Imágenes de páginas
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The above prices are all delivered on a 20-cent freight rate or under. For all other places the excess freight must be added. On local shipments the prices would be the prices quoted above less 10 cents f. o. b. mill.

Sizes under 150 square inches, 10 cents extra.

Frames, 10 cents per 100 extra.

Tight frames, 20 cents per 100 extra.

Cases not less than 400 pounds to the case, 25 cents per 100 extra.

Rolls under 6 inches wide, 25 cents per 100 extra.

Rolls under 9 inches in diameter, 25 cents per 100 extra.

Blasting rolls, one-quarter of a cent extra for 5-pound rolls, 10 cents per 100 extra for each pound less in weight.

Reams less than 480 sheets count, $2 per ton extra.

Ream wrapping, 20 cents per 100 extra.

Wood cores to be weighed in and not returnable.

The Eastern manufacturers are expected to adopt a similar price list within a short time. The Paper Trade Journal, November 12, 1908.


SATURDAY, November 21, 1908.

Mr. KELLY. The International Photo-Engravers Union of North America asks the abolition of the duty on white paper and wood pulp, believing that the present duty limits the employment of members of our organization.

The enforced reduction in the size of plates made by our members. owing to the increased cost of news-print paper has resulted in the loss of employment by many of our members.

Furthermore, practically every demand made for increased wages by our members on newspapers in the last three years has been contested on the ground that the increased cost of white paper has made it impossible to meet such demands.


SATURDAY, November 21, 1908.

Mr. MCMULLEN. I simply want to verify the facts contained in the resolutions passed and adopted by our convention.

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SATURDAY, November 21, 1908.

Mr. FREEL. I want to say that I represent the International Stereotypers and Electrotypers' Union, the members of which are employed on the newspapers. I would like to read this resolution, which is a short one, for the purpose of placing our organization and the other organizations on record.

The CHAIRMAN. Proceed.

Mr. FREEL (reads):

Resolutions adopted by the joint conference board of the Allied Printing Trades, composed of delegates representing the International Typographical Union, International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union, International Stereotypers and Electrotypers' Union, International Photo-Engravers' Union, and the International Brotherhood of Bookbinders:

Whereas we, the workers employed in the various departments of newspaper and commercial printing offices throughout the United States, i. e., compositors, pressmen, stereotypers and electrotypers, photo-engravers, and bookbinders, to the number of over 100,000, feel that any combination which produces an artificial scarcity of news-print paper, and which unduly stimulates the price of product, is an oppression that affects alike the employee as well as the employer; and

Whereas the almost prohibitive and ruinous price of such paper has curtailed to an alarming extent the number of workers employed in the printing industry, and has further acted as a preventive to the printing trades artisans from securing higher compensation for their services, to which they are justly entitled: Therefore be it

Resolved, That this joint conference board, in session at Indianapolis, Ind., December 17, 1907, submit a memorial to the President of the United States and the Congress, and appeal for the abolition of the duty on white paper, wood pulp, and the materials which are used in the manufacture thereof.

Resolved, That all local unions affiliated with our various international organizations are requested to indorse these resolutions and forward copies to their Representatives and United States Senators.

I would like to say that that was the position of the organization that I represent in December, 1907, and that is their position to-day, and we respect fully ask the Ways and Means Committee to abolish the tariff on wood pulp and news-print paper.


SATURDAY, November 21, 1908.

Mr. HAYS. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the Ways and Means Committee, representing the International Typographical Union, the largest organization which has to deal with the American Newspaper Publishers' Association, and, perhaps, the organization more closely associated with the management in relation to the papers they print, and being better informed as to the reasons why the size of papers is at this time reduced and the reasons why fewer members of that organization are employed by that association, I desire to say that our organization thinks it would be to the interests of its members and to the interests of 125,000 members associated with the allied printing trades that the duty on pulp and print paper be abolished.

The positions which we hold in the newspaper offices are such that we receive direct illustration at times that sizes of papers are reduced or at times that the papers might be larger than they are and more of our members employed were it not for certain things. We find from experience that the sizes of the papers are frequently reduced because of the fact that paper is scarce. We know from experience that these publishers hold the papers down to as small a size as possible ostensibly for the reason that the price of paper is so high. We believe that the ostensible reason is practical and true.

We also believe that were it not for this duty on wood pulp and print paper that there would be a much larger number of men employed in the paper mills. We believe that the tariff now existing on wood pulp and paper does not redound to any extent to the benefit of the people who are employed in those mills, and that without this tariff the demand for white paper would be so much larger and the demand for print paper would be so much larger that the be efit would accrue to the entire community by reason of the employment of a larger number of people in those industries. We believe that with the larger number of people employed in those industries we, working under agreement, will get large wages as compared with the wages paid in the paper mills and that it would also result in the employment of a greater number of our members and in increasing our membership at the same time.

Therefore we believe that, while the tariff now existing does not increase in any way the wages of the people who work in the paper mills, it does decrease the opportunity to work in the newspapers throughout the country. Therefore we believe that large numbers of the working people throughout this country would be materially benefited by taking off the duty on paper.

I thank you very much.


SATURDAY, November 21, 1908.

Mr. HASTINGS. I do not intend, Mr. Chairman, to take any of your time this evening, as I understand the paper which I am going to submit will be printed in the minutes, and that will give more time to others who wish to be heard.

