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In what state, is C. F. In Pa.
Which way from Phil.? W. S.

How far? About 25 miles.
Who commanded the British ?
Howe. The Americans ? W.
Which was victorious

How much greater was the American loss? More than double. Date of this battle?

What did Congress recommend to W. soon after?

What prevented another battle Sept. 16

When did Howe enter Phil. ? How long after the battle of Chad's Ford-after Howe's landing at Elkton? A month and a day.

Where was then the principal part of the British army?

How far is Germantown from
Philadelphia ?-Which way?
To what place, had Congress ad-

Which way
is L. from Phil. ?
When was the battle of German-
town ?-Issue?

How much greatest was the of the Americans?

Effect upon Washington.?
By what, was his chagrin


How long had T. been in the hands of the Americans? Where did St. Clair retreat? Who was then commander of our northern army?

Where did St. Clair join Gen. Schuyler?

At the mouth of what river, did the whole army take post, Aug. 18th ?

Where did Burgoyne soon destroy a great quantity of stores? Where was Skeensborough ? At the S. end of Lake Champlain.

Present name? White Hall. Which way from Kennebunk? from Danbury?

How long did Burgoyne halt at Skeensborough?

To what fort, did he then proceed?

Who had obstructed B's army, in their way to F. E.?

§In what, did the English army exceedingly exult, when they arriv ed at Fort Edward? In their past success and future prospects.

Of what, had they the most conloss?fident expectation? That they should proceed down the Hudson, unite with a British force from N in-Y. cut off the communication be tween N. E. and the rest of the U S. and soon reduce the rebels to subjection.

What sentiment did Congress express?

Where did the English then remove?

What then seemed to be almost the only evil, with which they had §What project did the English to contend? The extreme difficul form, to stop the intercom se be-ty of procuring provisions, which tween N. E. and the other States? were principally brought from CanTo establish sufficient forces upon { ada. the Hudson, and upon lake Champlain, and to connect them by a line of forts.

To whom, did they commit the execution of this project? What important fortress did Burgoyne invest, July 1st?

How large was the garrison of Ticonderoga ?-Commander? Issue of the siege?

In what village, had the AmeriScans a magazine of stores?

How far was Bennington from F. E.? About 35 miles.-Which way?

Whom did Burgoyne send, to seize those stores?

With what forces ?

What did Baum learn, when they arrived near Bennington?

Who then commanded the militia at Bennington?

For whom, did Stark then send to Manchester? For Col. Warner with his regiment.

Where did he take post on the right bank ? Near what army?

What is meant by the right bank of a river? That on your right


Who attacked Baum in his en-hand, when you are looking down trenchments?—On what day? With what success?

Fate of Baum?

tally wounded.

He was mor

Who commanded this reinforcement? Col. Breyman.

With what success, did Breyman attack the Americans? At first, he had greatly the advantage, and there was no reason to fear that he would gain a complete victory.

Who. arrived at that most critical moment? Col. Warner.

With what success, were the British then attacked? They were soon put to flight,

What enabled them to escape? The darkness of the night.

How many did the British lose in both engagements?

What was the loss of the icans?

Commmander of the Americans? Whom had Gates superseded? How was Schuyler affected? He was much grieved and distressed.

Why? He supposed, that his unspeakable toils and hardships would soon have been succeeded by a most important and glorious victory.

Why was he superseded? Gates was much the most acceptable to the N. E. troops.

Native country of G.? England. How much older was Gates than Washington? Four years.

In what year was Gates born?

What was the object of Burgoyne in crossing the river? He probably expected to vanquish the Amer-Americans in a general battle, and then pass unmolested to Albany, to join the forces expected from NewYork.

How many muskets and sabres did the Americans take? About 1000 of each.

What became of Breyman? He was mortally wounded in the second battle of Stillwater.

What other two actions did those at Bennington resemble? The battles of Trenton and Princeton.

In what respects? In effect they may be considered as one. They had an astonishing influence to raise the cause of the Americans.

