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What did they beg him to afford them and their constituents?

Mention the names of some others, to whom they sent letters.

§ By whom, were these letters drafted ?-corrected?

What do these letters breathe? What influence were these letters calculated to have in Britain ? Where was the chief advantage of these letters ?

Of what letter, may they be considered a part?

to the King, our Sovereign, and employ your happy influence for their relief."

A still more important and more

preparing a petition directly to the King Of this it may here suffice to give a few lines of the beginning and close.

Their next business was to prepare a letter directly to Lord Shel-difficult labor seems to have been, burne, one of the British ministers, whom they considered a little more? favorably disposed toward them, than some others. The letter begins thus," My Lord, The House of "Most Gracious Sovereign, Representatives of this his Majesty's Your Majesty's faithful subjects, province, having had experience of the Representatives of your provyour Lordship's generous senti-ince of the Massachusetts Bay, with ments of his Majesty's most loyal, the warmest sentiments of loyalty, though remote, subjects in America, duty and affection, beg leave to apand of your noble exertions in their proach the throne, and to lay at behalf, in the late time of their dis- your Majesty's feet, their humble tress, beg leave to lay before your supplications in behalf of your disLordship's view, the new scenes tressed subjects, the people of this of difficulty, which are again open- province. We most hunbly behed upon us, and to implore your re- seech your Majesty to take our prespeated interposition." Among oth- ent unhappy circumstances under er things, they labor to impress your royal consideration, and afford his mind with a sense of the dan- us relief in such manner, as in your gers, the hardships, the toils and Majesty's great wisdon and clemthe merits of our forefathers, andency, shall seem meet.' the consequent claims of their posterity. In conclusion, they say, fear 66 They beg your Lordship would excuse their trespassing upon your time and attention to the great affairs of state. They apply to you, as a friend to the rights of mankind, and of British subjects. As Americans, they implore your Lordship's patronage, and beseech you to represent their grievances



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During the same session, they prepared letters to the Marquis of Rockingham, (who had been a great instrument in procuring the repeal of the Stamp Act,) to Gen. Conway, to the Earl of Camden, and to the great William Pitt. "These letters," says Mr. Alden Bradford," are written with great ability, and breathe a noble spirit of freedom. --These papers show

Character of the Circular? In what light alone, did the writers wish to have it considered? What would they take kind any other House of Representatives?

To what degree, did it sting them ?

What did they require the Legisinlature of Ms. to do?

How was this Circular received?

How durable was the excitement produced?

Why was this excitement then peculiarly needed?

To whom, was it grievous and distressing?

What was there peculiarly strange in this requirement?

Why could not this be done? How many members voted in fr vor of rescinding?

What were they called?
What was done to the G. C. for
not rescinding?-By whom?
Agreeably to what command?

the diligence, the interest and zeal, sentiments of your, or any other which the patriots of that period House or Assembly on the contiexhibited and their unwearied ef- nent." In conclusion, they remark, forts to secure the rights and liber- "The house is fully satisfied, that ties of the people." These letters your Assembly is too generous and were drafted by Otis, corrected by liberal in sentiment, to believe, S. Adams, and then considered and that this letter proceeds from an discussed by a large committee, ambition of taking the lead, or dicchosen to prepare them; and final-Stating to the other assemblies. ly being reported to the House, They freely submit their opinions were discussed and accepted. They to the judgment of others; and could hardly fail of having a saluta-shall take it kind in your House to ry, and very considerable influence point out any thing further that may in Britain, to increase the number, be thought necessary. to warm the hearts, and arm the understanding of our British friends. But the grand influence, the chief advantage of these letters, was in this country. They were sent on to the several colonial assemblies in company with the circular letter, co-operated with it, and may in a sense, be considered as a part of it. Nay, they may in fact, be considered, as by far the most important part of it. The simple Circular addressed immediately to the other Assemblies, is remarkably modest, respectful, and conciliating. "This House," say they, "hope, that this letter will be candidly considered in no other light, than as expressing a disposition freely to communicate their minderful stimulus was needed to ope rate upon the vast mass of patriot ism, that was slumbering in all the colonies. Such was the Ms. Cir

to a sister colony upon a common concern, in the same manner, as they would be glad to receive the

This circular with its appendages, or more properly speaking, this compound Circular, was the very thing, which was exceedingly needed in the colonies, at that time. After being unspeakably excited and distressed by the Stamp Act, the people were scarcely less enraptured by its repeal. Feeling as though they were forever emancipated, they settled down into a calm, which was most dangerous to their liberties-a calm, from which, they were most reluctant to be aroused. At least, this was generally the case, though many, who had more sagacity and foresight, still felt the deadly arrows of British oppression rankling in their wounds. A pow

Where did Parliament wish persons to be sent for trial, who should be accused of treason in Ms. ?

How did the Americans regard this measure?

What spirited resolutions were
passed by the Va. assembly on that

How did Gov. Botetourt punish them?

What is this affray often called !
Boston Massacre.

How many days before, did the
quarrel commence ?
Effect upon the town?

cry raised?
Whose promise prevented a more
dreadful scene of blood?

What was immediately done with the soldiers?

Of what, were two of them con

What two colonies appear to have been most forward and decid-victed upon trial? ed in resisting British tyranny? Ms. and Va.

§ What horrible scene was exhibited in Boston, March 5, 1770 ? By whom?

Commander of these soldiers? How many were killed and wounded? 5 killed and 6 wounded.

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Meaning of manslaughter ? To what, did the event give occasion?

Effect of these addresses? Why had but little tea been brought into the country for some time before 1773 ?

