Imágenes de páginas

with and maintains that it should announce clearly and unequivocally the intention to have recourse to armed force. He, of course, reproaches the Japanese for their conduct at Port Arthur.

A traveling fellowship carrying a stipend of 4000 marks has been awarded by the University of Berlin to Edward Heymann, a German referendar. The appointee is required to take up the study of the administration of the criminal law in foreign states and make a report thereon. The fund was provided by the later Professor Berner whose recent death was recorded in a recent number of this REVIEW and who in his later life took a deep interest in the movement for the reform of German criminal law.

Two recent monographs dealing with the procedure of amending the constitution, particularly of the German Empire, are Dr. Georg Jellinek's Verfassungsänderung und Verfassungswandlung (Haring, Berlin), and Wilhelm Weise's Verfassungsänderungen nach Reichsrecht (Marcus, Breslau). Both authors distinguish between conscious alteration of the formal text through deliberate legal methods or revolution and changes which modify the meaning of the constitution without altering formally the text. Jellinek maintains that changes of the latter character may come from interpretation by the parliament, by the administration and by the courts as well as through political necessity and non-exercise of constitutional powers. Weise seems to admit the possibility of change through the operation of custom (Gewohnheitsrecht).

A new German publication of especial interest to students of political science has been announced to issue its first number in October, the Archiv für Rechts- und Wirthschaftsphilosophie. It is to be edited by Prof. Josef Kohler of the University of Berlin, with the assistance of Dr. Fritz Berolzheimer of Munich.





Forti, U. Studi e questioni di diritto amministrativo. Turin: Fratelli Bocca. 1906. Pp. 295.

Pacinotti, G. L'impiego nelle pubbliche amministrazioni secondo il diritto positivo italiano: trattato generale teorico-pratico. Turin: Unione tipografico-editrice. Pp. viii+ 491.

Articles in Periodicals

Administrative Determinations.

tions in the Federal Government. T. R. Powell.

De Facto Office.

Public Utilities.

Conclusiveness of Administrative DeterminaAm. Pol. Sci. Rev. August. De Facto Office. K. R. Wallach. Pol. Sci. Quar. September. The Public Service Commissions Act. T. H. Whitney. Green

Bag. July

Public Utilities. The Wisconsin Public Utilities Act. E. A. Gilmore. Green Bag. September.


Amadori, V. G. Il sentimento imperialista: studio psico-sociologico, con prefazione di E. De Marinis. Palermo: R. Sandron. 1906. Pp. xxii + 340.

Congrés colonial français de 1906 du 18 au 23 juin. Paris. Pp. 403.

Empire (The) and the Century: A Series of Essays on Imperial Problems and Possibilities, by various writers, with introduction by C. S. Goldman, and a poem by R. Kipling, entitled "The Heritage." New York: Dutton. Pp. 900, maps. Grotewold, Chr. Unser Kolonialwesen und seine wirtschaftliche Bedeutung. Stuttgart: Moritz. Pp. 248.

Ireland, Alleyne, A Report on Colonial Administration in the Far East. Vols. I and II: The Province of Burma. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1907. Preuss, E. Kolonialerziehung des deutschen Volkes. Leitende Ideen u. Material. Berlin: A. Duncker. Pp. 76.

Articles in Periodicals

Africa. Les voies de pénétration et de communication en Afrique occidentale française (avec 3 cartes). An. des Sci. Pol. July 15.

'The references to periodical articles are kindly furnished by Dr. Horace E. Flack.

Colonial Institute. L'institut colonial international. J. B. Piolet. Ques. Dipl.

et Col. July 1.

German Colonies.

Dipl. et Col. July 1.

L'administration coloniale allemande. F. Bouffard. Ques.

Imperialism. The Ethics of Empire. H. J. Ford. Pol. Sci. Quar. September.
Madagascar. La liberté d'enseignement à Madagascar. E. Dugas. Ques. Dipl.
et Col. July 16.

Porto Rico. The Executive Council of Porto Rico. W. F. Willoughby. Am.
Pol. Sci. Rev.




Arndt, A. Verfassung des deutschen Reichs. Mit Einleitg. u. Kommentar.
3., stark verm. u. Verb. Aufl. (IX, 426 S.) Berlin: J. Guttentag.

