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of Plymotheans visit the same inonth?

ministration compared with oth-
ers? It was the longest, that has
occurred in New-England.
What prevented his being gov-batinua?
ernor five years more?

In what, did he strongly recommend rotation?

Meaning of rotation?

First memorable act of Bradford's administration?

For what objects?

Who were the ambassadors ?
Who was their guide?

How many sachems professed subjection to king James in Sept. 1621?

What important bay did a party

How were these received by Ob

Of what place was he sachem? Present name? Boston. Against what enemies, did they promise to assist him?

What ship arrived at Plymouth in November, 1621 ?

How many planters came in the Fortune?

Why were they almost destitute of provision?

Consequence to the Plymothe


What Indian chief sent them a

tion of governor, "If this appoint-visit the place, and trade with the

ment," said he, "is any honor or benefit, others should partake of it; if it is a burden, others should help bear it."

natives. On Sept. 18, they sailed in their shallop, and the next day landed under a cliff, supposed to be Copp's Hill, now in Boston, near One of the first acts of Bradford's Charlestown bridge. There they administration, was to send an em- were kindly received by Obbatibassy to Massasoit. The objects nua, sachem of Shawmut, one of of this were to explore the country; the nine who a few days before, o confirm the league; to learn the had subscribed the submission at situation and strength of their new Plymouth. Obbatinua now renewfriend; to carry him some presents; ed his submission; and in return, to apologize for some supposed in the Plymotheans promised to assist juries; to regulate their mutual in-him against his enemies the Tarratercourse; and to procure seed- teens and the Squaw Sachem of corn for the next year. This most Massachusetts. important business was executed in July, by Edward Winslow and Stephen Hopkins, with Squanto for their guide.

In Nov. the ship Fortune arrived at Plymouth with 36 planters. Having been four months at sea, the provisions in the Fortune were It was well for the colony, that almost wholly consumed. This the friendship of Massasoit was was most unfortunate for the Plythus secured. His influence was motheans, who were obliged to furextensive. In consequence of his nish provisions for the seamen on regard for the new settlers, nine sa- their return home. The consechems went to Plymouth in Sep-quence was a grievous scarcity at tember, and acknowledged them-Plymouth. All the colonists were selves loyal subjects to king James. Having heard much of the Bay of Massachusetts, both from Indians and from English fishermen, Gov. Bradford appointed ten men with Spuanto and two other Indians, to

immediately put upon half allowance. Before spring, the famine was distressing.

In the height of this distress, a threatening message was received from Canonicus, the great sachem

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night before he died, his mind was so enraptured in view of religious truth and future blessedness, that he

of the Narragansets. It was in the to a good old age, notwithstanding style of the ancient Scythians, con- all his amazing hardships, toils and sisting of a bundle of arrows tied up afflictions. Having nearly reached with a snake skin. Squanto inter- the point of three score years and preted this to be a threatening and ten, he had a sweet release from a challenge. The undaunted Brad-every pang and every care. ford returned a bold reply, That if they loved war rather than peace, they might begin when they would; that the people of Ply-said to his friends in the morning, mouth had done them no wrong; neither did they fear them; nor should the Narragansets find them unprepared. By another messenger the snake skin was sent back, charged with powder and bullets. The Indians, however, refused to receive it. They were Perhaps no magistrate has ever afraid to let it continue in their more happily blended decision, enhouses; and it was brought back to ergy and faithfulness, with condePlymouth. Here the correspond-scension, suavity and kindness. ence ended. It was judged prudent, however, to fortify the town. This work was performed by the people, while they were pinched and pining with famine.

"The good Spirit of God has given me a pledge of my happiness in another world, and the first fruits of eternal glory." His death was deeply lamented, not only by the Plymotheans, but by all the colonists in New England.