On what day, was the first battle of Stillwater? Sept 19. How long after the battle of Bennington ?

Which party claimed the honor of victory? Both.

Which sustained the greatest


Why was the first battle of Stillwater very much to the advantage of the Americans? The enemy How? By giving new courage were exceedingly disappointed and to our soldiers; by inducing multi-chagrined; their losses could not tudes to flock to our camp; by lead-be repaired; B's object in fighting ing to the ruin of Burgoyne, and was frustrated; and the Americans, by giving a new face to the whole much encouraged and animated to scene of our operations. find that they could successfully congreat-tend with the whole British army.

§Of what, was Burgoyne ly in want?

What river did he pass about the middle of September?

By whom, was Gates's army continually reinforced? Multitudes of


§What debilitating measure did & Boston; sail to Europe; ana not B. adopt Oct. 3? Diminished his serve against the U. S. during the present war.

soldiers' rations.

Meaning of rations?

What induced him to do this? Want of provisions.

When were these articles signed? How long after the battle of Bennington-first of Stillwater ?

On what day, was the second-second? battle of Stillwater?

How long after the first?

What was the issue? The British were defeated, driven to their camp, and there attacked.

What ended the battle? The darkness of the night.

Where did B. surrender?

What special tenderness did Gates then manifest towards his prisoners? Caused his army to retire, that they might not witness the shame of the British in piling their arms.

How large was the captured


Why did not the Americans lay aside their arms during the night? They wished to renew the attack the next morning. What prevent-sword? To Gates. ed? Burgoyne retreated in the night, and took a much stronger position.

To whom, did B. give up his

Why did not Gates attack him there? He chose that famine rather than bloodshed, should compel Burgoyne to surrender.

What did Gates do with it! Most politely returned it to B.

How did Gates treat B.? Very kindly, invited him to his table, and endeavored to comfort and cheer him.

How did B, appear? Silent, dejected and disconsolate.

Why did not B. retreat to Fort Edward, and thence to Canada ? Why did he not ford the river at the ford, just above F. Edward? Gates had taken measures to pre-deliver to Congress? vent it.

§ Whom did Gates send to inform Congress ?

What message did Wilkinson

To whom, did Congress vote thanks? To Gates and his army. How large was his army? Nearthree times as large as the one they captured.

Why did not B. retreat on the right bank of the river? Pressed by so mighty an army, he couldly not retreat through roads so difficult.

What decision was then formed by a British council of war?

What other honor did Congress vote to show Gates? To give him a gold medal.

Who composed that council?
All the captains and superior offi-ed


How were that council annoyed? By American balls whistling around them, and piercing the tent that covered theni.

Meaning of capitulate?

Most important articles of this capitulation? That the army should march out of the camp with the honors of war; deposite their arms at an appointed place; march to

How were the Americans affectwith the surrender of Burgoyne? Who, did they expect, would ac knowledge their independence? By whom, was it shortly after acknowledged?

What treaty was then formed with France?

Most important stipulation of that treaty ?

How long had our commissioners been at the court of France ? Who was the principal?

What had they urged?
Why had they not succeeded?

Miscellaneous Questions. No. 5. For what, was the year 1775 most distinguished?

Whom did Mr. West ask to walk with him, and see the cause of the American Revolution?

By whom, was the Stamp Act opposed besides Americans?

Where were 342 chests of tea destroyed?

What declaration is peculiarly interesting and important?

What British general arrived off Sandy Hook in June, '76 ?

What battle was probably more disastrous to the Americans, than any other?

Who were called ragamuffins ? On what occasion, did Congress remove from Philadelphia to Baltimore ?

king George say, he would begin to build his palace?

In what year, did the Boston Port Bill take effect?

For what, is Concord in Ms. most distinguished?

In what year, did the Americans take Ticonderoga and Crown Point? Where did the colonists fight and bleed, to obtain redress of grievances ?

Who was Col. Patterson ? Where was Washington wonderfully favored by two providential events?

In what year, did Franklin submit to Congress, articles of confederation ?

