Imágenes de páginas

ture will gain by the fale of her wines, her brandies and her oils. Thofe advantages added to the relative fituation of France and the United States, which removes every fufpicion of rivalry between them both by fea and land, have exhibited France as the natural ally of the United States to the eye of thofe who have confidered, in the extent of her power, a new pledge of the fecurity of their commerce and their future tranquility. They have done homage to the wifdom of those ftatesmen, who at the conclufion of an ad ventageous war have tho't that France would gain more by fecuring the folid friendship of the United States, than by acquiring a territory which would be for them an object of jealoufy, and might a gain force them under the domation of a people whofe yoke they had juft aflifted them to shake off.

I am not ignorant how delicate it is to foretell political misfortunes which might refult to France and the United States From the poffeffion of Louisiana and the Floridas by the former. I muft either conceal that which truth weald have me fay, or, on the other hand, frighten certain querulous minds, who may fancy they fee a threat in my franknefs. Nevertheless, a citizen of one of the two nations, and ftrongly attached to each, I hope that those to whom this memorial may be delivered, will be able to fet a juft value on the mo tives of my conduct, and will fee in it, nothing but my exertion to remove every fubject of difpute between two people formed to aflift one another: and although I am too well acquainted with there fources of my own country to dread the power any European nations, it will eafily be feen that I'ain incapable of conceiving the ridiculous idea of threatening a government which has feen all Europe bend the knee before its power.


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I have obferved that France and the United States, are in a refpective fituation, fo fortunate as to have no point of collifion. They may affift, without being tempted to hurt one another in any manner. This commerce is ufeful to both nations; this union of fentiments and interefts refts ppon principles which ought to form the maritime code, and deliver the universe from the tyranny founded by Great Britain, which he maintains and which never will be combated with fuccefs, until the other powers, by uniting, will abridge her means, by transferring to nations more moderate a part of her commerce; and as their is no nation on the globe whose confumption offers to foreign manufactures. refources as vaft as thofe offered by the U. nited States, if we confider with what rapidity this confumption increafes, the means which America has of creating a navy when her political fituation fhal! render it neceffary, we shall be obliged to l

own that France, muft have very strong motives and very powerful, to induce her to abandon these advantages, and change a natural ally, from a warm friend into a fufpicious and jealous neighbour, and perhaps hereafter into a declared enemy. [TO BE CONCLUDED.]

Be it our weekly task,

To note the passing tidings of the times.

Hudson, July 26, 1803.

By the Prefident of the U. S. of America.

A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS great and weighty_matters claiming the confideration of the Congrefs of the United States, form an extraordinthefe prefents appoint Monday the 17th. ary occafion for convening them: I do by day of October next for their meeting at the City of Washington, hereby requiring their respective Senators and Reprefentatives, then and there to affemble in Con

grefs, in order to receive fuch communications as may then be made to them, and to confult and determine on fuch measures as, in their wisdom may be deemed meet for the welfare of the Unit

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By an arrival at New-York, in 16 days from Antigua, advice is received, that Tobago was taken by the British force.-That a expedition had failed from Antigua, confifting of 5 fail of the line and 7000 troops, against Martinique, and that four 74's with the Diamond Emerald and Venus frigates, had cut out of Port Royal and St. Pierre's, (Mar.) 32 fail of French veffels, of different difcriptions. The brig Bufy had fent three prizes into Antigua, one of them which was very valuable, from the Coast of Guinea, having on board 373 flaves, 130 boxes of gold dust, and 135 Elephant's teeth. A fquadron confitting of 7 fail of the line and 4 tranfdoes from Europe, which captured 4 ports, with troops, had arrived at BarbaFrench veffels on the paffage.

At the celebration of the 4th of July at Rutland, (Vermont) a young gentleman by the name of William T. Hall, was killed by the bursting of a cannon. "His head was blown from his body, fcattered and dif perfed in a thousand pieces, and the fragments found in every direction; a lifelets trunk was all that was to be feen of this enterprizing young man."-Another perfon, Mr. George Down, was dangeroutly wounded, but hopes are entertained of his recovery. Several other perfons were alfo wounded, but not dangerously.

[Albany Centinel.]

