Imágenes de páginas

A Manual of Scientific Inquiry; | Fertilisation of Vincas.
prepared for the use of Her
Majesty's Navy, and travellers
in general. Edited by Sir John
F. W. Herschel. London, 1849,

Gardeners' Chronicle, 1861, pp. 552, 831, 832.

This work, which has run through several editions, consists of a series of papers by various writers. Charles Darwin wrote "Geology," pp. 156


On British Fossil Lepadidæ.

Geol. Soc. Jour., vol. vi. 1850, pp. 439, 440.

Analogy of the structure of some Volcanic Rocks with that of Glaciers.

Edinb: Royal Soc. Proc. vol. ii., 1851, pp. 17, 18. On the power of icebergs to make rectilinear uniformly-directed grooves across a submarine undulatory surface.

Phil. Mag., vol. x., 1855, pp. 96-98. On the action of Sea-water on the germination of Seeds (1856).

Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. i., 1857 (Bot.), pp. 130-140.

On the agency of Bees in the Fertilisation of Papilionaceous Flowers, and on the crossing of Kidney Beans.

Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. ii., 1858, pp. 459-465; Gardeners' Chronicle, 1857, pp. 725, and 1858, pp. 824, 844. On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection. By C. D. and Alfred Wallace.

Jour. Proc. Linn. Soc., vol. iii., 1859, pp. 45-62. On the variation of organic beings

in a state of nature; on the natural means of selection; on the comparison of domestic races and true species.

Linn. Soc. Jour., vol iii., 1859, (Zool.) pp. 46-53; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesell. Nat Bd. xvi., 1860, pp. 425-459.

On the Two Forms, or Dimorphic Condition, in the species of Primula, and on their remarkable Sexual Relations.

Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. vi., 1862 (Bot.), pp. 77-96.

On the three remarkable sexual forms of Catasetum tridentatum, an Orchid in the possession of the Linnean Society.

Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. vi., 1862 (Bot.), pp. 151-157. Observations sur l'hétéromorphisme des fleurs et ses conséquences pour fécondation.

Annal. Sci. Nat. Tom. xix., 1863, (Bot.) pp. 204-255.

On the thickness of the Pampean formation, near Buenos Ayres.

Geol. Soc. Jour., vol. xix., 1863, pp. 68-71.

On the existence of two forms, and on their reciprocal sexual relation, in several species of the genus Linum.

Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. vii. (Bot.), 1863, pp. 69-83.

On the so-called "Auditory sac of Cirripedes.

Nat. Hist. Review, 1863, pp. 115,


On the sexual relations of the three forms of Lythrum Salicaria (1864).

Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. viii., 1865, (Bot.) pp. 169-196; Archives Sci. Phys. Nat. Tom. xxiii., 1865, pp. 69-72.

On the movements and habits of Climbing Plants (1865).

Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. ix., 1867, (Bot.) pp. 1-118; Flora, vol. xlix., 1866, pp. 241-252, 273-282, 321-325, 337-345, 375-378, 385-398.

Queries about Expression for Anthropological Inquiry.

Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1867, p. 324.



Note on the Common Broom | (Cytisus Scoparius).

Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. ix., 1867 (Bot.), p. 358.

On the character and hybrid-like nature of the offspring from the illegitimate unions of dimorphic and trimorphic plants.

Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. x., 1869 (Bot.), pp. 393-437. On the specific difference between Primula veris, Brit. Fl. (var. officinalis, Linn.), P. vulgaris, Brit. Fl. (var. acaulis, Linn.) and P. elatior, Jacq. and on the hybrid nature of the common Oxlip. With supplementary remarks on naturally-produced hybrids in the genus Verbascum.

Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. x., 1869 (Bot.), pp. 457-454.

De la variation des animaux et des plantes sous l'action de la domestication. (Transl.)

Archives Sci. Phys. Nat. Tom. xxxiv., 1869, pp. 41-66.

The Fertilisation of

flowering Plants.


Nature, vol. i., 1869, p. 85.

Notes on the Fertilisation



[blocks in formation]

Perception in the lower animals.

Zoologist, vol. viii., 1873, pp. 3488 3489; Nature, vol. vii., 1873, p. 360. Fertilisation of the Fumariaceæ. Nature, vol. ix., 1874, p. 460.

Flowers of the Primrose destroyed by birds.

Nature, vol. ix., 1874, p. 482; vol X., p. 24. Sexual Selection in relation to Monkeys.

