Imágenes de páginas

Scribes (Greek), divided into the Taxʊ-
γράφοι and καλλιγράφοι, 338.
Sculpture, English neglect of, 6.
Seal, its habits, 52.

Servia, its extensive sovereignty in the
fourteenth century, 180-its practical
independence secured in 1826, 181-
geographical description, ib.-strength
as a military position, 182-three
periods in Servian history, ib.-fall of
the feudal monarchy, 183-oppres-
sion by the pashas, 185-association
of Heyducs, ib.-George Petrovitsch,
liberator of Servia, 186 - Prince
Milosch, 187-primitive condition of
the country, 189-English commerce,
192-sketch of Servian character, 193
-description of the administration of
the sacrament, 198-army and mi-
litia, 199-placed under the guarantee
of Europe, 200-its true policy,


Shakespeare's (R.) rescue of captives
from Akbar Khan, 485.
Ships and guns, first quality of a good
sea-going man-of-war, 422-unsatis-
factory state of the navy, 423-
neglect of completion of docks and
arsenals, 424-constitution of the Ad-
miralty and examination of the sys-
tem, 425.

Slave-trade, inefficient measures for its
suppression, 424.

Slavonic race, early history of the, 179
-numerous Sanscrit words in their
language, 180.

Smith's (R. Payne) Syriac lexicon, 155
-translation of the history of John
of Ephesus, 164-unfairly treated by
Dr. Schönfelder, 164-translation of
the commentary of Cyril of Alex-
andria, 169.

Smith's (Dr. William) grammars, 416.
Spenser, peculiarity of the fifth lines of
his stanzas, 97.
Sponge-fisheries, 43.

Stanley's (Dr.) letter to the Bishop of

London on subscription, 446.
Starkie's Law of Libel and Slander,
519-justification of the distinction
between Libel and Slander, 533.
Stephenses (printers), dissertation by
Almeloveen on the Estienne family,
324-Maittaire's 'Annales de l'Im-
primerie des Estienne,' 325-origin of
the family, 326-Henry Stephens, the
founder of his dynasty of letters, ib.
Robert, son of Henry, at once printer,
corrector, publisher, author, 327-
author of the Lingua Latina The-
saurus,' 328—the whole number (527) |

of his publications, ib.-persecuted
for his Greek and Latin Bibles, 331-
Robert's flight to Geneva, 333-open
profession of Protestantism, ib.-
Henry Stephens (son of Robert) 340
-assisted by Danæus in his Greek
studies, ib.-Henry's two characters
not irreconcilable, 344-account of
his prodigious labours for thirty years,
345-fits of melancholy, ib.—his three
hundred Latin versions of one epi-
gram, 346-reduced to indigence, 347
-his Greek Thesaurus, 349-Scapu-
la's plagiarism, ib.-nominally pen-
sioned by Henry III. of France, 351
-gloom and wandering life, 352-
riches of his library of MSS., 353-
begging appeal to the Bishop of
Würzburg, ib.-death at Lyons, 354
- three classes of his memorable
books, 356-his intimate familiarity
with Greek idiom, ib.-H. Stephens,
as a critic, garrulous, irrelevant,
anile, ib.
Subscription to formularies of Faith as
a qualification for degrees, 447—
summary of arguments against Sub-
scription, 449-proposed diminution
of declarations binding on the clergy,
451-stringency of Subscription de-
stroys its efficiency, 452-Subscrip-
tion not required before the Re-
formation, ib.-essential under the
circumstances of the Reforma-
tion, ib.-requirement of Subscrip-
tion for the use of the new
ritual, 455-Subscription to the
three Articles embodied in the
30th Canon, 456-Archbishop Whit-
gift's Articles confirmed by Royal
Letters Patent, 459-what those
Articles declare, .-the Act of Uni-
formity, 460-stringency of lay de-
vising, 461-different Subscriptions
in England and Ireland, b.-Sub-
scription not an injury to men of
high endowments, 463-real ob-
jection to Subscription, 465--damua-
tory clauses in the Athanasian Creed,
466 some limit to freedom of
opinion necessary, 468-reasonable
system of Subscription a proof and a
preservation of liberty, 469-Supreme
Court of Ecclesiastical Appeal, ib.-
particulars of appeals in spiritual
causes, 474.

Suffrage (universal) suited only to a
limited population, 149.
Synodites and Monophysites, 159.
Syriac literature, manuscripts in the

British Museum, 151-Dr. Cureton's

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Templeneuve, horrors of the battlefield
of, 123.

Textus receptus (of the Bible) fluctua-
tion of the term, 335.
Theocritus, epigrams of, 214.
Theodora (the Empress) the most
shameless and abandoned of women,

Titian's Assumption of the Virgin, dis-
covery of, 305.

Turaman languages, 490.

Turk's blood, a Servian wine, custom
respecting, 190.

Turkish dialects, wide diffusion of,

Government, its changed attitude
towards its Christian subjects, 201.
Turkistan, Chinese, Russian, and Inde-
pendent, geography of, 479-routes
to, 480-English missions to, 485-
Russian tenure of, 516.

Turkomans, sale of human beings a
passion with, 481.

Turnbull v. Bird, libel case of, 535.


Uzbeks walled in alive by Russian and
English conquest, 482.
Vámbéry's travels in Central Asia,
476 seeking martyrdom in the
sacred cause of etymology, 489-
arrival at Tehran, 492-joins a gang
of Toork pilgrims as Reshid Effendi,
493-practises as a Dervish, 495-
sojourn in Hyrcania, ib.-reception
in Khiva, 497-theological examina-
tion before the doctors of Islam, 501

-interview with the Emir at Samar-
cand, 502-reduced to destitution, 508
-appeal to the Prince of Herat, ib.
-accused of being an Englishman in
disguise, 509-return to Tehran, 510
-notices of the political state of Tur-
kistan, 511.


Wellesley's (Dr.) Anthologia Polyglotta,


Whewell (Dr.) on Aristotle's Zoological
system, 39.

Whitgift's (Archbishop) three Articles,


Wilson (Sir Robert), memoirs of, 115—
engaged in a sanguinary pursuit of
French cavalry, 119-account of the
campaign of 1794 under the Duke of
York, 120-joins Sir David Baird's
expedition to the Cape of Good
Hope, 127-diplomatically attached
to the Russian army, 128-descrip-
tion of the battle of Friedland, 132

friendly relations with the Em-
peror Alexander, 134-raises a Portu-
guese legion, 136-attached to Mr.
Liston's mission to the Porte, ib.-
active part in the battles of Smolensko,
138-charges against Prince Kutusoff,
ib.-account of the retreat from Mos-
cow, 142-at the battle of Lutzen,
145 his reputation among the
French, ib.—an object of political
mistrust with the Home authorities,

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Wing-shell and pinnotheres, story of
their partnership, 44.

Wolff's (Dr.) journey to Bokhara in
Dervish's full uniform, 484- his
second journey, 486.

Worsley's translation of the Odyssey,


Wright's (Dr. W.) labours on Syrian
MSS., 153.


Zoology, comparison of Aristotle's with
modern systems.



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