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How much older was Mr. Otis, than Mr. Henry?

Who considered Mr. Henry the greatest orator, that ever lived?

In what year, did Henry make

gar Act before the Stamp Act? Concerning what principles, did he teach the colonists to dispute with Britain?

In what, did his principles and

his first speech, that greatly aston-powers fit him to take the lead? ished his hearers?

How long was that, after Otis plead against the writs?

What British acts did that speech of Henry prepare the Virginians to uppose?

How long was it before the Su


For whose good, did he consider government instituted?

Whom did he consider as the fɔuntain of all civil power?

To what majesty, did he bow? To what act, did he make the most noble opposition?

and intrepidly contended, that the disregard, which had been shown in this particular, to the pressing want: of the colony, was an instance of royal misrule, which had thus far dissolved the political compact, and left the people at liberty to consult their own safety; that they had consulted it by the act of 1758; which, therefore, notwithstanding the dissent of the king and his council, ought to be considered as the law of the land, and the only legitimate measure of the claims of the clergy." He thus persuaded the court to acknowledge the validity of a colonial law, which the king and his council had declared null and void; and thus taught the colonists to dispute with Britain upon the great principles of freedom and equity, and to vindicate their rights against the encroachments of ty-gence among the people, were them

been instituted, originally for their use. He made it no secret, therefore, nay, he made it his boast, that on every occasion, he bowed to the majesty of the people.' He suffered no gale of fortune, however high or prosperous, to separate him from the people. Nor did the pco$ple, on their part, ever desert him. He was the man, to whom they looked in every crisis of difficulty, and the favorite, on whom they were ever ready to lavish all the honors in their gift,"


But it was in opposition to the Stamp Act, that Mr. Henry came out more fully and more gloriously to public view. "The annunciation of this measure seems at first to have stunned the continent from one extremity to the other. presses, which spread the intelli


selves manifestly confounded; and By his political principles, as so far from inspiring the energy of well as by his amazing powers, he resistance, they seemed rather diswas most happily fitted to take the posed to have looked out for topics lead in our revolutionary struggle. of consolation, under submission. "He regarded government, as inThe truth is, that all ranks of socistituted solely for the good of the ety were confounded. No one people; and not for the benefit of knew what to hope, what more to those, who had contrived to make fear, or what course was to be taka job of it. He looked upon theen.-The idea of resistance by body of the people, therefore, as the basis of society, the fountain of all power, and, directly or indirectly, of all offices and honors, which had

force, was no where glanced at, in the most distant manner; no heart secuns to have been bold enough at first, to conceive it. Men, on other


With reference to what, was Mr.S


How old was he then

winet afs

In whom, did the resolutions de

Henry elected into the General As-clare, was vested the exclusive right of taxing the colony? tin Meaning of exclusive ve What would an attempt to place this right elsewhere tend to destroy?

Was it expected, that he would take the lead in opposing the Stamp Act?

Why did he finally do this? What assembly, did the resolutions state, had been accustomed to tax the colony?

Who in Britain, had acknowledged the right of such taxation?

occasions, marked for intrepidity and decision, now hung back; unwilling to submit, and yet afraid to speak out in the language of bold and open defiance. It was just at this moment of despondency in some quarters, suspense in others, and surly and reluctant submission, wherever submission appeared, that Patrick Henry stood forth, to raise the drooping spirit of the people, and to unite all hearts and hands in the cause of his country."

"Mr. Henry was elected into the General Assembly, with express reference to an opposition to the Stamp Act. It was not, however, expected by his constituents, or meditated by himself, that he should lead the opposition." He was then but 29 years old. "Mr. Henry waited, therefore, to file under the first champion, that should raise the banner of colonial liberty."

In the mean time, an unexpected occurrence called into action his stupendous gifts, and suddenly gave him a prominence and an ascendency, which he could not but improve. At last, finding that the

What should any person be deemed, who should assert, that any other person or persons had this right Entry for the colors

By what majority, did the Virginia Resolutions pass? of Lon

the house," said he, in a paper, which was by him left sealed, and according to his directions, was opened after his death, "violent debates ensued. Many threats were uttered, and much abuse cast on me, by the party for submission. After a long and warm contest, the resolutions passed by a very small majority, perhaps of one or two only. The alarm spread through America with astonishing quickness, and the ministerial party were overwhelmed. The great point of resistance to British taxation was universally established in the colonies.