Nature, vol. xv., 1876, pp. 18, 19. Testimonial to Mr. Darwin. Evolution in the Netherlands. Letter of Mr. Darwin.


Nature, vol. xv., 1877, pp. 410-412. Biographical Sketch of an Infant.

Mind, vol. ii. (No. 7, July 1877), pp. 285-294. Les Débuts de l'intelligence; Esquisse biographique d'un petit enfant, Revue Scientifique, tom. 13, 1877, pp. 25-29.

The Contractile Filaments of the Teasel.

Nature, vol. xvi., 1877, p. 339. Fritz Müller on Flowers and Insects.

Nature, vol. xvii., 1877, p. 78. Note on Fertilisation of Plants. Gardeners' Chronicle, 1877, p. 246. Transplantation of Shells.

Nature, vol. xviii., 1878, p. 120. Flowers and their unbidden guests, from the German of Dr. A. Kerner. With a prefatory letter by C. D. London, 1878, 8vo. Erasmus Darwin. By Ernst Krause. Translated from the Gernian by W. S. Dallas. With a preliminary notice by Charles Darwin. London, 1879, 8vo.

Originally appeared in "Kosmos." Charles Darwin wrote the life, pp. 1-127 for the English edition, which on the publication of the work in book form in Germany (1880) was translated and appears in that edition, pp. 1-72. A copy of this work in the Library of the British Museum contains MS. Notes by Samuel Butler.

Fritz Müller on a Frog having Eggs on its back: on the Abortion of the Hairs on the Legs of certain Caddis Flies, etc.

Nature, vol. xix., 1879, pp. 462464.

Rats and Water Casks.

Nature, vol. xix., 1879, p. 481. Fertility of Hybrids from the Common and Chinese Goose.

Nature, vol. xxi., 1880, p. 207. The Sexual Colours of certain Butterflies.

Nature, vol. xxi., 1880, p. 237. The Omari Shell Mounds.

Nature, vol. xxi., 1880, pp. 561,


Sir Wyville Thomson on Natural Selection.

Nature, vol. xxiii., 1880, p. 32. Black Sheep.

Nature, vol. xxiii., 1880, p. 193. Movements of Plants.

Nature, vol. xxiii., 1881, p. 409. Mr. Darwin on Vivisection.

Nature, vol. xxiii., 1881, p. 583. The Movements of Leaves.

Nature, vol. xxiii., 1881, pp. 603, 604.


Nature, vol. xxiv., 1881, p. 257. Leaves injured at night by free radiation.

Nature, vol. xxiv., 1881, pp. 459. On the Bodily and Mental Development of Infants.

Nature, vol. xxiv. 1881, p, 565. Studies in the Theory of Descent, by August Weisinann. Translated and edited by R. Meldola, with a prefatory notice by Charles Darwin. 3 pts., London, 1882, 8vo.

The parasitic habits of Molothrus.

Nature, vol. xxv., 1882, pp. 51, 52. The action of Carbonate of

Ammonia on the roots of certain plants.

Linn. Soc. Jour. (Bot.), vol. xix., 1882, pp. 239-261; abstract by Mr: Francis Darwin in Nature, vol. xxv., 1882, pp, 489-490.

The action of Carbonate of Ammonia on Chlorophyll Bodies.

Linn. Soc. Jour.(Bot.), vol. xix. 1882, pp. 262-284; abstract by Mr. Francis Darwin in Nature, vol. xxv. 1882, pp. 489, 490.

On the dispersal of freshwater bivalves.

Nature, vol. xxv., 1882, pp. 529, 530.

On the Modification of a Race of Syrian Street Dogs by means of Sexual Selection. By Dr. Van Dyck. With a preliminary notice by Charles Darwin.

Proc. of the Zool. Soc. of London, 1882, pp. 367-370. Mental Evolution in Animals. By George John Romanes. With a posthumous essay on Instinct, by Charles Darwin. London, 1883, 8vo.

Mémoire inédit sur l' instinct.

Revue Scientifique, tom. vi. 1883, pp. 749, 750. The Fertilisation of Flowers. By Prof. Hermann Mueller. Translated and edited by D'Arcy W. Thompson. With a preface by Charles Darwin. London, 1883, 8vo. Notes on Parasites collected by C. D., by T. Spencer Cobbold.

Jour, Linn. Soc. (Zoology), vol. xix., 1885, pp. 174-178.



The European Literature upon Charles Darwin and his Works is so extensive that it is only possible to give a selection.