Bradford would suffer no one to trample on the laws, or disturb the peace of the colony. During his administration, there were frequent accessions of new inhabitants. In this exigency, Gov. Bradford Some of them were refractory. found the advantage of his friendly But his wisdom and authority obliintercourse with the Indians. Heged them to respect the laws and made several excursions among customs of the country. The folthem, and procured corn and beans,lowing instance may serve as a faithfully paying for what he re-specimen. A company of young men, newly arrived, were very unThus serving his generation willing to comply with the Govermost faithfully and effectually, and nor's order for working on the pubbeing ardently beloved and highlylic account. On a Christmas day, respected by all the good, he lived they excused themselves, under


How many towns were represented?

On what rivers in Va. were there English settlements in 1622?†

the English, ever since the marriage of Pocahontas to Mr. Rolfe. Powhatan was succeeded, not only in his own dominions, but in his in

pretence, that it was against their conscience to work. The governor gave them no other answer, than, that he would let them alone, till they should be better informed. Influence over all the neighboring the course of the day, he found them tribes, by Opecancanough, a bold at play in the streets. Commanding and cunning chief, as remarkable the instruments of their game to be for his jealousy and hate of the taken from them, he told them, that new settlers, as for his qualificait would be against his conscience, tions to execute the vengeance, his to suffer them to play, while others resentments dictated. He renewed, were at work; and that if they had however, the stipulations of Powhaany religious regard to the day, tan, and for about four years, the they should show it in the exercise peace remained undisturbed. Reof devotion at home. This gentle joicing in prosperity, the colonists reproof had the desired effect, and neglected every precaution for safeprevented the repetition of such ty. Unsuspicious of danger, they disorders. paid no attention to the machinations of the Indians. Like the peaceful inhabitants of a society, completely established, they were no longer soldiers, but citizens; and were so intent on what was subservient to the comfort or embellishment of civil life, that every martial exercise began to be laid aside. The Indians, whom they commonly employed as hunters, were furnished with fire arms, and taught to use them with dexterity. They were admitted at all times, freely into the habitations of the English, as harmless visitants; were fed at their tables, and lodged in their chambers. During this state of free and friendly intercourse, the savages formed a conspiracy to cut off all the colonists, without distinction of age, sex or character. All the tribes in the neighborhood of the English, ex

Was it not in special mercy to the Pilgrims, that their excellent friend and father, Gov. Carver, was taken from them, to give place to the youthful sage and Christian hero, that succeeded him? But perhaps such questions should be suppressed. Had Carver lived, he might have been no less illustrious than Bradford. It is of little importance for us to decide, which of these worthies was the superior. It rather becomes us to give thanks to God for the virtues and graces and distinguished usefulness of both.

† NOTE I. Indian massacre in Va. 1622. The colony had increased so fast, that in the year 1622, settlements were scattered, not only along the banks of James and York rivers, but began to extend to the Rappa-cept those east of the Chesapeak, hannock, and even to the Potomac. In this year, the cup of prosperity, of which the colonists began to taste, was dashed from their lips.

In the year 1618, died Powhatan, who had remained faithful to

were successively gained over, and united in the plot; and the means of perpetrating it were concerted with amazing secrecy. To each tribe a station was assigned, and a particular work of destruction pre

Who succeeded Powhatan?
In what year ?

Whom did he exceedingly hate?
What stipulations did he enew?
How long did he continue at
peace with the colonists?

Why did not the colonists attend to the machinations of the Indians? What arms were the Indians instructed to use?

How were they treated by the English? In the most friendly and hospitable manner.

What conspiracy did the Indians form, during this friendly intercourse?

What day was designated for the perpetration of this design? What did the Indians do the preceding evening, the better to disguise their intentions?

How did the Indians behave on the morning of the massacre?

What is said of the suddenness of the execution?

How many persons were slaughtered in a single hour?

What part of the whole colony
Who had warned the people of
Jamestown of their danger

Who had informed Mr. Pace ?
How long beforehand?

What was the consequence to Jamestown and some of the adjacent settlements ?

With what, were the survivors overwhelmed?

Where did they assemble for safety ?-What ensued?

