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The Wreath.

The admirers of CowPER, will read the following séásonable extract with pleasure.]


OH Winter! ruler of th' inverted year,
Thy scatter'd hair with sleet like ashes fill'd,
Thy breath congeal'd upon thy lips, thy cheeks
Fring'd with a beard made white with other snows
Than those of age; thy forehead wrapt in clouds,
A leafless branch thy sceptre, and thy throne
A sliding car indebted to no wheels,
'But urg'd by storms along its slipp'ry way;
I love thee, all unlovely as thou seem'st,
And dreaded as thou art. Thou hold'st the sum
A pris'ner in the yet undawning East,
Short'ning his journey between morn and noo,
And hurrying him, impatient of his stay,
Down to the rosy West. But kindly still
Compensating his loss with added hours
Of social converse and instructive ease,
And gathering at short notice in one group
The family dispers'd, and fixing thought
Not less disper'd by daylight and its cares.
I crown thee King of intimate delights,
Fire side enjoyments, home-born happiness,
And all the comforts that the lowly roof
Of undisturb'd retirement, and the hours
Of long uninterrupted evening know.

No rattling wheels stop short before these gates;
No powder'd pert proficient in the art
Of sounding an alarm, assaults these doors
Till the street rings. No stationary steeds
Cough their own kneli, while heedless of the sound
The silent circle fan themselves and quake;
But here the needle plies its busy task,
The pattern grows, the well-depicted flow'r,
Wrought patiently into the snowy lawn,
Unfolds its bosom, buds, and leaves, and spigs,
And curling tendrils, graceful dispos'd,
Follow the nimble finger of the fair,

A wreath that cannot fade, of flow'rs that blow
With most success when all besides decay.
The poet's or historian's page, by one
Made vocal for th' amusement of the rest;
The sprightly lyre, whose treasure of sweet sounds
The touch from many a trembling cord shakes out;
And the clear voice symphonious, yet distinct,
And in the charming strife triumphant still,
Beguile the night, and set a keener edge
On female industry; the threaded steel
Flies swiftly, and unfelt the task proceeds.
The volume clos'd, the customary rites
Of the last meal commence: a Roman meal,
Such as the mistress of the world once found
Delicious, when her patriots of high note,

Perhaps by moon-light at their humble doors,
And under an old oak's domestic shade,
Enjoy'd, spare feast! a radish and an egg.
Diseourse ensues, not trivial, yet not dull,
Nor such as with a frown forbids the play
Of fancy, or proscribes the sound of mirth.
Nor do we madly, like an impious world,
Who deem religion phrensy, and the God
That made them an intruder on their joys,
Start at his awful name, or deem his praise
A jarring note. Themes of a graver tone
Exciting oft our gratitude and love,

While we retrace with maem'ry's pointing wand,
That calls the past to our exact review,
The dangers we have scap'd, the broken snare,
The disappointed foe, deliv'rance found
Unlook'd for, life preserv'd, and peace restor'd,
Fruits of omnipotent eternal love.

Oh evenings worthy of the gods! exclaim'd
The Sabine bard. Oh evenings, I reply,
More to be priz'd and coveted than yours,
As more illumin'd and with nobler truths,
That I and mine, and those we love, enjoy.




Afterwards Lord Chancellor Northington, well deserv ing the attention of examining Attornies.

WHILE at the bar, Mr. Henley went the weflern circuit, and being of lively parts and a warm temper, he was, like fome other lawyers, too apt to take indecent liberties in examining witneffes. An extraordinary incident of this kind happened at Briftol. In a cafe of fome confequence Mr. Reeve, a confiderable merchant, and one of the people called Quakcrs, was cross-examined by him with much raillery and ridicule. Mr. Reeve complained of it at the time; and when the court had adjourned, and the lawyers. were all together at White Lion, Mr. Reeve fent one of the waiters to let Mr. Henly know that a gentleman wanted to speak to him in a room adjoining. As foon as Mr. Henly had entered the room, Mr. Reeve locked the door, and put the key in his pocket. "Friend Henly, faid he, I cannot call thee, for thou has ufed me most fcurrilously? thou migheeft think perhaps that a quaker might be infulted with impunity, but I am a man of fpirit, come to demand and will "have fatisfaction. Here are two fwords, "here are two piftols, chufe thy weapons, or fighting at fifty cuffs, if thou hadft "rather; but fight me thou fhalt before we leave this room, or beg my pardon." Mr. Henly pleaded in excufe, that it was nothing more than the ufual language at the bar, that what was faid in court fhould not be queftioned out of court; lawyers fometimes advance things to ferve their cli