Gumplowicz, L. Allgemeines Staatsrecht. 3. verm. u. verb. Aufl. Innsbruck,
Wagner. Pp. xvi + 540.

Isay, E. Die Staatsangehörigkeit der juristischen Personen. Stuttgart: F.
Enke. Pp. xvi + 224.

Kieschke, W. Die Vertagung, Schliessung. u. Auflösung des deutschen Reichs-
tags in ihren rechtlichen Voraussetzungen u. Wirkungen. Berlin: Puttkammer &
Muhlbrecht. Pp. vi + 54.

Külke, W. H. H. An Epitome of Constitutional Law and Cases. London: Sweet
& Maxwell.

Orban, O. Le droit constitutionnel de la Belgique. Tome I: Introduction et
théories fondamentales. Paris: Giard et Brière 1906. Pp. 476.

Rauchalles, H. Die deutsche Reichsverfassung. Eine Erläuterg. der Reichsver-
fassungsurkunde vom 16. IV. 1871 m. Anh. u. Sachregister hrsg. Ansbach: C.
Brügel & Sohn. Pp. viii + 500.

Articles in Periodicals

Constitution. Le principe organique de la constitution politique. I. Tambaro.
Rev. du Droit Pub. et Sci. Pol. April-May-June.

Constitutional Construction.

Green Bag. October.

Constitutional Construction.

The Nation and the Constitution. C. F. Amidon.

The True Constitution-Suggestions Toward Its

Interpretation. J. C. Clayton. Alb. L. Jr. September and Am. Lawyer. June.
Corporations. The Status of Foreign Corporations and the Legislature. II.
E. H. Young. Law Quar. Rev.


Federal Power. Centralization of Federal Power. C. A. H. Bartlett.
and Rev. August.

Law Mag.

Naturalization. De la nationalité et de la naturalisation d'après la législation
actuelle des États-Unis d'Amérique. E.. Lehr. Rev. de Droit Int. et Lég. Comp.
1907, No. 4.

Police Power. The Police Power-Its Importance and Development. P. Hall.
Am. Lawyer. September.

Railway Legislation. The North Carolina Imbroglio. J. C. Clayton. Am.
Lawyer. August.



Actes de la Conférence de revision de la Convention de Genève, réunie a Genève du 11 juin au 6 juillet 1906. Genève: H. Jarrys 1906. Berne: A. Francke. Pp.


Barclay, Thomas. Problems of International Practice and Diplomacy, with special Reference to the Hague Conferences and Conventions and other general international Agreements. London: Sweet & Maxwell. 1907. Pp. 384. Bentwick, N. The Law of Private Property in War. London: Sweet & Maxwell. Bérard, V. La France et Guillaume II. Paris: Colin. Pp. ix + 318. Carre, L'Henri. Les incidents de neutralité de la guerre russo-japonaise. Étude de droit international public. Paris: H. C. Lavauzelle. Pp. 110.

Charmes, F. and others. Les Questions actuelles de politique étrangère en Europe. Paris: Félix Alcan.

Focherini, A. Della condizione giuridica dei belligeranti in territorio neutro. Modena: G. Ferraguti e C. Pp. 148.

Gutiérrez, León F. España y las demas naciones ante la conferencia de Algeciras. Madrid: R. Rojas. 1906. Pp. 270.

Hold, v. Ferneck, A. Frhr. Die Kriegskonterbande. Ein Beitrag zur Reform des internationalen Seerechtes. Vienna: Manz. Pp. vi + 172.

Loufti, Z. I. La politique sanitaire internationale (thèse). Paris: Rousseau. Pp. xi + 256.

Mérignhac, A. Traité de droit public international, 2e partie: Le droit de la paix. Paris: Pichon et Durand-Auzias.

Meurer, Ch. Die Haager Friedenskonferenz. II Bd.: Das Kriegsrecht der Haager Konferenz. Lex.-8. Munich, J. Schweitzer Verl. Pp. xiii + 689.

Pellegrini, Battista.

Verso la guerra? Il dissidio fra l'Italia e l'Austria. Rome: Enrico Voghera. 1906. Pp. 636.