What was the fate of some of the nearest tribes ?

From what dread, were the colony delivered?


Winslow's second visit to Massasoit. Indian Conspiracy. What important news respecting Massasoit, was received at Plymouth in the spring of 1623 ?†

scribed. So deep and dark was Ions or the blows, that proved their their dissimulation, that they were death. Thus in one hour, and alaccustomed to borrow boats of the most at the same moment, fell 347 English, to cross the river, in order persons, nearly a fourth part of the to concert and mature their execra- whole colony. But for two cirble designs. The 22nd of March cumstances, the slaughter might was designated as the day of de-have been almost universal. An struction to all the whites. The Indian, named Chanco, had been better to disguise their intentions, domesticated by a Mr. Pace. He they brought on the preceding eve- is represented as having been conning, deer, turkeys and fish as pre-verted to Christianity. The night sents. Even on the morning of the preceding the massacre, this Indian massacre, they came freely among was induced, probably by a sense of the whites, behaving in their usual duty, to give information of the horfriendly manner, until the very in-rid plot, to Mr. Pace, who had been stant of commencing the carnage. to him as a father. Mr. Pace inAt mid-day, finding the whites per- stantly flew to Jamestown ; and fectly secure, the savages rushed at the alarm was given in season, to once upon them in their different save that and several of the adjasettlements, and indiscriminately cent settlements. In other districts, murdered men, women and chil- the colonists ran to their arms, and dren. So sudden was the execuwith desperate valor, repulsed the tion, that few perceived the weap-assailants.

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Where is Swanzey? Between Dighton and Warren.

In what state? Ms.

Who manifested very great anguish, when he heard Massasoit was dead?

Can you mention some of the virtues, that Hobbamak ascribed to Massasoit?

tain the same, by observing this their laudable custom; and the rather, because we desired to have some conference with the Dutch, not knowing, when we should have so fit an opportunity.

"To that end, myself having formerly been there, and understanding in some measure the Dutch

service on myself, and fitted me with some cordials to administer to him; having one Mr. John Hambden, a gentleman of London, who then wintered with us, and desired much to see the country, for my consort, and Hobbamak for our guide. So Iwe set forward, and lodged the first night at Namasket, where we had friendly entertainment.

Edward Winslow was born in Worcestershire, in 1594. He was one of the most distinguished and useful of the Plymouth Pilgrims. He was one of the 14, who coasted the bay of Cape Cod, and discovered the harbor of Plymouth. When Mas-tongue, the governor again laid this sasoit visited Plymouth, Winslow offered himself as a hostage, while a conference was held, and a treaty formed, with that sachem. Twice he was sent by Governor Bradford, to visit Massasoit; and for three years, he was governor. Probably, the most important business, that he ever performed, was that of his second mission to Pokanoket. This he discharged in March, 1623, in "The next day, about one of the company with John Hambden, af- clock, we came to a ferry in Conterwards so illustrious by his oppo- batant's country, where, upon dissition to the tyranny of Charles I. S charge of my piece, divers Indians The following account is in the came to us, from a house not far off. words of Winslow himself. They told us that Massasoit was "News came to Plymouth, that dead, and that day buried; and that Massasoit was like to die, and that the Dutch would be gone, before at the same time, there was a we could get thither, having hove Dutch ship driven so high on the off their ship already. This news shore, before his dwelling, by stress struck us blank; but especially of weather, that till the tides in- Hobbamak, who desired me to recreased, she could not be got off. turn with all speed. I told him, I Now it being a commendable man- would first think of it, considering ner of the Indians, when any, es- now, that he being dead, Conbapecially of note, are dangerously tant, or Corbitant, was the most sick, for all that profess friendship likely to succeed him, and that we to them to visit them in their ex- were not above three miles from tremity; therefore it was thought Mattapuyst, his dwelling place. Almeet, that as we had ever professed though he were but a hollow-heartfriendship, so we should now main-ed friend to us, I thought no time so

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