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ents perhaps beyond the truth, but fuch fpeeches died infpeaking; he was fo far from intending any infult or injury, that he had really forgotten what he had faid, and hoped the other would not remember it; up. on his word and honor he never meant to give him the leaft offence, but if, unde. fignedly, he had offended him, he was for. ry for it, and was ready to beg his pardon, which was a gentleman's fatisfaction.



Well," faid Mr. Reeve," as the af"front was public, the reparation must be "fo too; if thou wilt not fight, thou muft beg my pardon before the company in the "next room." Mr. Henly, with fome difficulty and after fome delay, fubmitted to this condition, and there this fray ended, No farther notice was taken on either fide, till after fome years the Lord Chancellor wrote a letter to Mr. Reeve, informing him that fuch a fhip was come or coming into the port of Bristol with a couple of pipes of Madeira wine on board configned to him. He therefore begged Mr. Reeve to pay the freight and duty, and to caufe the pipes to be put into a waggon, and to be fent to the Grange; and he would take the first opportunity of defraying all char ges, and fhould think himfelf infinitely obliged to him. All was done as defired; and the winter following, when Mr. Reeve was in town, he dined at the Chancellor's with feveral of the nobility and geniry. After dinner the Chancellor related the whole ftory of his firft acquaintance with his friend Reeve, and of every particular that had paffed between them with great good humour and plea fantry, and to the no little diverfion of the company.


To City Subscribers, Two Dollars and fifty cents, payable in quarterly advances.

To Country Subscribers, who receive their papers at the office Two Dollars, payable as above. To those who receive them by the mail, To Dollars, exclusive of postage, payable in advance A handsome title-page, with an Index or Table of Contents, will be given with the last number of each volume.

Advertisements inserted in a conspicuous and handsome manner, in the Advertiser which accom. anies the Balance.

Complete files of the first volume, which have been reserved in good order for binding, are for sale -Price of the volume, bound, Two Dollars and fif ty cents-unbound, Two Dollars. The whole may be sent, stitched or in bundles, to any post-office a the state, for 52 cents postage; or to any post-of fice in the union for 78 cents.


Warren-Street, Hudson.





PAGE 385


Driginal Ellays.





Hither the products of your closet-labors bring,
Enrich our columns, and instruct mankind.





HERE are feveral effential requifites for forming real and fubftantial republicans, befides a love of liberty and a hatred of tyranny; particularly a difcrim. inating intelligence, public fpiritedness, purity of morals and feady habits. The republics of Afia and Europe were fubverted, and most of them terminated in horrid defpotifm, not by reafon that the people who compofed thofe republics were deftirute of love for their own personal liberty, for the love of that is as natural as the love of life; but because they did not love and practise the virtues which are the ftability of a republican government, because they had become corrupt in their morals and manners, because futfering themselves to be duped by the knavish arts of demagogues, they depreffed good men and promoted and exalted the bad.

The following lines of Dr. Young are particularly applicable to republics:

"Whatever secondary props may rise
From politics, to build the public peace,
The basis is the mannersf the land.
When rotten these, the politic aus' wiles
Bat struggle with destruction; as a child
With gian's huge; or giants with a Jove."
In the republics of Greece, "liberty

fubfifted in its excefs, its delirium, terrible in its charms, and glittering to the last with the blaze of the very fire that confumed it."-And how came it to pass that it was confumed at all, and especially fo quickly? The Greeks were intelligent, they were brave, they were ardent, and were jealous of their rights in the extreme; but they were capricious, rafh, precipitate and violent: their wifeft and beft men were often confumed by the heat of their fudden and ill-judging fury, while artful demagogues, flattering their prejudices and inflaming their paffions with calumnies, made each subservient to their own selfish views.

