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What accusation was brought against Mrs. Hale, wife of a minister of Beverly?

What war commenced in 1690, and terminated in 1697 ?


Causes of the War of the Revo lution.

In what year, did the War of the

Why did the Carolineans gener-Revolution commence ally fly to Charleston in 1715 ? By what power, was war declared against France and Spain, in 1744

How long after the commence, ment of the war of King Philip? How long had the causes of the war of the Revolution been operat

been operating for hundreds of


What and where is Nassau Hall?ing? The more remote causes had Against whom, did Braddock conduct an expedition in 1755 ? In what battle, were 64 English and provincial officers killed, and only 21 left alive? [

What important fort did Gen. Forbes take from the French in 1758 ?

What oppressive writs were frustrated by James Otis ?

Who conducted the Carolineans in gaining the great victory of Saltketcher?

What was the News Letter? What college commenced in 1700 ? I.

Who saved the regulars from destruction, after Braddock's defeat? What tribe of Indians appears to be the most interesting now in the United States ?

Who was the predecessor of Montcalm ?

What college was established in N. H. ten years after the capture of Quebec?

Who said, he despised all fees for pleading against the Writs of Assistance?

Who was George Whitefield? What college was 17 years at Saybrook ?

For what purpose, did delegates meet at Albany, 1754?

What captives were dispersed through the colonies, in 1755 ?

How long had the more immediate causes been operating? About 15 years.

What two grand causes may comprise those, which were more immediate? The tyrannic conduct of the British, and the Revolution in the political principles of the colonists.

Which of these causes operated first? They operated in a great measure together.

Which began first? The tyranny of Britain.

Which of these two causes was the cause of the other? The tyranny of Britain.

What was the first act of this special tyranny? An attempt to oppress the people by Writs of As


When? In 1760 and 1761.
In what colony?

Meaning of Writs of Assistance? How had the colonists previously regarded Britain? In general, with great affection.

What tender name did they apply to England?

What British governor pronounc ed the highest encomium upon the loyalty of the colonists?

What did Pownal say, they would sacrifice for the honor of their mocountry? Meaning of loyalty?

Who reduced the Cherokees dur-ther ing the French and Indian war? What important treaty was signed at Paris in 1763 ?

What did Franklin say of their loyalty?

What, did he say, was their idol? Who was the first king of the house of Hanover? George I.

Why said to be of the house of Hanover? Because his family beHonged to Hanover.

Where is Hanover? In Germany. Can you mention some causes, which might have justified a less degree of attachment in the colonists?

For what, did the British say, it was just and necessary to raise a revenue in America ?

By whom, had the Americans been defended, protected and secured? Principally by themselves, with the blessing of God upon their efforts.

Why could not the colonists ap prove this act?

What speech had a great influence to diminish their affection, anded destroy their loyalty? Otis's speech against the Writs of Assistance.

§ [p. 121.] What British law soon after the Writs of Assistance,

For how long, had this pretendright been scarcely named ? With what, did the colonists contend, that the right of taxation was inseparably connected?

What did they mean by repre

Inists should be chosen, and sent to the British parliament, there to act for this country, and defend our rights.

was peculiarly offensive to the A-sentation? That some of the colomericans? The Sugar Act. Upon what, did this act lay a duty, besides clayed Sugar? Meaning of clayed sugar? Sugar, refined by means of clay. Meaning of duty in this connection?


The Sugar Act, and the
can Revolution.
In order to show the youthful
pupil the connection between these
subjects, it is thought advisable to
present them together in this note.

§ Why are the Sugar Act and the American Revolution treated of in the same Note ?†

upon other articles; but as molasAmeri-ses was much the most important to the colonies, it was called the Molasses Act. This act, they considered as a great grievance, and its force probably in a great measure evaded, by non-importaThe Sugar Act is entitled to much {tion and smuggling. This hated more attention, than it has general-molasses act, no doubt, had a rely received. As a topic of our reyolutionary history, it is scarcely less noticeable than the Stamp Act itself. With that most famous, or rather infamous act, it was intimately connected, as its harbinger, its herald, and perhaps I may add, as its executioner.