Extract of a letter from New Orleans, dated 11th June, 1803.

"Two days ago, capt. Collins arrived here with Gen. Bowles, who has been delivered up to the Spaniards, by the Indians in the American intereft, at the inftigation. of our agent here, Col. Hawkins. He is in the fort St. Charles, ironed, and will (fo fays report) be fent to Havanna in a day or two. He threatens vengeance again ft the Americans, if ever he gets his liberty again."

The Knot.


On Sunday evening last, by Rev. Mr. Judd, Mr. RICHARD M. ESSELSTYN, to Miss CHARITY VAN HOESEN, both of this city.



Now, my LAURA, I must leave thee;

'Tis my country calls me hence; Will thy OSCAR's absence grieve thee, While he fights in its defence. Give, oh, give some kind assurance, 'Ere I take my last farewell; Then of hope, the sweet endurance Shall in my fond bosom dwell.

When surrounded oft' by danger-
When the thundering cannon roar-
Will not some more happy stranger
Gain what I had won before?
No-my LAURA still will bless me,

Though misfortune marks my way:
Then let grief no more distress me-
Hope, I feel thy cheering ray.
Yes-'tis honour now invites me;
Honour's call I must obey ;
Yet 'tis love alone delights me-
Love alone can joy convey.
To this blissful predeliction

Every wish I here resign; Still, though absent, my affection Is forever-ever thine.

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In this gentle, calm retreat
All the train of graces meet;
Truth, and innocence, and love,
From this temple ne'er remove.
Sacred virtue's worthiest shrine,
Art thou here, and art thou mine?
Wonder, gratitude and joy,
Blest vicissitude! employ
Every moment, every thought:
Crowds of cares are long forgot.

Open, open, beauteous breast, Angels here might seek their rest.

Cæsar, fill thy shining throne,
A nobler seat I call my own.
Here I reign with boundless sway,
Here I triumph night and day:
Spacious empire! glorious power!
Mine of inexhausted store!

Let the wretched love to roam,
Joy and I can live at home.

Open, open, balmy breast,
Into raptures waken rest.



IN the year 1666, De Ruyter, a moft celebrated Dutch Admiral, having been worfted in an engagement with the British navy and obliged to retreat, was heard frequently to exclaim with the utmost indignation, " My God! what a wretch am I? Among fo many thoufand bullets, is there not one to put an end to my miferable life ?"

The next year, De Ruyter took ample revenge. He failed up the river Thames with a Dutch fleet, burnt feveral British fhips, and threw the city of London into the utmost confternation.

A FRENCHMAN, at St. Euftatia, who had been an eminent merchant, but by misfortunes had loft all his property, being commanded to make out an inventory of all his effects, when that ifland was taken by Admiral Rodney; he took his pen and wrote the following fhort, but emphatic account of his condition." No money, no goods, no trade, no credit, no reputation, and only a poor broken heart!"


IN this country formerly, a Judge of the name of Sewell, a man of unfpotted integrity, ftepped into a neighbouring hatter's purchase a fet of fecond-hand brushes for his fhoes. The hatter hand

ing him brushes, faid, "If thefe will an. fwer your purpole, your honour is wel. come to them, for they are fo much worn as to be of no use to me." "I thank you for your kind offer, replied Mr. Sewell;1 will purchase the brushes, if you please, but I cannot receive them gratis; when I first accepted the office of Judge, it was a fixed principle in my mind, never to re ceive a gift, nor to place myfelf in any circumftances which might have even a poffible tendency to warp my judgment."


AT a town meeting in this country, a man named Shote was appointed hog conftable, that is, an overfeer of Swine and a punning neighbour attempted to make merriment on the occafion by the follow. ing couplet.

The wisdom of our town now stands confest ;One Shote is chose to govern all the rest.


A DASHING highwayman being at the place of execution, in company with a chimney-fweeper, and anxious, whatever fpots there might be on his reputation, to preferve his leather breeches unfullied, defired his companion to ftand at a greater distance" Why, (replied Sweep) hav'nt I as much right to be here as you have?"

[Port Folio,]


To City Subscribers, Two Dollars and fifty cents, payable in quarterly advances.