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This brought on the war, which finally separated the two countries, and gave independence to ours. Whether this will prove a blessing or a curse, will depend upon the use our people make of the blessings, which a gracious God hath bestowed on us. If they are wise, they will be great and happy. If they are of a contrary character, they will be miserable. Righte ousness alone can exalt them as a nation.

"Reader, whoever thou art, reStamp Act was soon to be in force,member this; and in thy sphere, and that no one was likely to step practise virtue thyself, and encour forth to take the lead against it, he age it in others. "determined to venture; and alone, unadviged and unassisted, wrote the famous Virginia resolu-nificent debate, while he was destions." Upon offering them to canting on the tyranny of the ob


P. HENRY." "It was in the midst of this mag

What led the speaker of the As- What did they declare to be sembly and others to cry out, Trea-separable? son, during the debate? What did Henry say of George

III. ?

Principal advantages of the Stamp Act Congress? To give leading members of distant colonies oppor

Where were copies of these res-tunity to become acquainted, to es olutions sent ?

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tablish correspondences, to learn to co-operate and prepare the way for future congresses.

§ When did the Stamp Act come into operation?

Where was the day ushered in by the tolling of bells?!

Give some farther account of the mournful celebration at Portsmouth? Why were some stamp officers obliged to resign, or hide?

For what object, did many mer. chants associate?

What were universally laid aside in time of the Stamp Act?

To what extent and degree, was the Stamp Act opposed? Probably not a single stamp was ever used in the colonies.†

noxious act, that he exclaimed, in Her resolutions were every where a voice of thunder, "Cesar had his adopted_with progressive variaBrutus-Charles the first, his Crom-tions. The spirit of resistance bewell-and George the third

came bolder and bolder, until the

(Treason, cried the speaker,-whole continent was in a flame; Treason, treason, echoed from and by the first of Nov. when the every part of the house.) Henry Stamp Act was to have taken ef faltered not for an instant; but ris-fect, its execution had become uting to a loftier attitude, and fixing terly impracticable. on the speaker an eye of the most determined fire, he finished his sentence with the firmest emphasis, may profit by their example. If this be treason, make the most of it."

From this period, Mr. Henry became the idol of the people of Virginia; nor was his name confined to his native state. His light

+ NOTE Y. British Opposition to the Stamp Act.

In our struggle with the British, we had many to aid us among themselves. Some afforded us their secret prayers; more, their sympathies; and some devoted to our cause, the mighty efforts of their and heat vere seen and felt through-tongues and pens. But for such out the continent; and he was every assistance, we might even now be where regarded as the great cham-wearing the yoke of Britain, Parpion of colonial liberty. ticularly, they opposed the Stamp Act. They opposed its rise and progress, and did much tɔward pro

The impulse, thus given by Va. was caught by the other colonies.

In what part of Europe, had we { many to aid us in our struggle withpanied the repeal? Britain-How?

What declaratory act accom

What act did they more particu

larly oppose?

What pretended right did some of them deny?

Most distinguished opposers of this practice?

Most distinguished of these two? Pitt.

With what, did his approbation inspire the Americans?

To what, did it embolden them?
To what alternative, was the
parliament reduced?
Which did they choose?
In what year? 1766.

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Why were English Merchants and tradesmen deeply interested to have the Stamp Act repealed? Because this act prevented the sale of English goods.

How were the colonies affected by the repeal of the Stamp Act? What right, did they think, the British had relinquished?

What intercourse was revived? What did the colonists mistake? § Upon what articles, were duties laid in 1767 ?

How were the colonists affected? What feelings were revived in them?