The Romans, for a long time, were a very fedate people, fimple in their manners, fteady in their attachments and habits,* induftrious, frugal, ftrangers to luxury, contemners of wealth, contented with a bare competence, venerators of religion, ftri& obfervers of oaths and promifes, enthufiaftic lovers of their country. Long continuing to cultivate thefe republican virtues, they long preferved their liberty; nor did they become the abje&t || vaffals of defpots, till by the lofs of their priftine national character and by a general depravation of manners, they had prepared themfelves for the degradation of fuch a condition. The Romans, in the time of Julius Cæfar, having become in their

*One remarkable proof of the fleady habits of the old Roman republicans was this :-though hufbands had the power of putting away their wives at pleasure, There was not a fingle inflance of divorce that happened at Rome, during feveral centuries.

manners and habits, entirely different from their plain and virtuous ancestors, an effential change in their government was the natural and inevitable confequence.

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Two centuries ago, the people of Holland nearly refembled the old Romans. Like them they were poor, and like them, they were induftrious, frugal, hardy and brave; and every partial and minor intereft was made to yield to the love of coun try. Under those favourable circumftances, the tree of liberty, nourished at the root with genuine republican virtues, grew and flourished, and its fair branches overspread the land; but as public and private virtue decayed, this tree continued to wither till it became a fapless hideous trunk, a mere skeleton of its former fubftance.-Look at Holland now : 66 How fallen, how loft l"—" Her glory is departed;" her liberties and her independance are gone, perhaps, forever. She is at present a fubjugated province of France, and has only the name of a nation. And was this direful event merely the refult of external intrigues and violence ?—Not fo.-Time was, when the Hollanders would have repelled even the most mighty and desperate invader, or "died in the laft ditch." Time was, when they refolved to tranfport themselves into Asia, and eftablish there a free and independen: government, rather than fubmit to the degraded condition of fubjugation with which they were threatened. ers having loft the noble undaunted spirit and the plain republican manners of their ancestors, became luxurious, selfish, venal, effeminate, lefs courageous than were their great-grand-mothers; and by difcarding republican virtues, and fuffering the prey

But the Holland.

alence of a general corruption of manners, they forged for themfelves thofe chains, which they now patiently wear.

The effects of moral as well as natural caufes being certain and uniform, defpotifm, or at least an abridgment of civil liberty, will, in all cafes, fucceed the lofs of republican virtues, as furely as darknefs fucceeds the departure of the fun.





"To touch

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tray the precious truft repofed in them by their fellow citizens! Then 'tis poffible that twenty or fouricen men may be led fell even their country! We, therefore, again urge on our reprefentatives, to bring forward an amendment, by which, cen grefs at large, and congrefs alone, fhall have the power of forming treaties, at leaft, of ratifying them. We venture to pronounce the people will not be fatisfied thort of this: from one extreme of the continent to the other, this will be the uni

It fuits their defigns-but neither mon "arch nor conclaves are, as yet, in unifon with the fentiments, nor the withes "of the American people. There is no "authorized fecrecy in our government "and to infer fuch a right from the practi. ces of other nations, is a proffitution "of republican principles.-The confti"tution of the United States gives to the prefident and fenate the power of making treaties, but it communicates no ability to hatch thofe things in darknels. A treaty! which is to be the fupreme-law-verfal language. We know, in framing of-the-land! and yet the people not to the federal conftitution, the objection to "be informed of the terms of this law giving the houfe of reprefentatives this until binding upon them! until the op- power, jointly with the fenate and prefiportunity !" for an amendment is patt dent, was, that negociations generally Having infifted upon it that the Prefi-reuqired the greateft fecrecy, and that dent ought to be impeached off-hand for was not to be expected from fo large a his violation of the fpirit of the confti- body. Curfe on fuch fecrecy ! it has untution in the above particulars, they fin- done our country! An American affem. ifhed with recommending in the most ur- bly, aloof from the combinations of Eugent language, that the conflitution fhould rope, fhould have no fecrets! No govern be immediately fo amended, that in future ment in the known world, like our's, ever no treaties fhould be ratified without the gave fuch an extenfive latitude as we al concurence of the Houfe of Reprefenta-low to the prefident and fenate; even the most arbitrary kings never poffeffed any thing like it!"