To Country Subscribers, who receive their papers at the office Two Dollars, payable as above. To those who receive them by the mail, Two Dollars, exclusive of postage, payable in advance.

A handsome title-page, with an Index or Table of Contents, will be given with the last number of each volume.

Advertisements inserted in a conspicuous and handsome manner, in the Advertiser which accom panies the Balance.

Complete files of the first volume, which bave been reserved in good order for binding, are for sale -Price of the volume, bound, Two Dollars and fif ty cents-unbound, Two Dollars. The whole mag be sent, stitched or in bundles, to any post-office in the state, for 52 cents postage; or to any post-of fice in the union for 78 cents.


Warren-Street, Hudson.

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Original Ellaps.


Hither the products of your closet-labore bring, Enrich our columns, and instruct mankind.




Question. IN

N what eftimation do you hold the liberty of the prefs?

Anfwer. I venerate it as the ark of our political fafety--as the protecting fhield of all our other privileges.-The freedom of the prefs has been my favourite toaftthe darling theme, that has awakened all my fenfibilities. Witnefs, ye venerable hades of Fauftus and Franklin, with what fervours of zeal have 1 expatiated on this fubject, while liftening crowds hung upon my lips! Witnefs with what execration I loaded the authors of that inftrument of tyranny, the Sedition Law -While I have a heart to feel, a tongue to Ipeak, and a hand to act, I will never defert this

facred caufe. Ye powers above record my vow-I folemnly proteft that "I am ready to fhed the last drop of my blood in defence of the liberty of the prefs."

(Here the refpondent is fuppofed to lay one hand on his breaft, and to brandifh the other hand in a moft violent manner : and in uttering the words, "I am ready to fhed the last drop of my blood," he is fuppofed to turn a little pale.)

Q. Was the Sedition Law really an act of treason against the rights of the people?

A. It was downright trealon against the freedom of the prefs; it was treason against the dignity and majefty of the people, and against their deareft rights. It was the moft tyrannical, the most abominable, the moft horrible, the most accurfed act, that ever was paffed in a free country; and fuch I have always declared it to be. That execrable law gagged and throttled every printing press in the land, that was worthy of countenance and support.

Q. Did the Sedition Law reprefs the publication of truth, or deny the privilege of giving truth in evidence?

A. The Sedition Law permitted the truth in evidence; but that circumftance was a mere farce, a mockery. It was permitting the aggrieved party to avail themfelves of impoffibilities !-a downright infult upon the underflandings of men! It was for promoting the beft interefts of the people, that the wickedness and treafons of the former adminiftrations had been expofed. Washington had been denounced as "the man who had given currency to political iniquity, and had legalifed corruption"-Adams had been called a hoary headed traitor, and had been charged with the murder of Jonathan Robbins-Jay had been accufed of having been bribed with British Gold-Pickering of robbing the public treafury of millions of dollars-Wolcott of burning the waroffice, to conceal the knavery of the offi cers. Thefe charges had been circulating throughout the union, and they ought to circulate, without check or hindrance, for the information of the abufed people;

but tho' their truth was as clear as a funbeam, they could not be proved in a court.

| of juftice; and for this plain reafon, because they were not of a proveable nature. Therefore the Sedition Law, inviting proof, when it was well-known that proof was no where to be found, did but add infult to injury.

Q. In what manner did the paffing the Sedition Law affect the characters of the former adminiftration ?

A. The Sedition Law mortally wounded the characters of thofe who paffed it. It was the engine that pulled them down and plunged them in difgrace. The legiflature of Virginia made and publifhed fpirited refolutions against the Sedition act thofe refolutions were circulated over the United States. An inftantaneous alarm was given through the country. Every where was it declared that the press was fhackled-that a blow had been aimed at the vitals of liberty-that the officers of government were wickedly plotting to hide their own villainy by fuppreffing free enquiry-that their reign had been "the reign of terror"-that the people were to be kept in ignorance of the doings of their rulers--that while they were thus hoodwinked, the yoke of flavery was intended to be riveted on their necks. The happieft effects were produced; the people were electrified; they were aroufed; they were ftruck with horror; they were filled with indignation :-they chafed from office thofe corrupt men who had paffed the Sedition Law, and fupplied their pla ces with characters diftinguifhed for their patriotifm.