Imons in America. It is an absur

curing its repeal. To borrow the $ The taxes are a voluntary gift language of Dr. Ramsay, "Some and grant of the commons alone; speakers of great weight, in both when, therefore, in this house, we houses of parliament, denied their give and grant, we give and grant right of taxing the colonies. The what is our own. But in an Amermost distinguished supporters of ican tax, what do we do? We, this opinion were Lord Camden in your majesty's commons of Great the house of peers, and Mr. Pitt in Britain, give and grant to your mathe house of commons. The for-jesty-what? Our own property? mer, in strong language said; My No. We give and grant to your position is this; I repeat it; I will majesty the property of your commaintain it to my last hour. Taxation and representation are insep->dity in terms.' arable. This position is founded He concluded with giving his adon the laws of nature. It is more ; vice, that the Stamp Act be reit is itself an eternal law of nature. pealed absolutely, totally and imFor whatever is a man's own, is mediately, that the reason for the absolutely his own. No man has a repeal be assigned, that it was right to take it from him, without founded on an erroneous principle.' his own consent. Whoever at- The approbation of this illustrious tempts to do it, attempts an injury. statesman, whose distinguished Whoever does it, commits a robbe- abilities had raised Great Britain ry.' Mr. Pitt, with an original to the highest pitch of renown, inboldness, justified the colonists, inspired the Americans with addiopposing the Stamp Act. "You have no right,' said he, to tax America. I rejoice, that America has resisted. Three millions of our fellow citizens, so lost to every sense of virtue, as tamely to give up their liberties, would be fit instruinents to make slaves of the rest!

tional confidence, in the rectitude of their claims of exemption from parliamentary taxation and emboldened them to further opposition, when at a future day, the project of an American revenue was resumed."

For what, were associations gain formed?

For what, were meetings again called?

For what, did they exert their utmost efforts?

In what month, did Ms. legislature achieve most important servic

§ To whom, did the Ms. Repre-es in the cause of freedom? sentatives send a circular in 1768?† By what act, was this circular occasioned?

Upon what, did the Revenue Act of 1767 lay a duty?

Grand object of the Circular? First business of the G. C. of Ms. after they heard of the Revenue Act?

† NOTE Z. Massachusetts Circular to the Colonial Assemblies, in 1768. Among the various subordinate causes, that conduced to separate us from Britain, few had greater influence, than the circular letter, addressed by the House of Representatives of Ms. to the Legislatures of the several colonies. It was occasioned by what is often called the Revenue Act of 1767, laying a duty upon glass, paper, paints and tea, though it had some respect also to other acts. The grand object of this circular letter, was to induce all the other colonies to unite with them in petitioning the king to redress their grievances.

Upon whose heart, should that month be inscribed?

To whom, did they prepare a long letter?

What office did De Berdt then hold?

What subject did they discuss in that letter?

haps in a single month, did any legislature achieve more important services in the cause of freedom. Let the month of January 1763 be gratefully and indelibly scribed upon the heart of every American, and of every hater of tyramy, to the end of time.

The first thing was to prepare a very long letter to Dennis De Berdt, who was then their agent in England. In this, they most tho roughly and conclusively discuss the subject of their rights, and clearly, though temperately, show, that the Revenue act &c. were oppressive and tyrannical. This letter, De Berdt was to use according to his best discretion, to correct British errors, to enlighten British minds, and to promote the cause of justice and freedom.

Intelligence of the revenue act of 1767, arrived in Sept. but the General Court did not sit till Dec. 30. Their first business was to attend They conclude their letter to De to the state of the provinces, and Berdt, as follows. "We have rea exert their utmost efforts to frus-son to believe, that the nation has trate the wicked machinations of been grossly misinformed with re the British Ministry. At the be-spect to the temper and behavior of ginning of the year 1768, they were the colonists; and it is to be feared, prepared for action. With all the that some men will not cease to sow caution of hoary headed experi- the seeds of jealousy and discord, ence, with all the zeal of the most till they shall have done irreparaardent patriotism, rendered indig-ble mischief. You will do a singunant by repeated oppressions, they lar service to both countries, if posapplied themselves to emancipate sible, in detecting them. In the their country from the British yoke. S mean time, we desire, you would In one month their work was near-make known to his Majesty's minly accomplished; and never per-isters, the sentiments of this House,

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