The following will ferve to fhew the fentiments inculcated on this head by the good democrats of that day, who hittle dreampt that their artifices and delufion's would, fo foon, give them a majority in the Senate as well as the Houfe :

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In our last we promiled to give a fample of the manner in which the Democrats fpoke of the fecrecy observed by the federal Executive previous to the ratification of the former treaty. No man who has the leaft fhare of recollection can forget how conftantly their prints were loaded with the bittereft execrations against the Prefident on this fcore. The Philadelphia newfpapers and pamphlets were diftinguifhed for their virulence. One of the writers (un*********'s derstood to be a man in Mr. confidence) denounced General Wathing-ly ton as the "PRETENDER." the hem of the garment (faid he) of this fabled High priest of Liberty, would beget diftrefs in fuch interefted bigots; but to ftrip him of his pontificial robes, and fhew him unworthy of them, would be in their eftimation, to drefs nature in mourning, and extinguifh the lamp of liberty forever. When men have purposes to anfwer, nothing can be too abfurd for them to practice; and hence the Egyptian priefs, to favour his own views, had conferred divinity upon an OX. It is high time, fuperftitious veneration for a man, and a frail one too, fhould be exiled from the manfion of liberty." But a ftill bettering of the aflembly, to propofe an afpecimen of their rancorous oppofition is found in the following extracts from the Refolutions of the Franklin Society of South Carolina :



Refolved, that we view with furprize "the industry ufed not to disclose the ar"ticles of Mr. Jay's treaty-affecting and "pract fing all the fecrecy of Monarchy Jo oppofte to open and republican principles.-Will it, dare to be contended, that the people have no right to afk, "nay, to demand information on the pof"ture of their affairs ?-Secrecy robs "them of this right, and makes twenty "greater than the whole Is this Republi.

caniim? Is this liberty ?- Monarchs "and conclaves make a trade of fecrecy

Refolved, That as the power of finalmaking and ratifying treaties by the prefident and two thirds of the fenate alone, has, in the prefent cafe, been prov. ed to be of a moft alarming dangerous na ture; that our very existence as a free people, had been put at flake; that had not a good providence influenced even the twenty of the fenate to reject one article, winch, from neceffity, muft aireft the hand winch, from neceffity, muft aireft the hand of the prefident from figning it, we fay, that had not the providential care, which we have fo often experienced, interpofed, we had been a loft, an undone people, without pity, and without friends.

Therefore, Refolved, That our members be carnestly called on, at the next meet

In our next we fhall fee in what refpe&ts their condu&t has been in conformity to the language they held.

Having taken a curfory view of the objections urged by the democrats to the manner in which the Brith treaty was formed, it now remains to afk, whether they have themselves practiled what they then infifted on to be the fenfe of the conflitution ?

Firft; they faid that it was the duty of the Executive to lay before the Senate all his intentions and inftructions refpecting a negociation, before the negociation itfelf was commenced or the negociator appointed. But when Mr. Monroe was appoint ed last winter, the Prefident did not expofe his inftructions to the Senate, nor did he even hint to that honourable body what were his intentions. Nay, he went a length in his tecrecy on this occafion which was never heard of before in this country fince the formation of the confti

He took measures to procure a grant of two millions of money from the Houle of Reprefentatives, which, it ha within a few days come out, was to be ap plied to the exprefs purpose of furthering the treaty in queftion, and on the occafion no fcruple at all was felt to refort to what the good patriots formerly called "the fe crecy of monarchy, fo oppofite to open and republican principles."