Q. Since the reign of terror is ended, and the reign of equity and mildness has commenced, what is the liberal indulgence that is now given to the prefs?

have their due weight.

Now, least we should not completely gratify the Bee, we will proceed with the production, sentence by sentence.

A. Befides the ex officers of the for- peared and uttered this prediction, what | The facts are before the public, where they will || mer adminiftrations, Mr. Burr the fecond indignation would it have excited in the magiftrate in the nation, is alfo given up patriotic bofom of our prefident ?-Who to the printers, as free and lawful plun- among his friends, but would have been der; and I have almoft burft my fides with fired with a defire of punishing the fupLaughing, to fee with what art and induftry pofed impoftor ?-Yet what have our imported patriots, Duane and Cheet-lately feen ?-Ah! who dares fully relate ham, have hunted him down, while the fubalterns all fet up their barking and fo!lowed the chafe.

Q. Is not your party indebted to the talents and influence of Mr. Burr for its triumph over the federalifts?

A. This debt is cancelled.—Mr. Burr is excommunicated; he lies under the bann of our church; he is an outlaw : it has been difcovered that he eat and drank with heretics-that he even offered, as a toaft, this abominable, this treafonable fentiment, "the union of all honeft men." That man has finned beyond the hopes of mercy ;-floods of tears would not avail to wash away his crimes :-The bull of the holy Vatican is thundered against him; its anathemas are poured upon his devoted head-and all patriotic printers are in duty bound to denounce him as a traitor, and to compare him to Benedi& Arnold.*


Mr. Burr has been actually denounced as a traitor, and has even been compared to Benedict Arnold, in some of the democratic papers.



R. DENNIS in his fpeech in Congrels, in favour of the Sedition Law, produced a letter of Mr. Jefferson, dated Paris, Aug. 28, 1789; wherein Mr. Jetferfon expreffed his with that the following article fhould be added to the federal conftitution; namely: "The people fhall not be deprived of their right to fpeak, to write, or otherwife publifh any thing but falfe facts, affe&ting injuriously the lite, liberty, property or reputation of others." Now fuppofe, the moment after this paragraph was penned, that fome infpired feer had stood before that auguft perfonage and addreffed him in the following mauner:

Great fir, it is revealed to me that you will be prefident of the United States; and that under your adminiftration, there will be attended the funeral obfequies of the freedom of the prefs. To promote party views and to glut the vengeance of a furious individual, truth fhal be de. nounced as a libel; and the publication of truth, when tending to difparage your perfon or measures, fhall be inhibited by awful penalties."

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It fuch a prophet lad, at that time, ap

what we have seen ?


Balance Closet.


We had concluded to commence, in this week's paper, a complete and impartial history of the trial of the junior editor; and, although it cannot be denied that the late unfair publication in the Bes, would furnish a sufficient excuse for doing so; still, a respect which we shall ever owe to the highest judicial tribunal of the state, has induced us to postpone the publication, until after the rising of the Supreme Court, now in session at Albany.

We have found by experience, that to detect the Bee in telling a falshood, has no other effect than to provoke the insect to a repetition of the same fiction, or to the fabrication of a number of fresh


This may easily be accounted for. Holt's
Bee was settled in Hudson, as other Bees are gener-
ally brought to the hive, that is, by the sound of mct-
al. A sum of money was made up by subscrip-
tion, and the Bee was taken upon lease. Every de-
mocrat who contributed a dollar to the purchase,
claims the right of furnishing his quota of nonsense
or falshoods, or both, to fill its columns. Hence the
most flagrant violations of truth are sent to the Bee
under the head of "Communications," or under
fictitious signatures, and Helt gives them publicity.
Both printer and writer find an excuse for their.con-
duct, ready furnished, in the old fable of the Two
Thieves in the Butcher's Stall-Holt swears he does
not write the falshoods-The writers swear, they
don't publish them.-O, precious printer! O, pre-
cicus wrrers! O, precious. precious, democrats!

