Imágenes de páginas

449. Further instructions are given to Collectors for executing the Embargo laws; and several forms are transmitted of bonds required to be taken of certain vessels, according to their character, &c., before a clearance can be granted: S's cir. 14th January, 1868; V. 1, p. 259.

450. Three of the forms prescribed in the aforesaid circular, are substituted by other forms, as are not intended to be renewed on each voyage or clearance of the same vessel: S's cir. 23d January, 1808; V. 1, p. 264.

451. Coasting vessels regularly confined to Rivers, Bays, and Sounds, are alone exempt from renewing their bonds under the Embargo laws-all other vessels being required to renew their bonds, as well as to take a clearance, for each voyage: S's cir. 11th February, 1808; V. 1, p. 265.

452. A further modification of the foregoing instructions respecting the bonds, and their amounts, required to be taken of any description of vessels, boats, &c., as embraced in a further supplementary Embargo act of this date, is prescribed; and further instructions are promised in regard to the execution of the said act: S's cir. 12th March, 1808; V. 1, p. 269.

453. Instructions are now given, as promised, how to proceed under the aforesaid act of the 12th instant, upon applications of citizens of the United States to despatch vessels in ballast, for the purpose of importing goods, to be specified, from some named foreign port, with the form of an abstract of such applications, to be returned to the Department: S's cir. 21st March, 1808; V. 1, p. 270.

454. Further instructions are given touching the aforesaid authority to vessels being despatched in ballast, &c., and granting leave to merchants to export in the said vessels suitable hogsheads or casks, or hoops and staves to make them, for the importation of rum, molasses, and other articles from the West Indies-such hogsheads to be filled with water for the outward voyage, and bonds to be taken for their return, in pursuance of the object of importation: S's cir. 29th March, 1808; V. 1, p. 272.

455. Infractions and evasions of the Embargo laws, in a great variety of ways, are announced to Collectors, with instructions to detect and repress them: S's cir. 7th April, 1808; V. 1, p. 273.

456. Further instructions, under a further supplementary act of the 25th instant, are given to execute the same, and the act transmitted: S's cir. 26th April, 1808; V. 1, p. 274.

457. Additional instructions are given, in pursuance of the said supplementary Embargo act of the 25th instant: S's cir. 27th April, 1808; V. 1, p. 275.

458. Further instructions are given to enforce the restrictions (33) of the aforesaid sup

[blocks in formation]

(33.) The additional restrictions of the act of the 25th April, 1808, and the instructions issued in pursuance of it, gave occasion for the mandamus of the District court at Charleston, and the opinion of the Attorney General thereon, as mentioned in the Comptroller's Circular of the 21st July, 1808. See No. 161 ante, to save repetition here.

[blocks in formation]

plementary act, accompanied with a "revocation" of the former permission to merchants to despatch vessels in ballast, &c.: S's cir. 28th April, 1808; V. 1, p. 276.

459. Further restrictions are imposed by the Department, under the directions of the President, respecting the transportation of flour, and similar products, to ports on the Chesapeake, Delaware, and Hudson, accompanied with letter from the President to several Governors of States: S's cir. 6th May, 1808; V. 1, pp. 278, 279.

460. The said instructions of the 6th May, instant, are, in a slight degree, modified and explained, as to inland commerce of Bays, Rivers, &c.: S's cirs. 8th and 18th May, 1808; V. 1, pp. 280, 281.

461. Complaints are made respecting the non-compliance of Collectors, in certain particulars, to execute the Embargo regulations in the State of Massachusetts; also, reference is made to the instructions of the 7th April last: S's cir. 31st May, 1808; V. 1, p. 284.

462. The "revocation" of the 28th April last, of the permission to merchants to despatch vessels in ballast, is suspended for one month-with further instructions: S's cir. 1st July, 1808; V. 1, p. 285.

463. The said suspension of the "revocation" of the 28th April last is continued for fifteen days more: S's cir. 1st August, 1808; V. 1, p. 286.

464. A statement is required, for the use of Congress, of all vessels which have been permitted to sail from the several Districts, for foreign ports, between the 22d December, 1807, and the 30th September, 1808, with other particulars, according to form transmitted: S's cir. 14th November, 1808; V. 1, p. 287.

465. Movements of merchants and shippers, contravening the Embargo, in anticipation of its repeal, are required to be counteracted, under special instructions: S's cir. 15th November, 1808; V. 1, p. 289.

466. A statement is required, for the use of Congress, of the names and residence of persons who have been detected in violating the Embargo laws, to be accompanied with details and remarks of the Collectors: S's cir. 16th November, 1808; V. 1, p. 290.

467. Instructions are given in relation to an additional act, just passed, "to enforce and make more effectual the Embargo laws," &c., with a promise of further instructions respecting the same: S's cir. 9th January, 1809; V. 1, p. 291.