mendment to the federal conftitution, fo
far as refpects the power of making treat
ties. That a prefident, and twenty fena-tution.
tors, perhaps fourteen (for that number
makes a quorum) fhall have the fole pow-
er of making treaties, which must be, ne-
ceffarily, the fupreme law; must be bind.
ing on every individual, which fwallows
up the fovereignty and independence of
each ftate! No! the people now fee the
folly of giving fuch a power into the
hands of fourteen men, which, at all
times, may fupercede every exifling law
in the union! 'tis too much! Without a
difpofition to judge uncharitably of men,
we fay 'tis poffible that twenty or fourteen
men may be tempted, may be bribed to be-

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ed it difgraceful and prejudicial to the U nited States.' Certainly the Louifiana treaty has not been fubmitted to the people before its ratification; and are the democrats willing now to abide by their own reafoning? Will they admit that the reafon why the treaty has not been publifhed before its difcuffion by the Senate was because "that body conceived it to be difgraceful and prejudicial

to the United States."

Thirdly; What has become of the amendment they then pledged themfelves to bring forward to alter the Conftitution. to that" Congrefs at large, and Congress alone," fhould have the power of forming treaties, or at leaft of ratifying them ?" Let it not be for a moment underflood that we advocate this democratic notion. No: we know it to be foolish, impracticable and abfurd; we merely mean to exhibit to the people a glimpfe of the confifteucy of their good friends in power. With the fage Washington we maintain that "the neceffity of caution and fecrecy is a cogent reafon for vefting the power of making treaties in the Prefident, with the advice and confent of the Senate; the principal on which that body was formed confining it to a mall number, of members." Once for all, we fay, that hitherto we have been only reviewing the difference between the conduct of democrats out of power and in power, and we repeat it, we claim no credit on the part of the federalifts for not going the fame lengths in oppofition that they did; but we now approach a point where we shall not only convict them of acting in dire& oppofition to all they formerly maintained, but guilty of the most fhamelefs and unwarrantable abufe of power in withholding neceffary information from the reprefentatives of the people.

[In several of the succeeding numbers of the Eve. ning Post, the debate recently published in the Balance, was inserted, interspersed with the remarks and strictures of Mr. Coleman. As these remarks cannot well be separated from the debate, which is already before our readers, we pass on to the following concluding observations :

party, having now fucceeded to power,
firit Thut the doors of Congrefs, and then
by themlelves vote two millions of dollars
to the Executive for fecret fer vice money to
enable him to make a treaty on advanta-
geous terms; they ratify this treaty with
closed doors; they conceal its contents from
the infpection of the people till it has be-
come the law of the land; they proceed to
make prov.fion for carrying it into eff:&
and refufe to allow the reprefentatives of
the people the fight of a fingle document.
relative to fingle particular, though they
are called upon to legiflate on that very
particular in a manner implying a perfect ac-
quaintance with it in all its relations. Such
is the confiftency of those who dub them-

felves the friends of the people. Thefe be
thy Gods, O Ifrael.

Balance Closet.

Or, Cheetham behind the chimney.

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It appears by an article in the Evening Post, that Capt. Cheetham denies the fact stated in the Balance of week before last," that he attended Palmer's lectures on a late occasion at Snow's hotel It will be recollected, that the fact was stated in an extract of a letter to the editors from a country gen. leman, then in New York. Amongst other things, which served to shew that Palmer's followers were "ashamed to be known," it was remarked that "e ven Cheetham himself stood behind the chimney in the dark, quite at the back of the room."-Notwithstanding Cheetham's denial, we have not the least doubt that he attended the lecture alluded to; for the gentleman from whom we received the letter is well acquainted with his face, and cannot be mistaken. Cheetham, it seems, to prevent being known, had skulked away " behind the chimney in the dark;" but our sharp-sighted correspondent recognised him, and will not be sworn out of the fact.

The circumstance is of too little consequence to demand serious notice: But, even admitting that cur correspondent was mistaken in the person that he discovered "behind the chimney," does not the promptness with which Cheetham comes forward to deny bis having been there, prove that" Palmer's followers are ashamed to be known?"