When we detected three plump falshoods which
the Bee recently published concerning the real num-
ber of our subscribers, &c. we did not expect that
the insect would either retract them, or make any a
pology for their insertion. We should suspect Tom
Paine of being a christain, and look for honesty and
fair dealing from the Bee, at precisely the same
moment. One is as much impossible as the other.
The person who manufactured the three falshoods,
has, in the last Bee, attempted to support them;
and we beg the reader's indulgence, while we pursue
him thr'o his crooked track, and expose his misrepre-
sentations. He says
"It has always been the
practice of the editors of the Balance, to declare
the contents of the Bee to be false, and, on the con-

trary, whatever appears in their paper, to be inva-
riable truths." Unfortunately for the Bee, it has
always happened that such a declaration could be
supported by positive and ample proof. A number
of instances might here be stated; but it is needless.


"The editors of the Balance fay that it

is falfe that they preferve two hundred copies of their paper weekly."

Yes, sir-they do so-and they humbly conceive that they are better acquainted with their own af fairs, than any democrat can possibly be.

"Very well, gentlemen-we think you "must be hardened indeed in falfhood to "deny this fat fo boldly, and right in "the face of truth too."

How charmingly a democrat can talk about being "hardened in falshood." This fellow would have the public believe that he knows more of the busi ness of the Balance-office, than the editors them selves.

"Are you not fenfible, Meffrs. Editors, "that the boy who packs up your papers weekly knows this to be a falfhood?"

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The boy who packs up the paper weekly, knows the whole truth. He knows that the Bee has told falshoods enough about this affair, to choak an hon

est man.

"What do you call preferving papers? "If you put them up in bundles, enclofed "in wrapping paper, fecured by twine, "and laid away in fome fafe place, do you "not call this preferving them ?"

Undoubtedly, Mr. Wisdom-particularly if the place where they are laid, is out of the reach of such persons as the writer we are now answering.

"That you have now packed away in "your office bundles containing two hun "dred of your papers, all of one date, we "know to be true."

Stop-not so fast. You know of no such thing,

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Here, then, the riddle is solved at once. The fact is simply this. At the commencement of the present year the editors had concluded to reserve 200 papers for binding. These papers were of course packed up. But the demand for complete sets has been so great, that many of them have since been taken from each week's papers for the purpose of sup plying new subscribers. Indeed we have been obliged to reprint several numbers. That we new preserve two hundred papers weekly, or that we did preserve that number, when the Bee asserted it, or that we calculate to have that nurzber on hand at the end of the year, is absolutely false. Of the files which we actually preserve, a great number are already subscribed for.

"With refpect to the number of papers which they fend to printers, polt-maf"ters, &c. we were not pofitive. We

might have been a little out of the way; "however, we believe we were not far. We flated the number fent to post-maf. ters, agents, &c. to be about fifty, "when the number publifhed in the Bil"ance is only forty-five? fo much for


"this falfhood."

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of the company, as far as was in their power should be so ordered as to give offence to no one; that men of both political sects were present, and spent the when the toasts were given at the board, by the day in perfect harmony-We further say, that President and Vice President for the day, they both rose from their seats, at each toast; but the company did not rise nor cheer, until a number of toaste were drank; they then began cheering, and according to the best of our recollection, cheer'd or applauded every toast that was afterwards given. This part of the conduct of the company we are ve ry confident was perfectly accidental; as we know of no previous arrangement on that head, nor did we ever hear a word mentioned as to the manner. in which they should be received.

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To shew that this last statement is direct proof of our account, it is only necessary to mention that "the president of the U. States," was given for the third toast-and "the late president," was the sev‣

"I have waited a week to fee whether the Balance editors would correct the falfe account in their paper of the 12th inft. of the reception of certain toalts drank byenth. the mechanics at Mr. Stocking's on the 4th. But I have waited in vain, for it feems they fill adhere to their old practice of publishing erroneous and falfe ftatements witout any intention of acknowledging or correcting their errors. They fay, both political fects partook of the entertainment;


but the manner in which they [the toafts] were received evidenced the spirit that pre. vailed at the board. When the Prefident of the United States was given no perfon raifed not a whifper of approbation was role from his feat, no applauding hand was heard. But when the late Prefident was toafted the company rofe to a man and gave three hearty cheers." Not believing their fory or that any republican would conduct in fuch a manner. I was led to

