Imágenes de páginas

Common Employment. The Doctrine of Common Employment in England and Canada. J. P. Macgregor. Can. L. Rev. September.

Common Law Ideals. The Ideals of Our Common Law and How Far They are Realized. C. DeW. Rogers. Alb. L. Jr. August.

France. The Bar in France. Part II. E. S. Cox-Sinclair. Law Mag. and Rev. August.

Jurisprudence. The Need of a Sociological Jurisprudence. R. Pound. Green Bag. October.

Land Law. British Land Law in the New Hebrides. J. E. Hogg. Law Quar. Rev. July.

Land Registration. The Torrens System. E. C. Massie. Am. Lawyer. June. Law. The Province of Law. A. Brown. Am. Lawyer. September.

Legal Development. The Influence of National Character and Historical Environment on the Development of the Common Law. J. Bryce. Green Bag. October.

Legal Education. Legal Education in London. Sir T. Raleigh. Law Quar. Rev. July,

Legal Education.

Rev. July.

Possibilities in Legal Education. E. Jenks. Law Quar.

Legal Ethics. The Ethics of Advocacy. W. F. Chipman. Alb. L. Jr. August. Legal Ethics. Legal Ethics. J. C. Mahon. Am. Lawyer. July. Legal Philosophy. Philosophie et droit privé. Résumé d'un livre de M. le professeur Paul Sokolowski de l'Université de Moscou. G. Cornil. Rev. de Droit Int. et Lég. Comp. 1907, No. 4.

Popular Opinion and Law. How Popular Opinion Modifies Law. F. A. Beecher. Alb. L. Jr. June.

Punishment. The Origin of Punishment. G. D. Valentine. Jurid. Rev.




Bechaux, A. L'école individualiste et le socialisme d'état. Paris: Rousseau. Pp. 332.

Benoist, Ch. Le Machiavélisme. Première partie: Avant Machiavel. Paris: Plon.

Denis, H. Histoire des systèmes économiques et socialistes. Volume 2: les Fondateurs. Paris: Giard et Brière. Pp. 500.

Kaustky, C. Parlamentarismo y socialismo; estudio critico sobre la legilacion directa por el pueblo. Con un prefacio de Juan Jaurés. Version española da G. de Bolders. Barcelona: Impr. “El Anuario de la Exportación." 1906. Pp. 207. Montesquieu, L. de. Le Système politique d'Auguste Comte. Paris: Nouvelle librairie nationale. Pp. vi + 347.

Saitzeff, H. William Godwin u. die Anfänge des Anarchismus im XVIII Jahrh. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des polit. Individualismus. Berlin: O. Haering. Pp. iii + 77.

Articles in Periodicals

American Ideals.

American Ideals of International Relations. A. B. Hart.

Am. Jr. of Int. Law. July.

Popular Government. Growth of American Theories of Popular Government. A. B. Hart. Am. Pol. Sci. Rev. August.


Baring, Maurice.


A year in Russia. New York: Dutton, 1907.

Griffis, Wm. E. The Japanese Nation in Evolution. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.

Hasse, E. Deutsche Politik. I. Bd.: Heimatpolitik. 4. heft.: Die Zukunft des deutschen Volkstums. Munich: J. F. Lehman's Verl. Pp. iv + 190.

Haines, Henry S., Railway Corporations as Public Servants. New York: The Macmillan Co.

Ilbert, C. The Government of India. Being a Digest of the Statute Law relating thereto. With Historical Introduction and Explanatory Matter. 2d ed. London: Clarendon Press. Pp. 440.

Lara y Pedrajas, A. de. La política española en 1906. Del Rey abajo-ninguno; estudio critico. Madrid: Ricardo Fé. Pp. vii + 143.

Lee, J. Religious liberty in South America; with special reference to recent legislation in Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia. Cincinnati: Jennings & Graham. Pp. vii + 266.

Near East, The. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co.

Paul-Dubois, L. L'Irlande contemporaine et la question irlandaise. Paris: Perrin et Cie. Pp. viii + 516.

Rudge, E. A. W. The Egyptian Soudan. 2 vols. Philadelphia: Lippincott. Siegfried, A. The Race Question in Canada. London: Nash. Pp. 352. Story, D. To-morrow in the East. London: Chapman & Hall. Pp. 278. Watson, W. P. The Future of Japan. With a Survey of Present Conditions. London: Duckworth. Pp. xxxi + 389.

Articles in Periodicals

Argentina. La République Argentine. E. Payen. Ques. Dipl. et Col. Septe m ber 1.

Austria. Le suffrage universel en Autriche: la loi du 26 janvier 1907 (avec 2 cartes). W. Beaumont. An. des Sci. Pol. September 15.

Austrian Elections. Les élections autrichiennes. René Henry. Ques. Dipl. et Col. July 1

Bulgaria. Bulgarie et Bulgares. Les Japonais des Balkans. J. Dorobantz. Ques. Dipl. et Col. September 16.

Church and State. Church and State in France. J. Carmont. Jurid. Rev. July.

Common Carriers. Common Carriers in France. B. H. Conner. Green Bag. August.

Corporate Citizenship. Corporate Citizenship a Legal Fiction. R. M. Benjamin. Alb. L. Jr. September.

Corporations. The Abuse of the Corporation Charter. D. E. Mowry. Alb. L. Jr. June.

Corporations. The Control of Corporations. F. N. Judson. Can. L. Rev. July-August.