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preface by Edward Meyrick Goulburn, Dean of Norwich. London, 1877, 8vo.

Bennett, A. W.-The Theory of Natural Selection from a mathematical point of view. (Read before section D of the British Association, at Liverpool, Sept. 20, 1870).

Bennett, D. M.-The World's Sages, Infidels, and Thinkers. New York, 1876, 8vo.

Darwin, pp. 846-848.

Benson, Lawrence S.-Philosophic Reviews. Darwin answered; or, Evolution a myth, etc. New York, 1875, 8vo. Bentham, George.-"Addresses of George Bentham, President, read at the meetings of the Linnean Society, 1862-1873." Berkeley, Hon. G. C. Grantley F. Fact against Fiction. With some remarks on Darwin. 2 vols. London, 1874, 8vo. Bernardo, D. di.-Il Darwinismo e le specie animali. Siena, 1881, 8vo. Bianconi, J. Joseph.-La Théorie Darwinienne et la Création dite Indépendante. Bologne, 1874,


Biological Society of Washington. -Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. With the addresses read on the occasion of the Darwin Memorial Meeting, May 12, 1882. Washington, 1882, 8vo.

With vol. xxv. of the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. The addresses delivered on the occasion were-Introductory by Theodore

Gill; Biographical Sketch by

William H. Dall; The Philosophic Bearings of Darwinism, by John W. Powell; Darwin's Investigations on the relation of Plants and Insects, by C. V. Riley; Darwin as a Botan

ist, by L. F. Ward; Darwin on Emotional Expression, by F. Baker; a Darwinian Bibliography, by F. W. True.

Blind, Mathilde.-Shelley's View of Nature contrasted with Darwin's.

London, 1886, 8vo.

Only 25 copies of this lecture were printed for private distribution. Boase, Henry S.-A few words on Evolution and Creation, etc. London, 1882, 8vo. Braubach, W.-Religion, Moral, und Philosophie der Darwin' schen Artlehre. Neuwied, 1869, 8vo.

Bree, C. R.-Species not Transmutable, nor the result of secondary causes. Being a critical examination of Mr. Darwin's work entitled "Origin and Variation of Species." London [1860], 8vo.

-An Exposition of Fallacies in the Hypothesis of Mr. Darwin. London, 1872, 8vo. Büchner, Ludwig.-Sechs Vorlesungen über die Darwin'sche Theorie, etc. Leipzig, 1868, 8vo.

-Conférences sur la Théorie Darwinienne de la Transinutation des Espèces, etc. Leipzig, 1869, 8vo.

Butler, Samuel.- Evolution, old and new; or, the theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, and Lamarck, as compared with that of Mr. Charles Darwin. London, 1879, 8vo.

-Second edition. London, 1882, 8vo.

-Unconscious Memory, etc. London, 1880, 8vo.

-Luck or Cunning, as the main means of organic modification? An attempt to throw additional light upon the late Mr. Charles

Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection. London, 1887, 8vo. Candolle, Alphonse de.-Histoire des Sciences et des Savants depuis deux Siècles, suivie d'autres études sur des sujets scientifiques, en particulier sur la Selection dans l'Espèce Humaine. Genève, 1873, 8vo.

-Darwin considéré au point de vue des causes de son succès et de l'importance de ses travaux. Deuxième édition. Genève, 1882, 8vo.

Canestrini, Giovanni.-La Teoria dell' Evoluzione esposta ne' suoi fondamenti come introduzione alla lettura delle opere del Darwin e de' suoi seguaci. Torino, 1877, 8vo.

Carlyle, Rev. Gavin.-The Battle of Unbelief. London, 1878, 8vo.

Darwinianism and Man, pp. 149


Carneri, B. Sittlichkeit und Darwinismus. Wien, 1871, 8vo. Cartoon Portraits. Cartoon Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Men of the Day. London, 1873, 4to.

C. R. Darwin, F.R.S., pp. 6 and 7. Cattell, Charles C.-Is Darwinism Atheistic? (The Atheistic Platform, No. viii.) London, 1884, 8vo.

Celakovsky, Ladislav. - Uvahy Prirodovědecké o Darwinově Theorii, etc. V Praze, 1877, 8vo.

Cleland, John.-Evolution, Expression, and Sensation, etc. Glasgow, 1881, 8vo.

Cobbe, Frances Power.-Darwinism in Morals, and other Essays. London, 1872, 8vo.

Collins, Mortimer.-Pen Sketches by a Vanished Hand; from the

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