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How long did he continue at the head of his country's cause? In what manner, did he govern

thought best to continue the ques

the other side, and argued with the softness of manners, the ingenuity,tion to next term, that, in the mean the cool reasoning, which were peculiar to his amiable character.

time, opportunity may be given to write to England for information But Otis was a flame of fire! concerning the subject." In six With a promptitude of classical months, the next term arrived; but allusions, a depth of research, a no judgment was pronounced; nora id summary of historical events thing was said about Writs of Asand dates, a profusion of legal au-sistance; no letters from England; thorities, a prophetic glare of his and nothing more was said in court eyes into futurity, and a rapid tor- concerning them. But it was genrent of impetuous eloquence, heerally reported and understood, that hurried away all before him. A- the court clandestinely granted merican Independence was then them; and the custom house offiand there born. The seeds of Pat-cers had them in their pockets, riots and Heroes to defend the though I never knew, that they vigorous youth, were then and there dared to produce and execute them sown. Every man of an immense, in any one instance. crowded audience, appeared to me Mr. Otis's popularity was withto go away, as I did, ready to take out bounds. In May, 1761, he was arms against Writs of Assistance. Selected into the House of Repre Then, and there, was the first scenesentatives, by an almost unanimous of the first act of opposition to the vote. On that week I happened arbitrary claims of Great Britain-to be at Worcester, attending a then and there, the child Indepen- Court of Common Pleas, of which dence was born. In fifteen years, Brigadier Ruggles was Chief Jusi. e. in 1776, he grew up to mantice. When the news arrived from hood, and declared himself free. Boston, you can have no idea of The court adjourned, for consid- the consternation among the goveration, and, after some days, aternment people. Chief Justice Rugthe close of the term, Hutchinson,gles, at dinner at Col. Chandler's, Chief Justice, arose and said, on that day, said, "Out of this "The court has considered the election, will arise a faction, which subject of Writs of Assistance, and will shake this province to its founcan see no foundation for such a dation." Writ; but as the practice in England is not known, it has been

For ten years afterwards, Mr. Otis at the head of his country's

Boston and the House of Representatives of Ms. ?

In what, did the revolution begin at this time?

What did Britain show the colonies, by leaving them to bear almost the whole weight of the war of 1756? Ot what, did she thus teach them the necessity?

To what, were their eyes opened? From what place, did these alarms spread through the country?portunity to learn? What did the speech of Otis breathe into the nation?

What art did she give them op

Effect of the British efforts to cripple the colonies during the fourth period?

What spirit was awakened in the colonies, by British attempts to crush them?

Of what, did they lay the foundation?

and his pen were incessantly em

cause, conducted the town of Boston, and the people of the province,ployed in enlightening his fellow citwith a prudence and fortitude, at izens and countrymen in the knowevery sacrifice of personal interest, ledge of their rights, and developing and amidst unceasing persecution, and opposing the designs of Great which would have done honor to Britain. He governed the town of the most virtuous patriot or mar-Boston, and the House of Repretyr of antiquity.

I fear I shall make you repent of bringing out the old gentleman.


sentatives, notwithstanding a few eccentricities, with a caution, a prudence and sagacity, which astonished his friends, and confounded

In a letter to Dr. Morse, Mr.his enemies. His fame soon spread Adams has the following remarks through the continent; and three or upon the same subject. four years afterwards was emulated


When the cause came on, how-by Mr. Dickinson in his Farmer's ever, Mr. Otis displayed so com- Letters, and some other gentlemen prehensive a knowledge of the sub- $ in Virginia, began to think. ject, shewed not only the illegality "Here then, sir, began the revof the writ, its insidious and mis-olution in the principles, views, chievous tendency, but he laid open ¿ opinions, and feelings of the Amerthe views and designs of Great ican people. Their eyes were Britain in taxing us; of destroying opened to a clear sight of the danour charters and assuming the pow-ger, that threatened them and their ers of our government, legislative, posterity, and the liberties of both executive and judicial; external in all future generations. From and internal, civil and ecclesiasti- Boston, these alarms spread through cal, temporal and spiritual; and Massachusetts and all New Engall this was performed with such a land; and in course, to New York, profusion of learning, such convinc-New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Marying argument, and such a torrent of sublime and pathetic eloquence, that a great crowd of spectators and auditors went away absolutely electrified. The next May, Mr. Otis was elected by the town of Boston into the legislature, and for ten years afterwards; during the whole of which period, his tongue

land, Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia. A general aspiration for an union of the colonies soon followed."

Mr. Adams elsewhere remarks, "I do say in the most solemn man

ner, that Mr. Otis's oration against Writs of Assistance, breathed into the nation, the breath of life.”

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Who was Dinwiddie ?

For what, was Mount Hope distinguished?

What patent was granted to Wm. Penn?

What colony did James Oglethorpe conduct?

What company obtained a charter of 600,000 acres of land on the Ohio?

