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is worthy of notice, and the fact is abundantly significant, that the questions concerning faith and worship which agitate the minds of the more active spirits among the Congregationalists of England, are the same which are thought of among ourselves, and in consequence the book seems as well lapted to meet our necessities, as it is to meet those of the English Congregationalists. The titles of the Essays are as follows: I. Primitive Ecclesia: Its authoritative principles and its modern representations. By John Stoughton, D. D. II. The Idea of the Church, regarded in its historical development. By J. Radford Thomson, M. A. III. The Religious Life and Christian Society. By T. Baldwin Brown, B. A. IV. The Relation of the Church to the State. By Eustace Rogers Conder, M. A. V. The forgiveness and absolution of Sins. By the Editor. VI. The Doctrine of the Real Presence and of the Lord's Supper. By R. W. Dale, M. A. VII. The Worship of the Church. By Henry Allon. VIII. The Congregationalism of the Future. By J. Guinness Rogers, B. A. IX. Modern Missions and their Results. By Joseph Mullens, D. D.

We could wish that these Essays could be extensively circulated and read in this country. They would serve many very important purposes, in the way of elevating the aims, of enlarging the knowl edge, of increasing the catholicity as well as of refining the culture of many American readers.

CHRISTIANITY AND THE GREEK PHILOSOPHY.*-We are obliged to limit our observations upon this work to a few lines, although the subject is one of the highest interest to students of philosophy and theology. The book gives evidence of wide reading on the part of the author, and of sound thinking. The later Greek systems are insufficiently treated; those of Aristotle and Plato, more fully. There are two criticisms to be made upon this work. The first is, that, professing to give a discussion of the ancient system, the author devotes a great deal of his space to the modern ones,-to that of Comte, for example. The second is, that the style is somewhat more ornate, not to say declamatory, than is suited to a severe handling of the themes.

* Christianity and the Greek Philosophy; or the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and kis Apostles. By B. F. COCKER, D. D., Professor of Moral and Mental Philosophy, in the University of Michigan. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1870.

LEA'S STUDIES IN CHUBCH HISTORY.*-In his History of Clerical Celibacy, Mr. Lea gave full proof of his intimate acquaintance with the original sources and monuments of ecclesiastical history. He has explored with diligence the numerous and multiform documents on the foundation of which a record or picture of society in the middle ages must be constructed. The present collection of essays relate mostly to the Papacy and the Papal Hierarchy, and deal with topics which have now a fresh interest, derived from the Latin Council and the measures proposed for adoption in this ecclesiastical assembly. They are treated in a clear, instructive manner, and in an enlightened spirit. The learned author abstains, generally speaking, from referring to modern writers on the subjects to which his essays relate,-preferring to resort exclusively to the primary authorities. His work loses something from this severe method of authorship. The combination of original researches with a judicious use of the labors of others who are at work in the same field, is the course which is adapted to yield the best results. At the same time, Mr. Lea's error-if it be an error-is on the right side, and no one can complain much of a quality so rare as that of exclusive attention to documentary evidence.

GUERICKE'S CHURCH HISTORY.t-In a notice of the first volume of this work, we referred to the merits and defects of it, and to the excellent manner in which Professor Shedd had performed the task of rendering Guericke's rugged German into perspicuous, flowing English. He has now carried the translation forward to the age of Hildebrand and the era of Scholasticism. Students of theology will find this history a valuable text-book.

NEWMAN'S GRAMMAR OF ASSENT. In the entertaining autobiography which Dr. Newman, a few years ago, gave to the

*Studies in Church History. The Rise of the Temporal Power-Benefit of Clergy-Excommunication. By HENRY C. LEA. Philadelphia: Henry C. Lea.


A Manual of Church History. By HENRY F. GUERICKE, Doctor and Professor of Theology in Halle. Translated from the German by WILLIAM G. T. SHEDD, Baldwin Professor in Union Theological Seminary. Medieval Church, History, A. D. 590-A. D. 1073. pp. 160. Andover: Warren F. Draper, Pub lisher. 1870.

An Essay in aid of a Grammar of Assent. By JOHN HENRY NEWMAN, D. D., of the Oratory. New York: The Catholic Publication Society, 1870.