It may be useful to trace it to its origin. It seems to have been the offspring of the Molasses Act, and to have reigned in its stead. The Molasses Act was passed in 1733, in the 6th year of George II. It imposed a duty of sixpence a gallon upon all foreign molasses, imported into the colonies. Duties were laid

mote influence in separating the colonies from the mother country. Indeed the venerable Adams acknowledges, in relation to this act, "I know not why we should blush to confess, that molasses was an essential ingredient in American Independence."

In the year 1764, the Molasses Act expired in the thirty-first year of its age; and the Sugar Act rose from its ashes. This act was passed April 5. "Until this inauspicious hour, no act of parliament had been passed, avowedly for the purpose of raising a revenue in the colonies. This act was fraught

How was the Sugar Act connect-wording of the Sugar Act excite in ed with the Stamp Act? the colonists?

Of what act was the Sugar Act

the offspring?

Under what king, was the Molasses act passed?

How long before the Sugar Act? How was the force of the Molasses Act in a great measure evaded? In what, did Mr. Adams acknowledge, that Molasses was an essential ingredient?

In what year, was the Sugar Act passed?

What was the first Act, passed in Britain, avowedly for raising a revenue in the colonies?

What apprehensions did the

Whom did the colonists think themselves able to defend?

Who adopted measures to frustrate the Sugar Act, before they knew, that it had been passed?

What had conduced to prepare their minds for this, three years before?

When was probably the most important town-meeting, ever held in Boston?

What seems to have been the leading object of that meeting? To frustrate the Sugar Act, and oppose British oppression.

Who was the "first and fore

before they knew of its real existence. To prepare them for this, their minds had been electrified by the lightning of Otis, three years before; and a variety of causes had kept the excitement" in fine pres

with ingredients highly disgustful and alarining. It not only declared the necessity, but justice, of taxing the colonies, for the avowed purpose of a parliamentary revenue. But the very wording of it excited in the colonists, shrewd ap-ervation." prehensions, that the parliament would proceed to tax them to such a degree, and for such a time, as they pleased, for the support of a military force, to dragoon them into its unconstitutional measures.guished citizens, to represent them The colonists imagined, that "they were able to defend themselves, and were unwilling to bind themselves and their descendants in perpetual servitude."

In May, 1764, the inhabitants of Boston held a town-meeting, probably the most important in its consequences, that they ever had.They then chose four of their distin

in the General Assembly of Ms. the ensuing June. Of these four, James Otis was "first and foremost." To these representatives the BostoInians gave various instructions, Some of the colonists foresaw the most important in their nature, and evil of the Sugar Act, and endeav- most dear to the heart of Liberty. ored to hide themselves; or rather, Relating to the Sugar Act, were they attempted to crush the egg, the following-"That you make it before the viper should burst forth. the object of your attention, to supA dreadful sound had reached the port our commerce in all its just ever-listening ears of the Bostoni- rights, and to vindicate it from all ans. They had heard, that British unreasonable impositions. Our ministers were conspiring against trade has long been embarrassed their liberties. They had heard, and it is with great concern, we se that an unrighteous law was threat-farther difficulties coming upon i ened, to rob them of their property; which will virtually obstruct an and they adopted measures, to pre- ruin it.-We, therefore, expect, vent or frustrate the obnoxious act, you will use your earliest endeavors

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most" of those, who were then they wish the General Court to adchosen representatives to the Gene-vise and instruct upon this subject? ral Assembly?mes Qtes Who was then our agent in Eng

What did the Bostonians instruct these representatives to support in


Why did they wish the other col

the General Assemblyeonies to unite their efforts upon this What, did they say, had long subject ? been embarrassed?

What did they see with great concern?

To whom, besides the colonies, did they think these severities would prove detrimental


To what, did they fear, that these proceedings would be preparatory How, did they think, this would affect their charter-rights? Meaning of charter-rights? What officer, in England, did

How far did the excitement kindled at this town-meeting, soon ex

How soon had the four representatives opportunity to display their faithfulness?

With what success? What did Otis then present to the General Court?

To whom, sent by the General Court?