For what, is Bennington distinguished?

Whose loyalty was praised by Gov. Pownal?

For what, was the year 1765 most distinguished?

What British statesman inspir

By what writs, were the people of Ms. afraid of being oppressed?ed the Americans with confidence What did King George's cour-in their cause, and emboldened tiers say, that his palace resem- them to oppose British tyranny? bled? For what, is West Cambridge distinguished?

What pretended right of Parliament did Pitt deny?

What American port did the British first shut up?

For what, is Lexington in Ms. distinguished?

In what year, was Bunker Hill battle?

Who often accused the colonists

Who was Gen. Warren? To what office, was Washington appointed in 1775 ?

Who perfidiously refused, to let the Boston patriots leave the town? Who told Col. Patterson, that the Americans needed no pardon? What two battles may be consid

of desiring and seeking indepen-ered, in some sense, as one event? dence?

What considerable island lies a few miles south of N. Y. city?

What outrages did the British commit at Danbury in '77 ?

What small, but most important

With what fort, did the Ameri-battle, was fought Aug. 16, 1777?

cans lose 2700 men?

First king of England, who had sub-belonged to Hanover?

What articles did Franklin mit to Congress in 1775 ? Who was Col. Stark? Who was Col. Wilkinson ? To what country, did the colonists often give the name home? With how many pounds, did

Who was Charles Townsend? For what, was the year 1766 most distinguished?

What order did the British ministry require the Ms. assembly rescind?


Who was Gage?
Where was Gen. Warren killed?
By whom, was Washington ap-
pointed generalissimo?

Where did Adams say, that independence was born?

Name of a strait, that separates Long and from Staten Island ? What counterbalanced the disaster of Brooklyn ?

For what, is Elkton distinguished ?-Who was Col. Warner? What most important event took place Oct. 17, '77 ?

Who made a mighty speech against the Writs of Assistance? Who was Col. Barre ?

For what, was the year 1767 most distinguished?

Who was Capt. Preston ?

In what battle, did the Americans lose nearly 3000 men?

Who took Ticonderoga in '77 ? Who sent Baum, to seize some stores at Bennington?

Who contended, that representa tion should be united with taxation ?

Who wrote to Mr. Thompson, that the sun of liberty was set? Who was Dennis De Berdt? For what, was the year 1773 most distinguished ?

Who was Dr. Barnard ? Who was Lord Percy? What general declined receiving any compensation for his services during the revolutionary war?

Who desired the colonies to form constitutions of government

In what year, was the tea de- in '76 ? stroyed at Boston?

Who was Col. Smith ?

What general first fell in ou revolutionary army?

Where was Gen. Montgomery killed?

Who said in the year '75, that no whig had wished for independence? What battle was fought soon after Howe landed at Elkton?

Who was Col. Breyman ? To whom, did Congress award a gold medal in '77 ?

Name of a law, that laid a duty upon clayed sugar, &c. ?

Who was George Grenville? For what, was the year 1768 most distinguished?

For what, was the year 1770

most distinguished?

Who was Col. Leslie ?
Who was Maj. Pitcairn?
What town near Boston, was
burnt in 1775?

In what fort, was Col. Magaw captured?

What seems to have furnished the brightest jewel in the crown of Washington?

Who evacuated Ticonderoga in July '77?

Harbinger of the Stamp Act? In opposing what British Act, did Va. take the lead?

What colony sent a most impor tant Circular to the rest in 1768? For what, was the year 1774 most distinguished?

Who said, the Americans were cowards by nature?

In what year, did Washington take the command at Cambridge? Mention some of the most impor tant events of "75.

Who was Richard Henry Lee? What island a little S. of N. Y contains about 100 square miles? Where did Washington retreat

Second of our generals, who fell in 1776 ? in our revolutionary war? Who was Dunmore?

The burning of what speech, seemed to light the fires of independence through the land?

Who commanded the northern British army in '77?

What event induced the French to acknowledge our independence, and form a treaty with us?

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