Renault, Louis. Conférence internationale de la Paix. 1re conférence de la Haye. Paris: Archives diplomatiques.

Rey, F. La guerre russo-japonaise au point de vue du droit international. I, Origine et Causes de la guerre. Paris: Pedone. Pp. 204.

Richet, Charles. Le passé de la guerre et l'avenir de la paix. Paris: Ollendorf. Schiemann, Th. Deutschland u. die grosse Politik anno 1906. (6 Bd.) Berlin, G. Reimer. Pp. ii + 451.

Schmidt, B. Ueber die völkerrechtliche clausula rebus sic stantibus sowie einige verwandte Völkerrechtsnormen. Zugleich e. Beitrag zu grundsätzl. Problemen der Rechtslehre. Aus dem Nachlasse. Tübingen: Mohr. Pp. x, 226.

Smith, F. E. and Sibley, N. W. International Law as Interpreted during the Russo-Japanese War. 2d ed., revised and reset. London: T. Fisher Unwin. Pp.


van Stipriaan Luiscius, L'avenir de l'arbitrage international. Brussels: Vve F. Larcier. Pp. 108.

Articles in Periodicals

American International Law. Le droit international américain. Son origine et son évolution. A. Alvarez. Rev. Gén. de Droit Int. Pub. May-August.

Anglo-French Treaty. La condition internationale de l'Egypte depuis l'accord franco-anglais de 1904. A. Morel. Rev. Gén. de Droit Int. Pub. May-August. Austria and Servia. Le conflit douanier entre la Serbie et l'Autriche au point de vue du droit international. G. Guerchitch. Rev. Gén. de Droit Int. Pub. MayAugust.

Drago Doctrine. La doctrine de Drago. H. A. Moulin. Rev. Gén. de Droit Int. Pub. May-August.

Drago Doctrine.

State Loans in their Relation to International Policy. L. M. Drago. Am. Jr. of Int. Law. July.

Hague Conference. Second Peace Conference at the Hague. D. J. Hill. Am. Jr. of Int. Law. July.

L'Institut de Droit International. L'Institut de droit international. Session de Gand (septembre 1906) C. Dupuis. Rev. Gén. de Droit Int. Pub. May-August. International Unions. International Unions and Their Administration. P. S. Reinsch. Am. Jr. of Int. Law. July.

International Unity. The International Congresses and Conferences of the Last Century as Forces Working toward the Solidarity of the World. S. E. Baldwin. Am. Jr. of Int. Law. July.

Morocco. L'affaire du Maroc. R. de Caix. Ques. Dipl. et Col. September 1 and 16.

Treaty of 1794. John Jay and the Treaty of 1794. G. W. Hazelton. Am. Lawyer. August.

Treaty-making Power. The Extent and Limitations of the Treaty-making Power under the Constitution. C. P. Anderson. Am. Jr. of Int. Law. July.


Carter, James Coolidge. Law: Its Origin, Growth and Function. New York: Putnam.

1907. Dudley, E. S. Military Law and the Procedure of Courts-Martial. New York: J. Wiley & Sons. Pp. ix, 650.

Herr, P. Das moderne amerikanische Besserungssystem. Eine Darstellg. des Systems zur Besserg. jugendl. Verbrecher in Strafecht, Strafprozess u. Strafvollzug (The Reformatory System) in den Vereinigten Staaten v. Amerika. Ergebnisse e. Studienreise u. zugleich e. Beitrag zur Reform der deutschen Strafgesetzgeb. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer. Pp. vii + 455.

Kohler, J. Moderne Rechtsprobleme. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. Pp. v + 105. Pacifico, G. L'amministrazione della giustizia, sua funzione, suoi organi, sue possibili riforme: studio. Naples: G. M. Priore. 1906. Pp. 176.

Robiquet, P. Histoire et Droit. 2 vol. Paris; Hachette et Cie. 1re série, Pp. vi + 327; 2e série, 396.

Syed, A. Ali. Students' Handbook of Mohammedan Law. 5th ed. London: Thacker.

Articles in Periodicals

Appellate Courts. A Comparison between English and American Appellate Courts. T. H. Hardcastle. Am. Lawyer. June.

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