Imágenes de páginas

and London that preceded the constitutional act of 1791-the act which divided Quebec and Ontario into two provinces-is also of much value not only in its constitutional aspect, but as supplementing Dr. W. B. Munro's admirable monograph on the Seigniorial System in Canada, especially as regards the political status of the habitants and their relations to the priests.

Lord Durham's report on the condition of Canada in 1837-38 is not in Messrs. Egerton and Grant's collection. It was unnecessary for it to be there, for it has so recently been reprinted in its entirety. But many of the letters that Durham wrote to Glenelg, the colonial secretary, are included; and so is the answer which the united empire royalists of Ontario made to Durham's report. This is one of the most remarkable documents in the collection, expressing as it does the Bourbon toryism of the united empire loyalists, and their dread of a government in Ontario responsible to the people of the province and holding power only so long as it was supported by a majority in the popularly-elected chamber. The letters and speeches which belong to the controversy, that preceded the granting of responsible government, form a large part of the collection. The annexation manifesto of 1849 is reproduced in full, and except for four pages which have reference to the tariff of the united provinces of 1859, the remainder of the volume is given up to the debates and negotiations which preceded the confederation of 1867.

The work of the editors has been so well done and its usefulness to students is so obvious that it creates a desire for more; and more that is of nearly equal value will be found ready to hand when the editors prepare their next edition of the work or determine upon a second volume. This is especially so as regards the era in which Canada secured her fiscal freedom. In the present volume, as has been stated, the editors devote only four pages to this subject and reproduce but in part the letters of Sir Edmund Head, who was then governor-general, and of Sir A. T. Galt, who was at that time minister of finance of the united provinces. This correspondence is of 1859, the year following that in which Canada first asserted her fiscal freedom by imposing protective duties on manufactures imported from Great Britain. But this era began in 1846, and for an adequate understanding of it a student should be in possession of the letters of Gladstone, who was then colonial secretary in Peel's administration-the letters in which he announced the freedom which the Canadian colonies were henceforward to enjoy, consequent upon the adoption of free trade in England, and the ending of the system under which there were tariff preferences at

British ports for lumber, grain and flour from the British colonies. Sir Francis Hincks's correspondence of 1851 with the committee on foreign affairs of the house of representatives, when as inspector-general or minister of finance he was in Washington in the interest of a reciprocity treaty, also belongs to this period, and serves to elucidate the full significance of Canada's fiscal freedom. After the correspondence of 1859, which Messrs. Egerton and Grant have quoted, there were protests in parliament at Westminster against the use to which Canada was putting this new freedom. These protests went on from 1860 to 1887. Some of them belong to a later period than that with which Messrs. Egerton and Grant are concerned. Many of the most vigorous came after the adoption of the national policy by Macdonald and the conservatives in 1879. But there is not one of the protests that is without its value to a due understanding of the fiscal relations between Canada and Great Britain.

The newspaper press in its constitutional aspects is not noticed in Messrs. Egerton and Grant's volume. This is an omission that will need remedying. The case of Hill and Doak, editors of the Loyalist, of Fredericton v. Welldon, the sergeant-at-arms of the house of assembly of the New Brunswick legislature, heard in 1845 at Fredericton, was for all colonial legislatures as important as the famous conflict between the house of commons and the printers of the Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser and the Middlesex Journal of 1771.






Adam, Paul. Les impérialismes et la morale des peuples. Paris: Boivin et Cie. Altmann, Landricht, Dr. B. Die Verfassung u. Verwaltung im Deutschen Reiche u. Preussen. Handbuch des öffentl. Rechts der Gegenwart. Berlin: Heymann. 1908. Pp. xviii + 731.

Block, Maucice. Dictionnaire de l'administration française, ler supplément de la 5e édition, publiée sous la direction de Ed. Maguéro. Novembre, 1907. Paris: Berger-Levrault.

Chardon, Henri. L'administration de la France. Les fonctionaires (les fonctionnaires de gouvernement, le ministère de la justice). Paris: Perrin.



Castelein, A. L'état du Congo. Ses origines, ses droits, ses devoirs, le réquisitoire de ses accusateurs. Brussels: Imp. J. Goemaere. Pp. 192.

Gaffarel, Paul. La politique coloniale en France de 1789 à 1830. Paris: Alcan et Guillaumin. Pp. 500.

Gallieni, Gal. Neuf ans à Madagascar. Paris: Hachette et Cie.

Girault, Arthur. Principes de colonisation et de législation coloniale. T. ii. Paris Larose et Tenin.

Articles in Periodicals

Algeria. L'enseignement public en Algérie. H. Lorin. Ques. Dip. et Col. January 1.

Colonies. Les droits de douane dans les colonies anglaises. P. Ma. Ques. Dip. et Col. January 16; March 1.

Colonies. The Early English Colonial Movement. G. L. Beer. Pol. Sci. Quar. March.

Madagascar. Le régime foncier à Madagascar. L. Holtz. An. de Sci. Pol. January 15.

Philippines. Filipino Self-Government. E. W. Kemmerer. Pol. Sci. Quar. March. Philippines. Some Legal Aspects of the Philippines. J. H. Blount. Green Bag. January.

Spain. La politique maritime, militaire et coloniale de l' Espagne. A. Marvaud. An. de. Sci. Pol. March 15.