That you was incorrect we have already declared ; but you must excuse us, good Mr. Bee, from the task of stating the exact number, &c. We do not know enquire into the truth of it, and the fact is, what business you have to pry into our concerns. as I have it from federal authority, that no fuch diftinction was made, and that the We choose to "manage our own affairs in our own way" You have told falshonds, and you may, iffy Jo to the contrary notwithstanding." company rofe at every toast, the Balance you please, retract them, and in future, mind your fo own business. We cannot waste time in gratifying the impertinent curiosity of a democrat.-Good day to you.

The Bee, with its usual effrontery, has accused us of publishing a false account of the reception of certain toasts, drank by the Mechanics at Mr. Stocking's tavern, on the fourth of July; and to give the accusation more weight, says it is "from federal authority." We are glad to see that the Bee begins to be sensible that any thing publish. ed on its own authority, would be good for nothing; but the pitiful attempt to palm an abominable falshood upon the public, under pretence of its coming from "federal authority," shall not pass unnoticed. We do not believe that any federalist has borised the Bee to contradict our statement. In common with every other man in the community. we place no reliance whatever on mere Bee-assertions.

The statement which we published, was made From cur own personal knowledge. One of the ditors was present while the toasts were drank,

l particularly noticed every transaction. Though,

As this is not an indictment at Common Law, but is merely an arraignment before the bar of the pub. lic, we humbly hope that we may be permitted to give the truth in evidence. The following certificates air therefore offered without comment:

THIS is to certify that the subscribers were present at Mr. Stocking's Inn, on the 4th inst. when the toasts were drank by the company of mechanics -that when the president of the United States" was given as a toast, no person rose from his seat, nor otherwise expressed any approbation-that when the late president" was toasted, the company rose to a man, and gave three cheers.


[Another gentleman has signed this certificate, but not having his permission, we decline inserting his name.]

Hudson, 28th July, 1803.

AS there has been a trifling misconception in the minds of some, concerning the conduct of the company that dined at Mr. Stocking's Inn, on the 4th inst. we think proper to give the following state

ment :

That a short time before the day above mention-, ed, a number of persons engaged to partake of an pledged themselves that the toasts, and the conduct entertainment at the place above recited; they also

It appears that Buel & Mitchell are only the ostens sible editors of the "vulgar, low, mean person," alias "Plebeian," of Kingston, but that a certain strongarm'd General is the real " squibman" [a word of Mitchell's coining] of that paper. This valorous quill-driver has nearly died of joy at the late mishap of a poor Wasp.-For shame, General ;-your boyish exultation, may raise a suspicion that even the sting of a wasp could terrify a soldier. Put up thy sword, most noble General

There are many honest men among democrats ; but a thorough jacobin is rotten and maggotty, both in brain and in the very core of his heart: he is, in the political body, what an ulcer or a cancer is, in the natural body. A jacobin is like the tyrant Procrustus, who attempted to bring all his guests exactly to the length of his iron bedstead; by stretching those who were too short, and lopping off the feet of such as were too long. A jacobin never considers, that, as opinion is not an act of the will, but depends on the view of the understanding, no man is master even of his own opin ions, so as to be able to believe just as he pleases; and much less has a right to claim authority over the opinions of others :-he would, with Robes. perrian violence, bring every human mind to the square of his own creed; snd instead of attempting to confute a supposed political error by fair arguments, would be glad to burn or gibbet the person that holds it.

These remarks apply to one Walker, the conductor of a paper at Utica. Walker, in his delirium, thinking that he espies heresy m the "Political Sketches" lately published in the Balance, flies at the person that he supposes to be the writer of the sketches, tooth and claw, with all the fury of a wounded wild cat; but with the impotence of a kitten.

This Jacobin is advised to suppress his rage, (un. less there should be danger of its bursting his heart,) and to wait till all the numbers of the Political Sketches shall be published; when he will per ceive (if he is not as blind as a mole) that the design of the writer is not to oppose or discourage warning of the dangers with which it is threatened. real republicanish in this country; but to give

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