468. Further instructions are given, in detail, respecting the measures to be adopted in executing the aforesaid act "to enforce the Embargo laws, with a modification of the instructions existing before its passage: S's cir. 14th January, 1809; V. 1, pp. 292 to 294.

469. The Embargo restrictions on the coasting trade are entirely removed, and in other respects partially removed, by the act just passed, declaring non-intercourse with Great Britain and France, and their dependencies-and the former instructions given, and ex

penses authorized for executing those laws, are revoked: S's cir. 3d March, 1809; V. 1, partially revokedp. 295.

and superseded by non-intercourse :


470. An act having just passed, "to interdict commercial intercourse with Great Britain and France, and their dependencies," instructions are given to Collectors in pursuance LAND AND FRANCE, thereof, with a promise of further instructions: S's cir. 3d March, 1809; V. 1, p. 295.

471. The aforesaid instructions are modified, and further instructions in detail are given for executing the said Non-intercourse act: S's cir. 18th March, 1809; V. 1, p. 296.

472. Applications having been made for permission to load British vessels with a view to sailing after the 10th June next, the Secretary refers to his letter to the Collector at Charleston, South Carolina, for instructions; [said letter not being a circular, is not in this collection; but permission was obviously granted, from the purport of the circular immediately following this:] S's cir. 22d May, 1809; V. 1, p. 299.

473. The Non-intercourse act having been provisionally suspended, and amended, in certain respects, by act of 28th June instant, and continued in force, in other respects-certain instructions are given thereon-with the announcement that the remaining Embargo restrictions are repealed: S's cir. 29th June, 1809; V. 1, p. 301.


[blocks in formation]

474. The British Orders in Council not having been removed on the 10th June last, as said provisional suswas anticipated, the provisional suspension of the act interdicting commercial intercourse with pension revoked :— Great Britain is withdrawn, and instructions are given under the President's proclamation to continue to enforce the said act, with certain indulgences for the time being: S's cir. 9th August, 1809; V. 1, p. 304.

475. In pursuance of the act "concerning the commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain and France," Collectors are instructed to exclude every description of British and French armed vessels, public or private, with or without commissions authorizing the capture of other vessels: S's cir. 4th May, 1810; V. 1, p. 306.

476. The "EDICTS" of France, violating the neutral commerce of the United States, having been revoked, the Non-intercourse act, so far as it relates to her, is likewise revoked by the authorized proclamation of the President; but the same will be continued in force as to Great Britain, her "ORDERS IN COUNCIL," in like manner violating our neutral commerce, being yet in force: S's cir. 2d November, 1810; V. 1, p. 309.

477. Under a further supplementary act of 2d March, 1811, "concerning commercial intercourse, &c., with England," she not having yet revoked her edicts infringing our neutral commerce-Collectors are instructed in regard to exceptions to be made in favor of certain vessels, in executing the said act: S's cir. 4th March, 1811; V. 2, p. 1.

478. The aforesaid supplementary act of 2d March last, which forbids the importation of articles of British growth and manufacture, is violated in sundry respects, by fraudulent manifests to introduce British goods, of which the following is an instance-Plaster of Paris and other British productions are inserted in outward manifests, as being on board of coast

armed vessels of England and France, are excluded :-—

non-intercourse revoked as to FranceEngland:

but continued as to

[Same subject.]

[Same subject.]

[Same subject.]


-exportation of cer

ing vessels outward bound, when in fact the articles are not on board for coasting transpor. tation, but are subsequently taken on board from some neighboring foreign port or vessel, and thence surreptitiously imported, under cover of the false coasting manifest-to detect and to punish which frauds, and the like of them, instructions are given: S's cir. 7th October, 1811; V. 2, p. 2.

479. An Embargo law having been enacted this day, a copy is transmitted to Collectors, with instructions for executing its provisions: S's cir. 4th April, 1812; V. 2, p. 6.

480. The exportation of specie, and of goods, wares, and merchandize, having been protain articles prohibit- hibited for a limited time, by the act of 14th April instant, the said act is transmitted without remark: S's cir. 14th April, 1812; V. 2, p. 8.




-British goods to be seized and libelled, ex

cept captured goods:

Trading with the enemy, practised, and prohibited:

-vessels bearing Brit

ish licenses, subject to seizure :

EMBARGO OF 1813, with instructions:-

[Same subject.]

[Same subject.]

481. A declaration of war against Great Britain having this day passed the Legislature, the Secretary of the Treasury apprises the Collectors of the fact, without remark; [by the same act, of 12th June, 1812, Letters of Marque were authorized to be issued by the President:] S's cir. 18th June, 1812; V. 2, p. 10.