How much had accumulated up

cular. "The circular of the House ed the Ms. Legislature to rescind a of Representatives of Ms." says resolution, that had already been Chief Justice Marshall, "was well executed. And strange to think! received in the other colonies. They another House of Representatives generally approved the measures of were required "immediately to reopposition, which had been taken,scind the resolution of the last and readily united in them. They House, to transmit circular lettoo petitioned the king against theters to the other British colonies," obnoxious acts of parliament, and &c. when the letters had been actuinstructed their agents to use all ally sent, and several, if not all of proper means to obtain their re-them, had been kindly answered!! peal." And in obedience to royal authoriBy this Circular, which was im-ty, the House did condescend to mediately published in all the col- act upon the degrading question, onies, an excitement seems to have whether they should rescind a resbeen produced, that never subsid-olution of their predecessors, which, ed, but continued constantly in-having been executed, even Omcreasing, till independence was ac- nipotence could not now alter. The tually declared. vote was taken, and more surprisPerhaps no document or trans-ing still, 17 members voted in the action of a colony, was ever more affirmative, while 92 voted against grievous and distressing to the Brit-it. The former were held up to ish ministry than this Circular. It public execration, and stigmatized wounded them most deeply. Nay, as the INFAMOUS SEVENit seems to have stung them to mad-TEEN. For thus refusing to atness--literally, to madness, unless tempt an impassible act, the House perchance they were mad before. was immediately prorogued by Gov. Their consequent order was not Bernard, and the next day dissolvmerely tyrannic and cruel; it was ed, agreeably to the command of downright insanity. They requir-his royal master.

on the hands of the East India & of liberty, and the generous de


What did Parliament do for their relief?

How would this regulation affect the price of tea in the colonies?

What was the determination of the colonists, when the Company were about sending tea to this country?

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In what year, was the tea sent to this country? In 1773.

What was done with the cargoes, sent to N. Y. and Philad.? What was done with the tea sent to Charleston, S. C. ?

How were the people affected, when the tea arrived at Boston?

What was the tea called in a notification there? The worst of plagues.

What was done with the tea at
Boston -How many chests?
By how many persons? About
70 or 80.

In how many parties? Three. How dressed? One or two parties were disguised like Indians.

Where was the tea? At Griffin's

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fenders of the rights of man.

How were they in some measure relieved? By liberal contributions from various parts of the country. Of what, did Parliament consider Boston as the chief seat? What did a second bill essentially change?

Upon what, did it make the council &c. dependent?

Where did a third bill authorize the Gov. to send a person indicted for a capital offence, for trial?

Meaning of indicted ?—of capital offence?

What resolution did the Bostonians wish all the colonies to adopt! What did they think it would prove?

How did the Assembly of Va express their sympathy with the Bostonians?

Party names introduced, about this time ?

Meaning of Whig ?—of Tory? In what year, was the Boston Port Bill?

In what year, was the destruc

wharf, now Liverpool's wharf, in{tion of the tea? the south part of the town.

In how many vessels? Three. Why was no opposition made to those who destroyed the tea? They were guarded by a multitude of spectators.

What effect upon the Parliament, had the destruction of the tea? What bill did they pass by way of revenge?

§ What injury to Boston, was the Port Bill? It stopped their trade, and soon reduced the people to great sufferings.

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How many letters are there in the word tea ?—in port?

In what year was convened the second colonial Congress?

What month ?-Where ? Where had the first been convened?-How long before? 20 years.

President of the second Colonial Congress ?-Of what colony

Of what, did they recommend the non-importation?-non-exportation? Upon what declaration, did they agree?

Who, did they say, ought to be What were those suffering Bos-willing to assist Ms. in their oppositonians styled? Living martyrs tion to the late acts of Parliament ?†

+ This Congress declared, "That to support the inhabitants of Ms. if the late acts of parliament shall Bay in their opposition; that if it be attempted to be carried into ex-be found absolutely necessary to ecution by force, all Ame: ica ought remove the people of Boston into

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notwithstanding his proclamation? Where?

Into what body, did they there form themselves? A Provincial Congress.

To what place, did the Provincial Congress immediately adjourn? Whom did they choose president at Concord"?

To what place, did they adjourn from Concord?

For what most important object, did they form a plan?

For what purpose, did they choose the Committee of Safety? To call out and employ the militia

What was the nature of the pow-to protect the country.-Meaning er of this congress? of militia?

By whom, were their resolutions highly approved?

For what purposes, did they appoint the Committee of Supplies? What colonial Assembly was the To equip and support the militia, only one, which withheld its ap-{ if called out, and to secure the pubprobation from these resolves?lic stores, that had not been seized That of N. Y. by Gov. Gage.

What reason does Dr. Ramsay assign for this? Their metropolis had long been head-quarters of the British Army in the colonies; and many of their best families were connected with people of influence in Great Britain.

In what, did these resolutions exert a commanding influence?

§ Who ordered the General Assembly to convene Oct. 5, 1774 ? How did Gage countermand this order?

§ In what month, did this Provincial Congress meet again?

How many soldiers did they determine to have in readiness for any emergency?

What part of the militia, did they determine, should be enlisted, as Minute Men?

Meaning of Minute Men? Men who should be prepared at a minute's warning, to march, when called upon by the Committee of Safety.

Meaning of countermand?
What colonies did the Provin-
How many representatives met,cial Congress request to unite with

the country, all America ought to "there never was a body of delecontribute toward recompensing gates more faithful to the interests them for the injury they may susof their constituents, than the contain; and that every person, who gress of 1774. The public voice shall accept, or act under, any com- elevated none to a seat in that aumission or authority, derived from gust assembly, but such as in adthe act of parliament, changing thedition to considerable abilities, posform of government, and violatingsessed that ascendency over the the charter, ought to be held in de- minds of their fellow citizens, which testation." can neither be acquired by birth, nor purchased by wealth."


Perhaps,” says Dr. Ramsay,

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