A democratic paper, of a respectable cast, has

Thus, these people [democrats] who vented their bittereft execrations on the head of Washington and a Federal Senate because they difcuffed the British treaty with clofed doors; because they did not publifh it in the papers for the examination appeared at Walpole, N H. under the superintendof the people at large before they proceeded to ratify; because this was not done af. ter their ratification, and before the Prefident figned it; becaufe the House of Reprefentatives (then democratic) were not permited to enter at large into the investigation of its various articles, that they might virtually reject it, by refuting to make any provifion for carrying it into effect; thus, these very people, this very

ance of the Rev. STANLEY GRISWOLD, from Con-
necticut. The Observatory, (which might, with
some propriety, be termed the Presidential Diction
ary,) bids fair to be a very useful paper for the
people of the northern parts of the union, as the
first number has given an explanation of one of
Mr. Jefferson's ambiguous phrases :-

"The plain and fimple meaning of the
"phrafe enlightened government of

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The abbe (begging his pardon for contradicting him) must be mistaken. For, in an age, when such a thing as tyranny is scarcely known-in a country which has made the gre test sacrifices for liberty, and boasts a larger share of it than other country in the world (France excepted)-men, who (taking their own word for it) are the most inveterate enemies of tyranny, and the most ardent adorers of lib. erty, have certainly, (leaving conscience out of the question) made some desperate attempts to silence the press.


In a paper said to be managed by the A. G's cloven-Foot, we find the word " cacjolled." It is

left to the curious to find out whether the writer means cajoled or cudgelled. Taken in connection with the rest of his piece, one makes as good sense

as the other.

Speaking of the prosecution of the junior editor, Cheetham says, "The Attorney-General commenc

ed an auction," &c. We did not know before that we had been set up at auction, although we were convinced that the Attorney-General wished to knock us down.

Monsieur Jerome Bonaparte, brother to the chief consul, lately attended the Theatre in New-York, to see a play, entitled, John Bull It is supposed that the first consul, about the same time, took a trip across the channel to see John Bull on the British theatre. The English comedians, more accommodating than those of this country, will probably serve up, for the gratification of the great man, before his return, some grand tragedies, such as Truth found too late, or Fatal Curiosity.

To Correspondents.

We have received from a distant and respected correspondent, a “ POLITICAL CATECHISM," for which he will accept our thanks. As the production must necessarily occupy a proportion of several numbers of the Balance, and as we must, during the session of Congress, give publicity to much political matter of more immed'a e consequence, we have concluded to postpone this valuable communication ur til the commencement of the next volume. Any other favors from the same hand, will be gratefully acknowledged.



From a communication to the Blockley and Merrion Agricultural Society, by EDWARD HESTON, on raising and feeding Swine.


and afcribed it to Apollo, the god of || world, wherein, it is probable a fufficienWildom.

Self-knowledge, including both a diftinet acquaintance with the various relations one ftands in, and a correct view of his own character, is a fummary of moral fcience. "All our knowledge is OURSELVES TO KNOW." Self-knowledge illumines the path of life, and is elfentially neceffary to propriety of conduct : it is the parent of felt-government, prudence, modefty and humility; and without it, one's knowledge is "fcience falfly fo called." This molt ufeful and excellent knowledge, though it is attainable by all, is actually attained by only a very few; and is, in fact, a rarity in the world. Man is, in some respects, a most mysterious and prepofterous creature; and particularly

there is in the human nature a ftrange aver

fion to felf-acquaintance. As the eye,

while it views, with clearness, furround

itfelf, fo the generality of mankind expa-
tiate abroad and are ftrangers at home,
feldom making themselves the fubject of
critical and impartial examination: hence
"man walketh in a vain fhew," and ab-
furdity and folly abound.