Bernhard, L. Das polnische Gemeinwesen im preussischen Staat. Die Polenfrage. Leipzig: Duncker und Humblot. Pp. x + 686.

Diensfertig, Dr. Jos. Die rechtliche Mitwirkung des Bundesrats u. des Reichstags auf den Gebiete der auswärtigen Angelegenheiten des Deutschen Reiches. Breslau: Koebner. 1907. Pp. ix + 76.

Gaass, H. C. The American Government. New York: L. S. Hammersley and Company.

Harper, Samuel N. The New Electoral Law for the Russian Duma. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. 56.

Höpfner, W. Das Schutzgebietsgesetz u. seine ergänzenden rechtlichen Bestimmgn. Mit Erlaütergn. versehen. Berlin: W. Süsserott. Pp. xii + 115.

King, Joseph. Electoral Reform: An enquiry into our system of parliamentary representation. Preface by Rt. Hon. L. Harcourt, M.P. London: P. S. King and Company. 1908.

Moreau, F. and Delpech, J. Les réglements des assemblées législatives. Paris: Giard et Brière. Pp. 787.

Moreau, Félix. Précis élémentaire de droit constitutionnel. Paris: Larose et Tenin.

Walther, C. Das Staatshaupt in den Republiken. Breslau: M. and H. Marcus Pp. x + 234.

Wylie, J. W. The House of Lords. London: P. S. King and Company. 1908.

Articles in Periodicals

Amendment. Considerations for a Sixteenth Amendment. E. L. Andrews. Alb. L. Jr.


Anti-Trust Law. The Sherman Law and Contracts in Restraint of Trade. P. E. Lesh. Green Bag. April.

Green Bag.

Austria-Hungary. Les relations austro-hongroises et le nouveau compromis économique. G. Louis-Jaray. Ques. Dip. et Col. January 16; February 1. Constitution. The Elasticity of the Constitution. E. Bruncken. January. Constitution. Is the Federal Constitution Adapted to Present Necessities, or Must the American People have a New One? R. W. Breckenridge. Yale L. Jr.



L. Jr. March.

Extradition and Protection Against Anarchy. E. Maxey. Yale

National Government. The National Government. A. Spring. Am. L. Rev. January-February.

Railways. The Government's Suit Against the Union Pacific Railroad Company. E. R. Sunderland. Mich. L. Rev. March.

Referendum. Is a Provision for the Initiative and Referendum Inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States? W. A. Coutts. Mich. L. Rev. February.

Taxation. May Congress Levy Money Exactions, Designated "Taxes," Solely for the Purpose of Destruction? J. B. Waite. Mich. L. Rev. February.



Annuaire de l'institut de droit international pour 1906. 21e volume: session de Gand, Septembre, 1906. Paris: A. Pedone. Pp. xviii + 516.

Bérard, Victor. Le Sultan, l'Islam et les Puissances. (Constantinople: La Mecque, Bagdad.) Paris: Colin.

Cybichowski, S. Das antike Völkerrecht. Zugleich e. Beitrag zur Konstruktion des modernen Völkerrechts. Breslau: M. and H. Marcus. Pp. vii + 103.

Déprez, Eugène. Études de diplomatique anglaise (1272-1485). Paris: Champion.

Kent, P. H. Railway Enterprise in China. An Account of its Origin and Development. London: Arnold. New York: Longmans, Green and Company. Pp.


Langenbeck, W. England's Weltmacht in ihrer Entwicklung vom 17. Jahr. bis auf unsere Tage. Mit 19 Bildnissen. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. Pp. viii + 117. Liszt, Prof. Dr. Frz. v. Das Völkerrecht, systematisch dargestellt. Berlin: O. Haring. Pp. xiv + 510.

Lowenthal, E. Geschichte der Friedensbewegung. Mit Berücksicht. der zweiten Haager Friedenskonferenz. Berlin: E. Ebering. Pp. 104.

Marfil, Gargia, M. Relaciones entre España y la Gran Bretaña desde las paces de Utrecht hasta nuestros dias. Madrid: Est. tip de los Hijos de R. Alvarez. Pp. 253. Meili, F. Die drahtlose Telegraphie im internen Recht u. Völkerrecht. Zurich: Art Institut Crell Fussli. 1908. Pp. 100.

Nagao Ariga. La Guerre russo-japonaise au point de vue continental et le droit international d'après les documents officiels du grand état-major japonais (section historique de la guerre de 1904-1905). Paris: Pedone.

Ottolenghi, G. Il rapporto di neutralità. Turin: Unione tipogr. editr. Pp. 518. Reparaz, G. de. Política de España en Africa. Barcelona: Impr. Barcelonesa. Pp. 467.

Schwitzky, E., Der europaische Fürstenbund Georgs v. Podebrad. Ein Betrag zür Geschichte der Weltfriedensidee. Marburg: A. Ebel. Pp. vi+ 60.

Articles in Periodicals

Anglo-Russian Accord. L'accord anglo-russe du 31 août. 1907. L. de St. Victor de St. Blancard. An. de. Sci. Pol. January 15.

Arbitration. Can Any Right of Direct Citation be Given to a State in International Conflicts? J. Dumas. Yale L. Jr. March.

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