world under the title of Apologia, he intimated that he had been hindered by Church authorities from fulfilling the purpose of writing a work on the Evidences of Religion. Whether the present book is the accomplishment of that intention, or a substitute for a work upon another plan which he has been prevented from carrying out, we are not informed. Like everything from Dr. Newman's pen, it is marked by a felicitous use of English, subtlety and grace of thought, and by a seeming confidential tone, which wins. upon the reader. The nature of mental Assent is philosophically discussed, with close reference throughout to religious problems and difficulties. Among the propositions defended is, that we may be as free from doubt in cases of probable reasoning as in those of strict demonstration. This is a just doctrine. I am as certain of the existence of London, as I am that the sum of the angles of a triangle equals two right angles. But Newman goes farther, and disputes Locke's statement that we may have different degrees of belief, from certainty to a state bordering closely on doubt. Although much ingenious argument is brought forward to sustain the opposite theory, namely, that Assent is a perfect act and exists, where it is present at all, without admixture of doubt, we think that the effort is a failure: unless, indeed, Assent is defined in such a way as to limit its sense to suit the author's proposition, in which case the question is one of logomachy. There are propositions which we, on the whole, believe to be true and on the truth of which we might deem it safe to stake valuable interests; and yet we are not perfectly certain of their truth. Dr. Newman inadver tently declares his opinion on various philosophical points in controversy. Thus, he holds that the principle of causation is not that every event must have a cause, but that every effect is from a personal will; it being a generalization or inference from our own conscious exertion of power. He manifests here and in other writings a tendency towards Berkeleyism. One of the fundamental distinctions of the book is that between notional and real Assent, the one being the result of abstract or conceptive thinking, and the other being the imaginative or "realizing" act, whereby life is given to the object of belief, which is a concrete reality. This is an important and fruitful distinction, and it is easy to anticipate what application Dr. Newman would make of it, in the province of theology. The two sorts of faith, for example, doctrinal and practical, are correlated to the two species of Assent. The chapter on the Trinity is quite able. The separate

propositions-the disjecta membra-it is claimed, of this Article of Religion, are capable of receiving a real Assent. Taken together, they authorize and require that Assent which is termed notional. The sections on the Illative Sense, illustrate the different conclusions which different minds come to, respecting historical and other questions, according as they vary in their antecedent tempers and habits of thought. An example is taken from the dissonance among the ablest writers, upon the subject of the early history of Greece and Rome. The entire work, though containing matter to which, as we think, just exception may be taken, is an awakening and instructive consideration of the foundations of belief.

STEPS OF BELIEF.-Rev. James Freeman Clarke's Steps of Belief is a valuable addition to the apologetic literature of the day. Following the general title, it is divided into four "Steps," which are arranged in order thus: "First Step from Atheism to Theism," four chapters; "Second Step from Theism to Christianity," four chapters; "Third Step Romanism to Protestantism," four chapters; "Fourth Step from the Letter to the Spirit," two chapters. The lectures are timely and able-they are also interesting and popular. They have the interest and freshness which characterize all the well-meant and useful writings of their author. We always find in him much that is quickening and truthful-not a little earnestness and devotion in the service of important truth, a clear style, familiar and varied illustrations and practical aims. We are forced to add, that there are occasional weaknesses of thought and feeblenesses of illustration, which seem to belittle his subject, and almost to insult the understanding of manly and earnest enquirers after truth. The remarks upon eternal punishment and on the relation of religion to theology, in the present volume, are neither true nor strong. Mr. Clarke would be not a whit less liberal, in the best sense of the word, were he sometimes not a little less superficial.

THE ANTE-NICENE LIBRARY.-The two latest volumes of the


Steps of Belief; or Rational Christianity maintained against Atheism, Free Religion, and Romanism, By JAMES FREEMAN CLARKE. Boston: American Unitarian Association. 1870.

The Ante Nicene Christian Library. Vols xv. and xvi. Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark & Co. 1870. New York: Charles Scribner & Co.

series are the "Apocryphal Gospels, Acts and Revelations," translated by Alexander Walker, Esq, and the second volume of Tertullian. It is stated that five or six volumes more will complete the Ante-Nicene period. These, it is presumed, will consist, partly at least, of writings of Origen. Only the de principiis and a small portion of the treatise against Celsus have, thus far, been introduced into the collection. The Edinburg publishers announce a new edition of the select writings of Augustine, which will include the most important of his polemical treatises, together with the "City of God," etc.

AMERICAN EDITION OF SMITH'S DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE.— The and numbers of the Dictionary have been received. The last (unfinished) article is "Syria." The learned editors deserve congratulation that so solid and useful a work and one which involves so much labor on their part, approaches its completion.

PROFESSOR HOPPINS'S HOMILETICS.--A new and revised edition of this treatise has just appeared. The wide circulation and cordial reception of the work among ministers and theological professors affords a gratifying proof that the subject attracts attention, and that Professor Hoppin's treatment of it is justly appreciated.

THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE OF MARRIAGE.*-Dr. Evans' treatise on the law of marriage has the air of one of those exhaustive and learned works upon special themes, which are more satisfactory and convenient for reference than attractive for the common reading. The titles of the fifteen chapters and the intermediate sections would indicate that most of the aspects of this important relation of life are considered in the light of the teachings of the Scriptures and of sober human experience. The author was a distinguished member of the Episcopal Church, well known as a writer upon topics connected with ecclesiastical matters, and who merited the high esteem of the community in which he lived. Dr. Evans' treatise is timely in its relations to a subject which is now so earnestly discussed by moralists and divines and which deserves to be pondered by every lover of his

* A Treatise on the Christian Doctrine of Marriage. By HUGH DAVEY EVANS, LL. D. With a Biographical sketch of the author, etc., etc. New York: Hurd & Houghton. 1870.

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