482. The Non-intercourse act being still in force, must, in every respect, be carried into effect, and all British merchandize brought into the United States, except property captured from the enemy, is to be seized and libelled: S's cir. 26th August, 1812; V. 2, p. 12.

483. "Trading with the enemy" by our citizens, in violation of the act of the 6th July last, is said to exist on the Northern frontier, by transporting them provisions of various kinds-which Collectors are admonished to prevent and detect: C's cir. 7th October, 1812; V. 1, p. 275.

484. An act "to prohibit the use of Licenses or Passes granted by the authority of the British Government," having passed the Legislature, Collectors are instructed to seize any vessel or merchandize subject to the operation of said act. S's cir. 18th August, 1813; V. 2, p. 27.

485. An Embargo law having been enacted this day, preliminary instructions are given, accompanied with a copy of the act: S's cir. 17th December, 1813; V. 2, p. 28.

486. Additional instructions are given, in great detail, for executing the aforesaid Embargo act, accompanied with sundry forms of Bonds, Certificates, and other documents, liable to be required in making the proper returns to the Treasury-also, authority is given to appoint and remunerate additional officers that occasion may call for, and to resort to the use of military force when necessary, &c.: S's cir. 24th December, 1813; V. 2, pp. 29 to 39.

487. Vessels detained, under the Embargo restrictions, in Districts other than those to which they belong, being permitted, by the act of 4th March instant, to return to their respective Districts, instructions are transmitted to Collectors for their government in executing the law, with sundry forms which the occasion may require: S's cir. 7th March, 1814; V. 2, p. 40.

488. Fishing vessels are authorized to pursue their employment without being required to enter or clear, at every trip, during the Embargo; provided they comply, in other respects, with the injunctions of the law; (meaning the general bond required by the 7th section of the act of the 17th December, 1813, laying an Embargo, &c.—a questionable authority, against the inhibitions of the 1st section of that act:) S's cir. 29th March, 1814; V. 2, p. 41.

exceptions in favo

of Fishing vessels :—

489. An act, passed on the 14th April, 1814, repealing the Embargo and part of the act act repealed, &c. :prohibiting the importation of British goods, &c., is transmitted for the government of Collectors, without remark: S's cir. 15th April, 1814; V. 2, p. 42.

490. Peace being restored between the United States and Great Britain, it is proposed by PEACE RESTOREDinstructions recapituthe Secretary of the Treasury to make speedy arrangements at the custom-houses, under lated, for reviving comthe revival of Commerce and Navigation, to facilitate mercantile business, and guard against merce, &c.: every species of fraud upon the revenue; to which end instructions are given, recapitulating the more important regulations respecting the Revenue Cutter Service, and the duties of Inspectors, to counteract smuggling, &c.; also in relation to the several descriptions of Ship papers, &c.: S's cir. 25th February, 1815; V. 2, p. 46.

491. The issuing of Sea Letters being a usage of this Government only in time of war, -Sea Letters discontinued-with excepto ascertain our Flag to the belligerant parties, their further issue is dispensed with, except tinued to vessels going beyond the Cape of Good Hope: S's cir. 10th April, 1815; V. 2, p. 48.

COMITY-towards Russian vessel of voy

492. The Russian Minister having signified the intention of his Government to send out a vessel on a voyage of discovery, the Secretary of the Treasury directs Collectors of the age and discovery: Customs, in the event of said vessel entering their District, to give her respectful and hospitable reception: S's cir. 25th August, 1815; V. 2, p. 59.

493. At the complaint of the Minister of the Netherlands, a certain act of piracy committed by the Celia, Captain Lloyd, is brought to the attention of Collectors, who are required to report her arrival, and to detain her for further orders: S's cir. 16th April, 1827, V. 2, p. 185.

to the Minister of Netherlands, in a case of piracy:

of the Netherlands :

494. In response to a request of the Minister of the Netherlands, for suitable facilities in ditto to the Minister our ports towards the recovery of certain jewels, stolen from the Palace of the Prince of Orange-the Secretary of the Treasury directs Collectors of the Customs to cause a careful scrutiny of the entries made of Imports, and particularly among jewelry, for the articles described: S's cir. 27th November, 1829; V. 2 p. 230.

495. During the existing war between France and Spain, as the obligations of neutrality prescribe the same course of conduct on the part of the United States towards both parties, the vessels, public or private, of either nation, may, under stress of weather, or other urgent necessity, enter the waters of the United States for shelter and comfort, with all proper restrictions as to privileges not growing out of such necessity: S's cir. 30th July, 1823; V. 2, p. 142.

In the war between France and Spain, neutrality, and a hu

vessels of each:

mane provision for

496. In consequence of the reciprocal indulgences of the belligerants, France and Spain, rendered unnecessain excepting the merchant vessels of each other from capture, the right recognised in the ry, by their own for

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