For what purpose?

in the General Assembly, that such from the General Court, all necesmethods may be taken, s will ef- sary advice and instruction to our fectually prevent these proceedings agent,t at this most critical juncagainst us. By a proper represen- ture, that while he is setting forth tation, we apprehend, it may easily the unshaken loyalty of this provbe made to appear, that such seve- ince he may be able in the most rities will prove detrimental to humble and pressing manner, to reGreat Britain herself; on which monstrate for us, all those rights account, we hope, that the act, if and privileges, which justly belong already passed, will be repealed.—to us either by charter or birth.But our greatest apprehension is, We also desire you to use your enthat these proceedings may be pre-deavors, that the otner colonies, paratory to new taxes. For if our having the same interests and rights trade may be taxed, why not our with us, may add their weight to lands?-why not the produce of our that of this province; that by the lands, and every thing we possess united application of all, who are or use? This, we conceive, anni-aggrieved, all may obtain redress." ailates our charter rights to govern and tax ourselves.) It strikes at our British privileges; which, as we have never forfeited, we hold in common with our fellow subjects, Nothing could be more agreeable who are natives of Britain. If to the four chosen chiefs of Boston, taxes are laid upon us in any shape, than these instructions from their without our having a legal repre-fellow citizens and fellow-sufferers. sentation, where they are laid, we are reduced from the character of free subjects, to the state of tributary slaves. We, therefore, ear- † Mr. Jasper Mauduit, at Lonnestly recommend it to you, to use don, agent for Ms. who had inform your utmost endeavors to obtained them of the intended act.

At this most eventful town-meeting, a fire was kindled, which was soon communicated to the General Court, and thence to all the colonies.

In one month, they had full opportunity to display their faithful.

What else did they send to Mauduit, in connection with this statement Many important instructions.

Title of a pamphlet, published. soon after by Mr. Otis ?

it ?

Foundation of this pamphlet ?
What did the people derive from

address a memorial during this session?

From what, did they pray to be relieved?

By what, was this memorial accompanied?

What exclusive right of the colonies does this letter declare ? What claim of Parliament does

it deny?

Who was then governor of Ms What was thought, would be the Why is this letter peculiarly imeffect of resolutely opposing the important? It contains the first denial positions of British ministers ? by a colonial assembly, of the right To whom, did the legislature of Parliament to tax America.

ness, and their zeal, before the rep-acknowledged them. The constiresentatives of all Ms. These ar- tution of Ms. is only a more extendent Bostonians had the satisfac-sive recognition of their truth and tion soon to find, that a large ma-importance." jority of the General Assembly This statement was the founda. cherished the same patriotic views {tion and substance of a pamphlet of with themselves, 120 pp. published the same nonth

Ou this occasion, the incompar- by Mr. Otis, entitled, "The Rights able Otis, he who had "despised of the British Colonies asserted and all fee" for the most arduous la-proved." Notwithstanding some bors for making the most pow-imperfections, and apparent ineonerful and useful speech ever pro- sistencies in this pamphlet, it has nounced in this country-for actual-probably had a greater influence ly annihilating the Writs of Assist-than any other, in diffusing the ance-this political hero, at this light and joy of liberty far and eventful crisis, probably did more wide. The sage of Quincy seems than any of his constituents had to have considered it as the grand dlared to hope. In addition to his arsenel, from which the champions other efforts, he drew up and pre-of freedom have drawn most of sented to the General Court "a their weapons. statement of the rights of the colo- "At their session in June, s nies generally, and of Ms. in par- committee was appointed by the ticular." This statement was ap- legislature, as recommended by the proved by the representatives, and citizens of Boston, to write in the by them sent to Mr. Mauduit, their recess to the other colonies, and agent in England, to be used in op-acquaint them with the instructions posing the Sugar Act, &c. The ef- they had given to their agent in fect of this statement must have been England, to exert himself for the exceedingly great, how great, it is repeal of the Sugar Act, and to preperhaps impossible to conjecture. vent the proposed Stamp Act, or According to one of our most can- any other impositions and taxes on did historians, "the doctrines and the provinces; and to request the principles therein advanced, were several assemblies to adopt a simirecognized as correct, in all the sub-lar measure. This was an imporsequent stages of the controversy. tant proceeding. It shows the The declaration of Independence alarm, which prevailed in Ms. and

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