Elections. The Education of Voters. G. H. Haynes. Pol. Sci. Quar. Septem


France and Papacy. Les rapports de la France et du Saint-Siège.-Ce qu'ils ont été. Ce qu'ils sont.—Ce qu'ils doivent être. E. Lemonon. Rev. de Droit Int. et Lég. Comp. 1907, No. 4.

Hungary. La Hongrie, la Croatie et les nationalités. René Henry. Ques. Dipl. et Col. August 16.


Japan. La marine japonaise. Commandant Davin. Ques. Dipl. et Col. August

Railway Control. The President's Proposal for a Federal Railroad System. E. L. Andrews. Alb. L. Jr. September.

Rebates. Rebates. H. T. Newcomb. Yale Rev. August.

Spain. Les élections espagnoles de mai 1907. A. Marvaud. An. des Sci. Pol. July 15.

Trade Unions. Trade Unions and Trusts. H. R. Seager. Pol. Sci. Quar. September.

Workingmen's Party. The Workingmen's Party of New York. F. T. Carlton. Pol. Sci. Quar. September.





Anti-trust decisions, Federal, cases decided in United States courts under antitrust act of July 2, 1890, including similar decisions not based upon that act, 1900–6. Vol. 2, 1204 pp. Dept. of justice.

Chinese, Treaty, laws and regulations governing admission of; regulations approved Feb. 26, 1907. 62 pp. Bureau of immigration and naturalization.

Continental Congress, Journals of the, 1774-89. Vol. 8. Library of Congress. Cloth, $1.

Cuba. Acts of congress, treaties, proclamations, and decisions of the supreme court of the United States relating to noncontiguous territory and Cuba, and to military affairs. 1907. xxvii, 380 pp. Bureau of insular affairs. (S. doc. 204.) Cuban pacification. Report of the secretary of war and assistant secretary of state, Dec. 11, 1906, p. 444-543. Bureau of insular affairs. Paper, 15c.

Immigration laws and regulations of July 1, 1907, 76 pp. Bureau of immigration and naturalization. Paper, 10c.

Oklahoma, Proposed constitution of State of. 1907, 96 pp. Dept. of justice. Paper, 10c.


British New Guinea. Report of the royal commission of inquiry into the present conditions, including the method of government of the territory of Papua, and the best means for their improvement; together with the minutes of evidence, appendices and map. Melbourne, 1907, cxxx, 197 pp., map. (No. 6.)


British South African colonies. A review of the present mutual relations of the, to which is appended a memorandum on South African railway unification and its effect on railway rates. Johannesburg, 1907, xxv, 170, xiii, 106 pp., maps. High commissioner.


Constitutional history of Canada, 1759-1791, Documents relating to the, selected and edited with notes by Adam Short and Arthur G. Doughty. Ottawa, 1907. xiv, 734 pp. Bureau of archives. Paper, 45c.

1 When prices are given, the document in question may be obtained for the amount mentioned from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. All references are to 59th Cong. 2d sess.

Industrial and coöperative societies, Reports of the special committee of the House of Commons, to whom was referred bill no. 2, an act respecting, also with minutes of proceedings and evidence, addendum to evidence and exhibit no. 1. Ottawa, 1907, xii, 204 pp. House of Commons. (App. no. 3-1907.)

International waterways commission, Reports of the, 1906. Ottowa, 1907, viii, 293 pp. Dept. of public works. (No. 19a-1907.)


Argentine republic. La linea de frontera con la República Arjentina entre las latitudes 27° i 31° S. por Luis Riso Patron. Santiago de Chile, 1907. 189 pp., illus., maps. Oficina de limites.


Maroc, Affaires du. Protocoles et comptes rendus de la Conférence d'Algésiras. Pour faire suite à "Affaires du Maroc 1901-1905." Paris, 1906, ix, 296 pp. Ministère des affaires étrangères.


Radiotelegraphique, Documents de la conférence, internationale de Berlin, 1906. Berlin, 1906, xi, 374 pp. Département des postes.

Colonial conference, 1907.

laid before the conference.


Minutes of proceedings. (cd. 3523.) 5s. Papers (cd. 3524.) 4s. 9d. Colonial office.

Colonial conference, 1907. Published proceedings and précis. Colonial office. (ed. 3404.) 3d. (cd. 3406.) 3d.

Congestion in Ireland, Fourth report of the royal commission on, 1907. (cd. 3508, 3509.) 3s. 6d.

Same. Fifth report. (cd. 3629, 3630.) 2s. 94d.

House of Commons, Standing orders of the, 1907, relative to public and private business. (H. of C. paper, no. 113.) 1s. 4d.

Industrial diseases, Report of departmental committee on compensation for, 1907. (cd. 3495, 3496.) 4s. 3d.

Miners' eight hour day. Final report of departmental committee on the probable economic effect of a limit of eight hours to the working day of coal miners. 1907. (cd. 3505-3506.) 5s. 4d.

Proportional representation, Reports from H. M. representatives in foreign countries and in British colonies respecting the application of the principle of, to public elections. 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3501.) 18. 3d.

South African colonies, Papers relating to a federation of the. Colonial office. (cd. 3564.) 18. 3d.

South-eastern Europe, Further correspondence respecting the affairs of. 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3454.) 1s. 10d.

1 Official publications of Great Britain, India and many of the British colonies may be purchased of P. S. King & Son, Orchard House, 2 and 4 Great Smith Street, Westminster, London. Cd. refers to papers presented to parliament by command.

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