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What pupil of Eliot did Philip employ as his secretary? Who was Alderman?

Of what colony, was William Berkley governor, at the commencement of Bacon's rebellion?

For what purpose, did Dinwiddie send Washington to the region of the Ohio, in 1753?

For what, has Swanzey been most distinguished?

Where was Capt. Lathrop killed? Who was Nathaniel Bacon? The name of what city signifies brotherly love?

By whom, was Mr. Williams of Deerfield taken captive?

Most gifted Indian preacher? In gaining what great victory, had Josiah Winslow the command? Of what colony, was Andros first appointed governor ?

What ancient town was burnt by Bacon's followers ?

What colony was the most numerous at its commencement ?

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What governor in N. E. was seized and imprisoned by the peo-1636 ? ple?

For what, were the Yamassees

Whom did the Corees and Tus-distinguished? caroras conspire to destroy in 1712 ?

For what, did Philip make a confession?

For what, was Assawampset pond distinguished?

Who erected Fort Necessity, near the Great Meadows?

What did Ms. purchase of the heirs of Ferdinando Gorges?

What patent encroached upon the territory of Lord Baltimore and

What Col. requested a commis-upon Ct. ? sion against the Susquehannah Indians?

What most joyful news arrived in this country, May 26, 1689 ? What tribe of Indians did Col. Barnwell almost entirely destroy? What most distinguished man was born 1732 ?

What British acts were peculiarly oppressive to Md. and Va. ? What word signifies the wood of Penn?

By whom, was 4007. appropriated for a college, in 1636?

Who prepared to repel any forces that king William might send into this country?

What great tribe of Indians lived on the N. E. of Savannah river? The evils of what rebellion continued thirty years ?

What was the Blessing of the Bay?

In what colonies, were schools established for all classes? What great political change took place in Ms. in 1684?

Where was the Freeman's oath first printed?

What tribe united with the Five Nations, and with them constituted the Six Nations?

How old would Washington be, if now alive?

Founder of Philadelphia?
What colony consiste principal-
ly of Roman Catholics?
Who was Milborn?
Where did Washington erect
Fort Necessity?

Who procured a decision in 1684, most injurious to Ms. ?

What are those called, who understand the scriptures in general, as Calvin did?

Where was a Baptist church formed in 1639 ?

In what colonies, were schools founded by the higher classes only?

Where were 60 persons massacred by the French and Indians, in 1690?

Who turned the tide of prosperity in favor of the British in 1758?


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Who was "first and foremost" in the cause of liberty, from 1760 to 1770?

What religious denomination are opposed to all acts of war and violence ?

Whom, was it rumored, that the guards of Andros were to massacre?

What city is 180 miles below Montreal?

What colonies had at some time Papal governors? Who was Sloughter

What accusation was


against the wife of Gov. Phips. Man, who most bravely defend

Who surrendered Fort Necessi-ed his children from the Indians at

ty to Villiers, July 4, 1754 ?

Who invaded England at Tor Bay, in 1688 ?

In what colony, were none but Episcopalians allowed to preach, in 1642 ?

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What most important fortress did Amherst and Boscawen take from the French in 1758 ?

When did the British ministry take the resolution of subjecting the colonies to the unlimited auofthority of parliament ?

What colony exported 60,000 bushels of wheat, in 1678 ? Why were the buildings of the first colonists in great danger being destroyed by fire ?

Who was Leisler?


Under whose ministry, did a reival of religion commence in Northampton, in 1735?

In what year was Quebec taken from the French?

What institution was located at Newtown, to enjoy the benefit of Mr. Shephard's ministry?

Who imprisoned Mr. Winslow for bringing William's proclamation to Boston?

What great political change took place in Ms. in 1692 ?

Most lovely queen of England? What dreadful disaster happened to Schenectady in 1690 ? 1 Distinguished matron, taken captive at Haverhill, Ms. in 1697 ? During what war, was Schenectady assaulted by the French and Indians?


What war was terminated by the treaty of Utrecht ?

What college was founded about

nk the year 1738?

Of what nation and religion, were the settlers in Craven county?

For what, was George Burroughs condemned and executed h King of France, cotemporary with William and Mary ? Where was Count Frontenac governor

Who was Mrs. Teff

Who was Charles Paxton? What war commenced in 1702, and terminated in 1713 Wa

What Indian tribe did the Spaniards instigate to destroy all the Carolineans in 1715?

What important place did Pepperell and Warren take from the French just 30 years before Bunker Hill battle?

Where did a revival of religion extensively prevail in 1737 ? In what state, is William and Mary College?

Who was Elihu Yale ? Where was Braddock defeated, July 9, 1755 ?

What Gov. of N. Y. signed a death-warrant, when he was intox

What fort did Washington surrender to Villiers, July 4, 1754 ? What great favor did the excel-icated? lent queen Mary attempt to confer upon Ms. ?

Who directed Charles Paxton to apply for Writs of Assistance?

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