I have nothing to say, except in a general way, and I think you gentlemen can read the brief to better advantage than to have me read it from here. I do put myself on record--representing some 150 members of the American Paper and Pulp Association- as being in favor of the retention of the duties on paper and pulp, and I have no doubt, although I can not speak for them, that all the manufacturers of paper practically feel the same way.

I also desire to say that I have been listening this afternoon to the paper by Mr. Norris. I never did like that paper, and this is the third or fourth time I have heard the most of it.

I also desire to file with the committee a statement from the Box Board Manufacturers, who were not present when their names were called by the chairman.

(The statement referred to by Mr. Hastings follows:)

Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Ways and Means Committee: Representing the box-board industry in the United States, we submit the following reasons for our request that the present tariff on box boards be maintained:

The capital invested in the box-board industry is approximately $33,000,000. There are 126 box-board mills with an annual capacity of 970,000 tons, valued at about $30,000,000, employing approximately 6,300 wage-earners who receive about $4,000,000 in wages per annum, besides salaries of officials, clerks, etc., of about $800,000 per annum.

The freight paid railroads on box boards is more than $2,000,000 annually, besides freight paid on products coming into the mills. Approximately 3,000,000 tons of material are purchased and consumed per year in the manufacture of box board.

The industry is increasing largely. According to United States census reports the box-board tonnage in 1900 was 365,000 tons, at a value of over $10,000,000; in 1905, 520,000 tons, at a value of over $16,000,000, and we figure the present capacity 970,000 tons, at a value of $30,000,000, or an increase of 200 per cent in eight years. Raw material and labor are considerably lower abroad than in the United States.

Notwithstanding the duty of 25 per cent on boards, large quantities are imported in increasing volume each year.

Box board is mostly manufactured from waste material, namely, straw and waste paper, for which the box-board mills pay annually over $14,000,000. This material would necessarily be burned or otherwise destroyed if not used in the manufacture of box board. The freight rate on straw board from the mills to eastern manufacturing centers averages about $4 per tou, while the rate to same points from foreign countries is about $2 per ton.

Owing to cheapness of labor, waste paper is purchased in England, shipped to Holland and Germany, manufactured into box board, and sold in New York and Philadelphia. We are informed that several board machines have recently been purchased for shipment to Japan. These will undoubtedly be used to supply boards to our Pacific coast.

For the above reasons we believe that our industry is at least entitled to the protection afforded by the present tariff. Respectfully submitted.

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Mr. GRIGGS. What is the association which you represent?
Mr. HASTINGS. The American Paper and Pulp Association.
Mr. GRIGGS. What is that association composed of?

Mr. HASTINGS. Manufacturers of paper and pulp in all lines, writing paper, box, newspaper, wood pulp, sulphite, etc.

Mr. GRIGGS. What is the purpose of the association?

Mr. HASTINGS. Originally the purpose was supposed to be to look out for their interests in the matter of legislation or state matters, so that they could take up as an association matters which the individuals could not take up. Finally, it got to be a social organization with a meeting once a year, a dinner, and a general good time.

Mr. GRIGGS. They do not hear from one another during the year? Mr. HASTINGS. They have not until the last year. We have been quite active with a view to trying to get them interested in the tariff matters.

Mr. GRIGGS. Is there anyone here to speak for them?

Mr. HASTINGS. That is naturally my business. I am the president of the association.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. You heard Mr. Norris's paper. It was your association he referred to as controlling the prices of wood pulp and paper?

Mr. HASTINGS. I heard a great deal that Mr. Norris said.
Mr. UNDERWOOD. What have you to say as to that?

Mr. HASTINGS. I say it is absolutely false, without any foundation of fact.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. There is no combination in your association to control the price?

Mr. HASTINGS. There is absolutely none.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. Or to control the market?

Mr. HASTINGS. No, sir.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. Does your association in any way divide the market that your mills shall supply paper to?

Mr. HASTINGS. No, sir.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. Is there any understanding that you shall maintain the same price during the year or a relative price?

Mr. HASTINGS. No, sir.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. Is it a fact that the price of newspaper, white paper, is about the same at all times?

Mr. HASTINGS. It is not a fact.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. You all have selling agents who control your product?

Mr. HASTINGS. No, sir. Some sell more or less direct by correspondence. I am the treasurer and manager of the Cliff Paper Company, of Niagara Falls, N. Y. We make practically 40 tons of paper a day. All that paper is sold practically by correspondence and some through jobbers, all the way from California to Australia.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. What is the amount of white paper the newspapers consume in the United States?

Mr. HASTINGS. Roughly, probably 3,500 tons a day.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. How much of that is produced in the United States?

Mr. HASTINGS. 3,500 tons.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. The present duty, then, is prohibitive?

Mr. HASTINGS. No, sir; it is not.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. There are no importations?

Mr. HASTINGS. Yes, sir.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. To what extent?

Mr. HASTINGS. Last year about 25,000 tons were imported, as I understand.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. What is the percentage of importations to the amount of production in the United States?

Mr. HASTINGS. Some years there is none imported. Other years, due to abnormal conditions as to extra demand or as to short production through water conditions, there might be any percentage up to 2 or 3 per cent.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. What is it on the average?

Mr. HASTINGS. I should not say that there were over ten or fifteen thousand tons on an average imported.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. What is that percentage as compared with the amount of production in this country?

Mr. HASTINGS. That would not be over about 1 per cent or 2 per cent.

Mr. UNDERWOOD. Then the present duty is practically prohibitive in so far as its result on the market is concerned?

Mr. HASTINGS. Not if the prices warrant.

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