FARMERS in general feed ARMERS in general feed their hogs with whole grain, in its hard and dry ftate, which is much against their intereft; for if they are fed fo fparingly as to have a good appetite, they fwallow it half chewed, and a great part of it willing and even diftant objects, does not fee pafs through them undigested and, on the other hand, if they have it continually by them, they deftroy too great a quan. tity, before they are fat, efpecially, it put up when poor. Now I am of opinion in either of the above cafes, as the food is not received in a proper ftate for digeftion, that a bufhel of meal, made into fwill, is equal to a bufhel and half of dry grain, and double the profit, when mixed with a vegetable, whofe bulky fubftance chiefly confifls of a nutritious juice, which, incorporating with the fmall particles of the grain, qualifies them for nourishment, and enables us to ufe a quantity fufficient to increase the fat and growth to advantage."

Bonitorial Department.

To aid the cause of virtue and religion.






Know then thyfelf."-If thou wishest to be the pupil of wildom, "unclafp the fecret book."-Bare thy bofom to thine own infpection: let thy fecret thoughts, tify difpofitions and inclinations, thy ha. bitual likings and averfions, thy undif guifed naked character, pafs daily in review before thine own eyes, and endure the ordeal of ftern impartial criticifm. Alfo correct, as well as revife: fo fhall the light of truth beam upon thy ways, and the trees of Paradife fhall feed thee with their fruit.




And Health Phyfician for the port of
Hudfon, in the fate of New-York,


HERE was infcribed over the door of the temple of Apollo, at Delphos, in golden Jetters, this precept, "know thyfelf." It was a maxim held in the highest veneration by the ancient philofRESENTS his refpe&tful falutaophers and fages; and though the author tions to the Payficians and Surgeons of it is fuppofed to have been Thales, throughout the United States, and humbly famous Grecian philofopher who flourish-offers to their ferious confideration the ed about fix hundred years before the birth of Chrift, the ancients thought it to be too weighty, too fublime to have entered into the heart of man, unless by infpiration from Heaven: accordingly they gave it the authority of a divine oracle,

following plan, for erecting, maintaining,
and perpetuating a Botanic Garden, thro'.
out the republic. The Garden is to ex-
tend through every State in the Union, an
enclofure to be in each county. Thus, it
will fufficiently engrofs all ckmates in the

cy of all forts of foil may be found to produce all forts of vegitation in the world. In order to execute this plan, let three, four, or more Phyficians, and Surgeons, in fome one county begin, by forming themselves into a friendly affocia. tion upon this liberal and Catholic Principle, that any other lawful Physician, or Surgeon, within that county, upon his fubfcribing to the articles of the fociety, fhall become a member thereof, and being or. ganized, having a chairman and clerk, or Prefident and Secretary, let the fociety appoint twe committees the one to be called the committee of the Garden, the other the correfponding committee.

The duty of the former, to be to over. fee and manage the Garden, according to

the directions of the fociety.

The duty of the latter, to correfpond with all thofe Medical and Philofophical Societies, and gentlemen as the fociety fhall direct. And especially, with CircumNavigators, and other commanders of vel. fels, as they fhall judge proper-in order to obtain the germs, or feeds of plants, and the knowledge of their proper culti vation-and in fome. counties where it may be deemed neceffary, another committee may be appointed to folicit dona. tions for the furtherance of the object. Thus it is probable, that we may in a few years, raile every kind of Rheubarb, Saffron, G. Camphire, and other rich Medicines in a high degree of perfection, the purchase of which, although unnoticed at prefent, yet annually drains this country of coin, a fum perhaps beyond any one's imagination.

P. S. Several different forts of the feeds of valuable exotic plants lately imported, are now on hand, which are at the fervice of any fuch fociety when called for.

N. B. All Printers, who may have a favorable opinion of the above plan, are defired to give it a place in their publica




[From "An account of Louisiana, being an ab stract of documents in the departments of state and of the treasury," we shall select, for this, and there ensuing numbers of the BALANCE, Such parts as are most interesting to readers in general Edit. Bal]


THE precife boundaries of Louisiana, weflwardly by the Miffiffippi, though ve ry extenfive, are at prefent involved in

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