, Esq. of London, was called the state of the funds; the Resolutions passed Chair. The Treasurer, Mr. Hornby, at the meeting in London on the 2d June, were gone over; and the Rev. B. Mardon delivered the Report of the transactions of the Association during the past year. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted :

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