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Mr. Richard Burke, Edmund's son, imbibed the opinions of his father, on the inexpediency of innovation in the constitution of the Legislature. When Major Cartwright wrote very earnestly in support of Universal Suffrage and Annual Parliaments, Richard published a most acute answer, shewing the danger of such a project, and characterising the classes of individuals who were most favourable to its adoption.

Lord North also spoke very ably against a reform, and the bill was thrown out by a considerable majority.

The greater part of the remainder of the session was occupied about the commerce of Ireland.

As in the year 1780 the trade of the sister kingdom had been freed from the hurtful restrictions by which it had long been shackled, and which the wisdom and eloquence of Burke so clearly saw, conscien

tiously attacked, and ably exposed; and as in 1782 the independence of its Parliament had been established, an important object remained for the consideration of the governments of the two countries, in the settlement of a system of commercial intercourse between them, on the firm basis of reciprocity and mutual advantage. To effectuate this beneficial purpose, Mr. Pitt made a very minute and extensive inquiry into the relative and absolute state of manufactures, and other materials of commerce, in both kingdoms. Receiving, in resolutions of the Irish House of Commons, assurances of the wish of that body to settle their commercial intercourse on the basis of reciprocity, and also the outlines of a plan for the purpose, he submitted to the house propositions to be offered to Ireland on the part of Britain. These he reduced into two general heads :—

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First, The importation of the produce of our colonies in the West Indies and America into Ireland,




Secondly, A mutual exchange between the two countries of their respective productions and manufactures upon equal terms.

The examination of merchants and manufacturers took up so much time, that for some weeks there was little or no debate in the House of Commons. The propositions afterwards were the subject of very ample discussion, during which the leading men on both sides distinguished themselves. They passed through both houses of the British Parliament; but, when offered to the con→ sideration of the Irish, they experienced so cool a reception, and so small a majority, that their virtual abandonment was deemed expedient.

The Irish propositions called forward less the oratorical powers or philosophical expansion of Burke, than the extent and minuteness of his knowledge. This appeared very striking in his conversations on the materials and processes of various articles of manufacture, the market for them, and the

probability of its being affected by the proposed plan. Indeed no subject escaped his attention.

Burke, whenever he spoke of the enormities of the East India Company's servants, described Mr. Hastings as the CaptainGeneral of iniquity; and pledged himself to bring forward momentous charges against him, as soon as he should arrive in England. During the recess of 1785 Mr. Hastings returned from India. Parliament met January 24, 1786. After his Majesty's speech had undergone a discussion, Major Scott, agent to the late Governor-General of Bengal, reminded the house that Mr. Hastings had been some months arrived from his government; and he, therefore, called on Mr. Burke to bring forward the charges. Mr. Burke replied to the Major, by relating an anecdote of the great Duke of Parma, who, being challenged by Henry the Fourth of France to bring his forces into the open field, and instantly decide their disputes,' answered, with a smile, that he knew very

well what he had to do, and was not come so far to be directed by an enemy."

Though Burke did not immediately proceed to the proposed investigation of Mr. Hastings's conduct, it now engaged his attention so much that he did not enter greatly into other subjects of parliamentary deliberation. On the Duke of Richmond's plan of fortification, while Pitt, of the Ministers, stood almost alone, Opposition was conducted by the joint ability of Mr. Windham, Mr. Courtenay, Mr. Fox, Lord North, and Mr. Sheridan; but without the aid of Burke. On the reduction of the national debt, the transfer of duties on wine from the Customs to the Excise, and several other subjects of consequence, he did not take an active part.


February 17th he called the attention of the house to the conduct of Mr. Hastings.

No measure, which he ever supported, subjected Burke to more obloquy and abuse than the prosecution of Hastings.


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